Esempio n. 1
def fimapapi(p_url):
    result = []
    config = {
        'p_doDotTruncation': False,
        'p_dot_trunc_step': 50,
        'p_googlesleep': 5,
        'p_rfi_encode': None,
        'p_pages': 10,
        'p_monkeymode': False,
        'p_depth': 1,
        'p_list': None,
        'p_proxy': None,
        'p_mode': 0,
        'p_skiponerror': False,
        'p_query': None,
        'p_dot_trunc_only_win': True,
        'header': {},
        'p_exploit_domain': None,
        'force-run': False,
        'p_exploit_script_id': None,
        'p_exploit_payload': None,
        'p_dot_trunc_min': 700,
        'p_multiply_term': 1,
        'force-os': None,
        'p_dot_trunc_ratio': 0.095,
        'p_write': None,
        'p_verbose': 2,
        'p_dot_trunc_max': 2000,
        'p_ttl': 30,
        'p_skippages': 0,
        'p_useragent': ' (My life for Aiur)',
        'p_post': '',
        'p_maxtries': 5,
        'p_results_per_query': 100,
        'p_color': False,
        'p_bingkey': None,
        'p_mergexml': None,
        'p_exploit_filter': '',
        'p_exploit_cmds': None,
        'p_tabcomplete': False,
        'p_autolang': True
    config["p_url"] = p_url
    xmlsettings = language.XML2Config(config)
    config["XML2CONFIG"] = xmlsettings
    plugman = plugininterface(config)
    config["PLUGINMANAGER"] = plugman
    if (config["p_mode"] == 0):
        single = singleScan(config)
        result = single.scan()
    return result

# fimapapi("")
# print sys.path[0]
Esempio n. 2
        # Setup possibly changed engine settings.
        if (blind_min != None):
            xmlsettings.blind_min = blind_min
            print "Overwriting 'blind_min' setting to %s..." %(blind_min)
        if (blind_max != None):
            xmlsettings.blind_max = blind_max
            print "Overwriting 'blind_max' setting to %s..." %(blind_max)
        config["XML2CONFIG"] = xmlsettings  
        plugman = plugininterface(config)
        config["PLUGINMANAGER"] = plugman
        if startExploiter:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print "\n\nYou killed me brutally. Wtf!\n\n"

    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
        print (err)

    if (doUpdateDef):
        xmlconfig = config["XML2CONFIG"]
Esempio n. 3
    def main(self, arg):
        Main method of the class.
        Note that it's just a name unlike java...
        See below for the entry point of the program.

        #If no arg are passed to main, we grab argv from wrapper.
        #Argv is a list of args.

        #FIMAP Comment :  User variables
        self.mainconfig["p_url"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_mode"] = 0 # 0=single ; 1=mass ; 2=google ; 3=crawl ; 4=autoawesome
        self.mainconfig["p_list"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_verbose"] = 2
        self.mainconfig["p_useragent"] = ""
        self.mainconfig["p_pages"] = 10
        self.mainconfig["p_query"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_exploit_filter"] = ""
        self.mainconfig["p_write"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_depth"] = 1
        self.mainconfig["p_maxtries"] = 5
        self.mainconfig["p_skippages"] = 0
        self.mainconfig["p_monkeymode"] = False
        self.mainconfig["p_doDotTruncation"] = False
        self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_min"] = 700
        self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_max"] = 2000
        self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_step"] = 50
        self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_ratio"] = 0.095
        self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_only_win"] = True
        self.mainconfig["p_proxy"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_ttl"] = 30
        self.mainconfig["p_post"] = ""
        self.mainconfig["p_autolang"] = True
        self.mainconfig["p_color"] = False
        self.mainconfig["p_mergexml"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_results_per_query"] = 100
        self.mainconfig["p_googlesleep"] = 5
        self.mainconfig["p_tabcomplete"] = False
        self.mainconfig["p_multiply_term"] = 1
        self.mainconfig["header"] = {}
        self.mainconfig["force-run"] = False
        self.mainconfig["force-os"] = None
        self.mainconfig["p_rfi_encode"] = None
        doPluginsShow = False
        doRFITest = False
        doInternetInfo = False
        doInstallPlugins = False
        doMergeXML = False
        blind_min = None
        blind_max = None

        # Check that there is no empty arg.
        if (len(arg) < 1):
            # Show help if were found keys: -h or --help
            if arg[0] == '-h' or arg[0] == '--help':
                print "Use -h or --help for some help."

            longSwitches = ["url="          , "mass"        , "single"      , "list="       , "verbose="        , "help",
                        "user-agent="   , "query="      , "google"      , "pages="      , "credits"         , "exploit",
                        "harvest"       , "write="      , "depth="      , "greetings"   , "test-rfi"        , "skip-pages=",
                        "show-my-ip"    , "enable-blind", "http-proxy=" , "ttl="        , "post="           , "no-auto-detect",
                        "plugins"       , "enable-color", "merge-xml="  , "install-plugins" , "results=",
                        "googlesleep="  , "dot-truncation", "dot-trunc-min=", "dot-trunc-max=", "dot-trunc-step=", "dot-trunc-ratio=",
                        "tab-complete"  , "cookie="     , "bmin="        , "bmax="      , "dot-trunc-also-unix", "multiply-term=",
                        "autoawesome"   , "force-run"   , "force-os="   , "rfi-encoder=", "header="]
            #The getopt is the standard python module for parsing args
            #(see python reference documentation :
            #Here we search for args beginning with s,k,f,x,d,t,c,w,e,o that need a value, and args h,v,n
            #The list(inside []), refers to the long options.
            # argv[1:] returns a list that begins with element 1 of argv
            # exemple : argv = ['a','b','c']
            #           argv[1:] will be ['b','c']
            #           argv[2:] will be ['c']
            #The getopt returns a tuple.
            #Here, opts is a list of tuple containing the options type and the values
            #args is the extra paramaters
            #For exemple :
            #    opts, args = getopt.getopt(['-h','-s','10','url'],"u:msl:v:hA:gq:p:sxHw:d:bP:CIDTM:4R:")
            #will return
            #    opts = [('-h',''),('-s','10')]
            #    args = ['url']
            optlist, args = getopt.getopt(arg, "u:msl:v:hA:gq:p:sxHw:d:bP:CIDTM:4R:", longSwitches)

            startExploiter = False

            # Here we check options returned in by getopt
            # we make a for statement on this list
            # o and a are iterator on option type and args values
            # for exemple if optlist = [('-h',''),('-s','3')]
            # first loop : v = '-h' and a= ''
            # second loop : v = '-s' and a='3'
            # Options are registered in member class variables.
            for k,v in optlist:
                if (k in ("-u", "--url")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_url"] = v
                if (k in ("-s", "--single")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_mode"] = 0
                if (k in ("-m", "--mass")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_mode"] = 1
                if (k in ("-g", "--google")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_mode"] = 2
                if (k in ("-H", "--harvest")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_mode"] = 3
                if (k in ("-4", "--autoawesome")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_mode"] = 4
                if (k in ("-l", "--list")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_list"] = v
                if (k in ("-q", "--query")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_query"] = v
                if (k in ("-v", "--verbose")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_verbose"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("-p", "--pages")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_pages"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--results",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_results_per_query"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--googlesleep",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_googlesleep"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("-A", "--user-agent")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_useragent"] = v
                if (k in ("--http-proxy",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_proxy"] = v
                if (k in ("-w", "--write")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_write"] = v
                if (k in ("-d", "--depth")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_depth"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--ttl",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_ttl"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("-h", "--help")):
                if (k in ("--test-rfi",)):
                    doRFITest = True
                if (k in ("-b", "--enable-blind")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_monkeymode"] = True
                if (k in ("-D", "--dot-truncation")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_doDotTruncation"] = True
                if (k in ("-C", "--enable-color")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_color"] = True
                if (k in ("--skip-pages",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_skippages"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--show-my-ip",)):
                    doInternetInfo = True
                if (k in("-x", "--exploit")):
                    startExploiter = True
                if (k in ("-P", "--post")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_post"] = v
                if (k in ("--no-auto-detect", )):
                    self.mainconfig["p_autolang"] = False
                if (k in ("--plugins",)):
                    doPluginsShow = True
                if (k in ("-I", "--install-plugins")):
                    doInstallPlugins = True
                if (k in ("--merge-xml",)):
                    doMergeXML = True
                    self.mainconfig["p_mergexml"] = v
                if (k in ("--dot-trunc-min",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_min"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--dot-trunc-max",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_max"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--dot-trunc-step",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_step"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--dot-trunc-ratio",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_ratio"] = float(v)
                if (k in ("--dot-trunc-also-unix",)):
                    self.mainconfig["p_dot_trunc_only_win"] = False
                if (k in ("-T", "--tab-complete")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_tabcomplete"] = True
                if (k in ("-M", "--multiply-term")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_multiply_term"] = int(v)
                if (k in ("--cookie",)):
                    self.mainconfig["header"]["Cookie"] = v
                if (k in ("--header",)):
                    head  = None
                    value = ""
                    if (v.find(":") == -1):
                        head = v
                        head = v.split(":")[0]
                        value = ":".join(v.split(":")[1:])
                    self.mainconfig["header"][head] = value
                if (k in ("--bmin",)):
                    blind_min = int(v)
                if (k in ("--bmax",)):
                    blind_max = int(v)
                if (k in ("--force-run",)):
                    self.mainconfig["force-run"] = True
                if (k in ("--force-os",)):
                    self.mainconfig["force-os"] = v
                if (k in ("--rfi-encoder")):
                    self.mainconfig["p_rfi_encode"] = v
                #if (k in("-f", "--exploit-filter")):
                #    self.mainconfig["p_exploit_filter"] = v

            # Create instance of class codeinjector and pass the param
            xmlsettings = language.XML2Config(self.mainconfig)

            # Ape style lockfile. But it works! :)
            lockFound = False
            curlockfile = None
            # Check if another process of fimap is already runned. If so, exit with error message.
            # Otherwise create new lockfile
            for f in os.listdir(tempfile.gettempdir()):
                if f.startswith("fimap_") and f.endswith("_lockfile"):
                    lockFound = True
                    curlockfile = f
            # Only one instance of fimap can be run
            if (lockFound):
                if (self.mainconfig["force-run"] == True):
                    print "Another fimap instance is running! But you requested to ignore that..."
                    print "Another fimap instance is already running!"
                    print "If you think this is not correct please delete the following file:"
                    print "-> " + os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), curlockfile)
                    print "or start fimap with '--force-run' on your own risk."
                lockfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="fimap_", suffix="_lockfile")

            # Setup possibly changed engine settings.
            if (blind_min != None):
                xmlsettings.blind_min = blind_min
                print "Overwriting 'blind_min' setting to %s..." %(blind_min)
            if (blind_max != None):
                xmlsettings.blind_max = blind_max
                print "Overwriting 'blind_max' setting to %s..." %(blind_max)

            self.mainconfig["XML2CONFIG"] = xmlsettings

            # Create instance of class plugininterface and pass the param
            plugman = plugininterface(self.mainconfig)
            self.mainconfig["PLUGINMANAGER"] = plugman

            # If startExploiter is True then call method self.list_results()
            if startExploiter:
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    print "\n\nYou killed me brutally.\n\n"
        # This is raised when an unrecognized option is found in the argument list or when an option requiring
        # an argument is given none. The argument to the exception is a string indicating the cause of the error.
        except getopt.GetoptError, err:
            print (err)
            # Exit with error code 1
Esempio n. 4
            lockfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="fimap_",

        # Setup possibly changed engine settings.
        if (blind_min != None):
            xmlsettings.blind_min = blind_min
            print("Overwriting 'blind_min' setting to %s..." % (blind_min))
        if (blind_max != None):
            xmlsettings.blind_max = blind_max
            print("Overwriting 'blind_max' setting to %s..." % (blind_max))

        config["XML2CONFIG"] = xmlsettings

        plugman = plugininterface(config)
        config["PLUGINMANAGER"] = plugman

        if startExploiter:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print("\n\nYou killed me brutally. Wtf!\n\n")

    except getopt.GetoptError as err:

    if (doUpdateDef):
        xmlconfig = config["XML2CONFIG"]