def plot_sparkline_discrete(results, args, longlines=False): """The source data is a list of values between 0 and 100 (or 'limits' if given). Values greater than 95 (or 'upper' if given) are displayed in red, otherwise they are displayed in green""" width = int(args.get('width', '2')) height = int(args.get('height', '14')) upper = int(args.get('upper', '50')) below_color = args.get('below-color', 'gray') above_color = args.get('above-color', 'red') gap = 4 if longlines: gap = 0 im = PNGCanvas(len(results)*width-1, height) im.color = rgb.colors['white'] im.filledRectangle(0, 0, im.width-1, im.height-1) (dmin, dmax) = [int(x) for x in args.get('limits', '0,100').split(',')] if dmax < dmin: dmax = dmin zero = im.height - 1 if dmin < 0 and dmax > 0: zero = im.height - (0 - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) for (r, i) in zip(results, range(0, len(results)*width, width)): color = (r >= upper) and above_color or below_color if r < 0: y_coord = im.height - (r - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) else: y_coord = im.height - (r - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) im.color = rgb.colors[color] if longlines: im.filledRectangle(i, zero, i+width-2, y_coord) else: im.rectangle(i, y_coord - gap, i+width-2, y_coord) return im.dump()
def plot_sparkline_smooth(results, args): step = int(args.get('step', '2')) height = int(args.get('height', '20')) (dmin, dmax) = [int(x) for x in args.get('limits', '0,100').split(',')] im = PNGCanvas((len(results)-1)*step+4, height) im.color = rgb.colors['white'] im.filledRectangle(0, 0, im.width-1, im.height-1) coords = zip(range(1,len(results)*step+1, step), [height - 3 - (y-dmin)/(float(dmax - dmin +1)/(height-4)) for y in results]) im.color = [128, 128, 128, 255] lastx, lasty = coords[0] for x0, y0, in coords: im.line(lastx, lasty, x0, y0) lastx, lasty = x0, y0 min_color = rgb.colors[args.get('min-color', 'green')] max_color = rgb.colors[args.get('max-color', 'red')] last_color = rgb.colors[args.get('last-color', 'blue')] has_min = args.get('min-m', 'false') has_max = args.get('max-m', 'false') has_last = args.get('last-m', 'false') if has_min == 'true': min_pt = coords[results.index(min(results))] im.color = min_color im.rectangle(min_pt[0]-1, min_pt[1]-1, min_pt[0]+1, min_pt[1]+1) if has_max == 'true': im.color = max_color max_pt = coords[results.index(max(results))] im.rectangle(max_pt[0]-1, max_pt[1]-1, max_pt[0]+1, max_pt[1]+1) if has_last == 'true': im.color = last_color end = coords[-1] im.rectangle(end[0]-1, end[1]-1, end[0]+1, end[1]+1) return im.dump()
def plot_sparkline_discrete(results, args, longlines=False): """The source data is a list of values between 0 and 100 (or 'limits' if given). Values greater than 95 (or 'upper' if given) are displayed in red, otherwise they are displayed in green""" width = int(args.get('width', '2')) height = int(args.get('height', '14')) upper = int(args.get('upper', '50')) below_color = args.get('below-color', 'gray') above_color = args.get('above-color', 'red') gap = 4 if longlines: gap = 0 im = PNGCanvas(len(results) * width - 1, height) im.color = rgb.colors['white'] im.filledRectangle(0, 0, im.width - 1, im.height - 1) (dmin, dmax) = [int(x) for x in args.get('limits', '0,100').split(',')] if dmax < dmin: dmax = dmin zero = im.height - 1 if dmin < 0 and dmax > 0: zero = im.height - (0 - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) for (r, i) in zip(results, range(0, len(results) * width, width)): color = (r >= upper) and above_color or below_color if r < 0: y_coord = im.height - (r - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) else: y_coord = im.height - (r - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - gap)) im.color = rgb.colors[color] if longlines: im.rectangle(i, zero, i + width - 2, y_coord) else: im.rectangle(i, y_coord - gap, i + width - 2, y_coord) return im.dump()
def plot_sparkline_smooth(results, args): step = int(args.get('step', '2')) height = int(args.get('height', '20')) (dmin, dmax) = [int(x) for x in args.get('limits', '0,100').split(',')] im = PNGCanvas((len(results) - 1) * step + 4, height) im.color = rgb.colors['white'] im.filledRectangle(0, 0, im.width - 1, im.height - 1) coords = zip(range(1, len(results) * step + 1, step), [ height - 3 - (y - dmin) / (float(dmax - dmin + 1) / (height - 4)) for y in results ]) im.color = [128, 128, 128, 255] lastx, lasty = coords[0] for x0, y0, in coords: im.line(lastx, lasty, x0, y0) lastx, lasty = x0, y0 min_color = rgb.colors[args.get('min-color', 'green')] max_color = rgb.colors[args.get('max-color', 'red')] last_color = rgb.colors[args.get('last-color', 'blue')] has_min = args.get('min-m', 'false') has_max = args.get('max-m', 'false') has_last = args.get('last-m', 'false') if has_min == 'true': min_pt = coords[results.index(min(results))] im.color = min_color im.rectangle(min_pt[0] - 1, min_pt[1] - 1, min_pt[0] + 1, min_pt[1] + 1) if has_max == 'true': im.color = max_color max_pt = coords[results.index(max(results))] im.rectangle(max_pt[0] - 1, max_pt[1] - 1, max_pt[0] + 1, max_pt[1] + 1) if has_last == 'true': im.color = last_color end = coords[-1] im.rectangle(end[0] - 1, end[1] - 1, end[0] + 1, end[1] + 1) return im.dump()
def cont(self,req,modname,rparameters): param=urlparam(rparameters) ext=param['ext'] lang=param['lang'] aps=param['aps'] kalb=param['kalb'] lang1 = gettext.translation (cmstrans2, locale_path, [kalb] , fallback=True) _ = lang1.ugettext modname2 = 'custommodule' if not req.request.get('cmd'): page = Page.loadnew(modname2) greeting = '' bio_cgi_url = "/bioview" bio_cgi_url = ("%s/%s-mo2%s-%s.%s" % (urlhost2(), cmspath2,modname,lang, fileext)) gimmet='' gimmen='' gimdien='' simbsafe = re.compile("[^0-9a-zA-Z]") mazosios = re.compile("[^a-z]") skaic = re.compile("[^0-9]") handler = {} if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in os.environ: cookies = os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] cookies = cookies.split('; ') for cookie in cookies: cookie = cookie.split('=') handler[cookie[0]] = cookie[1] if 'terebasGimd' in handler: gimd = handler['terebasGimd'] gimd = "%s" % (skaic.sub("", gimd)) try: gimmet=gimd[0,4] gimmen=gimd[4,6] gimdien=gimd[6,8] except: zerr = True unixtime=time.time() d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime) lang = req.request.get('lang') or 'lt' gimmet = req.request.get('gmet') or gimmet gimmen = req.request.get('gmem') or gimmen gimdien = req.request.get('gdien') or gimdien siemet = req.request.get('smet') or d.strftime('%Y') men = req.request.get('men') or d.strftime('%m') biohtml='' if not lang: lang = 'lt' else: lang = mazosios.sub("", lang) if not gimmet: gimmet = '1970' else: gimmet = skaic.sub("", gimmet) if not gimmen: gimmen = '06' else: gimmen = skaic.sub("", gimmen) if not gimdien: gimdien = '20' else: gimdien = skaic.sub("", gimdien) if not siemet: format = '%Y' siemet = d.strftime(format) else: siemet = skaic.sub("", siemet) if not men: format = '%m' men = d.strftime(format) else: men = skaic.sub("", men) if req.request.get('gmet') and req.request.get('gmem') and req.request.get('gdien'): bioduom = "lang="+lang+"&gmet="+gimmet+"&gmem="+gimmen+"&gdien="+gimdien+"&smet="+siemet+"&men="+men biohtml = "<img src=\""+bio_cgi_url+"?cmd=1&"+bioduom+"\" height=\"256\" width=\"256\" alt=\"\" />\n" template_values2 = { 'biohtml': biohtml, 'gimmet': gimmet, 'gimmen': gimmen, 'gimdien': gimdien, 'siemet': siemet, 'men': men } directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.join(directory, "bio.html") cont1 = template.render(path, template_values2, debug=_DEBUG) page.content = cont1 page_name2 = 'menu'+'-'+lang+'.'+fileext page2 = Page.load(page_name2) page3 = Page.loadnew("kalbos") textaps='' if len(aps)>0: textaps=aps+'.' text='' for name, value in kalbossort: text = text + (_kalbhtml % ('mo2'+modname, textaps+name, ext, name, name)) page3.content = text req.generate('view.html', lang, { 'imgshar': False, 'noedit': '1', 'application_name': siteauth(), 'kalbos': page3, 'menu': page2, 'page': page, }) elif req.request.get('cmd') == '1': unixtime=time.time() d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime) lang = req.request.get('lang') or 'lt' gimmet = req.request.get('gmet') or '1970' gimmen = req.request.get('gmem') or '06' gimdien = req.request.get('gdien') or '20' siemet = req.request.get('smet') or d.strftime('%Y') men = req.request.get('men') or d.strftime('%m') simbsafe = re.compile("[^0-9a-zA-Z]") mazosios = re.compile("[^a-z]") skaic = re.compile("[^0-9]") if not lang: lang = 'lt' else: lang = mazosios.sub("", lang) if not gimmet: gimmet = '1970' else: gimmet = skaic.sub("", gimmet) if not gimmen: gimmen = '06' else: gimmen = skaic.sub("", gimmen) if not gimdien: gimdien = '20' else: gimdien = skaic.sub("", gimdien) if not siemet: format = '%Y' siemet = d.strftime(format) else: siemet = skaic.sub("", siemet) if not men: format = '%m' men = d.strftime(format) else: men = skaic.sub("", men) format = '%H:%i:%s %m/%d/%Y %O' date = d.strftime(format) if lang == 'en': bio_new = 'bio_en8.png' strbio = "Biorhythms" strfiz = "Physical State" stremo = "Emotional State" strint = "Intellect" strmd = "Days of the Month" strid = "Survived Days" strgd = "Date of Birth" strm = "Month" else: bio_new = 'bio_lt8.png' strbio = "Bioritmai" strfiz = "Fizin\xEB bukl\xEB" stremo = "Emocin\xEB b\xFBsena" strint = "Intelektas" strmd = "Menesio dienos" strid = "I\xF0gyventa dien\xF8" strgd = "Gimimo data" strm = "M\xEBnuo" bio_new = '1m.png' color1 = [106, 0,0,0] color2 = [0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff] color3 = [128, 255, 0, 0xff] color4 = [0,128,255, 0xff] color5 = [255,128,255, 0xff] color6 = [255,255,0, 0xff] color1 = [0x00, 0x30,0xd2,0xFF] color2 = [0xf6, 0xf3, 0x00, 0xff] color3 = [0xfe, 0x7f, 0xfe, 0xff] color4 = [0x7f, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff] color5 = [255,128,255, 0xff] color6 = [255,255,0, 0xff] color1 = [0xAC, 0x2F,0x93,0xFF] color1 = [0x00, 0x00,0x8e,0xFF] color2 = [0xCA, 0x45, 0x46, 0xff] color3 = [0xd3, 0xa5, 0x6a, 0xff] color4 = [0x71, 0xa4, 0xcf, 0xff] color5 = [0xfd, 0xd9, 0x13, 0xff] color1 = [0x00, 0x00,0x8e,0xFF] color2 = [0x2b, 0xf6, 0x42, 0xff] color3 = [0xfc, 0xf1, 0x33, 0xff] color4 = [0xf8, 0x01, 0xd6, 0xff] color5 = [0xff, 0x0e, 0x06, 0xff] color6 = [255,255,0, 0xff] #f6f300 #fe7ffe #000000 #7ffe00 #0030d2 #00008e - fonas melyna # ff0e06 raud #2bf642 zalia #fcf133 gel #f801d6 viol cikfiz = 23 cikemo = 28 cikint = 33 ilg = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] ys=0 derr = False if gimmet<1970: ys=1970-int(gimmet) try: year=int(gimmet)+ys tt1 =, int(gimmen), int(gimdien)) year=int(siemet)+ys tt2 =, int(men), 1) t1=time.mktime(tt1.timetuple()) t2=time.mktime(tt2.timetuple()) dienu=int((int(t2)-int(t1))/86400) except: derr = True # errtext = cgi.escape(str(sys.exc_info()[0])) + ' ' + cgi.escape(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) + ' ' + cgi.escape(str(sys.exc_info()[2])) # req.response.out.write(errtext) # sys.exit(0) if derr: dienu=0 ref=False if 'HTTP_REFERER' in os.environ: for referer in referers: pos = os.environ['HTTP_REFERER'].find(referer) # The offset is optional if not(pos < 0): # not found ref = True else: ref = True if not ref: #if uselog: #log() width = 256 height = 256 im = PNGCanvas(256, 256, [255, 255,255,255]) im.color = [0xff,0,0,0xff] im.rectangle(0,0,width-1,height-1) im.verticalGradient(1,1,width-2, height-2,[0xff,0,0,0xff],[0x20,0,0xff,0x80]) im.color = [0,0,0,0xff] im.line(0,0,width-1,height-1) im.line(0,0,width/2,height-1) im.line(0,0,width-1,height/2) im.copyRect(1,1,width/2-1,height/2-1,0,height/2,im) im.blendRect(1,1,width/2-1,height/2-1,width/2,0,im) str = "Bad referer" y = 5 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 9 / 2 x = "%u" % x font=GDFont() font.load( '','gdfonts') im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font,im,str,x,y,[0, 0, 0, 0xff]) else: zerr=False im = False try: directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.join(directory, os.path.join('gdfonts', bio_new)) imghex=file(path,'rb').read() f = cStringIO.StringIO(imghex) im = PNGCanvas(256, 256, [0, 0,0,0]) im.load(f) except: zerr = True if zerr: # im = PNGCanvas(256, 256, [0, 0,0,0]) im = PNGCanvas(256, 256, color1) zerr=True str = strbio y = 10 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 9 / 2 x = "%u" % x font5=GDFont() font5.load( '','gdfonts') font4=GDFont() font4.load( '','gdfonts') font3=GDFont() font3.load( '','gdfonts') font2=GDFont() font2.load( '','gdfonts') font1=GDFont() font1.load( '','gdfonts') if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font5,im,str,x,y,color2) str = strfiz y = 130 + 10 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 6 / 2 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font2,im,str,x,y,color3) str = stremo y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 6 / 2 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font2,im,str,x,y,color4) str = strint y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 6 / 2 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font2,im,str,x,y,color5) str = strmd y = 82 + 4 + 8 + 4 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 5 / 2 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font1,im,str,x,y,color2) str = strid+':' y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 6 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font2,im,str,x,y,color2) str = " %s" % dienu y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 x = 256 / 2 x = "%u" % x im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font2,im,str,x,y,color2) str = strgd+':' y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 8 + 12 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 7 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font3,im,str,x,y,color2) str = " %s/%s/%s" % (gimmet, gimmen, gimdien) y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 8 + 12 x = 256 / 2 x = "%u" % x im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font3,im,str,x,y,color2) str = strm+':' y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 8 + 12 + 6 + 13 x = 256 / 2 - len(str) * 7 x = "%u" % x if zerr: im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font3,im,str,x,y,color2) str = " %s/%s" % (siemet,men) y = 130 + 10 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 5 + 12 + 8 + 12 + 6 + 13 x = 256 / 2 x = "%u" % x im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font3,im,str,x,y,color2) prad = 10 gal = 256 - prad im.color = color2 im.line(prad,80,gal,80) ii = ilg[int(men)] if int(men) == 2 and int(int(siemet) % 4) == 0: ii+=1 y = 82 + 4 str = 1 x = prad - len("%s" % str) * 5 / 2 x = "%u" % x im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font1,im,str,x,y,color2) for i in range(5, ii, 5): str = i x = prad + (i - 1) * (256 - prad - prad) / (ii - 1) x = x - len("%s" % str) * 5 / 2 x = "%u" % x im=GDFont.gdfontstring(font1,im,str,x,y,color2) pi = math.pi x = prad xsen = "%u" % x y = 80 - 50 * math.sin((1 + dienu) * 2 * pi / cikfiz) yfiz = "%u" % y y = 80 - 50 * math.sin((1 + dienu) * 2 * pi / cikemo) yemo = "%u" % y y = 80 - 50 * math.sin((1 + dienu) * 2 * pi / cikint) yint = "%u" % y for i in range(1, ii): x = prad + (i - 1) * (256 - prad - prad) / (ii - 1) x = "%u" % x im.color = color2 im.line(x,78,x,82) y = 80 - 50 * math.sin((i + dienu) * 2 * pi / cikfiz) y = "%u" % y im.color = color3 im.line(xsen,yfiz,x,y) yfiz = y y = 80 - 50 * math.sin((i + dienu) * 2 * pi / cikemo) y = "%u" % y im.color = color4 im.line(xsen,yemo,x,y) yemo = y y = 80 - 50 * math.sin((i + dienu) * 2 * pi / cikint) y = "%u" % y im.color = color5 im.line(xsen,yint,x,y) yint = y xsen = x sgimmet = "%04d" % int(gimmet) sgimmen = "%02d" % int(gimmen) sgimdien = "%02d" % int(gimdien) gimd=sgimmet+sgimmen+sgimdien expiration = + timedelta(seconds=3600*24*90) exp=expiration.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S PST") req.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "image/png" req.response.headers['Set-Cookie'] = "terebasGimd=%s; path=/; expires=%s" % (gimd,exp) req.response.out.write(im.dump())