def row_calc_aei(row,srf,asf): if row["track_type"] == "aero": row["ei"] = 90 if ".Vd." in row["comp_name"] else 0 row["aei"] = 180 - row['phase_shift'] - row["ei"] + asf(srf(row['sz_name'],(float(row['age_max'])+float(row['age_min']))/2)) else: decimal_year = get_shipmag_decimal_year(row) if decimal_year==None: raise ValueError("Intersection point could not be found in data file so IGRF could not be calculated and aei could not be found please check your data, skipping %s"%row['comp_name']) igrf = ipmag.igrf([decimal_year,0,float(row['inter_lat']),float(row['inter_lon'])]) alpha = float(row['strike']) - igrf[0] e = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.tan(np.deg2rad(igrf[1])),np.sin(np.deg2rad(alpha)))) aei = 180 - e - float(row['phase_shift']) + asf(srf(row['sz_name'],(float(row['age_max'])+float(row['age_min']))/2)) row['ei'] = e row['aei'] = aei return row
def calc_aei(deskew_df,srf,asf): deskew_df["ei"] = [(90. if ".Vd." in comp else 0.) for ps,comp in zip(deskew_df["phase_shift"],deskew_df["comp_name"])] deskew_df["aei"] = [180. - row['phase_shift']- row["ei"] + asf(srf(row['sz_name'],(float(row['age_max'])+float(row['age_min']))/2)) for i,row in deskew_df.iterrows()] for i,row in deskew_df[deskew_df['track_type']=='ship'].iterrows(): decimal_year = get_shipmag_decimal_year(row) if decimal_year==None: print("Intersection point could not be found in data file so IGRF could not be calculated and aei could not be found please check your data, skipping %s"%row['comp_name']); continue igrf = ipmag.igrf([decimal_year,0,float(row['inter_lat']),float(row['inter_lon'])]) alpha = float(row['strike']) - igrf[0] e = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.tan(np.deg2rad(igrf[1])),np.sin(np.deg2rad(alpha)))) aei = 180 - e - float(row['phase_shift']) + asf(srf(row['sz_name'],(float(row['age_max'])+float(row['age_min']))/2))[i,'ei'] = e[i,'aei'] = aei return deskew_df
def test_igrf_output(self): result = ipmag.igrf([1999.1, 30, 20, 50]) reference = [1.20288657e+00, 2.82331112e+01, 3.9782338913649881e+04] for num, item in enumerate(result): self.assertAlmostEqual(item, reference[num])
def plot_hst_loc_cartopy(self, i=5, df=None, title='', thresh=5, fout='', min_exptime=800, key='start', save=False, orbital_path1=None, orbital_path2=None, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 7), tight_layout=True, subplot_kw={'projection': projection}) crs = projection transform = crs._as_mpl_transform(ax) df = df[] df.sort_values(by='incident_cr_rate', inplace=True) # Plot configuration ax.coastlines() gl = ax.gridlines(crs=crs, draw_labels=True, linewidth=1, color='k', alpha=0.4, linestyle='--') fname = '/ifs/missions/projects/plcosmic/hst_cosmic_rays/APJ_plots/HYP_50M_SR_W.tif' ax.imshow(plt.imread(fname), origin='upper', transform=crs, extent=[-180, 180, -90, 90]) gl.xlabels_top = False gl.ylabels_left = True gl.ylabels_right = False gl.xlines = True # gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator([-180, -45, 0, 45, 180]) gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER gl.xlocator = MultipleLocator(60) gl.ylocator = MultipleLocator(15) gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 10, 'color': 'black'} gl.xlabel_style = {'color': 'black'} date = 2005 altitude = 565 # Calculate the B field grid # Evenly space grid with 1 degree resolution in both Latitude and Longitude lat = np.linspace(-90, 90, 1 * 180 + 1) lon = np.linspace(0, 360, 1 * 360 + 1) lat_grid, lon_grid = np.meshgrid(lat, lon) coordinates = list(zip(lat_grid.ravel(), lon_grid.ravel())) B_strength = [] for coords in coordinates: b_field = ipmag.igrf([date, altitude, coords[0], coords[1]]) B_strength.append(b_field[-1]) B_strength_grid = np.array(B_strength).reshape(lat_grid.shape) # Get the CR rate information lat, lon, rate = df['latitude_{}'.format(key)], \ df['longitude_{}'.format(key)], \ df['incident_cr_rate']'{} {} {}'.format(len(lat), len(lon), len(rate))) # Get average statistics to generate contour mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(rate, sigma_lower=3, sigma_upper=3)'{} +\- {}'.format(mean, std)) norm = ImageNormalize(rate, stretch=LinearStretch(), vmin=mean - thresh * std, vmax=mean + thresh * std) cbar_below_mean = [mean - (i + 1) * std for i in range(thresh)] cbar_above_mean = [mean + (i + 1) * std for i in range(thresh)] cbar_bounds = cbar_below_mean + [mean] + cbar_above_mean print(cbar_bounds) cbar_bounds.sort() sci_cmap = custom_norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries=cbar_bounds, ncolors=sci_cmap.N) scat = ax.scatter(lon.values, lat.values, marker='o', s=3.5, c=rate, alpha=0.2, norm=custom_norm, cmap='viridis', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) cbar_ticks = cbar_bounds cax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.05]) cbar = fig.colorbar(scat, cax=cax, ticks=cbar_ticks, orientation='horizontal') cbar.set_alpha(1) cbar.draw_all() cbar_tick_labels = [f'<x>-{i}$\sigma$' for i in [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]] + [ '<x>' ] + [f'<x>+{i}$\sigma$' for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], horizontalalignment='right', rotation=30) cbar.set_label('CR Flux [CR/s/$cm^2$]', fontsize=10) cntr = ax.contour(lon_grid, lat_grid, B_strength_grid, cmap='plasma', levels=10, alpha=1, lw=2, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) h1, l1 = cntr.legend_elements("B_strength_grid") l1_custom = [ f"{val.split('=')[-1].strip('$').strip()} nT" for val in l1 ] leg1 = Legend(ax, h1, l1_custom, loc='upper left', edgecolor='k', fontsize=8, framealpha=0.45, facecolor='tab:gray', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.03), title='Total Magnetic Intensity') ax.add_artist(leg1) if orbital_path1 is not None: ax.scatter(orbital_path1.metadata['longitude'][::4][1:], orbital_path1.metadata['latitude'][::4][1:], c='k', s=20, label='285 seccond interval') if orbital_path2 is not None: ax.plot(orbital_path2.metadata['longitude'], orbital_path2.metadata['latitude'], label=f'Orbital Path Over {2000:.0f} seconds', color='k', ls='--', lw=1.25) return fig
def preprocess_m77t(m77tf, data_directory="shipmag_data"): #read in data and initialize empty columns and place holder variables m77t_df = pd.read_csv(m77tf, sep='\t', dtype=str) m77t_df['DECIMAL_YEAR'] = np.nan m77t_df['DIS'] = np.nan m77t_df['MAG_COR'] = np.nan current_dis, prev_lat_lon = 0, [] if "SURVEY_ID" not in m77t_df.columns: m77t_df = pd.read_csv( m77tf, sep='\t', dtype=str, names=[ "SURVEY_ID", "TIMEZONE", "DATE", "TIME", "LAT", "LON", "POS_TYPE", "NAV_QUALCO", "BAT_TTIME", "CORR_DEPTH", "BAT_CPCO", "BAT_TYPCO", "BAT_QUALCO", "MAG_TOT", "MAG_TOT2", "MAG_RES", "MAG_RESSEN", "MAG_DICORR", "MAG_SDEPTH", "MAG_QUALCO", "GRA_OBS", "EOTVOS", "FREEAIR", "GRA_QUALCO", "LINEID", "POINTID" ]) #check for .lp files existance and skip if it has already been made fout_name = os.path.join(data_directory, m77t_df['SURVEY_ID'].iloc[0], m77t_df['SURVEY_ID'].iloc[0] + '.lp') if os.path.isfile(fout_name): print( ".lp file found for %s, skipping to save time. If you would like to regenerate these files please remove them then rerun the script" % str(m77t_df['SURVEY_ID'].iloc[0])) return for i, row in m77t_df.iterrows(): #create decimal year from datetime date = str(row['DATE']) if date == str(np.nan): print( "no date info for record %d of survey %s, skipping this record" % (i, row['SURVEY_ID'])) continue dt_row = datetime(int(date[0:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])) dec_year = dt_to_dec(dt_row)[i, 'DECIMAL_YEAR'] = round(dec_year, 5) #calculate distance from last point and add to total distance if prev_lat_lon != []: #/1000 to convert m to km current_dis += Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse( float(row['LAT']), float(row['LON']), prev_lat_lon[0], prev_lat_lon[1])['s12'] / 1000 prev_lat_lon = [float(row['LAT']), float(row['LON'])][i, 'DIS'] = round(current_dis, 5) #determine IGRF and remove from uncorrected intensity igrf_cor = ipmag.igrf( [dec_year, 0, float(row['LAT']), float(row['LON'])])[2] mag_cor = float(row['MAG_TOT']) - igrf_cor if mag_cor < 3000 or mag_cor > -3000:[i, 'MAG_COR'] = round(mag_cor, 5) round3_func = lambda x: round(x, 3) dis_array = list( map( round3_func, np.arange(float(m77t_df['DIS'].tolist()[0]), float(m77t_df['DIS'].tolist()[-1]), 1))) #spacing of 1 km, because I can decimal_year_array = list( map( round3_func, np.interp(dis_array, list(map(float, m77t_df['DIS'])), list(map(float, m77t_df['DECIMAL_YEAR'].tolist()))))) mag_cor_array = list( map( round3_func, np.interp(dis_array, list(map(float, m77t_df['DIS'])), list(map(float, m77t_df['MAG_COR']))))) lat_array = list( map( round3_func, np.interp(dis_array, list(map(float, m77t_df['DIS'])), list(map(float, m77t_df['LAT']))))) lon_array = list( map( round3_func, np.interp(dis_array, list(map(float, m77t_df['DIS'])), convert_to_0_360(m77t_df['LON'])))) interp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'dis': dis_array, 'decimal_year': decimal_year_array, 'mag_cor': mag_cor_array, 'lat': lat_array, 'lon': lon_array }) # #check distance # interp_df['dis_check'] = np.nan # current_dis,prev_lat_lon = 0,[] # for i,row in interp_df.iterrows(): # #calculate distance from last point and add to total distance # if prev_lat_lon!=[]: # #/1000 to convert m to km # current_dis += Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(float(row['lat']),float(row['lon']),prev_lat_lon[0],prev_lat_lon[1])['s12']/1000 # prev_lat_lon = [float(row['lat']),float(row['lon'])] #[i,'dis_check'] = round(current_dis,5)) #write to .lp file print("saving %s" % fout_name) interp_df[['dis', 'decimal_year', 'mag_cor', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(fout_name, sep='\t', index=False, header=False)
def aeromag_preprocess(aeromag_files, date_file=os.path.join('..', 'raw_data', 'dates.aeromag'), geoid=Geodesic.WGS84): for aeromag_file in aeromag_files: #iterate over all aeromag files track, extension = os.path.basename(aeromag_file).split( '.') #segment the name into parts #read data and make a empty dataframe for output data adf = utl.open_mag_file(aeromag_file).dropna() ddf = pd.read_csv(date_file, sep='\t', index_col=0) idf = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'dis', 'lat', 'lon', 'alt', 'v_comp', 'e_comp', 'n_comp', 'h_comp', 't_comp' ]) dis = 0 decimal_year = float(ddf.loc[track]['decimal_year']) prev_lat, prev_lon = None, None for i, row in adf.iterrows(): #iterate over rows row["lon"] = utl.convert_to_0_360(row["lon"])[i, "lon"] = row["lon"] try: #check for data gaps if np.isnan(row['lat']) or np.isnan(row['lon']) or np.isnan( row['alt']) or np.isnan(row['mag']) or np.isnan( row['v_comp']) or np.isnan( row['e_comp']) or np.isnan( row['n_comp']) or np.isnan(row['h_comp']): continue #check None elif (row['lat'] == None) or (row['lon'] == None) or ( row['alt'] == None) or (row['mag'] == None) or ( row['v_comp'] == None) or (row['e_comp'] == None): continue #check for absurd values outside of the domain of the varible (this will capture null values of -99999) elif (abs(float(row['lat'])) > 90) or (abs( utl.convert_to_180_180(row['lon'])) > 180) or (float( row['alt']) < 0) or (abs(float( row['mag'])) == 99999) or (abs( float(row['v_comp'])) == 99999) or (abs( float(row['e_comp'])) == 99999): continue except ValueError as e: continue #This implies a value which is not convertable to a float as all of these should be floats this datum must be skipped if prev_lat != None and prev_lon != None: #calculate distance dis += geoid.Inverse(float(row['lat']), float(row['lon']), prev_lat, prev_lon)['s12'] / 1000[i, 'dis'] = dis #calculate and remove IGRF dec, inc, mag = ipmag.igrf([ decimal_year, float(row['alt']) * 0.3048e-3, float(row['lat']), float(row['lon']) ]) res_v_comp = mag * np.sin(np.deg2rad(inc)) res_e_comp = mag * np.cos(np.deg2rad(inc)) * np.sin( np.deg2rad(dec)) res_n_comp = mag * np.cos(np.deg2rad(inc)) * np.cos( np.deg2rad(dec)) res_h_comp = mag * np.cos(np.deg2rad(inc)) res_t_comp = mag[i, 'res_v_comp'] = float(row['v_comp']) - res_v_comp[i, 'res_e_comp'] = float(row['e_comp']) - res_e_comp[i, 'res_n_comp'] = float(row['n_comp']) - res_n_comp[i, 'res_h_comp'] = float(row['h_comp']) - res_h_comp[i, 'res_t_comp'] = float(row['mag']) - res_t_comp prev_lat, prev_lon = float(row['lat']), float(row['lon']) # adf = adf[(adf['res_e_comp']<3000) & (adf['res_n_comp']<3000) & (adf['res_v_comp']<3000) & (adf['res_h_comp']<3000) & (adf['res_t_comp']<3000)] #remove a second order polynomial fromm the magnetic data I don't know why but this is something done for col in [ 'res_e_comp', 'res_n_comp', 'res_h_comp', 'res_v_comp', 'res_t_comp' ]: # pols = np.polyfit(adf['dis'].tolist(),adf[col].tolist(),3) # mag_fit = np.polyval(pols,adf['dis'].tolist()) # adf['cor'+col.lstrip('res')] = adf[col].to_numpy() - mag_fit adf['cor' + col.lstrip('res')] = adf[col].to_numpy() #iterpolate and round data adf = adf.dropna() idf['dis'] = np.arange(adf['dis'].iloc[0], adf['dis'].iloc[-1] + .1, .1) #spacing of 1 km, because I can idf['lat'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['lat']) idf['lon'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['lon']) idf['alt'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], .3048 * adf['alt']) idf['v_comp'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['cor_v_comp']) idf['e_comp'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['cor_e_comp']) idf['n_comp'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['cor_n_comp']) idf['h_comp'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['cor_h_comp']) idf['t_comp'] = np.interp(idf['dis'], adf['dis'], adf['cor_t_comp']) adf[['dis', 'alt', 'cor_v_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Vd', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") adf[['dis', 'alt', 'cor_e_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Ed', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") adf[['dis', 'alt', 'cor_n_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Nd', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") adf[['dis', 'alt', 'cor_h_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Hd', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") adf[['dis', 'alt', 'cor_t_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Td', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") idf[['dis', 'alt', 'v_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Vd.lp', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") idf[['dis', 'alt', 'e_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Ed.lp', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") idf[['dis', 'alt', 'n_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Nd.lp', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") idf[['dis', 'alt', 'h_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Hd.lp', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") idf[['dis', 'alt', 't_comp', 'lat', 'lon']].to_csv(aeromag_file + '.Td.lp', index=False, header=False, sep='\t', float_format="%.3f") if extension.startswith('c'): shutil.copyfile(aeromag_file, aeromag_file + '.lp') latlon_df = adf[['lat', 'lon']] latlon_file = aeromag_file + ".latlon" latlon_df.to_csv(latlon_file, sep=' ', index=False, header=False)