Esempio n. 1
class PlenoptiCamTesterIllum(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PlenoptiCamTesterIllum, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def setUp(self):

        # instantiate config and status objects
        self.cfg = PlenopticamConfig()
        self.sta = PlenopticamStatus()

        # enable options in config to cover more algorithms in tests
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.cal_meth] = 'grid-fit'
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_vign] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_rota] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_refi] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_pflu] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_arti] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_lier] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_cont] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_awb_] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_sat_] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_dbug] = True
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.ran_refo] = [0, 1]

        # compute 3x3 viewpoints only (to reduce computation time)
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.ptc_leng] = 3

        # skip progress prints (prevent Travis from terminating due to reaching 4MB logfile size)
        self.sta.prog_opt = False

        # print current process message (to prevent Travis from stopping after 10 mins)
        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt] = True

        # retrieve Lytro Illum data
        self.loader = DataDownloader(cfg=self.cfg, sta=self.sta)
        self.fp = join(self.loader.root_path, 'examples', 'data')
        archive_fn = join(self.fp, basename(self.loader.host_eu_url))
            fp=self.fp) if not exists(archive_fn) else None

    def test_illum(self):

        # use pre-loaded calibration dataset
        wht_list = [
            file for file in listdir(self.fp) if file.startswith('caldata')
        lfp_list = [
            file for file in listdir(self.fp) if file.endswith(('lfr', 'lfp'))

        self.cfg.params[self.cfg.cal_path] = join(self.fp, wht_list[0])

        for lfp_file in lfp_list:

            self.cfg.params[self.cfg.lfp_path] = join(self.fp, lfp_file)
            print('\nCompute image %s' %

            # decode light field image
            obj = LfpReader(self.cfg, self.sta)
            ret = obj.main()

            # use third of original image size (to prevent Travis from stopping due to memory error)
            crop_h, crop_w = obj.lfp_img.shape[0] // 3, obj.lfp_img.shape[
                1] // 3
            crop_h, crop_w = crop_h + crop_h % 2, crop_w + crop_w % 2  # use even number for correct Bayer arrangement
            lfp_img = obj.lfp_img[crop_h:-crop_h, crop_w:-crop_w]
            del obj

            self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # create output data folder
            mkdir_p(self.cfg.exp_path, self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_prnt])

            if not self.cfg.cond_meta_file():
                # automatic calibration data selection
                obj = CaliFinder(self.cfg, self.sta)
                ret = obj.main()
                wht_img = obj.wht_bay[
                    crop_w:-crop_w] if obj.wht_bay is not None else obj.wht_bay
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            meta_cond = not (
                exists(self.cfg.params[self.cfg.cal_meta]) and
            if meta_cond or self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_cali]:
                # perform centroid calibration
                obj = LfpCalibrator(wht_img, self.cfg, self.sta)
                ret = obj.main()
                self.cfg = obj.cfg
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # load calibration data

            # write centroids as png file
            if wht_img is not None:
                obj = CentroidDrawer(wht_img,
                ret = obj.write_centroids_img(fn='testcase_wht_img+mics.png')
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            #  check if light field alignment has been done before
            if self.cfg.cond_lfp_align():
                # align light field
                obj = LfpAligner(lfp_img, self.cfg, self.sta, wht_img)
                ret = obj.main()
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # load previously computed light field alignment
            with open(join(self.cfg.exp_path, 'lfp_img_align.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
                lfp_img_align = pickle.load(f)

            # extract viewpoint data
            obj = LfpExtractor(lfp_img_align, cfg=self.cfg, sta=self.sta)
            ret = obj.main()
            vp_img_arr = obj.vp_img_linear
            del obj

            self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # do refocusing
            if self.cfg.params[self.cfg.opt_refo]:
                obj = LfpRefocuser(vp_img_arr, cfg=self.cfg, sta=self.sta)
                ret = obj.main()
                del obj

            self.assertEqual(True, ret)

        return True

    def test_all(self):

Esempio n. 2
def main():

    # program info
    print("\nPlenoptiCam v%s \n" % __version__)

    # create config object
    cfg = PlenopticamConfig()

    # parse options
    cfg = parse_options(sys.argv[1:], cfg)

    # instantiate status object
    sta = misc.PlenopticamStatus()
    sta.bind_to_interrupt(sys.exit)  # set interrupt

    # force relative paths to be absolute
    cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path] = os.path.abspath(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path])
    cfg.params[cfg.cal_path] = os.path.abspath(cfg.params[cfg.cal_path])

    # collect light field image file name(s) based on provided path
    if os.path.isdir(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]):
        lfp_filenames = [
            f for f in os.listdir(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path])
            if f.lower().endswith(SUPP_FILE_EXT)
        cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path] = os.path.join(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path],
    elif not os.path.isfile(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]):
        lfp_filenames = [
                             'Select plenoptic image')
        lfp_filenames = [cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]]

    if not cfg.params[cfg.cal_path]:
        # manual calibration data selection
            '\r Please select white image calibration source manually',
        # open selection window (at current lfp file directory) to set calibration folder path
        cfg.params[cfg.cal_path] = misc.select_file(
            cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path], 'Select calibration image')

    # provide number of found images to user
    print("\n %s Image(s) found" % len(lfp_filenames))

    # cancel if file paths not provided
    sta.validate(checklist=lfp_filenames + [cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]],
                 msg='Canceled due to missing image file path')

    # iterate through light field image(s)
    for lfp_filename in sorted(lfp_filenames):

        # change path to next filename
        cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path] = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path]), lfp_filename)
        sta.status_msg(msg='Process file ' + lfp_filename,

        # remove output folder if option is set
        misc.rmdir_p(cfg.exp_path) if cfg.params[cfg.dir_remo] else None

            # decode light field image
            lfp_obj = lfp_reader.LfpReader(cfg, sta)
            lfp_img = lfp_obj.lfp_img
            del lfp_obj
        except Exception as e:
        # create output data folder
        misc.mkdir_p(cfg.exp_path, cfg.params[cfg.opt_prnt])

        if cfg.cond_auto_find():
            # automatic calibration data selection
            obj = lfp_calibrator.CaliFinder(cfg, sta)
            wht_img = obj.wht_bay
            del obj

            # load white image calibration file
            wht_img = misc.load_img_file(cfg.params[cfg.cal_path])
            # save settings configuration

        # perform calibration if previously computed calibration data does not exist
        meta_cond = not (os.path.exists(cfg.params[cfg.cal_meta])
                         and cfg.params[cfg.cal_meta].lower().endswith('json'))
        if meta_cond or cfg.params[cfg.opt_cali]:
            # perform centroid calibration
            cal_obj = lfp_calibrator.LfpCalibrator(wht_img, cfg, sta)
            cfg = cal_obj.cfg
            del cal_obj

        # load calibration data

        #  check if light field alignment has been done before
        if cfg.cond_lfp_align():
            # align light field
            lfp_obj = lfp_aligner.LfpAligner(lfp_img, cfg, sta, wht_img)
            lfp_obj = lfp_obj.lfp_img
            del lfp_obj

        # load previously computed light field alignment
        with open(os.path.join(cfg.exp_path, 'lfp_img_align.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
            lfp_img_align = pickle.load(f)

        # extract viewpoint data
        obj = lfp_extractor.LfpExtractor(lfp_img_align, cfg=cfg, sta=sta)
        vp_img_arr = obj.vp_img_arr
        del obj

        # do refocusing
        if cfg.params[cfg.opt_refo]:
            obj = lfp_refocuser.LfpRefocuser(vp_img_arr, cfg=cfg, sta=sta)
            del obj

    return True
Esempio n. 3
    def test_illum(self):

        # instantiate config and status objects
        cfg = PlenopticamConfig()
        sta = PlenopticamStatus()

        # enable options in config to test more algorithms
        cfg.params[cfg.cal_meth] = 'grid-fit'
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_vign] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_rota] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_refi] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_pflu] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_arti] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_lier] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_cont] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_awb_] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_sat_] = True
        cfg.params[cfg.ran_refo] = [0, 1]

        # compute 3x3 viewpoints only (to reduce computation time)
        cfg.params[cfg.ptc_leng] = 3

        # skip progress prints (prevent Travis from terminating due to reaching 4MB logfile size)
        sta.prog_opt = False

        # print current process message (to prevent Travis from stopping after 10 mins)
        cfg.params[cfg.opt_prnt] = True

        # use pre-loaded calibration dataset
        wht_list = [
            file for file in os.listdir(self.fp) if file.startswith('caldata')
        lfp_list = [
            file for file in os.listdir(self.fp)
            if file.endswith(('lfr', 'lfp'))

        cfg.params[cfg.cal_path] = os.path.join(self.fp, wht_list[0])

        for lfp_file in lfp_list:

            cfg.params[cfg.lfp_path] = os.path.join(self.fp, lfp_file)
            print('\nCompute image %s' %

            # decode light field image
            obj = LfpReader(cfg, sta)
            ret = obj.main()

            # use third of original image size (to prevent Travis from stopping due to memory error)
            crop_h, crop_w = obj.lfp_img.shape[0] // 3, obj.lfp_img.shape[
                1] // 3
            crop_h, crop_w = crop_h + crop_h % 2, crop_w + crop_w % 2  # use even number for correct Bayer arrangement
            lfp_img = obj.lfp_img[crop_h:-crop_h, crop_w:-crop_w]
            del obj

            self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # create output data folder
            mkdir_p(cfg.exp_path, cfg.params[cfg.opt_prnt])

            if not cfg.cond_meta_file():
                # automatic calibration data selection
                obj = CaliFinder(cfg, sta)
                ret = obj.main()
                wht_img = obj.wht_bay[
                    crop_w:-crop_w] if obj.wht_bay is not None else obj.wht_bay
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            meta_cond = not (os.path.exists(cfg.params[cfg.cal_meta]) and
            if meta_cond or cfg.params[cfg.opt_cali]:
                # perform centroid calibration
                obj = LfpCalibrator(wht_img, cfg, sta)
                ret = obj.main()
                cfg = obj.cfg
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # load calibration data

            # write centroids as png file
            if wht_img is not None:
                obj = CentroidDrawer(wht_img, cfg.calibs[cfg.mic_list], cfg)
                ret = obj.write_centroids_img(
                    fn=os.path.join(cfg.exp_path, 'wht_img+mics.png'))
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            #  check if light field alignment has been done before
            if cfg.cond_lfp_align():
                # align light field
                obj = LfpAligner(lfp_img, cfg, sta, wht_img)
                ret = obj.main()
                del obj

                self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # load previously computed light field alignment
            with open(os.path.join(cfg.exp_path, 'lfp_img_align.pkl'),
                      'rb') as f:
                lfp_img_align = pickle.load(f)

            # extract viewpoint data
            obj = LfpExtractor(lfp_img_align, cfg=cfg, sta=sta)
            ret = obj.main()
            vp_img_arr = obj.vp_img_arr
            del obj

            self.assertEqual(True, ret)

            # do refocusing
            if cfg.params[cfg.opt_refo]:
                obj = LfpRefocuser(vp_img_arr, cfg=cfg, sta=sta)
                ret = obj.main()
                del obj

            self.assertEqual(True, ret)

        return True