triplet_loss = TripletLoss(G, False) indices = [] losses = [] def train(epoch): with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True): t = time.time() model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(features, adj_train) # triplet_loss.embeddings = output loss = triplet_loss._batch_hard_triplet_loss(output) # loss = triplet_loss.get_loss_margin() losses.append(loss) indices.append(epoch) loss.backward() optimizer.step() print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch + 1), 'loss_train: {:.4f}'.format(loss.item()), 'time: {:.4f}s'.format(time.time() - t)) for epoch in range(args.epochs): train(epoch), "models/gcn_hom_onto2") plot_loss(indices, losses, "Epooch", "Loss", "Epooch vs loss -- gcn ontology")
history = pretrained_model.fit_generator( train_gen, steps_per_epoch=nbatches_train, epochs=num_epochs, validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping, checkpoint]) else: if use_class_weights: history = pretrained_model.fit_generator( train_gen, steps_per_epoch=nbatches_train, epochs=num_epochs, class_weight=class_weights, validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping]) else: history = pretrained_model.fit_generator( train_gen, steps_per_epoch=nbatches_train, epochs=num_epochs, validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping]) # plot accuracy and loss for train and validation if num_epochs > 1: plots.plot_accuracy(figures_dir, 'accuracy_epochs_vgg16', history) plots.plot_loss(figures_dir, 'loss_epochs_vgg16', history)
def main(): ''' This is the MCENET model for trajectory prediction. It leverages scene, occupancy grid, and trajectry sequence for trajectory prediction Training: X-Encoder for encoding the information from observation Y-Encoder for encoding the information from ground truth Both encoded information are concatenated for parameterizing the latent variable z, which is pushed towards a Gaussian distribution z and the encoded information from X-Encoder is used as the condition for reconstructing the future trajectory Inference: X-Encoder for encoding the information from observation Y-Encoder is removed z is sampled from the Gaussian distribution z and the encoded information from X-Encoder is used as the condition for predicting the future trajectory ''' timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") dataname = 'HC' print(dataname) # Make all the necessary folders mak_dir() bg_image, data_dir, dirs, filename = get_data_repo(dataname) args = parse_args(dataname) # # Generate data if args.data_process == True: generate_data(dataname, leaveoneout=args.leaveoneout) # specify which GPU(s) to be used, gpu device starts from 0 # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" # # Use the default CPU # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" # CHECK POINT AND SAVE THE BEST MODEL filepath = "../models/mcenet_mixed_%s_%0.f_%s.hdf5" % ( dataname, args.epochs, timestr) earlystop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', verbose=1, patience=50) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True, mode='min') callbacks_list = [earlystop, checkpoint] # INSTANTIATE THE MODEL mcenet = MCENET(args) # Construct the training model train = train.summary() # Load the test data # Note the one step difference between position and offset obs_seq = args.obs_seq - 1 #################### START TRAINING THE MCENet MODEL #################### if args.train_mode: print("\nload the training data") T_ = np.load('../processed/%s_training_data_grid.npz' % dataname) obs, pred, obs_og, pred_og, obs_hmaps, pred_hmaps = T_['obs'], T_[ 'pred'], T_['obs_og'], T_['pred_og'], T_['obs_hmaps'], T_[ 'pred_hmaps'] print('You are using the scene context from %s' % args.sceneType) print('Data loaded!') # Shift one time step for occupancy grid and scene attention obs_og = obs_og[:, 1:, :] obs_hmaps = obs_hmaps[:, 1:, ...] # Get the residual of the trajectories traj = np.concatenate((obs[:, :, 2:4], pred[:, :, 2:4]), axis=1) traj_r = traj[:, 1:, :] - traj[:, :-1, :] traj_r = traj_r * args.resi_scale obs_r, pred_r = traj_r[:, :obs_seq, :], traj_r[:, obs_seq:, :] ## Get User type one-hot encoding obs_type = get_type(obs, 3, isObservation=True) obs_r = np.concatenate((obs_r, obs_type), axis=-1) obs_hpinput = mobilenet(obs_hmaps, obs_seq) pred_hpinput = mobilenet(pred_hmaps, args.pred_seq) # Here is the training related data print('Check the input data...') print('the shape of obs', obs_r.shape) print('the shape of pred', pred_r.shape) #print('the number of road users in train_raw', len(np.unique(train_raw[:, 0]))) print('the shape of obs_og', obs_og.shape) print('the shape of pred_og', pred_og.shape) print('the shape of obs_maps', obs_hmaps.shape) print('the shape of pred_maps', pred_hmaps.shape) # Get the data fro training and validation np.random.seed(10) train_val_split = np.random.rand(len(traj)) < args.split train_obs_hpinput = obs_hpinput[train_val_split] train_pred_hpinput = pred_hpinput[train_val_split] train_obs_og = obs_og[train_val_split] train_pred_og = pred_og[train_val_split] train_obs_r = obs_r[train_val_split] train_pred_r = pred_r[train_val_split] val_obs_hpinput = obs_hpinput[~train_val_split] val_pred_hpinput = pred_hpinput[~train_val_split] val_obs_og = obs_og[~train_val_split] val_pred_og = pred_og[~train_val_split] val_obs_r = obs_r[~train_val_split] val_pred_r = pred_r[~train_val_split] print('Start training the MCENet model...') history =[ train_obs_hpinput, train_pred_hpinput, train_obs_og, train_pred_og, train_obs_r, train_pred_r ], y=train_pred_r, shuffle=True, epochs=args.epochs, batch_size=args.batch_size, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks_list, validation_data=([ val_obs_hpinput, val_pred_hpinput, val_obs_og, val_pred_og, val_obs_r, val_pred_r ], val_pred_r)) print('Training the MCENet model done!') print('Plotting loss...') plot_loss(history, args.scale, args.real_scale, timestr, dataname) print('Plotting done!') ### Here load the best trained model train.load_weights(filepath) else: print("\nLoad the trained model") if args.sceneType == 'heatmap': print("The scene context is heatmap") trained_model = "../trained_model/....hdf5" elif args.sceneType == "aerial_photograph": print("The scene context is aerial photograph") trained_model = "../trained_model/....hdf5" elif args.sceneType == 'segmented_map': print("The scene context is segmented map") trained_model = "../models/mcenet_mixed_HC_2000_20200618-213259.hdf5" train.load_weights(trained_model) #################### START TESTING #################### # NOTE THAT IN TESTING PHASE, ONLY x (observed trajectory) is available # construct the encoder to get the x_encoded_dense, including scene, occupancy, and trajectory sequence information print('Start testing...') print('Load the test data ...') test_ = np.load('../processed/%s_test_data_grid.npz' % dataname) test_obs, test_obs_og, test_obs_hmaps = test_['obs'], test_[ 'obs_og'], test_['obs_hmaps'] # Shift one time step for occupancy grid and scene attention test_obs_og = test_obs_og[:, 1:, :] test_obs_hmaps = test_obs_hmaps[:, 1:, ...] # Get the residual of the trajectories test_obs_r = test_obs[:, 1:, 2:4] - test_obs[:, :-1, 2:4] test_obs_r = test_obs_r * args.resi_scale ## Get User type one-hot encoding test_obs_type = get_type(test_obs, 3, isObservation=True) test_obs_r = np.concatenate((test_obs_r, test_obs_type), axis=-1) # Construct the heatmap/scene inputs for the model test_obs_hpinput = mobilenet(test_obs_hmaps, obs_seq) # Double check the test data shape print('the shape of test_obs', test_obs_r.shape) print('the shape of test_obs_og', test_obs_og.shape) print('the shape of test_obs_hmaps', test_obs_hmaps.shape) # Retrieve the x_encoder and the decoder x_encoder = mcenet.X_encoder() generator = mcenet.Decoder() # get the x_encoded_dense as latent feature for prediction x_latent = x_encoder.predict([test_obs_hpinput, test_obs_og, test_obs_r], batch_size=args.batch_size) # Save the summary of the model with open( '../models/mcenet_mixed_%s_model_summary_%s.txt' % (dataname, timestr), 'w') as f: with redirect_stdout(f): train.summary() x_encoder.summary() generator.summary() # START PREDICTING USING THE x_encoded_dense AND SAMPLED LATENT VARIABLE z print('Start predicting...') ### Change the residual back to positions last_obs_test = test_obs[:, -1, 2:4] predictions = [] for i, x_ in enumerate(x_latent): last_pos = last_obs_test[i] x_ = np.reshape(x_, [1, -1]) for i in range(args.num_pred): # sampling z from a normal distribution z_sample = np.random.rand(1, args.z_dim) y_p = generator.predict(np.column_stack([z_sample, x_])) y_p = y_p / args.resi_scale y_p_ = np.concatenate(([last_pos], np.squeeze(y_p)), axis=0) y_p_sum = np.cumsum(y_p_, axis=0) predictions.append(y_p_sum[1:, :]) predictions = np.reshape(predictions, [-1, args.num_pred, args.pred_seq, 2]) test_pred, test_raw = test_['pred'], test_['raw'] indexed_predictions = get_index_prediction(test_obs, test_pred, predictions, args.num_pred, args.pred_seq) print('Predicting done!') ## this is the error for the sampling (aveage and minimum) classfied_errors = get_classified_errors(test_pred, indexed_predictions, args.scale / args.real_scale) ## Select the most likely prediction based on Gaussian rank selected_preds = np.zeros((0, 5)) for pred in indexed_predictions: select_index = gauss_rank(pred) for m, traj in enumerate(pred): if m == select_index: selected_preds = np.vstack((selected_preds, traj)) selected_preds = selected_preds.reshape(indexed_predictions.shape[0], 1, indexed_predictions.shape[2], indexed_predictions.shape[3]) selected_errors = get_classified_errors(test_pred, selected_preds, args.scale / args.real_scale) np.savetxt('../results/mcenet_mixed_%s_statistic_results_%.2f_%s.txt' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), classfied_errors, delimiter=',') np.savetxt( '../selected_results/mcenet_mixed_%s_statistic_results_%.2f_%s.txt' % (dataname, selected_errors[0, 2], timestr), selected_errors, delimiter=',') # Save the predictions print('Start saving the predictions...') '../predictions/mcenet_mixed_%s_test_obs_grid_%.2f_%s.npy' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), test_obs) '../predictions/mcenet_mixed_%s_test_gt_grid_%.2f_%s.npy' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), test_pred) '../predictions/mcenet_mixed_%s_test_predictions_grid_%.2f_%s.npy' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), indexed_predictions) print('Results saved...') # Plotting the predicted trajectories print('Start plotting the predictions...') plot_dir = '../plots/mcenet_mixed_%s_plot_%.2f_%s' % ( dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr) if not os.path.exists(plot_dir): os.mkdir(plot_dir) print("Directory mcenet_mixed_%s_plot_%.2f_%s" % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr)) else: print("Directory mcenet_mixed_%s_plot_%.2f_%s" % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr)) plot_scenarios(test_raw, test_obs, test_pred, indexed_predictions, bg_image, args.scale, args.real_scale, plot_dir) print('Plotting Done!') # Save the model configuration with open( '../hyperparameters/mcenet_mixed_%s_args_%.2f_%s.txt' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), 'w') as f: for arg in vars(args): params = ('%s = %s' % (str(arg), str(getattr(args, arg)))) f.writelines(params) f.writelines('\n')
def main(): global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Convolutional NN Training Script") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="configfile", default='config.yml', help="Path to yaml configuration file") parser.add_argument("-m", "--modelnames", dest="modelnames", nargs="*", default=None, required=False, help="Model name to test") args = parser.parse_args() # Get configuration file hconfig = ModelConfigurator(args.configfile) # Extract config parameters datapath = hconfig.datapath # Get requested models, if None, take config's list model_list = args.modelnames if model_list is None: model_list = hconfig.avail_models # List to store histories hist_list = [] # Loop over requested models for mod_i in model_list: mod_i = mod_i.strip() # Set model config parameters hconfig.model_config(mod_i) # Directory structures for model model_dir_struct = ModelDirStruct(main_dir=hconfig.model_outpath, test_model=True) with open(model_dir_struct.hist_file, 'rb') as f: history = pickle.load(f) hist_list.append(history) # Visualize history plot_accuracy(history=history, model_dir_struct=model_dir_struct) plot_loss(history=history, model_dir_struct=model_dir_struct) print('Saved figures to {}'.format(model_dir_struct.plots_dir)) # If more than one model requested, compare validation accuracy if len(model_list) > 1: compare_accuracy(names=model_list, hist_list=hist_list, model_dir_struct=model_dir_struct)
def train(self, training_set, test_set, nr_of_epochs, steps_per_epoch, iFcallbacks=False, do_plots=False): if do_plots: if not iFcallbacks: raise ValueError( 'Wrong parameters: if wanna make plots iFcallbacks mast be True but is : ' + str(iFcallbacks)) if iFcallbacks: csv_logger = create_cv_logger(self.model_name) history = callback_history() # earlyStop = callbackEarlyStopping() checkPoint = callbackCheckpoint(self.model_name) # tensor = callbackTensor() callbacks = [csv_logger, history, checkPoint] history = self.model.fit_generator( training_set, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=nr_of_epochs, validation_data=test_set, validation_steps=steps_per_epoch / 3, # use_multiprocessing=True, workers=6, callbacks=callbacks) else: self.model.fit_generator( training_set, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=nr_of_epochs, validation_data=test_set, validation_steps=steps_per_epoch / 3, # use_multiprocessing=True, workers=6, ) print('Training is Done!!') if do_plots: plot_accuracy(history) plot_loss(history) self._save_model() print('Model is saved') # cnn.add(conv.ZeroPadding2D( (1,1), input_shape = (1,28,28), )) ### additional parameters for keras model: # activation = None, # use_bias = True, # kernel_initializer = 'glorot_uniform', # bias_initializer = 'zeros', # kernel_regularizer = None, # bias_regularizer = None, # activity_regularizer = None, # kernel_constraint = None, # bias_constraint = None # from keras import backend as K # from keras.layers import Layer # # class MyLayer():#Layer): # # def __init__(self, output_dim, **kwargs): # self.output_dim = output_dim # super(MyLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) # # def build(self, input_shape): # # Create a trainable weight variable for this layer. # self.kernel = self.add_weight(name='kernel', # shape=(input_shape[1], self.output_dim), # initializer='uniform', # trainable=True) # super(MyLayer, self).build(input_shape) # Be sure to call this at the end # # def call(self, x): # return, self.kernel) # # def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): # return (input_shape[0], self.output_dim) # # def min_max_pool2d(x): # max_x = K.pool2d(x, pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2)) # min_x = -K.pool2d(-x, pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2)) # return K.concatenate([max_x, min_x], axis=1) # concatenate on channel # # def min_max_pool2d_output_shape(input_shape): # shape = list(input_shape) # shape[1] *= 2 # shape[2] /= 2 # shape[3] /= 2 # return tuple(shape) # # # replace maxpooling layer # # cnn.add(Lambda(min_max_pool2d, output_shape=min_max_pool2d_output_shape))
tr_bert_classifer) # initialize net untrained_net, untrained_net_final = initialize_net(args, device, tr_bert_classifer) # get Adam optimzer adam_optimizer = get_adam_optimzer(untrained_net, args) # train_net trained_net, model_results = train_net(dataloaders, adam_optimizer, device, untrained_net, args, tr_bert_classifer) #plot figures plot_accuracies(trained_net.train_acc, trained_net.val_acc, 'all_artists') plot_loss(trained_net.train_loss, trained_net.val_loss, 'all_artists') #training final net and predicting test results print("training final net") args = update_args_test_predict(args) del trained_net, adam_optimizer, dataloaders dataloaders_without_val = get_dataloaders(song_token, embedding_songs, args, tr_bert_classifer) adam_optimizer = get_adam_optimzer(untrained_net_final, args) trained_net, model_results = train_net(dataloaders_without_val, adam_optimizer,
validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping, checkpoint]) else: history = pretrained_model.fit_generator( train_gen, steps_per_epoch=nbatches_train, epochs=num_epochs, validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping, checkpoint]) # plot accuracy and loss for train and validation if num_epochs > 1: plots.plot_accuracy(results_dir, 'accuracy_epochs', history) plots.plot_loss(results_dir, 'loss_epochs', history) # load best checkpoint checkpoint_filename = 'checkpoint.hdf5' checkpoint_dir = os.path.join('checkpoints', str(bin_size)) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_filename) pretrained_model = load_model(checkpoint_path, custom_objects={ 'root_mean_squared_error': root_mean_squared_error, 'mean_absolute_bin_error': mean_absolute_bin_error }) # predict on test set test_gen = custom_generator(df_test, bin_size, False, (224, 224), 1)
optimizer.step() acc_train = get_acc(output, adj_label) hidden_emb = roc_curr, ap_curr = get_roc_score(hidden_emb, adj_orig, val_edges, val_edges_false) print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch + 1), 'loss_train: {:.4f}'.format(curr_loss), 'acc_train: {:.4f}'.format(acc_train), "val_ap=", "{:.5f}".format(ap_curr), "val_roc=", "{:.5f}".format(roc_curr), 'time: {:.4f}s'.format(time.time() - t)) for epoch in range(args.epochs): train(epoch) hidden_emb = roc_score, ap_score = get_roc_score(hidden_emb, adj_orig, test_edges, test_edges_false) print('Test ROC score: ' + str(roc_score)) print('Test AP score: ' + str(ap_score)) auc_roc(hidden_emb, adj_orig, test_edges, test_edges_false, roc_score, "Ontology Homology"), "models/gae_onto_hom") plot_loss(indices, losses, "Epooch", "Loss", "Epooch vs loss")
def main(): ''' This is the CVAE model for trajectory prediction. It has: three induvidual encoders for heatmap/scene, occupancy grid, and trajectry sequence one CVAE encoder for latent z one CVAE encoder for generating predictions ''' timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") dataname = 'HC' print(dataname) # Make all the necessary folders mak_dir() bg_image, data_dir, dirs, filename = get_data_repo(dataname) # Get the hyperparameters args = parse_args(dataname) num_pred = args.num_pred obs_seq = args.obs_seq - 1 ### minus one is for residual pred_seq = args.pred_seq neighSize = args.neighSize gridRadius = args.gridRadius gridAngle = args.gridAngle train_mode = args.train_mode # retrain_mode = args.retrain_mode sceneType = args.sceneType n_hidden = args.n_hidden z_dim = args.z_dim encoder_dim = args.encoder_dim z_decoder_dim = args.z_decoder_dim hidden_size = args.hidden_size batch_size = args.batch_size h_drop = args.h_drop o_drop = args.o_drop s_drop = args.s_drop dropout = args.dropout lr = epochs = args.epochs scale = args.scale real_scale = args.real_scale beta = args.beta resi_scale = args.resi_scale # Generate data if args.data_process == True: generate_data(dataname, leaveoneout=args.leaveoneout) #################### MODEL CONSTRUCTION STARTS FROM HERE #################### # Define the ResNet for scene # Get the parsed last shape of the heatmap input parse_dim = 1280 # The output dimension of MobileNet # Please note that here you can also train the feacture using the CNN from scratch # CONSTRUCT THREE LSTM ENCODERS TO ENCODE HEATMAP, OCCUPANCY GRID, AND TRAJECTORY INFORMATION IN PARALLEL # Construct the heatmap scene model # Sence model for the observed data s_obs_in = Input(shape=(obs_seq, parse_dim), name='s_obs_in') s_obs_out = LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, dropout=h_drop, name='h_obs_out')(s_obs_in) s_obs_Model = Model(s_obs_in, s_obs_out) s_obs_Model.summary() # scene model for the conditioned data s_pred_in = Input(shape=(pred_seq, parse_dim), name='s_pred_in') s_pred_out = LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, dropout=h_drop, name='s_pred_out')(s_pred_in) # Construct the occupancy grid model # occupancy grid model for the observed data o_obs_in = Input(shape=(obs_seq, int(neighSize / gridRadius * 360 / gridAngle)), name='o_obs_in') o_obs_out = LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, dropout=o_drop, name='o_obs_out')(o_obs_in) o_obs_Model = Model(o_obs_in, o_obs_out) o_obs_Model.summary() # occupancy grid model for the conditioned data o_pred_in = Input(shape=(pred_seq, int(neighSize / gridRadius * 360 / gridAngle)), name='o_pred_in') o_pred_out = LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, dropout=o_drop, name='o_pred_out')(o_pred_in) o_pred_Model = Model(o_pred_in, o_pred_out) o_pred_Model.summary() # Construct the sequence model # sequence model for the observed data # x_state x = Input(shape=(obs_seq, 5), name='x') # including the 3-dimensions for one-hot encoding x_conv1d = Conv1D(n_hidden // 16, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', name='x_conv1d')(x) # Do I need to have a activation function? x_dense = Dense(n_hidden // 8, activation='relu', name='x_dense')(x_conv1d) x_state = LSTM(n_hidden // 8, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, dropout=s_drop, name='x_state')(x_dense) # (1, 64) # encoded x x_endoced = concatenate([x_state, s_obs_out, o_obs_out], name='x_endoced') x_encoded_dense = Dense(encoder_dim, activation='relu', name='x_encoded_dense')(x_endoced) # sequence model for the conditioned model # y_state y = Input(shape=(pred_seq, 2), name='y') y_conv1d = Conv1D(n_hidden // 16, kernel_size=3, strides=1, padding='same', name='y_conv1d')(y) y_dense = Dense(n_hidden // 8, activation='relu', name='y_dense')(y_conv1d) y_state = LSTM(n_hidden // 8, return_sequences=False, stateful=False, dropout=s_drop, name='y_state')(y_dense) # (1, 64) # encoded y y_encoded = concatenate([y_state, s_pred_out, o_pred_out], name='y_encoded') y_encoded_dense = Dense(encoder_dim, activation='relu', name='y_encoded_dense')(y_encoded) # CONSTRUCT THE CVAE ENCODER BY FEEDING THE CONCATENATED ENCODED HEATMAP, OCCUPANCY GRID, AND TRAJECTORY INFORMATION # the concatenated input inputs = concatenate([x_encoded_dense, y_encoded_dense], name='inputs') # (1, 256) xy_encoded_d1 = Dense(n_hidden, activation='relu', name='xy_encoded_d1')(inputs) # (1, 512) xy_encoded_d2 = Dense(n_hidden // 2, activation='relu', name='xy_encoded_d2')(xy_encoded_d1) # (1, 256) mu = Dense(z_dim, activation='linear', name='mu')(xy_encoded_d2) # 2 log_var = Dense(z_dim, activation='linear', name='log_var')(xy_encoded_d2) # 2 # THE REPARAMETERIZATION TRICK FOR THE LATENT VARIABLE z # sampling function def sampling(params): mu, log_var = params eps = K.random_normal(shape=(K.shape(mu)[0], z_dim), mean=0., stddev=1.0) return mu + K.exp(log_var / 2.) * eps # sampling z z = Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(z_dim, ), name='z')([mu, log_var]) # concatenate the z and x_encoded_dense z_cond = concatenate([z, x_encoded_dense], name='z_cond') # CONSTRUCT THE CVAE DECODER z_decoder1 = Dense(n_hidden // 2, activation='relu', name='z_decoder1') z_decoder2 = RepeatVector(pred_seq, name='z_decoder2') z_decoder3 = LSTM(z_decoder_dim, return_sequences=True, stateful=False, dropout=dropout, name='z_decoder3') z_decoder4 = Activation('tanh', name='z_decoder4') z_decoder5 = Dropout(dropout, name='z_decoder5') y_decoder = TimeDistributed(Dense(2), name='y_decoder') # (12, 2) # Instantiate the decoder by feeding the concatenated z and x_encoded_dense z_d1 = z_decoder1(z_cond) z_d2 = z_decoder2(z_d1) z_d3 = z_decoder3(z_d2) z_d4 = z_decoder4(z_d3) z_d5 = z_decoder5(z_d4) y_prime = y_decoder(z_d5) # CONSTRUCT THE LOSS FUNCTION FOR THE CVAE MODEL ### Update the utility of the loss function def vae_loss(y, y_prime): ''' This is the customized loss function ''' reconstruction_loss = K.mean(mse(y, y_prime) * pred_seq) kl_loss = 0.5 * K.sum(K.square(mu) + K.exp(log_var) - log_var - 1, axis=-1) cvae_loss = K.mean(reconstruction_loss * beta + kl_loss * (1 - beta)) return cvae_loss # BUILD THE CVAE MODEL cvae = Model([s_obs_in, s_pred_in, o_obs_in, o_pred_in, x, y], [y_prime]) opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=lr, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, decay=0.0, amsgrad=False) cvae.compile(optimizer=opt, loss=vae_loss) cvae.summary() # CHECK POINT AND SAVE THE BEST MODEL filepath = "../models/cvae_mixed_%s_%0.f_%s.hdf5" % (dataname, epochs, timestr) ## ToDo, Eraly stop earlystop = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', verbose=1, patience=50) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=True, mode='min') callbacks_list = [earlystop, checkpoint] # Load the data # No mattter train_mode or retrain mode, the validation and test data are the same and they are loaded once the model is built. # For the 7030 tarining and test seting on the same set, the name of training (30%) and validation (70%) are swapped print('Load the validation data ...') V_ = np.load('../processed/%s_validation_data_grid.npz' % dataname) val_obs, val_pred, val_raw, val_obs_og, val_pred_og, val_obs_hmaps, val_pred_hmaps = V_[ 'obs'], V_['pred'], V_['raw'], V_['obs_og'], V_['pred_og'], V_[ 'obs_hmaps'], V_['pred_hmaps'] # Shift one time step for occupancy grid and scene attention val_obs_og = val_obs_og[:, 1:, :] val_obs_hmaps = val_obs_hmaps[:, 1:, ...] # Get the residual of the trajectories val_traj = np.concatenate((val_obs[:, :, 2:4], val_pred[:, :, 2:4]), axis=1) val_traj_r = val_traj[:, 1:, :] - val_traj[:, :-1, :] val_traj_r = val_traj_r * resi_scale val_obs_r, val_pred_r = val_traj_r[:, :obs_seq, :], val_traj_r[:, obs_seq:, :] ## Get User type one-hot encoding val_obs_type = get_type(val_obs, 3, isObservation=True) val_obs_r = np.concatenate((val_obs_r, val_obs_type), axis=-1) # Double check the data shape # Here is the validation realted data print('the shape of val_obs', val_obs_r.shape) print('the shape of val_pred', val_pred_r.shape) print('the number of road users in val_raw', len(np.unique(val_raw[:, 0]))) print('the shape of val_obs_og', val_obs_og.shape) print('the shape of val_pred_og', val_pred_og.shape) print('the shape of val_obs_hmaps', val_obs_hmaps.shape) print('the shape of val_pred_hmaps', val_pred_hmaps.shape) # Construct the heatmap/scene inputs for the model # Please note that during training and validation, in order to calculate latent z, y (ground truth prediction) is visiable # y (ground truth prediction) is not available in testing val_obs_hpinput = mobilenet(val_obs_hmaps, obs_seq) val_pred_hpinput = mobilenet(val_pred_hmaps, pred_seq) print('\nLoad the test data ...') # ============================================================================= # test = np.load('../processed/%s_validation_data_grid.npz'%dataname) # test_obs, test_pred, test_raw, test_obs_og, test_obs_hmaps = test['obs'], test['pred'], test['raw'], test['obs_og'], test['obs_hmaps'] # # Shift one time step for occupancy grid and scene attention # test_obs_og = test_obs_og[:, 1:, :] # test_obs_hmaps = test_obs_hmaps[:, 1:, ...] # # Get the residual of the trajectories # test_traj = np.concatenate((test_obs[:, :, 2:4], test_pred[:, :, 2:4]), axis=1) # test_traj_r = test_traj[:, 1:, :] - test_traj[:, :-1, :] # test_traj_r = test_traj_r*resi_scale # test_obs_r = test_traj_r[:, :obs_seq, :] # ## Get User type one-hot encoding # test_obs_type = get_type(test_obs, 3, isObservation=True) # test_obs_r = np.concatenate((test_obs_r, test_obs_type), axis=-1) # ============================================================================= test_raw = val_raw test_obs = val_obs test_pred = val_pred test_obs_r = val_obs_r # test_pred_r = val_pred_r test_obs_og = val_obs_og # test_pred_og = val_pred_og test_obs_hmaps = val_obs_hmaps # test_pred_hmaps = val_pred_hmaps test_obs_hpinput = val_obs_hpinput # test_pred_hpinput = val_pred_hpinput # Double check the data shape # Here is the testing related data print('the shape of test_obs', test_obs_r.shape) print('the number of road users in test_raw', len(np.unique(test_raw[:, 0]))) print('the shape of test_obs_og', test_obs_og.shape) print('the shape of test_obs_hmaps', test_obs_hmaps.shape) # Construct the heatmap/scene inputs for the model # Please note that during training and validation, in order to calculate latent z, y (ground truth prediction) is visiable # y (ground truth prediction) is not available in testing test_obs_hpinput = mobilenet(test_obs_hmaps, obs_seq) #################### START TRAINING THE CVAE MODEL #################### if train_mode: print("\nload the training data") T_ = np.load('../processed/%s_training_data_grid.npz' % dataname) train_obs, train_pred, train_obs_og, train_pred_og, train_obs_hmaps, train_pred_hmaps = T_[ 'obs'], T_['pred'], T_['obs_og'], T_['pred_og'], T_[ 'obs_hmaps'], T_['pred_hmaps'] print('You are using the scene context from %s' % sceneType) print('Data loaded!') # Shift one time step for occupancy grid and scene attention train_obs_og = train_obs_og[:, 1:, :] train_obs_hmaps = train_obs_hmaps[:, 1:, ...] # Get the residual of the trajectories train_traj = np.concatenate( (train_obs[:, :, 2:4], train_pred[:, :, 2:4]), axis=1) train_traj_r = train_traj[:, 1:, :] - train_traj[:, :-1, :] train_traj_r = train_traj_r * resi_scale train_obs_r, train_pred_r = train_traj_r[:, : obs_seq, :], train_traj_r[:, obs_seq:, :] ## Get User type one-hot encoding train_obs_type = get_type(train_obs, 3, isObservation=True) train_obs_r = np.concatenate((train_obs_r, train_obs_type), axis=-1) # Here is the training related data print('Check the input data...') print('the shape of train_obs', train_obs_r.shape) print('the shape of train_pred', train_pred_r.shape) #print('the number of road users in train_raw', len(np.unique(train_raw[:, 0]))) print('the shape of train_obs_og', train_obs_og.shape) print('the shape of train_pred_og', train_pred_og.shape) print('the shape of train_obs_hmaps', train_obs_hmaps.shape) print('the shape of train_pred_hmaps', train_pred_hmaps.shape) # Construct the heatmap/scene inputs for the model # Please note that during training and validation, in order to calculate latent z, y (ground truth prediction) is visiable # y (ground truth prediction) is not available in testing train_obs_hpinput = mobilenet(train_obs_hmaps, obs_seq) train_pred_hpinput = mobilenet(train_pred_hmaps, pred_seq) print('Start training the CVAE model...') history =[ train_obs_hpinput, train_pred_hpinput, train_obs_og, train_pred_og, train_obs_r, train_pred_r ], y=train_pred_r, shuffle=True, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks_list, validation_data=([ val_obs_hpinput, val_pred_hpinput, val_obs_og, val_pred_og, val_obs_r, val_pred_r ], val_pred_r)) print('Training the CVAE model done!') print('Plotting loss...') plot_loss(history, scale, real_scale, timestr, dataname) print('Plotting done!') ### Here load the best trained model cvae.load_weights(filepath) else: print("\nLoad the trained model") if args.sceneType == 'heatmap': print("The scene context is heatmap") trained_model = "../trained_model/....hdf5" elif args.sceneType == "aerial_photograph": print("The scene context is aerial photograph") trained_model = "../trained_model/....hdf5" elif args.sceneType == 'segmented_map': print("The scene context is segmented map") trained_model = "../trained_model/....hdf5" cvae.load_weights(trained_model) #################### START TESTING #################### # NOTE THAT IN TESTING PHASE, ONLY x (observed trajectory) is available # construct the encoder to get the x_encoded_dense, including heatmap, occupancy, and trajectory sequence information print('Start testing...') print('Construct the CVAE encoder') x_encoder = Model([s_obs_in, o_obs_in, x], x_encoded_dense) x_encoder.summary() # get the x_encoded_dense as latent feature for prediction x_latent = x_encoder.predict([test_obs_hpinput, test_obs_og, test_obs_r], batch_size=batch_size) # CONSTRUCT THE DECODER print('Construct the CVAE decoder') decoder_input = Input(shape=(z_dim + encoder_dim, ), name='decoder_input') _z_d1 = z_decoder1(decoder_input) _z_d2 = z_decoder2(_z_d1) _z_d3 = z_decoder3(_z_d2) _z_d4 = z_decoder4(_z_d3) _z_d5 = z_decoder5(_z_d4) _y_prime = y_decoder(_z_d5) generator = Model(decoder_input, _y_prime) generator.summary() # Save the summary of the model with open( '../models/cvae_mixed_%s_model_summary_%s.txt' % (dataname, timestr), 'w') as f: with redirect_stdout(f): # s_obs_Model.summary() # o_obs_Model.summary() # o_pred_Model.summary() cvae.summary() x_encoder.summary() generator.summary() # START PREDICTING USING THE x_encoded_dense AND SAMPLED LATENT VARIABLE z print('Start predicting...') ### Change the residual back to positions last_obs_test = test_obs[:, -1, 2:4] predictions = [] for i, x_ in enumerate(x_latent): last_pos = last_obs_test[i] x_ = np.reshape(x_, [1, -1]) for i in range(num_pred): # sampling z from a normal distribution z_sample = np.random.rand(1, z_dim) y_p = generator.predict(np.column_stack([z_sample, x_])) y_p = y_p / resi_scale y_p_ = np.concatenate(([last_pos], np.squeeze(y_p)), axis=0) y_p_sum = np.cumsum(y_p_, axis=0) predictions.append(y_p_sum[1:, :]) predictions = np.reshape(predictions, [-1, num_pred, pred_seq, 2]) indexed_predictions = get_index_prediction(test_obs, test_pred, predictions, num_pred, pred_seq) print('Predicting done!') ## this is the error for the sampling (aveage and minimum) classfied_errors = get_classified_errors(test_pred, indexed_predictions, scale / real_scale) ## Select the most likely prediction based on Gaussian rank selected_preds = np.zeros((0, 5)) for pred in indexed_predictions: select_index = gauss_rank(pred) for m, traj in enumerate(pred): if m == select_index: selected_preds = np.vstack((selected_preds, traj)) selected_preds = selected_preds.reshape(indexed_predictions.shape[0], 1, indexed_predictions.shape[2], indexed_predictions.shape[3]) selected_errors = get_classified_errors(test_pred, selected_preds, scale / real_scale) np.savetxt('../results/cvae_mixed_%s_statistic_results_%.2f_%s.txt' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), classfied_errors, delimiter=',') np.savetxt( '../selected_results/cvae_mixed_%s_statistic_results_%.2f_%s.txt' % (dataname, selected_errors[0, 2], timestr), selected_errors, delimiter=',') # Save the predictions print('Start saving the predictions...') '../predictions/cvae_mixed_%s_test_obs_grid_%.2f_%s.npy' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), test_obs) '../predictions/cvae_mixed_%s_test_gt_grid_%.2f_%s.npy' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), test_pred) '../predictions/cvae_mixed_%s_test_predictions_grid_%.2f_%s.npy' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), indexed_predictions) print('Results saved...') # Plotting the predicted trajectories print('Start plotting the predictions...') plot_dir = '../plots/cvae_mixed_%s_plot_%.2f_%s' % ( dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr) if not os.path.exists(plot_dir): os.mkdir(plot_dir) print("Directory cvae_mixed_%s_plot_%.2f_%s" % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr)) else: print("Directory cvae_mixed_%s_plot_%.2f_%s" % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr)) plot_scenarios(test_raw, test_obs, test_pred, indexed_predictions, bg_image, scale, real_scale, plot_dir) print('Plotting Done!') # Save the model configuration with open( '../hyperparameters/cvae_mixed_%s_args_%.2f_%s.txt' % (dataname, classfied_errors[0, 2], timestr), 'w') as f: for arg in vars(args): params = ('%s = %s' % (str(arg), str(getattr(args, arg)))) f.writelines(params) f.writelines('\n')
weights = {'o_P': advantage, 'o_V': np.ones(len(advantage))} #backpropagation history =, [episode_output, episode_r], epochs=EPISODE + 1, batch_size=len(episode_output), callbacks=callbacks_list, sample_weight=weights, initial_epoch=EPISODE) episode_r = [] episode_output = [] episode_state = np.zeros((0, IMAGE_ROWS, IMAGE_COLS, IMAGE_CHANNELS)) episode_critic = [] f = open("rewards/rewards@" + timestr + ".txt", "a") f.write("Update: " + str(EPISODE) + ", Reward_mean: " + str(e_mean) + ", Loss: " + str(history.history['loss']) + "\n") f.close() if EPISODE > 50: # making sure the graph does not look too bad plot_reward(e_mean) plot_loss(history.history['loss']) else: plot_reward(0) plot_loss([1]) if EPISODE % SAVE_FREQUENCY == 0:"saved_models/" + timestr + "/model_updates" + str(EPISODE)) EPISODE += 1
start = time.time() print("========== TRAIN ============") epochs = 0 # TODO: update according to the last model if IMPORT = True for i in range(30): rnn.train_across_buildings(train_mainslist, train_meterlist, val_mainslist, val_meterlist, epochs=10, sample_period=sample_period) epochs += 10 rnn.export_model( os.path.join(results_dir, "UKDALE-RNN-{}-{}epochs.h5".format(meter_key, epochs))) plot_loss(train_logfile, val_logfile, results_dir) print("CHECKPOINT {}".format(epochs)) end = time.time() print("Train =", end - start, "seconds.") headline = "========== DISAGGREGATE ============" with open(results_file, "a") as text_file: text_file.write(headline + '\n') print(headline) # find best model (min validation loss) validation = pd.read_csv(val_logfile) epochs = np.array(validation.as_matrix()[:, 0], dtype='int') loss = np.array(validation.as_matrix()[:, 1], dtype='float32') argmin = np.argmin(loss) best_epoch = epochs[argmin] + 1
if iteration % 100 == 0: counter.append(iteration) loss_history_step.append(loss.item()) iteration += 1 fnet.eval() train_acc.append(get_accuracy(test, 0.5, fnet)) loss_history.append(train_loss) loss_history_d.append(train_d_loss) loss_history_g.append(train_g_loss) print("Epoch number {}\n Current loss {}\n".format(epoch, train_loss)) # Plot plot_loss(loss_history, 'Loss') plot_loss(loss_history_d, 'Training Discriminative Loss') plot_loss(loss_history_g, 'Training Generative Loss') plot_loss(train_acc, 'Accuracy') # Test the model fnet.eval() positive = [] negative = [] tp = 0 tn = 0 fp = 0 fn = 0 threshold = 0.5
validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping]) else: history = pretrained_model.fit_generator( train_gen, steps_per_epoch=nbatches_train, epochs=num_epochs, validation_data=validation_gen, validation_steps=nbatches_validation, callbacks=[early_stopping]) # plot accuracy and loss for train and validation if num_epochs > 1: plots.plot_accuracy(figures_dir, 'accuracy_epochs_resnet50', history) plots.plot_loss(figures_dir, 'loss_epochs_resnet50', history) # load model checkpoint_filename = 'resnet50_best.hdf5' checkpoint_dir = os.path.join('checkpoints', str(bin_size)) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_filename) pretrained_model = load_model( checkpoint_path, custom_objects={'mean_absolute_bin_error': mean_absolute_bin_error}) # evaluate on test set test_gen = custom_generator(df_test, label_encoder, bin_size, False, (224, 224), 1) test_results = pretrained_model.evaluate_generator(test_gen, steps=nbatches_test) test_loss = test_results[0]