def show_score_probs(verif): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.graph.demo DummyVerif.show_score_probs --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.graph.demo import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> infr = ibeis.AnnotInference(None) >>> verif = DummyVerif(infr) >>> verif.show_score_probs() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt dist = verif.score_dist n = 100000 for key in verif.dummy_params.keys(): probs = dist(shape=[n], rng=verif.rng, a_max=1, a_min=0, **verif.dummy_params[key]) color = verif.infr._get_truth_colors()[key] pt.plt.hist(probs, bins=100, label=key, alpha=.8, color=color) pt.legend()
def find_opt_ratio(pblm): """ script to help find the correct value for the ratio threshold >>> from ibeis.algo.verif.vsone import * # NOQA >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN') >>> pblm = OneVsOneProblem.from_empty('GZ_Master1') """ # Find best ratio threshold pblm.load_samples() infr = pblm.infr edges = ut.emap(tuple, pblm.samples.aid_pairs.tolist()) task = pblm.samples['match_state'] pos_idx = task.class_names.tolist().index(POSTV) config = {'ratio_thresh': 1.0, 'sv_on': False} matches = infr._exec_pairwise_match(edges, config) import plottool as pt pt.qtensure() thresholds = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 100) pos_truth = task.y_bin.T[pos_idx] ratio_fs = [m.local_measures['ratio'] for m in matches] aucs = [] # Given the current correspondences: Find the optimal # correspondence threshold. for thresh in ut.ProgIter(thresholds, 'computing thresh'): scores = np.array([fs[fs < thresh].sum() for fs in ratio_fs]) roc = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(pos_truth, scores) aucs.append(roc) aucs = np.array(aucs) opt_auc = aucs.max() opt_thresh = thresholds[aucs.argmax()] if True: pt.plt.plot(thresholds, aucs, 'r-', label='') pt.plt.plot(opt_thresh, opt_auc, 'ro', label='L opt=%r' % (opt_thresh, )) pt.set_ylabel('auc') pt.set_xlabel('ratio threshold') pt.legend()
def compare_data(Y_list_): import ibeis qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_( defaultdb='Oxford', a='oxford', p='smk:nWords=[64000],nAssign=[1],SV=[False],can_match_sameimg=True,dim_size=None' ) qreq_.ensure_data() gamma1s = [] gamma2s = [] print(len(Y_list_)) print(len(qreq_.daids)) dinva = qreq_.dinva bady = [] for Y in Y_list_: aid = Y.aid gamma1 = Y.gamma if aid in dinva.aid_to_idx: idx = dinva.aid_to_idx[aid] gamma2 = dinva.gamma_list[idx] gamma1s.append(gamma1) gamma2s.append(gamma2) else: bady += [Y] print(Y.nid) # print(Y.qual) # ibs = qreq_.ibs # z = ibs.annots([a.aid for a in bady]) import plottool as pt ut.qtensure() gamma1s = np.array(gamma1s) gamma2s = np.array(gamma2s) sortx = gamma1s.argsort() pt.plot(gamma1s[sortx], label='script') pt.plot(gamma2s[sortx], label='pipe') pt.legend()
def ewma(): import plottool as pt import ubelt as ub import numpy as np pt.qtensure() # Investigate the span parameter span = 20 alpha = 2 / (span + 1) # how long does it take for the estimation to hit 0? # (ie, it no longer cares about the initial 1?) # about 93 iterations to get to 1e-4 # about 47 iterations to get to 1e-2 # about 24 iterations to get to 1e-1 # 20 iterations goes to .135 data = ([1] + [0] * 20 + [1] * 40 + [0] * 20 + [1] * 50 + [0] * 20 + [1] * 60 + [0] * 20 + [1] * 165 + [0] * 20 + [0]) mave = [] iter_ = iter(data) current = next(iter_) mave += [current] for x in iter_: current = (alpha * x) + (1 - alpha) * current mave += [current] if False: pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) pt.plot(data) pt.plot(mave) np.where(np.array(mave) < 1e-1) import sympy as sym # span, alpha, n = sym.symbols('span, alpha, n') n = sym.symbols('n', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) span = sym.symbols('span', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) thresh = sym.symbols('thresh', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # alpha = 2 / (span + 1) a, b, c = sym.symbols('a, b, c', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) sym.solve(sym.Eq(b**a, c), a) current = 1 x = 0 steps = [] for _ in range(10): current = (alpha * x) + (1 - alpha) * current steps.append(current) alpha = sym.symbols('alpha', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) base = sym.symbols('base', real=True, finite=True) alpha = 2 / (span + 1) thresh_expr = (1 - alpha)**n thresthresh_exprh_expr = base**n n_expr = sym.ceiling(sym.log(thresh) / sym.log(1 - 2 / (span + 1))) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(thresh_expr)) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(n_expr)) print(sym.latex(sym.simplify(n_expr))) # def calc_n2(span, thresh): # return np.log(thresh) / np.log(1 - 2 / (span + 1)) def calc_n(span, thresh): return np.log(thresh) / np.log((span - 1) / (span + 1)) def calc_thresh_val(n, span): alpha = 2 / (span + 1) return (1 - alpha)**n span = np.arange(2, 200) n_frac = calc_n(span, thresh=.5) n = np.ceil(n_frac) calc_thresh_val(n, span) pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) ydatas = ut.odict([('thresh=%f' % thresh, np.ceil(calc_n(span, thresh=thresh))) for thresh in [1e-3, .01, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5]]) pt.multi_plot( span, ydatas, xlabel='span', ylabel='n iters to acheive thresh', marker='', # num_xticks=len(span), fnum=1) pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') def both_sides(eqn, func): return sym.Eq(func(eqn.lhs), func(eqn.rhs)) eqn = sym.Eq(thresh_expr, thresh) n_expr = sym.solve(eqn, n)[0].subs(base, (1 - alpha)).subs(alpha, (2 / (span + 1))) eqn = both_sides(eqn, lambda x: sym.log(x, (1 - alpha))) lhs = eqn.lhs from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality def eval_expr(span_value, n_value): return np.array( [thresh_expr.subs(span, span_value).subs(n, n_) for n_ in n_value], dtype=np.float) eval_expr(20, np.arange(20)) def linear(x, a, b): return a * x + b def sigmoidal_4pl(x, a, b, c, d): return d + (a - d) / (1 + (x / c)**b) def exponential(x, a, b, c): return a + b * np.exp(-c * x) import scipy.optimize # Determine how to choose span, such that you get to .01 from 1 # in n timesteps thresh_to_span_to_n = [] thresh_to_n_to_span = [] for thresh_value in ub.ProgIter([.0001, .001, .01, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5]): print('') test_vals = sorted([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) n_to_span = [] for n_value in ub.ProgIter(test_vals): # In n iterations I want to choose a span that the expression go # less than a threshold constraint = thresh_expr.subs(n, n_value) < thresh_value solution = solve_univariate_inequality(constraint, span) try: lowbound = np.ceil(float(solution.args[0].lhs)) highbound = np.floor(float(solution.args[1].rhs)) assert lowbound <= highbound span_value = lowbound except AttributeError: span_value = np.floor(float(solution.rhs)) n_to_span.append((n_value, span_value)) # Given a threshold, find a minimum number of steps # that brings you up to that threshold given a span test_vals = sorted(set(list(range(2, 1000, 50)) + [2, 3, 4, 5, 6])) span_to_n = [] for span_value in ub.ProgIter(test_vals): constraint = thresh_expr.subs(span, span_value) < thresh_value solution = solve_univariate_inequality(constraint, n) n_value = solution.lhs span_to_n.append((span_value, n_value)) thresh_to_n_to_span.append((thresh_value, n_to_span)) thresh_to_span_to_n.append((thresh_value, span_to_n)) thresh_to_params = [] for thresh_value, span_to_n in thresh_to_span_to_n: xdata, ydata = [np.array(_, dtype=np.float) for _ in zip(*span_to_n)] p0 = (1 / np.diff((ydata - ydata[0])[1:]).mean(), ydata[0]) func = linear popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata, p0) # popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(exponential, xdata, ydata) if False: yhat = func(xdata, *popt) pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) pt.plot(xdata, ydata, label='measured') pt.plot(xdata, yhat, label='predicteed') pt.legend() # slope = np.diff(ydata).mean() # pt.plot(d) thresh_to_params.append((thresh_value, popt)) # pt.plt.plot(*zip(*thresh_to_slope), 'x-') # for thresh_value=.01, we get a rough line with slop ~2.302, # for thresh_value=.5, we get a line with slop ~34.66 # if we want to get to 0 in n timesteps, with a thresh_value of # choose span=f(thresh_value) * (n + 2)) # f is some inverse exponential # 0.0001, 460.551314197147 # 0.001, 345.413485647860, # 0.01, 230.275657098573, # 0.1, 115.137828549287, # 0.2, 80.4778885203347, # 0.3, 60.2031233261536, # 0.4, 45.8179484913827, # 0.5, 34.6599400289520 # Seems to be 4PL symetrical sigmoid # f(x) = -66500.85 + (66515.88 - -66500.85) / (1 + (x/0.8604672)^0.001503716) # f(x) = -66500.85 + (66515.88 - -66500.85)/(1 + (x/0.8604672)^0.001503716) def f(x): return -66500.85 + (66515.88 - -66500.85) / (1 + (x / 0.8604672)**0.001503716) # return (10000 * (-6.65 + (13.3015) / (1 + (x/0.86) ** 0.00150))) # f(.5) * (n - 1) # f( solve_rational_inequalities(thresh_expr < .01, n)
def iters_until_threshold(): """ How many iterations of ewma until you hit the poisson / biniomal threshold This establishes a principled way to choose the threshold for the refresh criterion in my thesis. There are paramters --- moving parts --- that we need to work with: `a` the patience, `s` the span, and `mu` our ewma. `s` is a span paramter indicating how far we look back. `mu` is the average number of label-changing reviews in roughly the last `s` manual decisions. These numbers are used to estimate the probability that any of the next `a` manual decisions will be label-chanigng. When that probability falls below a threshold we terminate. The goal is to choose `a`, `s`, and the threshold `t`, such that the probability will fall below the threshold after a maximum of `a` consecutive non-label-chaning reviews. IE we want to tie the patience paramter (how far we look ahead) to how far we actually are willing to go. """ import numpy as np import utool as ut import sympy as sym i = sym.symbols('i', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # mu_i = sym.symbols('mu_i', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) s = sym.symbols('s', integer=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # NOQA thresh = sym.symbols('tau', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # NOQA alpha = sym.symbols('alpha', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # NOQA c_alpha = sym.symbols('c_alpha', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) # patience a = sym.symbols('a', real=True, nonnegative=True, finite=True) available_subs = { a: 20, s: a, alpha: 2 / (s + 1), c_alpha: (1 - alpha), } def dosubs(expr, d=available_subs): """ recursive expression substitution """ expr1 = expr.subs(d) if expr == expr1: return expr1 else: return dosubs(expr1, d=d) # mu is either the support for the poisson distribution # or is is the p in the binomial distribution # It is updated at timestep i based on ewma, assuming each incoming responce is 0 mu_0 = 1.0 mu_i = c_alpha**i # Estimate probability that any event will happen in the next `a` reviews # at time `i`. poisson_i = 1 - sym.exp(-mu_i * a) binom_i = 1 - (1 - mu_i)**a # Expand probabilities to be a function of i, s, and a part = ut.delete_dict_keys(available_subs.copy(), [a, s]) mu_i = dosubs(mu_i, d=part) poisson_i = dosubs(poisson_i, d=part) binom_i = dosubs(binom_i, d=part) if True: # ewma of mu at time i if review is always not label-changing (meaningful) mu_1 = c_alpha * mu_0 # NOQA mu_2 = c_alpha * mu_1 # NOQA if True: i_vals = np.arange(0, 100) mu_vals = np.array( [dosubs(mu_i).subs({ i: i_ }).evalf() for i_ in i_vals]) # NOQA binom_vals = np.array( [dosubs(binom_i).subs({ i: i_ }).evalf() for i_ in i_vals]) # NOQA poisson_vals = np.array( [dosubs(poisson_i).subs({ i: i_ }).evalf() for i_ in i_vals]) # NOQA # Find how many iters it actually takes my expt to terminate thesis_draft_thresh = np.exp(-2) np.where(mu_vals < thesis_draft_thresh)[0] np.where(binom_vals < thesis_draft_thresh)[0] np.where(poisson_vals < thesis_draft_thresh)[0] sym.pprint(sym.simplify(mu_i)) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(binom_i)) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(poisson_i)) # Find the thresholds that force termination after `a` reviews have passed # do this by setting i=a poisson_thresh = poisson_i.subs({i: a}) binom_thresh = binom_i.subs({i: a}) print('Poisson thresh') print(sym.latex(sym.Eq(thresh, poisson_thresh))) print(sym.latex(sym.Eq(thresh, sym.simplify(poisson_thresh)))) poisson_thresh.subs({a: 115, s: 30}).evalf() sym.pprint(sym.Eq(thresh, poisson_thresh)) sym.pprint(sym.Eq(thresh, sym.simplify(poisson_thresh))) print('Binomial thresh') sym.pprint(sym.simplify(binom_thresh)) sym.pprint(sym.simplify(poisson_thresh.subs({s: a}))) def taud(coeff): return coeff * 360 if 'poisson_cache' not in vars(): poisson_cache = {} binom_cache = {} S, A = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, 150, 1), np.arange(0, 150, 1)) import plottool as pt SA_coords = list(zip(S.ravel(), A.ravel())) for sval, aval in ut.ProgIter(SA_coords): if (sval, aval) not in poisson_cache: poisson_cache[(sval, aval)] = float( poisson_thresh.subs({ a: aval, s: sval }).evalf()) poisson_zdata = np.array([ poisson_cache[(sval, aval)] for sval, aval in SA_coords ]).reshape(A.shape) fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) pt.gca().set_axis_off() pt.plot_surface3d(S, A, poisson_zdata, xlabel='s', ylabel='a', rstride=3, cstride=3, zlabel='poisson', mode='wire', contour=True, title='poisson3d') pt.gca().set_zlim(0, 1) pt.gca().view_init(elev=taud(1 / 16), azim=taud(5 / 8)) fig.set_size_inches(10, 6) fig.savefig('a-s-t-poisson3d.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) for sval, aval in ut.ProgIter(SA_coords): if (sval, aval) not in binom_cache: binom_cache[(sval, aval)] = float( binom_thresh.subs({ a: aval, s: sval }).evalf()) binom_zdata = np.array([ binom_cache[(sval, aval)] for sval, aval in SA_coords ]).reshape(A.shape) fig = pt.figure(fnum=2, doclf=True) pt.gca().set_axis_off() pt.plot_surface3d(S, A, binom_zdata, xlabel='s', ylabel='a', rstride=3, cstride=3, zlabel='binom', mode='wire', contour=True, title='binom3d') pt.gca().set_zlim(0, 1) pt.gca().view_init(elev=taud(1 / 16), azim=taud(5 / 8)) fig.set_size_inches(10, 6) fig.savefig('a-s-t-binom3d.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) # Find point on the surface that achieves a reasonable threshold # Sympy can't solve this # sym.solve(sym.Eq(binom_thresh.subs({s: 50}), .05)) # sym.solve(sym.Eq(poisson_thresh.subs({s: 50}), .05)) # Find a numerical solution def solve_numeric(expr, target, solve_for, fixed={}, method=None, bounds=None): """ Args: expr (Expr): symbolic expression target (float): numberic value solve_for (sympy.Symbol): The symbol you care about fixed (dict): fixed values of the symbol solve_numeric(poisson_thresh, .05, {s: 30}, method=None) solve_numeric(poisson_thresh, .05, {s: 30}, method='Nelder-Mead') solve_numeric(poisson_thresh, .05, {s: 30}, method='BFGS') """ import scipy.optimize # Find the symbol you want to solve for want_symbols = expr.free_symbols - set(fixed.keys()) # TODO: can probably extend this to multiple params assert len(want_symbols) == 1, 'specify all but one var' assert solve_for == list(want_symbols)[0] fixed_expr = expr.subs(fixed) def func(a1): expr_value = float(fixed_expr.subs({solve_for: a1}).evalf()) return (expr_value - target)**2 if not fixed: a1 = 0 else: a1 = list(fixed.values())[0] # if method is None: # method = 'Nelder-Mead' # method = 'Newton-CG' # method = 'BFGS' result = scipy.optimize.minimize(func, x0=a1, method=method, bounds=bounds) if not result.success: print('\n') print(result) print('\n') return result # Numeric measurments of thie line thresh_vals = [.001, .01, .05, .1, .135] svals = np.arange(1, 100) target_poisson_plots = {} for target in ut.ProgIter(thresh_vals, bs=False, freq=1): poisson_avals = [] for sval in ut.ProgIter(svals, 'poisson', freq=1): expr = poisson_thresh fixed = {s: sval} want = a aval = solve_numeric(expr, target, want, fixed, method='Nelder-Mead').x[0] poisson_avals.append(aval) target_poisson_plots[target] = (svals, poisson_avals) fig = pt.figure(fnum=3) for target, dat in target_poisson_plots.items(): pt.plt.plot(*dat, label='prob={}'.format(target)) pt.gca().set_xlabel('s') pt.gca().set_ylabel('a') pt.legend() pt.gca().set_title('poisson') fig.set_size_inches(5, 3) fig.savefig('a-vs-s-poisson.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) target_binom_plots = {} for target in ut.ProgIter(thresh_vals, bs=False, freq=1): binom_avals = [] for sval in ut.ProgIter(svals, 'binom', freq=1): aval = solve_numeric(binom_thresh, target, a, { s: sval }, method='Nelder-Mead').x[0] binom_avals.append(aval) target_binom_plots[target] = (svals, binom_avals) fig = pt.figure(fnum=4) for target, dat in target_binom_plots.items(): pt.plt.plot(*dat, label='prob={}'.format(target)) pt.gca().set_xlabel('s') pt.gca().set_ylabel('a') pt.legend() pt.gca().set_title('binom') fig.set_size_inches(5, 3) fig.savefig('a-vs-s-binom.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) # ---- if True: fig = pt.figure(fnum=5, doclf=True) s_vals = [1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] for sval in s_vals: pp = poisson_thresh.subs({s: sval}) a_vals = np.arange(0, 200) pp_vals = np.array( [float(pp.subs({ a: aval }).evalf()) for aval in a_vals]) # NOQA pt.plot(a_vals, pp_vals, label='s=%r' % (sval, )) pt.legend() pt.gca().set_xlabel('a') pt.gca().set_ylabel('poisson prob after a reviews') fig.set_size_inches(5, 3) fig.savefig('a-vs-thresh-poisson.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) fig = pt.figure(fnum=6, doclf=True) s_vals = [1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] for sval in s_vals: pp = binom_thresh.subs({s: sval}) a_vals = np.arange(0, 200) pp_vals = np.array( [float(pp.subs({ a: aval }).evalf()) for aval in a_vals]) # NOQA pt.plot(a_vals, pp_vals, label='s=%r' % (sval, )) pt.legend() pt.gca().set_xlabel('a') pt.gca().set_ylabel('binom prob after a reviews') fig.set_size_inches(5, 3) fig.savefig('a-vs-thresh-binom.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) # ------- fig = pt.figure(fnum=5, doclf=True) a_vals = [1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] for aval in a_vals: pp = poisson_thresh.subs({a: aval}) s_vals = np.arange(1, 200) pp_vals = np.array( [float(pp.subs({ s: sval }).evalf()) for sval in s_vals]) # NOQA pt.plot(s_vals, pp_vals, label='a=%r' % (aval, )) pt.legend() pt.gca().set_xlabel('s') pt.gca().set_ylabel('poisson prob') fig.set_size_inches(5, 3) fig.savefig('s-vs-thresh-poisson.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) fig = pt.figure(fnum=5, doclf=True) a_vals = [1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] for aval in a_vals: pp = binom_thresh.subs({a: aval}) s_vals = np.arange(1, 200) pp_vals = np.array( [float(pp.subs({ s: sval }).evalf()) for sval in s_vals]) # NOQA pt.plot(s_vals, pp_vals, label='a=%r' % (aval, )) pt.legend() pt.gca().set_xlabel('s') pt.gca().set_ylabel('binom prob') fig.set_size_inches(5, 3) fig.savefig('s-vs-thresh-binom.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches=pt.extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True)) #--------------------- # Plot out a table mu_i.subs({s: 75, a: 75}).evalf() poisson_thresh.subs({s: 75, a: 75}).evalf() sval = 50 for target, dat in target_poisson_plots.items(): slope = np.median(np.diff(dat[1])) aval = int(np.ceil(sval * slope)) thresh = float(poisson_thresh.subs({s: sval, a: aval}).evalf()) print('aval={}, sval={}, thresh={}, target={}'.format( aval, sval, thresh, target)) for target, dat in target_binom_plots.items(): slope = np.median(np.diff(dat[1])) aval = int(np.ceil(sval * slope)) pass
def flann_add_time_experiment(): """ builds plot of number of annotations vs indexer build time. TODO: time experiment CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-flann_add_time_experiment --db PZ_MTEST --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-flann_add_time_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --show -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-flann_add_time_experiment --show valgrind --tool=memcheck --suppressions=valgrind-python.supp python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-flann_add_time_experiment --db PZ_MTEST --no-with-reindex Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> result = flann_add_time_experiment() >>> # verify results >>> print(result) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis import utool as ut import numpy as np import plottool as pt def make_flann_index(vecs, flann_params): flann = pyflann.FLANN() flann.build_index(vecs, **flann_params) return flann db = ut.get_argval('--db') ibs = ibeis.opendb(db=db) # Input if ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_MTEST': initial = 1 reindex_stride = 16 addition_stride = 4 max_ceiling = 120 elif ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_Master0': #ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='GZ_ALL') initial = 32 reindex_stride = 32 addition_stride = 16 max_ceiling = 300001 else: assert False #max_ceiling = 32 all_daids = ibs.get_valid_aids() max_num = min(max_ceiling, len(all_daids)) flann_params = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.get_flann_params() # Output count_list, time_list_reindex = [], [] count_list2, time_list_addition = [], [] # Setup #all_randomize_daids_ = ut.deterministic_shuffle(all_daids[:]) all_randomize_daids_ = all_daids # ensure all features are computed ibs.get_annot_vecs(all_randomize_daids_) def reindex_step(count, count_list, time_list_reindex): daids = all_randomize_daids_[0:count] vecs = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs(daids)) with ut.Timer(verbose=False) as t: flann = make_flann_index(vecs, flann_params) # NOQA count_list.append(count) time_list_reindex.append(t.ellapsed) def addition_step(count, flann, count_list2, time_list_addition): daids = all_randomize_daids_[count:count + 1] vecs = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs(daids)) with ut.Timer(verbose=False) as t: flann.add_points(vecs) count_list2.append(count) time_list_addition.append(t.ellapsed) def make_initial_index(initial): daids = all_randomize_daids_[0:initial + 1] vecs = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs(daids)) flann = make_flann_index(vecs, flann_params) return flann WITH_REINDEX = not ut.get_argflag('--no-with-reindex') if WITH_REINDEX: # Reindex Part reindex_lbl = 'Reindexing' _reindex_iter = range(1, max_num, reindex_stride) reindex_iter = ut.ProgressIter(_reindex_iter, lbl=reindex_lbl, freq=1) for count in reindex_iter: reindex_step(count, count_list, time_list_reindex) # Add Part flann = make_initial_index(initial) addition_lbl = 'Addition' _addition_iter = range(initial + 1, max_num, addition_stride) addition_iter = ut.ProgressIter(_addition_iter, lbl=addition_lbl) for count in addition_iter: addition_step(count, flann, count_list2, time_list_addition) print('---') print('Reindex took time_list_reindex %.2s seconds' % sum(time_list_reindex)) print('Addition took time_list_reindex %.2s seconds' % sum(time_list_addition)) print('---') statskw = dict(precision=2, newlines=True) print('Reindex stats ' + ut.get_stats_str(time_list_reindex, **statskw)) print('Addition stats ' + ut.get_stats_str(time_list_addition, **statskw)) print('Plotting') #with pt.FigureContext: next_fnum = iter(range(0, 2)).next # python3 PY3 pt.figure(fnum=next_fnum()) if WITH_REINDEX: pt.plot2(count_list, time_list_reindex, marker='-o', equal_aspect=False, x_label='num_annotations', label=reindex_lbl + ' Time', dark=False) #pt.figure(fnum=next_fnum()) pt.plot2(count_list2, time_list_addition, marker='-o', equal_aspect=False, x_label='num_annotations', label=addition_lbl + ' Time') pt pt.legend()
def augment_nnindexer_experiment(): """ References: CommandLine: -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_MTEST --diskshow --adjust=.1 --save "augment_experiment_{db}.png" --dpath='.' --dpi=180 --figsize=9,6 python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --diskshow --adjust=.1 --save "augment_experiment_{db}.png" --dpath='.' --dpi=180 --figsize=9,6 --nosave-flann --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --diskshow --adjust=.1 --save "augment_experiment_{db}.png" --dpath='.' --dpi=180 --figsize=9,6 --nosave-flann --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --diskshow --adjust=.1 --save "augment_experiment_{db}.png" --dpath='.' --dpi=180 --figsize=9,6 --nosave-flann --no-api-cache --nocache-uuids python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_MTEST --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --show # RUNS THE SEGFAULTING CASE python -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --show # Debug it gdb python run -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --show gdb python run -m ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment --test-augment_nnindexer_experiment --db PZ_Master0 --diskshow --adjust=.1 --save "augment_experiment_{db}.png" --dpath='.' --dpi=180 --figsize=9,6 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots._neighbor_experiment import * # NOQA >>> # execute function >>> augment_nnindexer_experiment() >>> # verify results >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis # build test data #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master0') if ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_MTEST': initial = 1 addition_stride = 4 max_ceiling = 100 elif ibs.get_dbname() == 'PZ_Master0': initial = 128 #addition_stride = 64 #addition_stride = 128 addition_stride = 256 max_ceiling = 10000 #max_ceiling = 4000 #max_ceiling = 2000 #max_ceiling = 600 else: assert False all_daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species='zebra_plains') qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(all_daids, all_daids) max_num = min(max_ceiling, len(all_daids)) # Clear Caches ibs.delete_flann_cachedir() neighbor_index_cache.clear_memcache() neighbor_index_cache.clear_uuid_cache(qreq_) # Setup all_randomize_daids_ = ut.deterministic_shuffle(all_daids[:]) # ensure all features are computed #ibs.get_annot_vecs(all_randomize_daids_, ensure=True) #ibs.get_annot_fgweights(all_randomize_daids_, ensure=True) nnindexer_list = [] addition_lbl = 'Addition' _addition_iter = list(range(initial + 1, max_num, addition_stride)) addition_iter = iter(ut.ProgressIter(_addition_iter, lbl=addition_lbl, freq=1, autoadjust=False)) time_list_addition = [] #time_list_reindex = [] addition_count_list = [] tmp_cfgstr_list = [] #for _ in range(80): # next(addition_iter) try: memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker(disable=False) for count in addition_iter: aid_list_ = all_randomize_daids_[0:count] # Request an indexer which could be an augmented version of an existing indexer. with ut.Timer(verbose=False) as t:'BEFORE AUGMENT') nnindexer_ = neighbor_index_cache.request_augmented_ibeis_nnindexer(qreq_, aid_list_)'AFTER AUGMENT') nnindexer_list.append(nnindexer_) addition_count_list.append(count) time_list_addition.append(t.ellapsed) tmp_cfgstr_list.append(nnindexer_.cfgstr) print('===============\n\n') print(ut.list_str(time_list_addition)) print(ut.list_str(list(map(id, nnindexer_list)))) print(ut.list_str(tmp_cfgstr_list)) print(ut.list_str(list([nnindxer.cfgstr for nnindxer in nnindexer_list]))) IS_SMALL = False if IS_SMALL: nnindexer_list = [] reindex_label = 'Reindex' # go backwards for reindex _reindex_iter = list(range(initial + 1, max_num, addition_stride))[::-1] reindex_iter = ut.ProgressIter(_reindex_iter, lbl=reindex_label) time_list_reindex = [] #time_list_reindex = [] reindex_count_list = [] for count in reindex_iter: print('\n+===PREDONE====================\n') # check only a single size for memory leaks #count = max_num // 16 + ((x % 6) * 1) #x += 1 aid_list_ = all_randomize_daids_[0:count] # Call the same code, but force rebuilds'BEFORE REINDEX') with ut.Timer(verbose=False) as t: nnindexer_ = neighbor_index_cache.request_augmented_ibeis_nnindexer( qreq_, aid_list_, force_rebuild=True, memtrack=memtrack)'AFTER REINDEX') ibs.print_cachestats_str() print('[nnindex.MEMCACHE] size(NEIGHBOR_CACHE) = %s' % ( ut.get_object_size_str(neighbor_index_cache.NEIGHBOR_CACHE.items()),)) print('[nnindex.MEMCACHE] len(NEIGHBOR_CACHE) = %s' % ( len(neighbor_index_cache.NEIGHBOR_CACHE.items()),)) print('[nnindex.MEMCACHE] size(UUID_MAP_CACHE) = %s' % ( ut.get_object_size_str(neighbor_index_cache.UUID_MAP_CACHE),)) print('totalsize(nnindexer) = ' + ut.get_object_size_str(nnindexer_)) memtrack.report_type(neighbor_index_cache.NeighborIndex) ut.print_object_size_tree(nnindexer_, lbl='nnindexer_') if IS_SMALL: nnindexer_list.append(nnindexer_) reindex_count_list.append(count) time_list_reindex.append(t.ellapsed) #import cv2 #import matplotlib as mpl #print(mem_top.mem_top(limit=30, width=120, # #exclude_refs=[cv2.__dict__, mpl.__dict__] # )) print('L___________________\n\n\n') print(ut.list_str(time_list_reindex)) if IS_SMALL: print(ut.list_str(list(map(id, nnindexer_list)))) print(ut.list_str(list([nnindxer.cfgstr for nnindxer in nnindexer_list]))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n[train] Caught CRTL+C') resolution = '' from six.moves import input while not (resolution.isdigit()): print('\n[train] What do you want to do?') print('[train] 0 - Continue') print('[train] 1 - Embed') print('[train] ELSE - Stop network training') resolution = input('[train] Resolution: ') resolution = int(resolution) # We have a resolution if resolution == 0: print('resuming training...') elif resolution == 1: ut.embed() import plottool as pt next_fnum = iter(range(0, 1)).next # python3 PY3 pt.figure(fnum=next_fnum()) if len(addition_count_list) > 0: pt.plot2(addition_count_list, time_list_addition, marker='-o', equal_aspect=False, x_label='num_annotations', label=addition_lbl + ' Time') if len(reindex_count_list) > 0: pt.plot2(reindex_count_list, time_list_reindex, marker='-o', equal_aspect=False, x_label='num_annotations', label=reindex_label + ' Time') pt.set_figtitle('Augmented indexer experiment') pt.legend()
def in_depth_ellipse(kp): """ Makes sure that I understand how the ellipse is created form a keypoint representation. Walks through the steps I took in coming to an understanding. CommandLine: python -m pyhesaff.tests.test_ellipse --test-in_depth_ellipse --show --num-samples=12 Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from pyhesaff.tests.test_ellipse import * # NOQA >>> import pyhesaff.tests.pyhestest as pyhestest >>> test_data = pyhestest.load_test_data(short=True) >>> kpts = test_data['kpts'] >>> kp = kpts[0] >>> #kp = np.array([0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0]) >>> test_locals = in_depth_ellipse(kp) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt #nSamples = 12 nSamples = ut.get_argval('--num-samples', type_=int, default=12) kp = np.array(kp, dtype=np.float64) #----------------------- # SETUP #----------------------- np.set_printoptions(precision=3) #pt.reset() pt.figure(9003, docla=True, doclf=True) ax = pt.gca() ax.invert_yaxis() def _plotpts(data, px, color=pt.BLUE, label='', marker='.', **kwargs): #pt.figure(9003, docla=True, pnum=(1, 1, px)) pt.plot2(data.T[0], data.T[1], marker, '', color=color, label=label, **kwargs) #pt.update() def _plotarrow(x, y, dx, dy, color=pt.BLUE, label=''): ax = pt.gca() arrowargs = dict(head_width=.5, length_includes_head=True, label=label) arrow = mpl.patches.FancyArrow(x, y, dx, dy, **arrowargs) arrow.set_edgecolor(color) arrow.set_facecolor(color) ax.add_patch(arrow) #pt.update() #----------------------- # INPUT #----------------------- print('kp = %s' % ut.repr2(kp, precision=3)) print('--------------------------------') print('Let V = Perdoch.A') print('Let Z = Perdoch.E') print('Let invV = Perdoch.invA') print('--------------------------------') print('Input from Perdoch\'s detector: ') # We are given the keypoint in invA format if len(kp) == 5: (ix, iy, iv11, iv21, iv22) = kp iv12 = 0 elif len(kp) == 6: (ix, iy, iv11, iv21, iv22, ori) = kp iv12 = 0 invV = np.array([[iv11, iv12, ix], [iv21, iv22, iy], [0, 0, 1]]) V = np.linalg.inv(invV) Z = (V.T).dot(V) import vtool as vt V_2x2 = V[0:2, 0:2] Z_2x2 = Z[0:2, 0:2] V_2x2_ = vt.decompose_Z_to_V_2x2(Z_2x2) assert np.all(np.isclose(V_2x2, V_2x2_)) #C = np.linalg.cholesky(Z) #np.isclose(, Z) #Z print('invV is a transform from points on a unit-circle to the ellipse') ut.horiz_print('invV = ', invV) print('--------------------------------') print('V is a transformation from points on the ellipse to a unit circle') ut.horiz_print('V = ', V) print('--------------------------------') print('An ellipse is a special case of a conic. For any ellipse:') print( 'Points on the ellipse satisfy (x_ - x_0) - x_0) = 1') print('where Z = (V.T).dot(V)') ut.horiz_print('Z = ', Z) # Define points on a unit circle theta_list = np.linspace(0, TAU, nSamples) cicrle_pts = np.array([(np.cos(t_), np.sin(t_), 1) for t_ in theta_list]) # Transform those points to the ellipse using invV ellipse_pts1 = #Lets check our assertion: (x_ - x_0) - x_0) == 1 x_0 = np.array([ix, iy, 1]) checks = [(x_ - x_0) - x_0) for x_ in ellipse_pts1] try: # HELP: The phase is off here. in 3x3 version I'm not sure why #assert all([almost_eq(1, check) for check in checks1]) is_almost_eq_pos1 = [ut.almost_eq(1, check) for check in checks] is_almost_eq_neg1 = [ut.almost_eq(-1, check) for check in checks] assert all(is_almost_eq_pos1) except AssertionError as ex: print('circle pts = %r ' % cicrle_pts) print(ex) print(checks) print([ut.almost_eq(-1, check, 1E-9) for check in checks]) raise else: #assert all([abs(1 - check) < 1E-11 for check in checks2]) print('... all of our plotted points satisfy this') #======================= # THE CONIC SECTION #======================= # All of this was from the Perdoch paper, now lets move into conic sections # We will use the notation from wikipedia # References: # # #----------------------- # MATRIX REPRESENTATION #----------------------- # The matrix representation of a conic is: #(A, B2, B2_, C) = Z.flatten() #(D, E, F) = (0, 0, 1) (A, B2, D2, B2_, C, E2, D2_, E2_, F) = Z.flatten() B = B2 * 2 D = D2 * 2 E = E2 * 2 assert B2 == B2_, 'matrix should by symmetric' assert D2 == D2_, 'matrix should by symmetric' assert E2 == E2_, 'matrix should by symmetric' print('--------------------------------') print('Now, using wikipedia\' matrix representation of a conic.') con = np.array(((' A', 'B / 2', 'D / 2'), ('B / 2', ' C', 'E / 2'), ('D / 2', 'E / 2', ' F'))) ut.horiz_print('A matrix A_Q = ', con) # A_Q is our conic section (aka ellipse matrix) A_Q = np.array(((A, B / 2, D / 2), (B / 2, C, E / 2), (D / 2, E / 2, F))) ut.horiz_print('A_Q = ', A_Q) #----------------------- # DEGENERATE CONICS # References: # print('----------------------------------') print('As long as det(A_Q) != it is not degenerate.') print('If the conic is not degenerate, we can use the 2x2 minor: A_33') print('det(A_Q) = %s' % str(np.linalg.det(A_Q))) assert np.linalg.det(A_Q) != 0, 'degenerate conic' A_33 = np.array(((A, B / 2), (B / 2, C))) ut.horiz_print('A_33 = ', A_33) #----------------------- # CONIC CLASSIFICATION #----------------------- print('----------------------------------') print('The determinant of the minor classifies the type of conic it is') print('(det == 0): parabola, (det < 0): hyperbola, (det > 0): ellipse') print('det(A_33) = %s' % str(np.linalg.det(A_33))) assert np.linalg.det(A_33) > 0, 'conic is not an ellipse' print('... this is indeed an ellipse') #----------------------- # CONIC CENTER #----------------------- print('----------------------------------') print('the centers of the ellipse are obtained by: ') print('x_center = (B * E - (2 * C * D)) / (4 * A * C - B ** 2)') print('y_center = (D * B - (2 * A * E)) / (4 * A * C - B ** 2)') # Centers are obtained by solving for where the gradient of the quadratic # becomes 0. Without going through the derivation the calculation is... # These should be 0, 0 if we are at the origin, or our original x, y # coordinate specified by the keypoints. I'm doing the calculation just for # shits and giggles x_center = (B * E - (2 * C * D)) / (4 * A * C - B**2) y_center = (D * B - (2 * A * E)) / (4 * A * C - B**2) ut.horiz_print('x_center = ', x_center) ut.horiz_print('y_center = ', y_center) #----------------------- # MAJOR AND MINOR AXES #----------------------- # Now we are going to determine the major and minor axis # of this beast. It just the center augmented by the eigenvecs print('----------------------------------') # Plot ellipse axis # !HELP! I DO NOT KNOW WHY I HAVE TO DIVIDE, SQUARE ROOT, AND NEGATE!!! (evals, evecs) = np.linalg.eig(A_33) l1, l2 = evals # The major and minor axis lengths b = 1 / np.sqrt(l1) a = 1 / np.sqrt(l2) v1, v2 = evecs # Find the transformation to align the axis nminor = v1 nmajor = v2 dx1, dy1 = (v1 * b) dx2, dy2 = (v2 * a) minor = np.array([dx1, -dy1]) major = np.array([dx2, -dy2]) x_axis = np.array([[1], [0]]) cosang = ( # Rotation angle theta = np.arccos(cosang) print('a = ' + str(a)) print('b = ' + str(b)) print('theta = ' + str(theta[0] / TAU) + ' * 2pi') # The warped eigenvects should have the same magintude # As the axis lengths assert ut.almost_eq(a,[0]) assert ut.almost_eq(b,[1]) try: # HACK if len(theta) == 1: theta = theta[0] except Exception: pass #----------------------- # ECCENTRICITY #----------------------- print('----------------------------------') print('The eccentricity is determined by:') print('') print(' (2 * np.sqrt((A - C) ** 2 + B ** 2)) ') print('ecc = -----------------------------------------------') print(' (nu * (A + C) + np.sqrt((A - C) ** 2 + B ** 2))') print('') print('(nu is always 1 for ellipses)') nu = 1 ecc_numer = (2 * np.sqrt((A - C)**2 + B**2)) ecc_denom = (nu * (A + C) + np.sqrt((A - C)**2 + B**2)) ecc = np.sqrt(ecc_numer / ecc_denom) print('ecc = ' + str(ecc)) # Eccentricity is a little easier in axis aligned coordinates # Make sure they aggree ecc2 = np.sqrt(1 - (b**2) / (a**2)) assert ut.almost_eq(ecc, ecc2) #----------------------- # APPROXIMATE UNIFORM SAMPLING #----------------------- # We are given the keypoint in invA format print('----------------------------------') print('Approximate uniform points an inscribed polygon bondary') #def next_xy(x, y, d): # # References: # # # num = (b ** 2) * (x ** 2) # den = ((a ** 2) * ((a ** 2) - (x ** 2))) # dxdenom = np.sqrt(1 + (num / den)) # deltax = d / dxdenom # x_ = x + deltax # y_ = b * np.sqrt(1 - (x_ ** 2) / (a ** 2)) # return x_, y_ def xy_fn(t): return np.array((a * np.cos(t), b * np.sin(t))).T #nSamples = 16 #(ix, iy, iv11, iv21, iv22), iv12 = kp, 0 #invV = np.array([[iv11, iv12, ix], # [iv21, iv22, iy], # [ 0, 0, 1]]) #theta_list = np.linspace(0, TAU, nSamples) #cicrle_pts = np.array([(np.cos(t_), np.sin(t_), 1) for t_ in theta_list]) uneven_points =[:, 0:2] #uneven_points2 = xy_fn(theta_list) def circular_distance(arr): dist_most_ = ((arr[0:-1] - arr[1:])**2).sum(1) dist_end_ = ((arr[-1] - arr[0])**2).sum() return np.sqrt(np.hstack((dist_most_, dist_end_))) # Calculate the distance from each point on the ellipse to the next dists = circular_distance(uneven_points) total_dist = dists.sum() # Get an even step size multiplier = 1 step_size = total_dist / (nSamples * multiplier) # Walk along edge num_steps_list = [] offset_list = [] dist_walked = 0 total_dist = step_size for count in range(len(dists)): segment_len = dists[count] # Find where your starting location is offset_list.append(total_dist - dist_walked) # How far can you possibly go? total_dist += segment_len # How many steps can you take? num_steps = int((total_dist - dist_walked) // step_size) num_steps_list.append(num_steps) # Log how much further youve gotten dist_walked += (num_steps * step_size) #print('step_size = %r' % step_size) #print(np.vstack((num_steps_list, dists, offset_list)).T) # store the percent location at each line segment where # the cut will be made cut_list = [] for num, dist, offset in zip(num_steps_list, dists, offset_list): if num == 0: cut_list.append([]) continue offset1 = (step_size - offset) / dist offset2 = ((num * step_size) - offset) / dist cut_locs = (np.linspace(offset1, offset2, num, endpoint=True)) cut_list.append(cut_locs) #print(cut_locs) # Cut the segments into new better segments approx_pts = [] nPts = len(uneven_points) for count, cut_locs in enumerate(cut_list): for loc in cut_locs: pt1 = uneven_points[count] pt2 = uneven_points[(count + 1) % nPts] # Linearly interpolate between points new_loc = ((1 - loc) * pt1) + ((loc) * pt2) approx_pts.append(new_loc) approx_pts = np.array(approx_pts) # Warp approx_pts to the unit circle print('----------------------------------') print('For each aproximate point, find the closet point on the ellipse') #new_unit = ones_ = np.ones(len(approx_pts)) new_hlocs = np.vstack((approx_pts.T, ones_)) new_unit = # normalize new_unit new_mag = np.sqrt((new_unit**2).sum(1)) new_unorm_unit = new_unit / np.vstack([new_mag] * 3).T new_norm_unit = new_unorm_unit / np.vstack([new_unorm_unit[:, 2]] * 3).T # Get angle (might not be necessary) x_axis = np.array([1, 0, 0]) arccos_list = uniform_theta_list = np.arccos(arccos_list) # Maybe this? uniform_theta_list = np.arctan2(new_norm_unit[:, 1], new_norm_unit[:, 0]) # unevn_cicrle_pts = np.array([(np.cos(t_), np.sin(t_), 1) for t_ in uniform_theta_list]) # This is the output. Approximately uniform points sampled along an ellipse uniform_ell_pts = #uniform_ell_pts = _plotpts(approx_pts, 0, pt.YELLOW, label='approx points', marker='o-') _plotpts(uniform_ell_pts, 0, pt.RED, label='uniform points', marker='o-') # Desired number of points #ecc = np.sqrt(1 - (b ** 2) / (a ** 2)) # Total arclength #total_arclen = ellipeinc(TAU, ecc) #firstquad_arclen = total_arclen / 4 # Desired arclength between points #d = firstquad_arclen / nSamples # Initial point #x, y = xy_fn(.001) #uniform_points = [] #for count in range(nSamples): # if np.isnan(x_) or np.isnan(y_): # print('nan on count=%r' % count) # break # uniform_points.append((x_, y_)) # The angle between the major axis and our x axis is: #----------------------- # DRAWING #----------------------- print('----------------------------------') # Draw the keypoint using the tried and true pt # Other things should subsiquently align #pt.draw_kpts2(np.array([kp]), ell_linewidth=4, # ell_color=pt.DEEP_PINK, ell_alpha=1, arrow=True, rect=True) # Plot ellipse points _plotpts(ellipse_pts1, 0, pt.LIGHT_BLUE, label='', marker='o-') _plotarrow(x_center, y_center, dx1, -dy1, color=pt.GRAY, label='minor axis') _plotarrow(x_center, y_center, dx2, -dy2, color=pt.GRAY, label='major axis') # Rotate the ellipse so it is axis aligned and plot that rot = ltool.rotation_around_mat3x3(theta, ix, iy) ellipse_pts3 = #!_plotpts(ellipse_pts3, 0, pt.GREEN, label='axis aligned points') # Plot ellipse orientation ortho_basis = np.eye(3)[:, 0:2] orient_axis = print(orient_axis) _dx1, _dx2, _dy1, _dy2, _1, _2 = orient_axis.flatten() #!_plotarrow(x_center, y_center, _dx1, _dy1, color=pt.BLUE, label='ellipse rotation') #!_plotarrow(x_center, y_center, _dx2, _dy2, color=pt.BLUE) #pt.plt.gca().set_xlim(400, 600) #pt.plt.gca().set_ylim(300, 500) xmin, ymin = ellipse_pts1.min(0)[0:2] - 1 xmax, ymax = ellipse_pts1.max(0)[0:2] + 1 pt.plt.gca().set_xlim(xmin, xmax) pt.plt.gca().set_ylim(ymin, ymax) pt.legend() pt.dark_background(doubleit=3) pt.gca().invert_yaxis() # Hack in another view # It seems like the even points are not actually that even. # there must be a bug pt.figure(fnum=9003 + 1, docla=True, doclf=True, pnum=(1, 3, 1)) _plotpts(ellipse_pts1, 0, pt.LIGHT_BLUE, label='', marker='o-', title='even') pt.plt.gca().set_xlim(xmin, xmax) pt.plt.gca().set_ylim(ymin, ymax) pt.dark_background(doubleit=3) pt.gca().invert_yaxis() pt.figure(fnum=9003 + 1, pnum=(1, 3, 2)) _plotpts(approx_pts, 0, pt.YELLOW, label='approx points', marker='o-', title='approx') pt.plt.gca().set_xlim(xmin, xmax) pt.plt.gca().set_ylim(ymin, ymax) pt.dark_background(doubleit=3) pt.gca().invert_yaxis() pt.figure(fnum=9003 + 1, pnum=(1, 3, 3)) _plotpts(uniform_ell_pts, 0, pt.RED, label='uniform points', marker='o-', title='uniform') pt.plt.gca().set_xlim(xmin, xmax) pt.plt.gca().set_ylim(ymin, ymax) pt.dark_background(doubleit=3) pt.gca().invert_yaxis() return locals()
def shadowform_probability(): """ its hearthstone, but whatev probability of raza + no shadowform on turn 5 + probability of raza + shadowform on turn 5 + probability of kazakus turn 4, raza turn 5, + no shadowform """ from scipy.stats import hypergeom def p_badstuff_shadowform(turn=5, hand_size=3): deck_size = 30 num_shadowform = 2 def prob_nohave_card_never_mulled(copies=2, hand_size=3): deck_size = 30 prb = hypergeom(deck_size, copies, hand_size) # P(initial_miss) p_none_premul = prb.cdf(0) # GIVEN that we mul our first 3 what is prob we still are unlucky # P(miss_turn0 | initial_miss) prb = hypergeom(deck_size - hand_size, copies, hand_size) p_none_in_mul = prb.cdf(0) # TODO: add constraints about 2 drops # P(miss_turn0) = P(miss_turn0 | initial_miss) * P(initial_miss) p_none_at_start = p_none_in_mul * p_none_premul return p_none_at_start def prob_nohave_card_always_mulled(copies=2, hand_size=3): # probability of getting the card initially p_none_premul = hypergeom(deck_size, copies, hand_size).cdf(0) # probability of getting the card if everything is thrown away # (TODO: factor in the probability that you need to keep something) # for now its fine because if we keep shadowform the end calculation is fine p_nohave_postmul_given_nohave = hypergeom(deck_size - hand_size, copies, hand_size).cdf(0) # not necessary, but it shows the theory p_nohave_postmul_given_had = 1 p_nohave_turn0 = ( p_nohave_postmul_given_nohave * p_none_premul + (1 - p_none_premul) * p_nohave_postmul_given_had ) return p_nohave_turn0 def prob_nohave_by_turn(p_none_turn0, turn, copies, hand_size): # P(miss_turnN | miss_mul) p_none_turnN_given_mulmis = hypergeom(deck_size - hand_size, copies, turn).cdf(0) # P(miss_turnN) = P(miss_turnN | miss_mul) P(miss_mul) p_none_turnN = p_none_turnN_given_mulmis * p_none_turn0 return p_none_turnN p_no_shadowform_on_turn0 = prob_nohave_card_never_mulled(copies=num_shadowform, hand_size=hand_size) no_shadowform_turnN = prob_nohave_by_turn(p_no_shadowform_on_turn0, turn, num_shadowform, hand_size) # Assume you always mul raza p_noraza_initial = prob_nohave_card_always_mulled(copies=1, hand_size=hand_size) p_noraza_turnN = prob_nohave_by_turn(p_noraza_initial, turn, copies=1, hand_size=hand_size) p_raza_turnN = 1 - p_noraza_turnN # probability that you have raza and no shadowform by turn 5 p_raza_and_noshadowform_turnN = p_raza_turnN * no_shadowform_turnN return p_raza_and_noshadowform_turnN import plottool as pt # NOQA turns = list(range(0, 26)) probs = [p_badstuff_shadowform(turn, hand_size=3) for turn in turns] pt.plot(turns, probs, label="on play") probs = [p_badstuff_shadowform(turn, hand_size=4) for turn in turns] pt.plot(turns, probs, label="with coin") pt.set_xlabel("turn") pt.set_ylabel("probability") pt.set_title("Probability of Having Raza without a Shadowform") pt.legend() pt.gca().set_ylim(0, 1)