Esempio n. 1
    def _Data_setup(self, bins):

        # check emin and bpd for consistency with CALDB
        c1 = N.abs(bins - 100).min() > 1
        c2 = (self.binsperdec % 4) > 0
        if c1 or c2:
            print """
            It is STRONGLY recommended that you use a binning comm-
            ensurate with CALDB binning.  This can be achieved by 
            making sure 100 MeV appears in the bin edges (an easy 
            way is to set emin=100) and that binsperdec is a multi-
            ple of 4.  You can choose a subset of these bins in the
            likelihood fitting if you want to narrow the energy

        if 'mc_energy' in self.__dict__:
        if not self.quiet:
            print '.....set Data theta cut at %.1f deg' % (self.thetacut)

        if not self._binner_set:
            from pointlike import DoubleVector, IntVector
            f_nside = IntVector(NsideMapper.nside(bins, 0))
            b_nside = IntVector(NsideMapper.nside(bins, 1))
            self.binner = skymaps.PhotonBinner(DoubleVector(bins), f_nside,
            self._binner_set = True
Esempio n. 2
def check_converge(month, tol=10, add_neighbors=True, log=None):
    """ check for convergence, ROI that have been updated
    month: int or string
        if int, intrepret as a month, else a folder
    from pointlike import IntVector
    from skymaps import Band
    outdir = 'month%02d' % month if type(month) == types.IntType else month
    #print '%s:' %outdir
    r = roirec(outdir)
    if r is None: return
    diff = r.loglike - r.prevlike
    nisnan = sum(np.isnan(diff))
    if nisnan > 0:
        print 'warning: %d NaN values in likelihoods: ignoring them' % nisnan
        diff[np.isnan(diff)] = 0
    dmin, dmax = diff.min(), diff.max()
    rmin, rmax = list(diff).index(dmin), list(diff).index(dmax)
    changed = set(np.arange(1728)[np.abs(diff) > tol])
    print >> log, '\tpass %d:  %d changed > %d, min, max: %d(#%d) %d(#%d)' % (
        max(r.niter), len(changed), tol, dmin, rmin, dmax, rmax),
    if not add_neighbors: return list(changed)
    nbrs = set()
    b12 = Band(12)
    for x in changed:
        v = IntVector()
        b12.findNeighbors(int(x), v)  # int is tricky
        for n in v:
    q = list(changed.union(nbrs))
    print >> log, ' (total %d)' % len(q)
    if log is not None: log.flush()
    return q
Esempio n. 3
def neighbors(index, rings=1):
    """ return the cluster of pixel indeces around the pixel 
    index : int
        specified pixel
    rings : int, optional
        number of rings around the pixel
    Returns a list of (index, ring_number) tuples
    b12 = skymaps.Band(12)
    v = IntVector()
    outer_ring = set([index])
    cluster = set([index])
    ret = []
    for ring_number in range(rings):
        found = set([])
        for i in outer_ring:
            b12.findNeighbors(int(i), v)
            found = found.union(set(v))
        outer_ring = found.difference(cluster)
        ret = ret + [(x, ring_number + 1) for x in outer_ring]
        cluster = cluster.union(found)
    return ret
Esempio n. 4
def get_seeds(self, mode=0, ts_thresh=9):
    """Do a crude test to try to find good seeds."""

    ts = self.ts_vals[mode]
    mask = np.asarray([True] * len(ts))
    b2 = self.band2
    inds = self.inds
    iv = IntVector()
    seeds = deque()
    seeds_ts = deque()

    n = len(inds)

    for i in xrange(n):
        my_ts = ts[mask]
        amax = np.argmax(my_ts)
        mts = my_ts[amax]
        if mts < ts_thresh:
        idx = int(inds[mask][amax])
        b2.findNeighbors(idx, iv)
        neigh_ts = deque()
        for neigh in [x for x in iv]:
            arg = np.searchsorted(inds, neigh)
            if (arg < n) and (inds[arg] == neigh):
                mask[arg] = False
        arg = np.searchsorted(inds, idx)
        mask[arg] = False
        if mts > max(neigh_ts):

    return [b2.dir(x) for x in seeds], np.asarray(seeds_ts)
Esempio n. 5
 def average(self, radius=1.0):
     """ average over all pixels within radius"""
     iv = IntVector()
     hp = Healpix(self.nside, Healpix.RING, SkyDir.GALACTIC)
     band = Band(self.nside)
     newvec = [0] * len(self.vec)
     for i in range(len(self.vec)):
         hp.query_disc(band.dir(i), np.radians(radius), iv)
         newvec[i] = np.array([self.vec[j] for j in iv]).mean()
     self.vec = newvec
Esempio n. 6
 def smooth(self, a=0.6):
     """ simple-minded smooth using nearest neighbors 
     newvec = [0]*len(self.vec)
     band = Band(self.nside)
     iv = IntVector() # needed for findNeighbors: first 4 share sides
     for i in range(len(self.vec)):
         newvec[i] = a*self.vec[i] + b*sum([self.vec[j] for j in iv[:4]])
         self.vec= newvec
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, nside, inds, vals): = Band(nside)
        #s = np.argsort(inds)
        #self.inds = inds[s]
        #self.vals = vals[s]
        self.vals = np.empty(12 * nside**2)
        self.vals[:] = np.nan
        self.vals[inds] = vals

        from pointlike import IntVector
        self.iv = IntVector()
Esempio n. 8
 def __call__(self, skydir):
     if self.sigma==0: return self.vec[self._indexfun(skydir)]
     iv = IntVector()
     self.hp.query_disc(skydir, 3*self.sigma, iv)
     sds = map(self.dirfun, iv)
     deltas = np.array(map(skydir.difference, sds))
     values = np.array(self.vec[list(iv)])
     notnan = ~np.isnan(values)
     weights = np.array(map( lambda x: np.exp(-0.5*(x/self.sigma)**2), deltas[notnan]))
     ret[notnan],weights) / sum(weights)
     if np.isnan(ret) or np.isinf(ret):
         raise Exception('Bad value at %s' %skydir)
     return ret
Esempio n. 9
def ajacent_ts(i, rts):
    iv = IntVector()
    n = band.findNeighbors(int(i), iv)
    ats = [rts[i] for i in iv[:4]]
    return sum(ats), max(ats)
Esempio n. 10
def neighbors(i, j):
    iv = IntVector()
    n = band.findNeighbors(int(i), iv)
    return j in iv
Esempio n. 11
def neighbor_pixels(index, nside=12):
    """return set of pixel indeces (RING indexing)
    nb= IntVector()
    return np.array( nb, int)
Esempio n. 12
 def neighbors(i):
     iv = IntVector()
     n = B12.findNeighbors(int(i),iv)
     return list(iv)