def make_single_space_overlay( histos, filenames, ext="png" ) : linestyles=['dotted','solid','dotted'] filling=['lightgreen','darkgreen','r'] fs = [ r2m.RootFile(name) for name in filenames ] for hname, options in histos.iteritems() : hists = [f.get(hname) for f in fs ] cs_sels=[] for hist, lst in zip(hists, linestyles ): cs= plt.contour( hist.x, hist.y, hist.content, levels = options["contours"], colors = options["colors"], linewidths = 3, linestyles=lst ) cs_sels.append(select_segments(cs.allsegs,hist,options)) fig, axes = initialise_axes_new(hists,options) for hist, cs_sel,lst, fill,name in zip(hists, cs_sels,linestyles,filling ,filenames ): plot_segments(axes,cs_sel,options = options,linestyle=lst,filename=name) plot_minimum(hist,fill,'darkgreen') plot_legend(axes, options) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.2) print "Save to: ", (fig_name( options, filenames[1] ) + "_overlay.%s" % ext) plt.savefig( fig_name( options, filenames[1] ) + "_overlay.%s" % ext )
def make_raw_smooth_overlays( r_s_histos, filename, ext="png" ) : #FIXME: ugly, but it does the job poorly f = r2m.RootFile(filename) linestyles=['dotted','solid','-.'] for r_histo, s_histo in r_s_histos : r_hname,r_options=r_histo s_hname,s_options=s_histo fig = plt.figure( figsize=[10,7.5] ) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size':25,'axes.labelsize':30 }) try: r_hist,s_hist = f.get(r_hname) ,f.get(s_hname) except: print "Failed to get {} or {} from {}".format(r_hname, s_hname, filename) continue xmin = r_hist.xedges[0] xmax = r_hist.xedges[-1] ymin, ymax = r_options["zrange1d"] r_splines=[ get_raw_spline_from_hist(r_hist,r_options), get_raw_spline_from_hist(s_hist,s_options) ] fig = plt.figure( figsize=[10,7.5] ) plt.axis( [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ) axes = plt.axes() axes.set_xlabel( r_hist.xlabel ) axes.set_ylabel( r_options["ytitle"] ) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange( xmin, xmax*1.001, r_options["xticks"] ) ) for rsp,lst in zip(r_splines,linestyles): (rxs,rys) = rsp plt.plot(rxs,rys,'b',linestyle=lst,linewidth=1) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.12) print "Saved to: ",(fig_name( r_options, filename ) + "_raw_smooth.%s" % ext) plt.savefig( fig_name( r_options, filename ) + "_raw_smooth.%s" % ext )
def make_colour_contour_overlay(colour,contour,filename, ext="png"): f = r2m.RootFile(filename) for col,cont in zip(colour,contour) : hname1, hname2=col[0], cont[0] options1, options2=col[1] , cont[1] hist1 = f.get(hname1) hist2 = f.get(hname2) # get contours before initialising figure cs=plt.contour( hist2.x, hist2.y, hist2.content, levels = options2["contours"], colors = options2["colors"], linewidths = 2 ) cs_sel=select_segments(cs.allsegs,hist2,options2) fig, axes = initialise_axes_new([hist1,hist2],options1) # plot colors plot_colors(hist1,options1) # hist1.colz() # plt.clim( *options1["zrange"] ) # coloured plots should get a title if options1.get('title') : axes.set_title( options1["title"] ) # plot contours plot_segments(axes,cs_sel,options= options2) # adjust figure so that it looks nice plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.2) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(right=0.74) #save print "Save to: ", fig_name( options1, filename ) + "_col_"+options2["mode"] + "_con.%s" % ext plt.savefig( fig_name( options1, filename ) + "_col_"+options2["mode"] + "_con.%s" % ext )
def makeSingle1DPlot(histos, filename, ext="png"): i = 0 f = r2m.RootFile(filename) for hname, options in histos.iteritems(): hist = f.get(hname) xmin, xmax = hist.xedges[0], hist.xedges[-1] ymin, ymax = options["zrange1d"] y, x, patch = hist.hist() segs = get_valid_segments(y, options["zrange"][0], options["zrange"][1]) for seg in segs: i += 1 y[seg[0]] = options["zrange1d"][1] y[seg[1]] = options["zrange1d"][1] tck = interpolate.splrep(x[seg[0] : seg[1]], y[seg[0] : seg[1]], s=0) xnew = np.arange(x[seg[0]], x[seg[1]], (x[seg[1]] - x[seg[0]]) / 200) ynew = interpolate.splev(xnew, tck, der=0) ynew[-1] = options["zrange1d"][1] plt.figure() plt.plot(xnew, ynew, "b") plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) axes = plt.axes() axes.set_xlabel(hist.xlabel) axes.set_ylabel(options["title"]) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(xmin, xmax + 0.1, options["xticks"])) axes.set_title("%s(%s)" % (options["title"], hist.xlabel)) plt.savefig(fig_name(options, filename) + ".%s" % ext)
def make_single_1d_plot( histos, filename, ext="png" ) : f = r2m.RootFile(filename) for hname, options in histos.iteritems() : hist = f.get(hname) # xmin,xmax = hist.xedges[0], hist.xedges[-1] # ymin,ymax = options["zrange1d"] rxs,rys= get_raw_spline_from_hist(hist,options) initialise_axes(hist,options,filename=filename) plt.plot(rxs,rys,'b',linestyle='solid',linewidth=3,zorder=2) if 'green_band' in options.keys(): x_min, x_max = options['green_band'] # plt.axvspan(xmin= x_min,xmax=x_max,facecolor="#30c048", alpha = 0.4) plt.axvspan(xmin= x_min,xmax=x_max,color="#30c048",zorder=1) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) print "Save to: " , fig_name( options, filename ) + ".%s" % ext plt.savefig( fig_name( options, filename ) + ".%s" % ext )
def make_single_space_plot( histos, filename, ext="png" ) : f = r2m.RootFile(filename) for hname, options in histos.iteritems() : try: hist = f.get(hname) except TypeError: print "WARNING: skipping {} as not in ROOT file".format(hname) continue cs=plt.contour( hist.x, hist.y, hist.content, levels = options["contours"], colors = options["colors"], linewidths = 2 ) cs_sel=select_segments(cs.allsegs,hist,options) # fig = plt.figure( figsize=[5,3.75] ) fig = plt.figure( figsize=[10,7.5] ) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.20) # plt.rcParams.update({ 'legend.fontsize':12}) plt.rcParams.update({'axes.titlesize':30,'legend.fontsize':16,'axes.labelsize':30,'xtick.labelsize':25, 'ytick.labelsize':25 }) axes = plt.axes() initialise_axes(axes,[hist],options,filename) if 'green_band' in options.keys(): x_min, x_max, axis = options['green_band'] hv_axis={'x':'v','y':'h'}[axis] eval(" x_min,%smax=x_max,color='#30c048')" % (hv_axis,axis,axis)) if options.get('colz'): plot_colors(hist,options) plot_segments(axes,cs_sel,options= options) x,y =plot_minimum(hist,'gold','gold') plot_legend(axes, options) if options.get('pickle'): import pickle output = open('contours.pkl','wb') pickle.dump(cs_sel,output) out = open('bf.pkl','wb') pickle.dump([x,y],out) # add_logo(fig) print "Save to : ",(fig_name( options, filename ) + ".%s" % ext) plt.savefig( fig_name( options, filename ) + ".%s" % ext )
def make_red_band_plot_raw( histos, filename, ext="png", data_file=None): f = r2m.RootFile(filename) xmin=85 xmax=140 for hname, options in histos.iteritems() : hist = f.get(hname) xs,ys=get_raw_spline_from_hist(hist,options) ax = initialise_axes(hist,options, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, xmin_offset=5) #draw the LEP exclusion if hist.xedges[0] < 114.4: plt.axvspan(xmin= xmin,xmax=114.4,color="#FFFF00",zorder=0) plt.axvspan(xmin= 124,xmax=126,color="#00FF00",zorder=1) x_pos_lhc_label=0.67 # print x_pos_lhc_label plt.figtext(x=0.15,y=0.2, s="LEP \nexcluded",zorder=2 ) plt.figtext(x=x_pos_lhc_label,y=0.2, s="LHC ",zorder=2 ) if hist.xedges[-1] > 130 or xmax > 130: plt.axvspan(xmin= 130,xmax=xmax,color="#DBBB88",zorder=1) plt.figtext(x=0.77,y=0.2, s="Theoretically\nInaccessible",zorder=2 ) ymax = options["zrange1d"][1] collection = get_band_collection(xs,ys,ymax=ymax) ax.add_collection(collection) plt.plot(xs,ys,'b',linestyle='solid',linewidth=3,zorder=5) model = filename.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] data_file = { 'cmssm': 'cmssm_pre_lhc.csv', 'nuhm1': 'nuhm1_pre_lhc.csv' }[model] smoothing = { 'cmssm': 100, 'nuhm1': None }[model] if data_file: xf,yf = get_xy_from_file(filename=data_file,smoothing=smoothing) plt.plot(xf,yf,'b',linestyle='dashed',linewidth=3,zorder=4) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.12) print "Save to: ", fig_name( options, filename ) + "_raw.%s" % ext plt.savefig( fig_name( options, filename ) + "_raw.%s" % ext )
def make_single_1d_overlay( histos, filenames, ext="png" ) : #FIXME: ugly, but it does the job poorly linestyles=['dotted','solid','-.'] fs = [ r2m.RootFile(name) for name in filenames ] for hname, options in histos.iteritems() : fig = plt.figure( figsize=[10,7.5] ) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size':12,'axes.labelsize':30,'xtick.labelsize':25, 'ytick.labelsize':25 }) try: hists = [f.get(hname) for f in fs ] except ReferenceError: print "ERROR: {} is not in one of the files".format(hname) continue xmins =[ hist.xedges[0] for hist in hists ] xmaxs =[ hist.xedges[-1] for hist in hists ] xmin, xmax = min(xmins), max(xmaxs) ymin, ymax = options["zrange1d"] r_splines=[] for hist in hists : r_splines.append( get_raw_spline_from_hist(hist,options)) fig = plt.figure( figsize=[10,7.5] ) plt.axis( [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ) axes = plt.axes() axes.set_xlabel( hist.xlabel ) axes.set_ylabel( options.get("ytitle",None) ) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange( xmin, xmax*1.001, options["xticks"] ) ) from config.file_dict import file_dict for rsp,lst,name in zip(r_splines,linestyles,filenames): (rxs,rys) = rsp plt.plot(rxs,rys,'b',linestyle=lst,linewidth=3,label=file_dict.get(name)) # plt.legend() plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=0.15) print "Save to: ", fig_name( options, filenames[1] ) + "_overlay.%s" % ext plt.savefig( fig_name( options, filenames[1] ) + "_overlay.%s" % ext )
def makeSingleSpacePlot( histos, filename, ext="png" ) : i=0 f = r2m.RootFile(filename) for hname, options in histos.iteritems() : hist = f.get(hname) i += 1 fig = plt.figure( figsize=[8,6] ) xmin,xmax = hist.xedges[0], hist.xedges[-1] ymin,ymax = hist.yedges[0], hist.yedges[-1] plt.axis( [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ) axes = plt.axes() axes.set_xlabel( hist.xlabel ) axes.set_ylabel( hist.ylabel ) hist.contour( levels = options["contours"], colors = options["colors"], linewidths = 2 ) hist.colz() plt.axis( [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ) plt.clim( *options["zrange"] ) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange( ymin, ymax+0.1, options["yticks"] ) ) pylab.xticks(pylab.arange( xmin, xmax+0.1, options["xticks"] ) ) axes.set_title( options["title"] ) plt.savefig( fig_name( options, filename ) + ".%s" % ext )