def main(): from pluggdapps import loadpackages import pluggdapps.commands loadpackages() # This is important, otherwise plugins in other packages # will not be detected. # Create command line parser. # Get a list of sub-commands supported in command line. # Take only the command-line parameters uptil a subcommand. mainparser = mainoptions() mainargs = pluggdapps.commands.mainargs(ICommand, 'pagd.*', sys.argv[1:]) args = mainparser.parse_args( mainargs ) pa = Pluggdapps.boot( args.config ) subcommands = pa.qpr( pa, ICommand, 'pagd.*' ) # setup sub-command arguments subparsers = mainparser.add_subparsers( help="Sub-commands" ) [ subcmd.subparser( mainparser, subparsers ) for subcmd in subcommands ] # Do a full parsing of command line arguments. args = mainparser.parse_args() args.sitepath = abspath( args.sitepath ) # Corresponding handler is expected to be registered during subparser() # call above. args.handler( args )
def main(): from pluggdapps import loadpackages import pluggdapps.commands loadpackages() # This is important, otherwise plugins in other packages # will not be detected. # Create command line parser. # Get a list of sub-commands supported in command line. # Take only the command-line parameters uptil a subcommand. mainparser = mainoptions() mainargs = pluggdapps.commands.mainargs(ICommand, 'pluggdapps.*', sys.argv[1:]) args = mainparser.parse_args(mainargs) if args.webapps: pa = Webapps.boot(args.config) subcommands = pa.qpr(pa, None, ICommand, 'pluggdapps.*') else: pa = Pluggdapps.boot(args.config) subcommands = pa.qpr(pa, ICommand, 'pluggdapps.*') # setup sub-command arguments subparsers = mainparser.add_subparsers(help="Sub-commands") [subcmd.subparser(mainparser, subparsers) for subcmd in subcommands] # Do a full parsing of command line arguments. args = mainparser.parse_args() # Corresponding handler is expected to be registered during subparser() # call above. args.handler(args)
def main() : from pluggdapps import loadpackages loadpackages() # This is important, otherwise plugins in other packages # will not be detected. argparser = mainoptions() options = argparser.parse_args() pa = Pluggdapps.boot( None ) # Initialize plugins setts = { 'lex_debug' : int( options.debug ), 'yacc_debug' : int( options.debug ), 'debug' : True, } compiler = pa.qp( pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts ) if options.version : print( tayra.__version__ ) elif options.test : from tayra.test.teststd import test_stdttl print( "Executing TTL tests ..." ) setts['beautify_html'] = False compiler = pa.qp( pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts ) test_stdttl( compiler, options ) elif options.ttllex and options.ttlfile : print( "Lexing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile ) lexical( pa, options ) elif options.dump and options.ttlfile : print( "Parsing and dumping file %r ..." % options.ttlfile ) ast = yaccer( pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug) ) dumptext = ast.dump( context=Context() ) text = open( options.ttlfile, encoding='utf-8-sig' ).read() if dumptext != text : open( 'dump', 'w' ).write( dumptext ) open( 'text', 'w' ).write( text ) assert False print( "Dump of AST matches the original text :)") elif and options.ttlfile : print( "Parsing and describing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile ) ast = yaccer( pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug) ) elif options.ttlfile and isfile( options.ttlfile ) : print( "Translating file %r ..." % options.ttlfile ) tayra.translatefile( options.ttlfile, compiler, options )
def main(): from pluggdapps import loadpackages loadpackages() # This is important, otherwise plugins in other packages # will not be detected. argparser = mainoptions() options = argparser.parse_args() pa = Pluggdapps.boot(None) # Initialize plugins setts = { 'lex_debug': int(options.debug), 'yacc_debug': int(options.debug), 'debug': True, } compiler = pa.qp(pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts) if options.version: print(tayra.__version__) elif options.test: from tayra.test.teststd import test_stdttl print("Executing TTL tests ...") setts['beautify_html'] = False compiler = pa.qp(pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts) test_stdttl(compiler, options) elif options.ttllex and options.ttlfile: print("Lexing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile) lexical(pa, options) elif options.dump and options.ttlfile: print("Parsing and dumping file %r ..." % options.ttlfile) ast = yaccer(pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug)) dumptext = ast.dump(context=Context()) text = open(options.ttlfile, encoding='utf-8-sig').read() if dumptext != text: open('dump', 'w').write(dumptext) open('text', 'w').write(text) assert False print("Dump of AST matches the original text :)") elif and options.ttlfile: print("Parsing and describing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile) ast = yaccer(pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug)) elif options.ttlfile and isfile(options.ttlfile): print("Translating file %r ..." % options.ttlfile) tayra.translatefile(options.ttlfile, compiler, options)
def tayratemplate( dirname, verbose=False ): from pluggdapps.platform import Pluggdapps from pluggdapps.plugin import ISettings pa = Pluggdapps.boot( None ) settings = { 'directories' : [dirname], 'debug' : True, 'beautify_html' : False, } options = O() compiler = pa.query_plugin( pa, ISettings, 'tayra.TTLCompiler', settings=settings ) options.context = dict( title='Just a test', user='******', list_items=['Number %d' % num for num in range(1, 15)] ) def render() : tayra.translatefile( './tayra/template.ttl', compiler, options ) if verbose: print( render() ) return render
sys.path[:0] = new_sys_path # Avoid ``[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/.python-eggs'`` messages os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = join( pa_dir(), 'egg-cache' ) # IMPORTANT : pluggdapps package can be imported only at this stage, after # setting up the virtual environment. import pluggdapps from pluggdapps.erlcodec import * from pluggdapps.const import * from pluggdapps.platform import Pluggdapps args.configini = args.configini or DEFAULT_INI if args.use_descrs : descrs = tuple( map( int, args.use_descrs.split(',') )) elif args.nouse_stdio : descrs = (3,4) else : descrs = (0,1) erlport = Pluggdapps.boot( args.configini, # Initializers for Pluggdapps() class erlang=True, # Initializers for Port() class. descrs=descrs, packet=int(args.packet), compressed=args.compressed ) run( erlport )
options, args = _option_parse() if options.version : print tss.__version__ elif args and isfile(args[0]) : ttlloc = args.pop(0) tss.tss_cmdline( ttlloc, _options=options ) elif int(options.debug) : TSSParser( tssconfig={}, debug=int(options.debug) ) def main() argparser = mainoptions() options = argparser.parse_args() pa = Pluggdapps.boot( None ) # Initialize plugins setts = { 'lex_debug' : int( options.debug ), 'yacc_debug' : int( options.debug ), 'debug' : True, } compiler = pa.query_plugin( pa, ISettings, 'tsscompiler', settings=setts ) if options.version : print( tss.__version__ ) elif options.test : pass