def index(): request_fields = request.vars.fields or 'default' ################################ The core ###################################### # Specify structured fields for the multi-line form layout. # A "None" indicates an empty line over which the precedent line spans if request_fields == 'default': fields = [['name', 'category'], ['code', 'keywords'], ['publish_start_date', None], ['publish_end_date', None], 'url', ['description', 'price'], [None, 'point'], 'memo'] elif request_fields == 'fields_2': fields = [['name', 'category'], None, ['code', 'keywords']] elif request_fields == 'fields_3': fields = [['name','category'], [None,'code'], [None,'keywords']] elif request_fields == 'fields_4': fields = [['id','name'], ['category','code'], [None,'keywords']] elif request_fields == 'fields_5': fields = [['name','category'], ['id','code'], [None,'keywords']] # Standard usage form = SOLIDFORM(db.product, fields=fields) # Factory usage form_factory = SOLIDFORM.factory([Field('xxx'), Field('yyy'), Field('zzz')], Field('aaa')) # Readonly usage product = db(>0).select().first() form_readonly = SOLIDFORM(db.product, product, fields=fields, showid=False, readonly=True) # edit form form_edit = SOLIDFORM(db.product, product, fields=fields) ################################################################################ if form.accepts(request.vars, session): session.flash = 'submitted %s' % form.vars redirect(URL('index')) if form_factory.accepts(request.vars, session, formname='factory'): session.flash = 'submitted %s' % form_factory.vars redirect(URL('index')) style = STYLE("""input[type="text"], textarea {width:100%; max-height: 50px;} .w2p_fw {padding-right: 20px; max-width:200px;} .w2p_fl {background: #eee;}""") return dict(form=DIV(style, form), form__factory=form_factory, form__readonly=form_readonly, form__edit=form_edit, form_args=DIV(A('fields=default', _href=URL(vars={'fields':'default'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_2', _href=URL(vars={'fields':'fields_2'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_3', _href=URL(vars={'fields':'fields_3'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_4', _href=URL(vars={'fields':'fields_4'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_5', _href=URL(vars={'fields':'fields_5'})), ' ', ))
def agregar_correspondencia(): session.pag_previa = URL('agregar_correspondencia') request_fields = request.vars.fields or 'default' asignados = usuariosDepartamento() ################################ The core ###################################### # Specify structured fields for the multi-line form layout. # A "None" indicates an empty line over which the precedent line spans if request_fields == 'default': fields = [ ['nro_de_documento', 'fecha_correspondencia'], ['tipo_de_documento', 'estatus'], 'asunto', ['departamento_origen', 'departamento_destino'], [None, None], ['remitente', 'destinatario'], [None, 'observaciones'], 'asignado_a' ] form = SOLIDFORM(db.correspondencia, fields=fields, tabla = auth.archive) if form.process(onsuccess=auth.archive).accepted: session.flash = 'registro procesado con éxito' redirect(URL('/listar_correspondencias')) style = STYLE("""input[type="text"], textarea {width:100%; max-height: 50px;} .w2p_fw {padding-right: 10px; max-width:100%;} .w2p_fl {background: #eee;} .string {max-width: 300px;} .date {max-width: 80px;}""") return dict(asignados = asignados, form=DIV(style, form), #form__factory=form_factory, form__readonly=form_readonly, form__edit=form_edit, form_args=DIV(A('fields=default', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'default'})), ' ', ))
def editar_correspondencia_departamento(): session.pag_previa = URL('editar_correspondencias_departamento') id = request.args(0) asignados = usuariosDepartamento() fields = [ ['nro_de_documento', 'fecha_correspondencia'], ['tipo_de_documento', 'estatus'], 'asunto', ['departamento_origen', 'departamento_destino'], [None, None], ['remitente', 'destinatario'], [None, 'observaciones'], 'asignado_a' ] db.correspondencia.nro_de_documento.readable = True db.correspondencia.nro_de_documento.writable = False db.correspondencia.fecha_correspondencia.readable = True db.correspondencia.fecha_correspondencia.writable = False db.correspondencia.tipo_de_documento.readable = True db.correspondencia.tipo_de_documento.writable = False db.correspondencia.asunto.readable = True db.correspondencia.asunto.writable = False db.correspondencia.departamento_origen.readable = True db.correspondencia.departamento_origen.writable = False db.correspondencia.departamento_destino.readable = True db.correspondencia.departamento_destino.writable = False db.correspondencia.remitente.readable = True db.correspondencia.remitente.writable = False db.correspondencia.destinatario.readable = True db.correspondencia.destinatario.writable = False db.correspondencia.asignado_a.readable = True db.correspondencia.asignado_a.writable = True correspondencia = db( form = SOLIDFORM(db.correspondencia, correspondencia, fields=fields, showid=False, readonly=False) if form.process(onsuccess=auth.archive).accepted: session.flash = 'registro procesado con éxito' redirect(URL('/listar_correspondencias_departamento')) style = STYLE("""input[type="text"], textarea {width:100%; max-height: 50px;} .w2p_fw {padding-right: 10px; max-width:100%;} .w2p_fl {background: #eee;} .string {max-width: 300px;} .date {max-width: 80px;}""") return dict(asignados = asignados, form=DIV(style, form), #form__factory=form_factory, form__readonly=form_readonly, form__edit=form_edit, form_args=DIV(A('fields=default', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'default'})), ' ', ))
def agregarCorrespondenciaMultiple(): request_fields = request.vars.fields or 'default' ################################ The core ###################################### # Specify structured fields for the multi-line form layout. # A "None" indicates an empty line over which the precedent line spans if request_fields == 'default': fields = [ ['nro_de_documento', 'fecha_correspondencia'], ['tipo_de_documento', 'estatus'], 'asunto', [None, None], ['remitente', 'destinatario'], [None, 'observaciones'], ] form = SOLIDFORM(db.correspondencia, fields=fields, tabla = auth.archive) if form.process(onsuccess=auth.archive).accepted: db.rollback() usuario = db(db.auth_user.departamento==auth.user.departamento).select(db.auth_user.departamento).first() departamentoUsuario = db(['departamento']).select( documento = db( dependencia = db( departamentos = db(db.departamento.dependencia==session.dependencia).select( db.correspondencia.destinatario.readable = False db.correspondencia.destinatario.writable = False for departamento in departamentos: if departamentoUsuario['id'] == departamento['id']: continue else: db.correspondencia.insert(nro_de_documento = form.vars.nro_de_documento, fecha_correspondencia = form.vars.fecha_correspondencia, tipo_de_documento = form.vars.tipo_de_documento, estatus = form.vars.estatus, remitente = form.vars.remitente, departamento_origen = departamentoUsuario['id'], destinatario = form.vars.destinatario, departamento_destino = departamento['id'], asunto = form.vars.asunto, observaciones = form.vars.observaciones ) session.flash = 'Han sido registrado los documento con éxito' redirect(URL('/listar_correspondencias')) style = STYLE("""input[type="text"], textarea {width:100%; max-height: 50px;} .w2p_fw {padding-right: 10px; max-width:100%;} .w2p_fl {background: #eee;} .string {max-width: 300px;} .date {max-width: 80px;}""") return dict(form=DIV(style, form), #form__factory=form_factory, form__readonly=form_readonly, form__edit=form_edit, form_args=DIV(A('fields=default', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'default'})), ' ', ))
def ver_correspondencia(): id = request.args(1) tabla = request.args(0) fields = [ ['nro_de_documento', 'fecha_correspondencia'], ['tipo_de_documento', 'estatus'], 'asunto', ['departamento_origen', 'departamento_destino'], [None, None], ['remitente', 'destinatario'], [None, 'observaciones'], ['asignado_a', 'registrado_por'], ['modificado_el', 'modificado_por'], ] if (tabla == "activo"): db.correspondencia.modificado_el.readable = True db.correspondencia.modificado_por.readable = True correspondencia = db( form = SOLIDFORM(db.correspondencia, correspondencia, fields=fields, showid=False, readonly=True) elif (tabla == "archivo"): db.correspondencia_archive.modificado_el.readable = True db.correspondencia_archive.modificado_por.readable = True correspondencia = db( form = SOLIDFORM(db.correspondencia_archive, correspondencia, fields=fields, showid=False, readonly=True) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): session.flash = 'registro procesado con éxito' redirect(URL('/listar_correspondencias')) style = STYLE("""input[type="text"], textarea {width:100%; max-height: 50px;} .w2p_fw {padding-right: 10px; max-width:100%;} .w2p_fl {background: #eee;} .string {max-width: 300px;} .date {max-width: 80px;}""") return dict(id = id, form=DIV(style, form), #form__factory=form_factory, form__readonly=form_readonly, form__edit=form_edit, form_args=DIV(A('fields=default', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'default'})), ' ', ))
def contact(): from plugin_solidform import SOLIDFORM from plugin_notemptymarker import mark_not_empty def _send(to, subject, message): if MAIL_SERVER == 'logging': from import Mail mail = Mail() mail.settings.server = MAIL_SERVER mail.settings.sender = MAIL_SENDER mail.settings.login = MAIL_LOGIN return mail.send(to=to, subject=subject, message=message) else: import smtplib from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import formatdate msg = MIMEText(message) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = MAIL_SENDER msg['To'] = to msg['Date'] = formatdate() s = smtplib.SMTP(MAIL_SERVER) try: s.sendmail(MAIL_SENDER, [to], msg.as_string()) return True finally: s.close() return False fields = [ Field('name', label=T('Name'), requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), Field('email', label=T('Email'), requires=IS_EMAIL()), Field('subject', label=T('Subject'), requires=IS_LENGTH(200, 1)), Field('message', 'text', label=T('Message'), requires=IS_LENGTH(5000)), ] mark_not_empty(fields) form = SOLIDFORM.factory(submit_button=T('Send'), *fields) if form.accepts(request.vars, session): _send( to=CONTACT_TO, subject='sqlabs contact subject: %s' % form.vars.subject, message='name: %s\nemail: %s\nmessage: \n%s' % (,, form.vars.message), ) session.flash = '%s %s' % (T('Thank you for your inquiry.'), T('Your message has been sent.')) redirect(request.vars.redirect or URL('default', 'index')) style = STYLE(""".w2p_fl {background: #eee;}""") return dict(form=DIV(style, form))
def index(): request_fields = request.vars.fields or 'default' ################################ The core ###################################### # Specify structured fields for the multi-line form layout. # A "None" indicates an empty line over which the precedent line spans if request_fields == 'default': fields = [['name', 'category'], ['code', 'keywords'], ['publish_start_date', None], ['publish_end_date', None], 'url', ['description', 'price'], [None, 'point'], 'memo'] elif request_fields == 'fields_2': fields = [['name', 'category'], None, ['code', 'keywords']] elif request_fields == 'fields_3': fields = [['name', 'category'], [None, 'code'], [None, 'keywords']] elif request_fields == 'fields_4': fields = [['id', 'name'], ['category', 'code'], [None, 'keywords']] elif request_fields == 'fields_5': fields = [['name', 'category'], ['id', 'code'], [None, 'keywords']] # Standard usage form = SOLIDFORM(db.product, fields=fields) # Factory usage form_factory = SOLIDFORM.factory( [Field('xxx'), Field('yyy'), Field('zzz')], Field('aaa')) # Readonly usage product = db( > 0).select().first() form_readonly = SOLIDFORM(db.product, product, fields=fields, showid=False, readonly=True) # edit form form_edit = SOLIDFORM(db.product, product, fields=fields) ################################################################################ if form.accepts(request.vars, session): session.flash = 'submitted %s' % form.vars redirect(URL('index')) if form_factory.accepts(request.vars, session, formname='factory'): session.flash = 'submitted %s' % form_factory.vars redirect(URL('index')) style = STYLE( """input[type="text"], textarea {width:100%; max-height: 50px;} .w2p_fw {padding-right: 20px; max-width:200px;} .w2p_fl {background: #eee;}""") return dict(form=DIV(style, form), form__factory=form_factory, form__readonly=form_readonly, form__edit=form_edit, form_args=DIV( A('fields=default', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'default'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_2', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'fields_2'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_3', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'fields_3'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_4', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'fields_4'})), ' ', A('fields=fields_5', _href=URL(vars={'fields': 'fields_5'})), ' ', ))
def __call__( self, query, fields=None, field_id=None, left=None, headers={}, columns=None, orderby=None, # EXTENDED for permutation searchable=True, # EXTENDED ex) [,, ...] sortable=True, # EXTENDED ex) [,, ...] paginate=(10, 25, 50, 100), # EXTENDED deletable=True, editable=True, # EXTENDED ex) [['id', 'name'], 'profile', ...] details=True, # EXTENDED ex) [['id', 'name'], 'profile', ...] selectable=None, # TODO create=True, # EXTENDED ex) [['id', 'name'], 'profile', ...] csv=True, links=None, upload='<default>', args=[], user_signature=True, maxtextlengths={}, # NOT WORK maxtextlength=20, onvalidation=None, oncreate=None, onupdate=None, ondelete=None, sorter_icons=('[^]', '[v]'), # NOT WORK ui='ui', # ONLY WORK FOR "ui" showbuttontext=True, _class="web2py_grid", formname='web2py_grid', search_widget='default', # NOT WORK extracolumns=None, # CUSTOM (same as in SQLTABLE) search_queries={}, # CUSTOM showid=True, # CUSTOM onpermute=None, # CUSTOM virtualtable=None, # CUSTOM virtualrecord=None, # CUSTOM virtualset=None, # CUSTOM hmac_key=None, # CUSTOM scope=None, #CUSTOM scope_default=None, #CUSTOM groupby=None, #CUSTOM ): from gluon.dal import SQLALL from plugin_solidform import SOLIDFORM from plugin_solidtable import SOLIDTABLE, OrderbySelector from plugin_paginator import Paginator, PaginateSelector, PaginateInfo gridbutton = self.gridbutton recordbutton = self.recordbutton request, session, T = current.request, current.session, current.T def __oncreate(form): session.flash = T('Created') def __onupdate(form): session.flash = T('Updated') def __ondelete(table, tablename, ret): session.flash = T('Deleted') def __onpermute(table, tablename, ret): session.flash = T('Permuted') def redirect_patch(): onupdate oncreate = oncreate or __oncreate onupdate = onupdate or __onupdate ondelete = ondelete or __ondelete onpermute = onpermute or __onpermute if ui == 'ui': ui = dict( widget='', header='', content='', default='', cornerall='', cornertop='', cornerbottom='', button='', buttontext='', buttonadd='ui-icon-plusthick', buttonback='ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w', buttonexport='', buttondelete='ui-icon-close', buttonedit='ui-icon-pencil', buttontable='', buttonview='ui-icon-zoomin', ) elif not isinstance(ui, dict): raise RuntimeError, 'SQLFORM.grid ui argument must be a dictionary' wenabled = (not user_signature or (session.auth and session.auth.user)) deletable = wenabled and deletable # if search_widget=='default': # search_widget = SQLFORM.search_menu url = self.url_factory(args, user_signature, hmac_key) db = query._db dbset = db(query) tables = [ db[tablename] for tablename in db._adapter.tables(dbset.query) ] if not fields: fields = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, [[field for field in table] for table in tables]) new_fields = [] for item in fields: if isinstance(item, SQLALL): new_fields += item.table else: new_fields.append(item) fields = new_fields main_table = tables[0] if not field_id: field_id = main_table._id table = field_id.table tablename = table._tablename referrer = session.get('_web2py_grid_referrer_' + formname, url()) def __from_process_redirect_patch(func): def wrapper(form): func(form) redirect(referrer) return wrapper oncreate = __from_process_redirect_patch(oncreate) onupdate = __from_process_redirect_patch(onupdate) def check_authorization(): if user_signature or hmac_key: if not URL.verify(request, user_signature=user_signature, hmac_key=hmac_key): session.flash = T('not authorized') redirect(referrer) if upload == '<default>': upload = lambda filename: url(args=['download', filename]) if len(request.args) > 1 and request.args[-2] == 'download': check_authorization() stream =, db) raise HTTP(200, stream, **response.headers) gridbuttons = [gridbutton('%(buttonback)s' % ui, T('Back'), referrer)] if create and len(request.args) > 1 and request.args[-2] == 'new': check_authorization() table = db[request.args[-1]] self.mark_not_empty(virtualtable or table) if orderby: inverted = (orderby.op == orderby.db._adapter.INVERT) field = orderby.first if inverted else orderby last = field_id, field, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby.first if inverted else ~orderby).first() last_value = (last[field] or 0) if last else 0 table[].default = (-1 if inverted else 1) + last_value create_form = SOLIDFORM( virtualtable or table, fields=create if type(create) in (list, tuple) else None, showid=showid, _class='web2py_form', submit_button=T('Create'), ).process( # next=referrer, for web2py-bug onvalidation=onvalidation, onsuccess=oncreate, formname=formname) self.unmark_not_empty(table) res = DIV(create_form, _class=_class) res.create_form = create_form res.gridbuttons = gridbuttons return res elif details and len(request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] == 'view': check_authorization() table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) form = SOLIDFORM(virtualtable or table, virtualrecord or record, fields=details if type(details) in (list, tuple) else create if type(create) in (list, tuple) else None, upload=upload, readonly=True, showid=showid, _class='web2py_form') res = DIV(form, _class=_class) res.record = record # CUSTOM res.view_form = form # CUSTOM if editable: gridbuttons.append( gridbutton('%(buttonedit)s' % ui, T('Edit'), url(args=['edit', tablename,]))) res.gridbuttons = gridbuttons return res elif editable and len(request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] == 'edit': check_authorization() table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) self.mark_not_empty(virtualtable or table) edit_form = SOLIDFORM( virtualtable or table, virtualrecord or record, fields=editable if type(editable) in (list, tuple) else create if type(create) in (list, tuple) else None, upload=upload, deletable=deletable, showid=showid, delete_label=T('Check to delete:'), submit_button=T('Update'), _class='web2py_form') self.unmark_not_empty(table) edit_form.process( formname=formname, onvalidation=onvalidation, onsuccess=onupdate, # #next=referrer, for web2py-bug ) res = DIV(edit_form, _class=_class) res.record = record # CUSTOM res.edit_form = edit_form if details: gridbuttons.append( gridbutton('%(buttonview)s' % ui, T('View'), url(args=['view', tablename,]))) res.gridbuttons = gridbuttons return res elif deletable and len( request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] == 'delete': check_authorization() table = db[request.args[-2]] ret = db( == request.args[-1]).delete() if ondelete: ondelete(table, request.args[-1], ret) redirect(url()) elif csv and len(request.args) > 0 and request.args[-1] == 'csv': check_authorization() return dict() elif request.vars.records and not isinstance(request.vars.records, list): request.vars.records = [request.vars.records] elif not request.vars.records: request.vars.records = [] session['_web2py_grid_referrer_' + formname] = URL( r=request, args=request.args, vars=request.vars, user_signature=user_signature, hmac_key=hmac_key) error = None search_form = None table_el_id = formname + '_maintable' columns = columns or [ str(f) for f in fields if f.table == main_table and f.readable and (showid or f.type != 'id') ] if searchable: field_sep = '___' if searchable is True: _exclude_types = ('upload', 'text') if showid else ('id', 'upload', 'text') searchable = [ f for f in fields if f.table == main_table and f.type not in _exclude_types and f.readable ] _search_fields = [] _from_tos = [] for f in searchable: _requires = [] if f.requires and type(f.requires) not in (list, tuple): if isinstance(f.requires, IS_EMPTY_OR): _requires = [f.requires.other] else: _requires = [f.requires] _requires = [ r for r in _requires if not isinstance(r, IS_NOT_IN_DB) ] if _requires: if len(_requires) == 1: _requires = _requires[0] _requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(_requires) else: _requires = None _type = 'string' if f.type == 'text' else 'integer' if f.type == 'id' else f.type if (f.type in ('double', 'decimal', 'date', 'datetime') or (f.type == 'integer' and _requires and isinstance(_requires.other, (IS_INT_IN_RANGE)))): _from_to = [ Field(str(f).replace('.', field_sep) + field_sep + 'from', type=_type, requires=_requires, label=f.label, widget=f.widget), Field(str(f).replace('.', field_sep) + field_sep + 'to', type=_type, requires=_requires, label=f.label, widget=f.widget) ] _from_tos.append(_from_to) _search_fields += _from_to elif hasattr(f, 'table'): _search_fields.append( Field(str(f).replace('.', field_sep), type=_type, requires=_requires, label=f.label, widget=f.widget)) else: _search_fields.append(f) search_form = SQLFORM.factory(formstyle='divs', submit_button=T('Search'), _class='search_form', *_search_fields) for _from_to in _from_tos: self.inline(search_form, 'no_table', [ for f in _from_to], LABEL(_from_to[0].label), SPAN(' - ')) subquery = self.build_query_by_form(db, search_form, queries=search_queries, field_sep=field_sep, formname='search_%s' % formname) else: subquery = None if subquery: dbset = dbset(subquery) if scope: from plugin_tablescope import TableScope scope_el = TableScope(dbset, scope, default=scope_default) dbset = scope_el.scoped_dataset if sortable is True: sortable = [ ~f if f.type in ('id', 'date', 'datetime') else f for f in fields if f.table == main_table and f.type not in ('text', 'upload') ] if not sortable: sortable = [] if orderby: sortable.insert(0, orderby) orderby_selector = OrderbySelector(sortable) current_orderby = orderby_selector.orderby() permutable = (orderby and (not subquery) and sortable and current_orderby is sortable[0]) extracolumns = extracolumns or [] if permutable: if len(request.args) > 2 and request.args[-3] in ('up', 'down'): check_authorization() table = db[request.args[-2]] record = table(request.args[-1]) or redirect(URL('error')) inverted = (orderby.op == orderby.db._adapter.INVERT) field = orderby.first if inverted else orderby current_value = record[field] if current_value is None: first =, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby).first() current_value = (1 if inverted else -1) + ( if first else 0) if (request.args[-3] == ('down' if inverted else 'up')): target = dbset(field < current_value).select( field_id, field, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby if inverted else ~orderby).first() elif (request.args[-3] == ('up' if inverted else 'down')): target = dbset(field > current_value).select( field_id, field, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby.first if inverted else orderby).first() else: raise NotImplementedError if not target: last =, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby.first if orderby.first else ~orderby).first() target_value = (-1 if inverted else 1) + ( if last else 0) else: target_value = target[field] db( == record[field_id]).update( **{ target_value}) if target: db( == target[field_id]).update( **{ current_value}) if onpermute: onpermute(table, request.args[-2], (record, target)) redirect(url()) first =, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby).first() first_id = if first else 0 last = field_id, limitby=(0, 1), orderby=orderby.first if orderby.first else ~orderby).first() last_id = if last else 0 extracolumns.append({ 'label': DIV(T('Move'), _style='text-align:center;'), 'width': '150px' if showbuttontext else '65px', 'content': lambda row, rc: DIV( recordbutton('ui-icon-triangle-1-n', T('Up'), url(args=['up', tablename, row[field_id]]), showbuttontext) if row[field_id] != first_id else '', recordbutton('ui-icon-triangle-1-s', T('Down'), url(args=['down', tablename, row[field_id]]), showbuttontext) if row[field_id] != last_id else '', _style='text-align:center;') }) _size = 80 if showbuttontext else 25 _size = _size * (int(bool(details)) + int(bool(editable)) + int(bool(deletable))) if _size: extracolumns.append({ 'label': '', 'width': '%spx' % (_size + 12), 'content': lambda row, rc: DIV( recordbutton('%(buttonview)s' % ui, T('View'), url(args=['view', tablename, row[field_id]]), showbuttontext) if details else '', recordbutton('%(buttonedit)s' % ui, T('Edit'), url(args=['edit', tablename, row[field_id]]), showbuttontext) if editable else '', recordbutton( '%(buttondelete)s' % ui, T('Delete'), url(args=['delete', tablename, row[field_id]]), showbuttontext, _onclick=""" if(confirm("%s")){return true;} else {jQuery(this).unbind('click').fadeOut();return false;}""" % T('Sure you want to delete them?'), ) if deletable else '') }) if paginate: paginate_selector = PaginateSelector(paginate if type(paginate) in (list, tuple) else [paginate]) current_paginate = paginate_selector.paginate paginator = Paginator(paginate=current_paginate) # TODO for groupby paginator.records = virtualset( dbset.query).count() if virtualset else dbset.count() paginate_info = PaginateInfo(, paginator.paginate, paginator.records) limitby = paginator.limitby() else: limitby = None current_paginate = None # TODO # if paginator.records == 0: # error = 'Not Found' if virtualset: records = virtualset(dbset.query).select(left=left, limitby=limitby, orderby=current_orderby, groupby=groupby, *fields) records.db = virtualtable._db else: records =, limitby=limitby, orderby=current_orderby, groupby=groupby, *fields) table = SOLIDTABLE( records, columns=columns, headers=headers, orderby=orderby_selector, truncate=maxtextlength, #TODO replace extracolumns=extracolumns, upload=upload) table.attributes['_class'] = 'solidtable' table.attributes['_id'] = table_el_id inner = [] if scope: inner.append(scope_el) if current_paginate: inner.append(DIV(paginate_info, _class='pagination_information')) inner.append(table) if current_paginate and paginator.records > current_paginate: inner.append( DIV(paginate_selector, paginator, _class='index_footer')) res = DIV(_class=_class, *inner) res.records = records res.search_form = search_form res.error = error res.gridbuttons = [] if create: res.gridbuttons.append( gridbutton('%(buttonadd)s' % ui, T('Add'), url(args=['new', tablename]))) return res
# None, # ['code', 'keywords']] #elif request_fields == 'fields_3': # fields = [['name', 'category'], # [None, 'code'], # [None, 'keywords']] #elif request_fields == 'fields_4': # fields = [['id', 'name'], # ['category', 'code'], # [None, 'keywords']] #elif request_fields == 'fields_5': # fields = [['name', 'category'], # ['id', 'code'], # [None, 'keywords']] ## Standard usage form = SOLIDFORM(db.correspondencia, fields=fields) # Factory usage #form_factory = SOLIDFORM.factory([Field('xxx'), Field('yyy'), Field('zzz')], Field('aaa')) # Readonly usage #correspondencia = db( > 0).select().first() #form_readonly = SOLIDFORM(db.product, product, fields=fields, showid=False, readonly=True) # edit form #form_edit = SOLIDFORM(db.product, product, fields=fields) ################################################################################ if form.accepts(request.vars, session): session.flash = 'enviado %s' % form.vars redirect(URL('index')) #if form_factory.accepts(request.vars, session, formname='factory'): # session.flash = 'enviado %s' % form_factory.vars # redirect(URL('index'))