Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, ag, indices, acsi, **kwargs):
        AtomPointer.__init__(self, ag, acsi)

        if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray):
            indices = np.array(indices, int)
        elif not indices.dtype == int:
            indices = indices.astype(int)
        if kwargs.get('unique'):
            self._indices = indices
            self._indices = np.unique(indices)
        self._selstr = kwargs.get('selstr')
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, ag, indices, mapping, dummies, title='Unnamed',
                 acsi=None, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate an atom map.        
        :arg ag: AtomGroup instance from which atoms are mapped
        :arg indices: indices of mapped atoms
        :arg mapping: mapping of the atoms
        :arg dummies: list of indices for dummy atoms
        :arg title: title of the instance, default is 'Unnamed'
        :arg acsi: active coordinate set index, defaults is that of *ag*
        Length of *mapping* must be equal to length of *indices*.  Number of 
        atoms (including dummy atoms) are determined from the total lengths 
        of *mapping* and *dummies* arrays.
        Following built-in functions are customized for this class:
        * :func:`len` returns the number of atoms in the instance.
        * :func:`iter` yields :class:`~.Atom` instances.
        * Indexing is not available."""
        AtomPointer.__init__(self, ag, acsi)
        if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray):
            self._indices = np.array(indices, int)
        elif not indices.dtype == int:
            self._indices = indices.astype(int)
            self._indices = indices

        if not isinstance(mapping, np.ndarray):
            self._mapping = np.array(mapping, int)
        elif not mapping.dtype == int:
            self._mapping = mapping.astype(int)
            self._mapping = mapping

        if not isinstance(dummies, np.ndarray):
            self._dummies = np.array(dummies, int)
        elif not dummies.dtype == int:
            self._dummies = dummies.astype(int)
            self._dummies = dummies
        self._title = str(title)
        self._len = len(self._dummies) + len(self._mapping)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, ag, indices, acsi=None, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate an atom map.        
        :arg ag: AtomGroup instance from which atoms are mapped
        :arg indices: indices of mapped atoms
        :arg acsi: active coordinate set index, defaults is that of *ag*
        :arg mapping: mapping of atom *indices* 
        :arg dummies: dummy atom indices
        :arg title: title of the instance, default is 'Unknown'
        *mapping* and *dummies* arrays must be provided together.  Length of 
        *mapping* must be equal to length of *indices*.  Elements of *mapping*
        must be an ordered in ascending order.  When dummy atoms are present,
        number of atoms is the sum of lengths of *mapping* and *dummies*.
        Following built-in functions are customized for this class:
        * :func:`len` returns the number of atoms in the instance.
        * :func:`iter` yields :class:`.Atom` instances.
        * Indexing returns an :class:`.Atom` or an :class:`.AtomMap` instance
          depending on the type and value of the index."""
        AtomPointer.__init__(self, ag, acsi)
        self._dummies = self._mapping = None
        mapping = kwargs.get('mapping', None)
        dummies = kwargs.get('dummies', False)
        if mapping is None:
            if not kwargs.get('intarrays'):
                indices = array(indices, int)
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError('mapping and dummies must be provided '
            self._len = len(indices)
            if dummies:
                dummies = (indices == DUMMY).nonzero()[0]
                if len(dummies):
                    self._dummies = dummies
                    self._mapping = (indices < DUMMY).nonzero()[0]
                    self._indices = indices[self._mapping]
                    self._idarray = indices                
                    self._indices = self._idarray = indices
                self._indices = self._idarray = indices
            if dummies is None:
                raise TypeError('mapping and dummies must be provided '

            if len(mapping) != len(indices):
                raise ValueError('indices and mapping arrays must have the '
                                 'same length')
            if not kwargs.get('intarrays'):
                indices = array(indices, int)
                mapping = array(mapping, int)
                dummies = array(dummies, int)
            if any(mapping[1:] - mapping[:-1] < 0):
                raise ValueError('mapping must be an ordered array')
            self._len = len(indices)
            if len(dummies):
                self._indices = indices
                self._mapping = mapping
                self._dummies = dummies
                self._len += len(dummies)
                self._idarray = idarray = zeros(self._len, int)
                idarray[self._mapping] = self._indices
                idarray[self._dummies] = DUMMY
                self._indices = self._idarray = indices[mapping]
        self._title = str(kwargs.get('title', 'Unknown'))
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, ag, index, acsi):
     AtomPointer.__init__(self, ag, acsi)
     self._index = int(index)