def generate_graph(self, csv_file, save_path): ''' Generate a graph This function generates a graph with data from csv_file. Each line (PlotData) in the graph have some settings (parameters). For example: - x values - [List] X values on the graph - y values - [List] Y values on the graph - color - [String] What color the line is going to have - label - [String] Label/name of the line. Used for "plt.legend" Even the graph (gh) have some settings (parameters). For example: - gh(line (plot) 1, line (plot) 2, Title on graph, x label, y label, ticks settings (more information about this further down), save path plot1 - [PlotData obj] Obj containing line data plot2 - [PlotData obj] Obj containing line data title,- [String] Title on the graph xlabel - [String] X-label ylabel - [String] Y-label validation - [Boolean] A flag that determines how the y-values are going to be generated (plt.yticks). So right now there are two different settings (true or false). (If you need more settings this could be changed to a string or something.) save_path - [String] Where the graph is going to be saved. :args: :param csv_file: The location of the csv file where the data are collected :param save_path: The location where the graph is going to be saved at ''' # Read the csv file df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) # Epochs epochs = [] for x in range(len(df['loss'])): epochs.append(x) # Accuracy plot1 = PlotData(epochs, df['val_accuracy'], "red", "Validation accuracy") plot2 = PlotData(epochs, df['accuracy'], "blue", "Training accuracy") graph = gh(plot1, plot2, "TITLE", "Training Epoch", "Training Accuracy", False, save_path) graph.generate_graph() del plot1, plot2, graph # Loss plot1 = PlotData(epochs, df['val_loss'], "red", "Validation loss") plot2 = PlotData(epochs, df['loss'], "blue", "Training loss") graph = gh(plot1, plot2, "TITLE", "Training Epoch", "Training Loss", True, save_path) graph.generate_graph() del plot1, plot2, graph
def __init__(self): """Create a PlotView instance""" QFrame.__init__(self) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) # setup some default data values = PlotData() = "number" self.plot_figure = PlotFigure() self.plot_settings = PlotSettings() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.plot_figure.getFigure()) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.mouse_handler = MouseHandler(self)
def start(self): """ Initialise audio, make DetectorBank, open PlotData window and start audio """ print('Initializing audio...') deviceIdx = self.deviceBox.currentIndex() device = self.availableDevices[deviceIdx] self.initializeAudio(device) print('Making DetectorBank...') pitchOffset = self.makeDetectorBank() print('Making PlotData object...') self.pd = PlotData(self.db.getChans(), pitchOffset) # print('Starting audio...') self.startAudio()
def plotDelayDistribution(q): ATBM_data = [] SQ_data = [] ATBM_file = "F:\data\experiment/Seperate_Delay_ATBM_q" + str(q) + ".xlsx" SQ_file = "F:\data\experiment/Seperate_Delay_SQ_q" + str(q) + ".xlsx" #获取各类延迟的数据 for j in range(4, 10): ATBM_data.append(caculateSumOfSeperateDelay(ATBM_file, j)) SQ_data.append(caculateSumOfSeperateDelay(SQ_file, j)) #数据进行归于话处理 ATBM_data = np.array(ATBM_data) SQ_data = np.array(SQ_data) ATBM_data = np.round(ATBM_data / np.sum(ATBM_data), 2) SQ_data = np.round(SQ_data / np.sum(SQ_data), 2) data = [ATBM_data, SQ_data] colors = ("k", "w") labels = ("ATBM", "SQ") title = u"队列级数为" + str(q) + u"时ATBM和SQ下不同延迟的分布" xticks = [] for i in range(5): xticks.append("d=" + str(i)) xticks.append("d>=" + str(4)) plot = PlotData() plot.plotBar(data, colors, labels, title, xlabel=u"请求延迟", ylabel=u"延迟对应的比例", ylimit=1, xticks=xticks) print("ATBM各级延迟", ATBM_data) print("SQ各级延迟", SQ_data) '''
def analyzeCompareResult(q): wrFile = WRFile() #fileKind = "F:\\data\\experiment/Delay_SQ_q" fileKind = "F:\\data\\experiment/Delay_q" x = wrFile.readDataFromExcel(filePath=fileKind + str(q) + ".xlsx", min_cols=1, max_cols=1) y = wrFile.readDataFromExcel(filePath=fileKind + str(q) + ".xlsx", min_cols=2, max_cols=2) z = wrFile.readDataFromExcel(filePath=fileKind + str(q) + ".xlsx", min_cols=3, max_cols=3) a = wrFile.readDataFromExcel(filePath=fileKind + str(q) + ".xlsx", min_cols=5, max_cols=5) #plot4DSeperate(x,y,z,a,q) PlotData().plot4D(x, y, z, a, q)
class Visualizer(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() self._buflen = 1440 # 4096 def initUI(self): # main window/layout window = QWidget() layout = QVBoxLayout() # layout for audio device and sample rate selection deviceLayout = QHBoxLayout() # make audio device selection box and list of available devices self.deviceBox = QComboBox() defaultDeviceInfo = QAudioDeviceInfo.defaultInputDevice() self.availableDevices = [defaultDeviceInfo] self.availableDevices += QAudioDeviceInfo.availableDevices( QAudio.AudioInput) for device in self.availableDevices: self.deviceBox.addItem(device.deviceName()) # make sample rate label and combobox sRateLabel = QLabel("Sample rate:") sRateLabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) # user can choose between 44.1 and 48kHz (valid DetectorBank rates) self.sRateBox = QComboBox() self.sRateBox.addItem("44100") self.sRateBox.addItem("48000") self.sRateBox.setCurrentIndex(1) # add device and sr widgets to device layout deviceLayout.addWidget(self.deviceBox) deviceLayout.addWidget(sRateLabel) deviceLayout.addWidget(self.sRateBox) # add device layout to main layout layout.addLayout(deviceLayout) # DetectorBank parameters layout # two rows of three parameters # each param needs label and edit, # and a 'Start' button will be added at the bottom # so grid should be 3x6 detBankParamLayout = QGridLayout() # label and lineedit for each bandwidthLabel = QLabel("Bandwidth (cents):") dampingLabel = QLabel("Damping:") gainLabel = QLabel("Gain:") edoLabel = QLabel("EDO:") lwrLabel = QLabel("Lower note:") uprLabel = QLabel("Upper note:") self.bandwidthEdit = QLineEdit("0") self.dampingEdit = QLineEdit("0.0001") self.gainEdit = QLineEdit("25") self.edoEdit = QLineEdit("12") self.lwrEdit = QLineEdit("A1") self.uprEdit = QLineEdit("A7") # store all in lists detBankParamLabels = [bandwidthLabel, dampingLabel, gainLabel, edoLabel, lwrLabel, uprLabel] detBankParamEdits = [self.bandwidthEdit, self.dampingEdit, self.gainEdit, self.edoEdit, self.lwrEdit, self.uprEdit] # fill first two rows of grid with labels and edits row = 0 for row in range(2): widgetNum = 0 for i in range((row*3), (row*3)+3): detBankParamLayout.addWidget(detBankParamLabels[i], row, widgetNum) widgetNum += 1 detBankParamLayout.addWidget(detBankParamEdits[i], row, widgetNum) widgetNum += 1 # align labels to the right (next to the edit) for i in range(len(detBankParamLabels)): detBankParamLabels[i].setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) # button to make DetectorBank and start visualisation row += 1 startButton = QPushButton("&Start!") detBankParamLayout.addWidget(startButton, row, 5) startButton.clicked.connect(self.start) # add grid of detbank params (and start button) to main layout layout.addLayout(detBankParamLayout) window.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(window) def initializeAudio(self, deviceInfo): """ Make a QAudioInput from the given device """ # make buffers of 40ms of samples self.refRate = 0.04 # mono, 32-bit float audio fmt = QAudioFormat() fmt.setSampleRate(self.getSampleRate()) fmt.setChannelCount(1) fmt.setSampleSize(32) fmt.setSampleType(QAudioFormat.Float) fmt.setByteOrder(QAudioFormat.LittleEndian) fmt.setCodec("audio/pcm") if not deviceInfo.isFormatSupported(fmt): fmt = deviceInfo.nearestFormat(fmt) self.audioInput = QAudioInput(deviceInfo, fmt) self.audioInput.setBufferSize(4*self.buflen) # set size in bytes def startAudio(self): self.audioDevice = self.audioInput.start() self.audioDevice.readyRead.connect(self.updatePlot) def start(self): """ Initialise audio, make DetectorBank, open PlotData window and start audio """ print('Initializing audio...') deviceIdx = self.deviceBox.currentIndex() device = self.availableDevices[deviceIdx] self.initializeAudio(device) print('Making DetectorBank...') pitchOffset = self.makeDetectorBank() print('Making PlotData object...') self.pd = PlotData(self.db.getChans(), pitchOffset) # print('Starting audio...') self.startAudio() def updatePlot(self): # get data as float32 # 4*buflen is number of bytes data =*self.buflen) data = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.int16) data = np.array(data/2**15, dtype=np.dtype('float32')) # set DetectorBank input self.db.setInputBuffer(data) # fill z with detector output self.db.getZ(self.z) # self.db.absZ(self.r, self.z) self.pd.update(self.z) # self.close() def makeDetectorBank(self): """ Make DetectorBank from given parameters """ sr = self.getSampleRate() bandwidth_cents = float(self.bandwidthEdit.text()) dmp = float(self.dampingEdit.text()) gain = float(self.gainEdit.text()) edo = float(self.edoEdit.text()) lwr = self.lwrEdit.text() upr = self.uprEdit.text() lwr, pitchOffset = getNoteNum(lwr, edo) upr, _ = getNoteNum(upr, edo) upr += 1 # include upr note in DetectorBank # make and fill frequency and bandwidth arrays freq = np.zeros(int(upr-lwr)) bw = np.zeros(len(freq)) for i in range(len(freq)): k = lwr+i freq[i] = 440*2**(k/edo) # if non-minimum bandwidth detectors requested, find B in Hz if bandwidth_cents != 0: bw[i] = centsToHz(freq[i], bandwidth_cents, edo) # combine into stacked array det_char = np.stack((freq,bw), axis=1) # (almost) empty input buffer buffer = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float32) # DetectorBank features method = DetectorBank.runge_kutta f_norm = DetectorBank.freq_unnormalized a_norm = DetectorBank.amp_unnormalized self.db = DetectorBank(sr, buffer, 4, det_char, method|f_norm|a_norm, dmp, gain) # create empty output array self.z = np.zeros((int(self.db.getChans()),self.buflen), dtype=np.complex128) self.r = np.zeros(self.z.shape) print("Made DetectorBank with {} channels, with a sample rate of {}Hz" .format(self.db.getChans(), self.db.getSR())) return pitchOffset ## get and/or set various values def getSampleRate(self, returnType=int): return returnType(self.sRateBox.currentText()) @property def refreshRate(self): return self._refRate @refreshRate.setter def refreshRate(self, value): self._refRate = value self.buflen = self._refRate * self.getSampleRate() @property def buflen(self): return self._buflen @buflen.setter def buflen(self, value): self._buflen = int(value)
class PlotView(QFrame): """PlotView presents a matplotlib canvas with interaction possibilities. (picking and tooltip)""" def __init__(self): """Create a PlotView instance""" QFrame.__init__(self) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) # setup some default data values = PlotData() = "number" self.plot_figure = PlotFigure() self.plot_settings = PlotSettings() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.plot_figure.getFigure()) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.mouse_handler = MouseHandler(self) def toggleMember(self, line): gid = int(line.get_gid()) if gid in self.plot_settings.getSelectedMembers(): self.plot_settings.unselectMember(gid) else: self.plot_settings.selectMember(gid) @ert_gui.widgets.util.may_take_a_long_time def drawPlot(self): self.plot_figure.drawPlot(, self.plot_settings) self.canvas.draw() def resizeEvent(self, event): QFrame.resizeEvent(self, event) self.canvas.resize(event.size().width(), event.size().height()) def loadSettings(self, name): if plot_config_loader = PlotSettingsLoader() if not plot_config_loader.load(name, self.plot_settings): self.drawPlot() def saveSettings(self): if plot_config_saver = PlotSettingsSaver(), self.plot_settings) def setData(self, data): self.saveSettings() = data self.loadSettings( def setXZoomFactors(self, xminf, xmaxf): self.plot_settings.setMinXZoom(xminf) self.plot_settings.setMaxXZoom(xmaxf) def setYZoomFactors(self, yminf, ymaxf): self.plot_settings.setMinYZoom(yminf) self.plot_settings.setMaxYZoom(ymaxf) def save(self): self.saveSettings() plot_generator = PlotGenerator(self.plot_settings.getPlotPath(), self.plot_settings.getPlotConfigPath()) def saveAll(self): self.saveSettings() plot_generator = PlotGenerator(self.plot_settings.getPlotPath(), self.plot_settings.getPlotConfigPath()) plot_generator.saveAll() def copyPlotSettings(self): plot_config_loader = PlotSettingsLoader() plot_config_loader.copy(self.plot_settings) def setPlotPath(self, plot_path): self.plot_settings.setPlotPath(plot_path) def setPlotConfigPath(self, path): self.plot_settings.setPlotConfigPath(path) def _selectedMemberIdentifier(self, artist): return artist.get_gid() in self.plot_settings.getSelectedMembers() def clearSelection(self): selected_lines = self.plot_figure.fig.findobj(self._selectedMemberIdentifier) for line in selected_lines: self.plot_settings.unselectMember(line.get_gid()) def displayToolTip(self, event): if not is None and not event.xdata is None and not event.ydata is None: if == "time": date = matplotlib.dates.num2date(event.xdata) self.setToolTip("x: %s y: %04f" % (date.strftime("%d/%m-%Y"), event.ydata)) else: self.setToolTip("x: %04f y: %04f" % (event.xdata, event.ydata)) else: self.setToolTip("") def annotate(self, label, x, y, xt=None, yt=None): self.plot_settings.addAnnotation(label, x, y, xt, yt) def removeAnnotation(self, annotation_artist): annotations = self.plot_settings.getAnnotations() for annotation in annotations: if annotation.getUserData() == annotation_artist: self.plot_settings.removeAnnotation(annotation) def moveAnnotation(self, annotation_artist, xt, yt): annotations = self.plot_settings.getAnnotations() for annotation in annotations: if annotation.getUserData() == annotation_artist: annotation.xt = xt = yt annotation_artist.xytext = (xt, yt) def draw(self): self.canvas.draw() def setMinYLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMinYLimit(value) def setMaxYLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMaxYLimit(value) def setMinXLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMinXLimit(value) def setMaxXLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMaxXLimit(value) def getPlotConfigList(self): return self.plot_settings.getPlotConfigList()
class PlotView(QFrame): """PlotView presents a matplotlib canvas with interaction possibilities. (picking and tooltip)""" def __init__(self): """Create a PlotView instance""" QFrame.__init__(self) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) # setup some default data values = PlotData() = "number" self.plot_figure = PlotFigure() self.plot_settings = PlotSettings() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.plot_figure.getFigure()) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.mouse_handler = MouseHandler(self) def toggleMember(self, line): gid = int(line.get_gid()) if gid in self.plot_settings.getSelectedMembers(): self.plot_settings.unselectMember(gid) else: self.plot_settings.selectMember(gid) @ert_gui.widgets.util.may_take_a_long_time def drawPlot(self): self.plot_figure.drawPlot(, self.plot_settings) self.canvas.draw() def resizeEvent(self, event): QFrame.resizeEvent(self, event) self.canvas.resize(event.size().width(), event.size().height()) def loadSettings(self, name): if plot_config_loader = PlotSettingsLoader() if not plot_config_loader.load(name, self.plot_settings): self.drawPlot() def saveSettings(self): if plot_config_saver = PlotSettingsSaver(), self.plot_settings) def setData(self, data): self.saveSettings() = data self.loadSettings( def setXZoomFactors(self, xminf, xmaxf): self.plot_settings.setMinXZoom(xminf) self.plot_settings.setMaxXZoom(xmaxf) def setYZoomFactors(self, yminf, ymaxf): self.plot_settings.setMinYZoom(yminf) self.plot_settings.setMaxYZoom(ymaxf) def save(self): self.saveSettings() plot_generator = PlotGenerator(self.plot_settings.getPlotPath(), self.plot_settings.getPlotConfigPath()) def saveAll(self): self.saveSettings() plot_generator = PlotGenerator(self.plot_settings.getPlotPath(), self.plot_settings.getPlotConfigPath()) plot_generator.saveAll() def copyPlotSettings(self): plot_config_loader = PlotSettingsLoader() plot_config_loader.copy(self.plot_settings) def setPlotPath(self, plot_path): self.plot_settings.setPlotPath(plot_path) def setPlotConfigPath(self, path): self.plot_settings.setPlotConfigPath(path) def _selectedMemberIdentifier(self, artist): return artist.get_gid() in self.plot_settings.getSelectedMembers() def clearSelection(self): selected_lines = self.plot_figure.fig.findobj( self._selectedMemberIdentifier) for line in selected_lines: self.plot_settings.unselectMember(line.get_gid()) def displayToolTip(self, event): if not is None and not event.xdata is None and not event.ydata is None: if == "time": date = matplotlib.dates.num2date(event.xdata) self.setToolTip("x: %s y: %04f" % (date.strftime("%d/%m-%Y"), event.ydata)) else: self.setToolTip("x: %04f y: %04f" % (event.xdata, event.ydata)) else: self.setToolTip("") def annotate(self, label, x, y, xt=None, yt=None): self.plot_settings.addAnnotation(label, x, y, xt, yt) def removeAnnotation(self, annotation_artist): annotations = self.plot_settings.getAnnotations() for annotation in annotations: if annotation.getUserData() == annotation_artist: self.plot_settings.removeAnnotation(annotation) def moveAnnotation(self, annotation_artist, xt, yt): annotations = self.plot_settings.getAnnotations() for annotation in annotations: if annotation.getUserData() == annotation_artist: annotation.xt = xt = yt annotation_artist.xytext = (xt, yt) def draw(self): self.canvas.draw() def setMinYLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMinYLimit(value) def setMaxYLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMaxYLimit(value) def setMinXLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMinXLimit(value) def setMaxXLimit(self, value): self.plot_settings.setMaxXLimit(value) def getPlotConfigList(self): return self.plot_settings.getPlotConfigList()