Esempio n. 1
    def streamslice(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot stream lines slice in 3D axes.

        :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param w: (*array_like*) W component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param xslice: (*list*) X slice locations.
        :param yslice: (*list*) Y slice locations.
        :param zslice: (*list*) Z slice locations.
        :param density: (*int*) Streamline density. Default is 4.
        :return: Streamline slices
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        density = kwargs.pop('density', 4)
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        if len(args) < 6:
            u = args[0]
            v = args[1]
            w = args[2]
            u = np.asarray(u)
            nz, ny, nx = u.shape
            x = np.arange(nx)
            y = np.arange(ny)
            z = np.arange(nz)
            args = args[3:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            u = args[3]
            v = args[4]
            w = args[5]
            args = args[6:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            cdata = args[0]
            iscolor = True
            args = args[1:]
        x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        z = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        u = plotutil.getplotdata(u)
        v = plotutil.getplotdata(v)
        w = plotutil.getplotdata(w)

        if ls is None:
            if iscolor:
                if len(args) > 0:
                    cn = args[0]
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                    levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                    if levs is None:
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                        if isinstance(levs, NDArray):
                            levs = levs.tolist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
                if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                    c = cmap.getColor(0)
                    c =
                ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(
                    ShapeTypes.Polyline, c, 1)
            ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_line(ls, **kwargs)

        if not kwargs.has_key('headwidth'):
            kwargs['headwidth'] = 1
        if not kwargs.has_key('headlength'):
            kwargs['headlength'] = 2.5
        for i in range(ls.getBreakNum()):
            lb = plotutil.line2stream(ls.getLegendBreak(i), **kwargs)
            ls.setLegendBreak(i, lb)

        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = plotutil.getplotdata(cdata)

        min_points = kwargs.pop('min_points', 3)
        zslice_index = kwargs.pop('zslice_index', None)
        if zslice_index is None:
            xslice = kwargs.pop('xslice', [])
            if isinstance(xslice, numbers.Number):
                xslice = [xslice]
            yslice = kwargs.pop('yslice', [])
            if isinstance(yslice, numbers.Number):
                yslice = [yslice]
            zslice = kwargs.pop('zslice', [])
            if isinstance(zslice, numbers.Number):
                zslice = [zslice]
            graphics = GraphicFactory.streamSlice(x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata,
                                                  xslice, yslice, zslice,
                                                  density, ls)
            if isinstance(zslice_index, int):
                zslice_index = [zslice_index]
            graphics = GraphicFactory.streamSlice(x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata,
                                                  zslice_index, density, ls)

        lighting = kwargs.pop('lighting', None)
        if not lighting is None:
            for gg in graphics:
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
            for gg in graphics:

        return graphics
Esempio n. 2
    def plot(self, x, y, z, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot 3D lines and/or markers to the axes. *args* is a variable length argument, allowing
        for multiple *x, y* pairs with an optional format string.
        :param x: (*array_like*) Input x data.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Input y data.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Input z data.
        :param style: (*string*) Line style for plot.
        :returns: Legend breaks of the lines.
        The following format string characters are accepted to control the line style or marker:
          =========  ===========
          Character  Description
          =========  ===========
          '-'         solid line style
          '--'        dashed line style
          '-.'        dash-dot line style
          ':'         dotted line style
          '.'         point marker
          ','         pixel marker
          'o'         circle marker
          'v'         triangle_down marker
          '^'         triangle_up marker
          '<'         triangle_left marker
          '>'         triangle_right marker
          's'         square marker
          'p'         pentagon marker
          '*'         star marker
          'x'         x marker
          'D'         diamond marker
          =========  ===========
        The following color abbreviations are supported:
          =========  =====
          Character  Color  
          =========  =====
          'b'        blue
          'g'        green
          'r'        red
          'c'        cyan
          'm'        magenta
          'y'        yellow
          'k'        black
          =========  =====
        xdata = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        ydata = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        zdata = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        style = None
        if len(args) > 0:
            style = args[0]

        #Set plot data styles
        label = kwargs.pop('label', 'S_1')
        mvalues = kwargs.pop('mvalues', None)
        if mvalues is None:
            if style is None:
                line = plotutil.getlegendbreak('line', **kwargs)[0]
                line = plotutil.getplotstyle(style, label, **kwargs)
            colors = kwargs.pop('colors', None)
            if not colors is None:
                colors = plotutil.getcolors(colors)
                cbs = []
                for color in colors:
                    cb = line.clone()
            ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
            if ls is None:
                if isinstance(mvalues, (list, tuple)):
                    mvalues = np.array(mvalues)
                levels = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                if levels is None:
                    levels = kwargs.pop('levels', None)
                if levels is None:
                    cnum = kwargs.pop('cnum', None)
                    if cnum is None:
                        ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme([], mvalues.min(),
                                                      mvalues.max(), **kwargs)
                        ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme([cnum], mvalues.min(),
                                                      mvalues.max(), **kwargs)
                    ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme([levels], mvalues.min(),
                                                  mvalues.max(), **kwargs)
                ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_line(ls, **kwargs)

        #Add graphics
        if mvalues is None:
            if colors is None:
                graphics = GraphicFactory.createLineString3D(
                    xdata, ydata, zdata, line)
                graphics = GraphicFactory.createLineString3D(
                    xdata, ydata, zdata, cbs)
            mdata = plotutil.getplotdata(mvalues)
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createLineString3D(
                xdata, ydata, zdata, mdata, ls)
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics
Esempio n. 3
    def streamplot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot stream lines in 3D axes.

        :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinate array.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinate array.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinate array.
        :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param w: (*array_like*) W component of the arrow vectors (wind field).
        :param density: (*int*) Streamline density. Default is 4.
        :return: Streamlines
        ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
        cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs)
        density = kwargs.pop('density', 4)
        iscolor = False
        cdata = None
        if len(args) < 6:
            u = args[0]
            v = args[1]
            w = args[2]
            u = np.asarray(u)
            nz, ny, nx = u.shape
            x = np.arange(nx)
            y = np.arange(ny)
            z = np.arange(nz)
            args = args[3:]
            x = args[0]
            y = args[1]
            z = args[2]
            u = args[3]
            v = args[4]
            w = args[5]
            args = args[6:]
        if len(args) > 0:
            cdata = args[0]
            iscolor = True
            args = args[1:]
        x = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        y = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        z = plotutil.getplotdata(z)
        u = plotutil.getplotdata(u)
        v = plotutil.getplotdata(v)
        w = plotutil.getplotdata(w)

        if ls is None:
            if iscolor:
                if len(args) > 0:
                    cn = args[0]
                    ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                        cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap)
                    levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                    if levs is None:
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap)
                        if isinstance(levs, NDArray):
                            levs = levs.tolist()
                        ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(
                            cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap)
                if cmap.getColorCount() == 1:
                    c = cmap.getColor(0)
                    c =
                ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(
                    ShapeTypes.Polyline, c, 1)
            ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_line(ls, **kwargs)

        if not kwargs.has_key('headwidth'):
            kwargs['headwidth'] = 1
        if not kwargs.has_key('headlength'):
            kwargs['headlength'] = 2.5
        for i in range(ls.getBreakNum()):
            lb = plotutil.line2stream(ls.getLegendBreak(i), **kwargs)
            ls.setLegendBreak(i, lb)

        if not cdata is None:
            cdata = plotutil.getplotdata(cdata)

        min_points = kwargs.pop('min_points', 3)
        start_x = kwargs.pop('start_x', None)
        start_y = kwargs.pop('start_y', None)
        start_z = kwargs.pop('start_z', None)
        if start_x is None or start_y is None or start_z is None:
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createStreamlines3D(
                x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata, density, ls, min_points)
            start_x = np.asarray(start_x).flatten()
            start_y = np.asarray(start_y).flatten()
            start_z = np.asarray(start_z).flatten()
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createStreamlines3D(
                x, y, z, u, v, w, cdata, density, ls, min_points,
                start_x._array, start_y._array, start_z._array)
        lighting = kwargs.pop('lighting', None)
        if not lighting is None:

        return graphics
Esempio n. 4
    def plot(self, x, y, z, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot 3D lines and/or markers to the axes. *args* is a variable length argument, allowing
        for multiple *x, y* pairs with an optional format string.
        :param x: (*array_like*) Input x data.
        :param y: (*array_like*) Input y data.
        :param z: (*array_like*) Input z data.
        :param style: (*string*) Line style for plot.
        :returns: Legend breaks of the lines.
        The following format string characters are accepted to control the line style or marker:
          =========  ===========
          Character  Description
          =========  ===========
          '-'         solid line style
          '--'        dashed line style
          '-.'        dash-dot line style
          ':'         dotted line style
          '.'         point marker
          ','         pixel marker
          'o'         circle marker
          'v'         triangle_down marker
          '^'         triangle_up marker
          '<'         triangle_left marker
          '>'         triangle_right marker
          's'         square marker
          'p'         pentagon marker
          '*'         star marker
          'x'         x marker
          'D'         diamond marker
          =========  ===========
        The following color abbreviations are supported:
          =========  =====
          Character  Color  
          =========  =====
          'b'        blue
          'g'        green
          'r'        red
          'c'        cyan
          'm'        magenta
          'y'        yellow
          'k'        black
          =========  =====
        xdata = plotutil.getplotdata(x)
        ydata = plotutil.getplotdata(y)
        zdata = plotutil.getplotdata(z)  
        style = None
        if len(args) > 0:
            style = args[0]
        #Set plot data styles
        label = kwargs.pop('label', 'S_1')
        mvalues = kwargs.pop('mvalues', None)
        if mvalues is None:
            if style is None:
                line = plotutil.getlegendbreak('line', **kwargs)[0]
                line = plotutil.getplotstyle(style, label, **kwargs)
            colors = kwargs.pop('colors', None)
            if not colors is None:
                colors = plotutil.getcolors(colors)
                cbs = []
                for color in colors:
                    cb = line.clone()
            ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None)
            if ls is None:        
                if isinstance(mvalues, (list, tuple)):
                    mvalues = minum.array(mvalues)
                levels = kwargs.pop('levs', None)
                if levels is None:
                    levels = kwargs.pop('levels', None)
                if levels is None:
                    cnum = kwargs.pop('cnum', None)
                    if cnum is None:
                        ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme([], mvalues.min(), mvalues.max(), **kwargs)
                        ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme([cnum], mvalues.min(), mvalues.max(), **kwargs)
                    ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme([levels], mvalues.min(), mvalues.max(), **kwargs)
                ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_line(ls, **kwargs)

        #Add graphics
        if mvalues is None:
            if colors is None:
                graphics = GraphicFactory.createLineString3D(xdata, ydata, zdata, line)
                graphics = GraphicFactory.createLineString3D(xdata, ydata, zdata, cbs)
            mdata = plotutil.getplotdata(mvalues)
            graphics = GraphicFactory.createLineString3D(xdata, ydata, zdata, mdata, ls)
        visible = kwargs.pop('visible', True)
        if visible:
        return graphics