def test_slow_node_reverts_unordered_state_during_catchup(
        looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client):
    Delay COMMITs to a node such that when it needs to catchup, it needs to
    revert some unordered state. Also till this time the node should have
    receive all COMMITs such that it will apply some of the COMMITs (
    for which it has not received txns from catchup).
    For this delay COMMITs by long, do catchup for a little older than the
    state received in LedgerStatus, once catchup completes, reset delays and
    try to process delayed COMMITs, some COMMITs will be rejected but some will
    be processed since catchup was done for older ledger.
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 3 * Max3PCBatchSize)
    nprs = getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)
    slow_node = nprs[-1].node
    other_nodes = [n for n in txnPoolNodeSet if n != slow_node]
    slow_master_replica = slow_node.master_replica

    commit_delay = 150
    catchup_rep_delay = 25

    # Delay COMMITs to one node
    slow_node.nodeIbStasher.delay(cDelay(commit_delay, 0))
    # Delay LEDGER_STAUS on slow node, so that only MESSAGE_REQUEST(LEDGER_STATUS) is sent, and the
    # node catch-ups 2 times.
    # Otherwise other nodes may receive multiple LEDGER_STATUSes from slow node, and return Consistency proof for all
    # missing txns, so no stashed ones are applied

    # Make the slow node receive txns for a smaller ledger so it still finds
    # the need to catchup
    delay_batches = 2
    make_a_node_catchup_less(slow_node, other_nodes, DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID,
                             delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize)

    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 6 * Max3PCBatchSize)
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, other_nodes)
    waitNodeDataInequality(looper, slow_node, *other_nodes)

    old_lcu_count = slow_node.spylog.count(slow_node.allLedgersCaughtUp)

    # `slow_node` is slow to receive CatchupRep, so that it
    # gets a chance to order COMMITs

    old_last_ordered = txnPoolNodeSet[0].master_replica.last_ordered_3pc

    # start view change (and hence catchup)
    ensure_view_change(looper, txnPoolNodeSet)

    # Check last ordered of `other_nodes` is same
    for n1, n2 in combinations(other_nodes, 2):
        check_last_ordered_3pc(n1, n2)

    assert slow_master_replica.last_prepared_before_view_change == old_last_ordered

    old_pc_count = slow_master_replica._ordering_service.spylog.count(

    assert slow_node.master_replica.stasher.stash_size(STASH_CATCH_UP) == 0

    # Repair the network so COMMITs are received, processed and stashed

    def chk2():
        # COMMITs are processed for prepared messages
        assert slow_master_replica._ordering_service.spylog.count(
            slow_master_replica._ordering_service._validate) > old_pc_count, retryWait=1, timeout=5))

    def chk3():
        # (delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize * commits_count_in_phase) COMMITs are stashed
        assert slow_node.master_replica.stasher.stash_size(STASH_CATCH_UP) == \
               delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize * (len(txnPoolNodeSet) - 1), retryWait=1, timeout=15))

    # fix catchup, so the node gets a chance to be caught-up

    def chk4():
        # Some COMMITs were received but stashed and
        # they will processed after catchup
        assert slow_node.master_replica.stasher.stash_size(STASH_CATCH_UP) == 0, retryWait=1, timeout=catchup_rep_delay + 50))

    def chk5():
        # Catchup was done once
        assert slow_node.spylog.count(
            slow_node.allLedgersCaughtUp) > old_lcu_count

    # make sure that the pool is functional
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1)
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 2 * Max3PCBatchSize)
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
def test_slow_node_reverts_unordered_state_during_catchup(looper,
    Delay COMMITs to a node such that when it needs to catchup, it needs to
    revert some unordered state. Also till this time the node should have
    receive all COMMITs such that it will apply some of the COMMITs (
    for which it has not received txns from catchup).
    For this delay COMMITs by long, do catchup for a little older than the
    state received in LedgerStatus, once catchup completes, reset delays and
    try to process delayed COMMITs, some COMMITs will be rejected but some will
    be processed since catchup was done for older ledger.
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 3 * Max3PCBatchSize)
    nprs = getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)
    slow_node = nprs[-1].node
    other_nodes = [n for n in txnPoolNodeSet if n != slow_node]
    slow_master_replica = slow_node.master_replica

    commit_delay = 150
    catchup_rep_delay = 25

    # Delay COMMITs to one node
    slow_node.nodeIbStasher.delay(cDelay(commit_delay, 0))
    # Delay LEDGER_STAUS on slow node, so that only MESSAGE_REQUEST(LEDGER_STATUS) is sent, and the
    # node catch-ups 2 times.
    # Otherwise other nodes may receive multiple LEDGER_STATUSes from slow node, and return Consistency proof for all
    # missing txns, so no stashed ones are applied

    # Make the slow node receive txns for a smaller ledger so it still finds
    # the need to catchup
    delay_batches = 2
    make_a_node_catchup_less(slow_node, other_nodes, DOMAIN_LEDGER_ID,
                             delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize)

    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 6 * Max3PCBatchSize)
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, other_nodes)
    waitNodeDataInequality(looper, slow_node, *other_nodes)

    old_lcu_count = slow_node.spylog.count(slow_node.allLedgersCaughtUp)

    # `slow_node` is slow to receive CatchupRep, so that it
    # gets a chance to order COMMITs

    # start view change (and hence catchup)
    ensure_view_change(looper, txnPoolNodeSet)

    # Check last ordered of `other_nodes` is same
    for n1, n2 in combinations(other_nodes, 2):
        lst_3pc = check_last_ordered_3pc(n1, n2)

    def chk1():
        # `slow_node` has prepared all 3PC messages which
        # `other_nodes` have ordered
        assertEquality(slow_master_replica.last_prepared_before_view_change, lst_3pc), retryWait=1))

    old_pc_count = slow_master_replica.spylog.count(

    assert len(slow_node.stashedOrderedReqs) == 0

    # Repair the network so COMMITs are received, processed and stashed

    def chk2():
        # COMMITs are processed for prepared messages
        assert slow_master_replica.spylog.count(
            slow_master_replica.can_process_since_view_change_in_progress) > old_pc_count, retryWait=1, timeout=5))

    def chk3():
        # COMMITs are stashed
        assert len(slow_node.stashedOrderedReqs) == delay_batches * Max3PCBatchSize, retryWait=1, timeout=15))

    # fix catchup, so the node gets a chance to be caught-up

    def chk4():
        # Some COMMITs were ordered but stashed and they were processed
        rv = getAllReturnVals(slow_node, slow_node.processStashedOrderedReqs)
        assert delay_batches in rv, retryWait=1, timeout=catchup_rep_delay + 5))

    def chk5():
        # Catchup was done once
        assert slow_node.spylog.count(
            slow_node.allLedgersCaughtUp) > old_lcu_count

    # make sure that the pool is functional
    checkProtocolInstanceSetup(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, retryWait=1)
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle,
                              sdk_wallet_client, 2 * Max3PCBatchSize)
    ensure_all_nodes_have_same_data(looper, nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)