Esempio n. 1
    def listcmd (self, subcmds=None, wcol=None, stream=sys.stdout):
        Formatted listing of subcommands with short descriptions.

        @param subcmds: subcommand names (all subcommands if C{None})
        @type subcmds: list of strings
        @param wcol: column to wrap text at (<= 0 for no wrapping,
            C{None} for automatic according to output stream)
        @type wcol: int
        @param stream: intended output stream for the text
        @type stream: file

        @return: formatted listing
        @rtype: string

        if subcmds is None:
            subcmds = self._scviews.keys()

        maxsclen = max([len(x) for x in subcmds])

        ndsep = _("@item:intext splitter between a subcommand name "
                   "and its description",
                   " - ")

        flead = " " * 2
        lead = flead + " " * (maxsclen + 3)
        if wcol is None:
            wcol = (term_width(stream=stream) or 80) - 1
        fmts = []
        for subcmd in subcmds:
            scview = self._scviews.get(subcmd, None)
            if scview is None:
                raise SubcmdError(
                      "Trying to include an unknown subcommand '%(cmd)s' "
                      "into listing.",
            desc = scview.shdesc()
            if desc:
                name = cinterp("%%-%ds" % maxsclen, subcmd)
                s = name + ndsep + desc
                s = name
            lines = wrap_text(s, wcol=wcol, flead=flead, lead=lead, endl="")

        return cjoin(fmts, "\n")
Esempio n. 2
 def fmt_par (param, indent=""):
     s = ""
     s += indent + "  " + param
     ptype = self._ptypes[param]
     if ptype is bool:
         s += " "*1 +_("@item:intext indicator that the parameter "
                       "is a flag",
         metavar = self._metavars[param]
         if metavar is None:
             metavar = _("@item:intext default placehodler for "
                         "the parameter argument",
         s += cinterp(":%s", metavar)
     defval = self._defvals[param]
     admvals = self._admvals[param]
     if ptype is not bool and defval is not None and str(defval):
         cpos = len(s) - s.rfind("\n") - 1
         s += " "*1 + _("@item:intext default value for the argument",
                        "[default %(arg)s=%(val)s]",
                        arg=metavar, val=defval)
         if admvals is not None:
             s += "\n" + (" " * cpos)
     if ptype is not bool and admvals is not None:
         s += " "*1 + _("@item:intext admissible argument values",
                        "[%(arg)s is one of: %(vallist)s]",
                        arg=metavar, vallist=format_item_list(admvals))
     s += "\n"
     desc = self._descs[param]
     if desc:
         fmt_desc = fmt_wrap(desc, indent + "      ")
         s += fmt_desc
         ## Wrap current parameter with empty lines if
         ## the description spanned several lines.
         #if "\n\n" in fmt_desc:
            #s = "\n" + s + "\n"
         s += "\n" # empty line after description
     return s
Esempio n. 3
def warning_on_msg(text, msg, cat, subsrc=None, file=sys.stderr):
    Warning on a PO message.

    Outputs the message reference (catalog name and the message position),
    along with the warning text.

    @param text: text to report
    @type text: string
    @param msg: the message for which the text is reported
    @type msg: L{Message_base}
    @param cat: the catalog where the message lives
    @type cat: L{Catalog}
    @param subsrc: more detailed source of the message
    @type subsrc: C{None} or string
    @param file: send output to this file descriptor
    @type file: C{file}

    posinfo = _msg_pos_fmt(cat.filename, msg.refline, msg.refentry)
    text = cinterp("%s: %s", posinfo, text)
    warning(text, subsrc=subsrc, showcmd=False)
Esempio n. 4
def error_on_msg(text, msg, cat, code=1, subsrc=None, file=sys.stderr):
    Error on a PO message (aborts the execution).

    Outputs the message reference (catalog name and message position),
    along with the error text. Aborts execution with the given code.

    @param text: text to report
    @type text: string
    @param msg: the message for which the text is reported
    @type msg: L{Message_base}
    @param cat: the catalog where the message lives
    @type cat: L{Catalog}
    @param code: the exit code
    @type code: int
    @param subsrc: more detailed source of the message
    @type subsrc: C{None} or string
    @param file: send output to this file descriptor
    @type file: C{file}

    posinfo = _msg_pos_fmt(cat.filename, msg.refline, msg.refentry)
    text = cinterp("%s: %s", posinfo, text)
    error(text, code=code, subsrc=subsrc, showcmd=True)
Esempio n. 5
def report_on_msg_hl(highlight,
    Report on parts of a PO message.

    For each of the spans found in the L{highlight<report_msg_content>}
    specification which have a note attached, outputs the position reference
    (catalog name, message position, spanned segment) and the span note.
    The highlight can be relative to a somewhat modified, filtered message
    instead of the original one.

    @param highlight: highlight specification
    @type highlight: L{highlight<report_msg_content>}
    @param msg: the message for which the text is reported
    @type msg: L{Message_base}
    @param cat: the catalog where the message lives
    @type cat: L{Catalog}
    @param fmsg: filtered message to which the highlight corresponds
    @type fmsg: L{Message_base}
    @param subsrc: more detailed source of the message
    @type subsrc: C{None} or string
    @param file: send output to this file descriptor
    @type file: C{file}

    refpos = _msg_pos_fmt(cat.filename, msg.refline, msg.refentry)

    if not fmsg:  # use original message as filtered if not given
        fmsg = msg

    for hspec in highlight:
        name, item, spans = hspec[:3]

        if name == "msgctxt":
            text = msg.msgctxt or u""
            ftext = fmsg.msgctxt or u""
        elif name == "msgid":
            text = msg.msgid
            ftext = fmsg.msgid
        elif name == "msgid_plural":
            text = msg.msgid_plural or u""
            ftext = fmsg.msgid_plural or u""
        elif name == "msgstr":
            text = msg.msgstr[item]
            ftext = fmsg.msgstr[item]
        # TODO: Add more fields.
                _("@info", "Unknown field '%(field)s' "
                  "in highlighting specification.",

        if len(hspec) > 3:
            # Override filtered text from filtered message
            # by filtered text from the highlight spec.
            ftext = hspec[3]

        spans = adapt_spans(text, ftext, spans, merge=False)

        if msg.msgid_plural is not None and name == "msgstr":
            name = "%s_%d" % (name, item)

        for span in spans:
            if len(span) < 3:
            start, end, snote = span
            if isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(end, int):
                seglen = end - start
                if seglen > 0:
                    segtext = text[start:end]
                    if len(segtext) > 30:
                        segtext = segtext[:27] + "..."
                    posinfo = "%s:%d:\"%s\"" % (name, start, escape(segtext))
                    posinfo = "%s:%d" % (name, start)
                posinfo = "%s" % name
            posinfo = ColorString("<green>%s</green>") % posinfo

            rtext = cinterp("%s[%s]: %s", refpos, posinfo, snote)
            report(rtext, subsrc=subsrc, showcmd=False)
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: KDE/pology
    def _bar_stats(self, counts, title, count, summed, dlabel, dcolumn):

        # Count categories to display and chars/colors associated to them.
        # Note: Use only characters from Latin1.
        tspecs = (("trn", u"×", "green"), ("fuz", u"¤", "blue"), ("unt", u"·",

        # Find out maximum counts overall.
        maxcounts = dict(trn=0, fuz=0, unt=0, tot=0)
        maxcounts_jumbled = maxcounts.copy()
        for otitle, ocount, osummed in counts:
            # If absolute bars, compare counts only for non-summed counts.
            if self.p.absolute and osummed:

            # Count both messages and words, for the number display padding.
            for tkey in maxcounts_jumbled:
                for dcol in (0, 1):
                    c = ocount[tkey][dcol]
                    if maxcounts_jumbled[tkey] < c:
                        maxcounts_jumbled[tkey] = c

            for tkey in maxcounts:
                c = ocount[tkey][dcolumn]
                if maxcounts[tkey] < c:
                    maxcounts[tkey] = c

        # Character widths of maximum count categories.
        maxcountscw = {}
        for tkey, tval in maxcounts.iteritems():
            maxcountscw[tkey] = len(str(tval))
        maxcountscw_jumbled = {}
        for tkey, tval in maxcounts_jumbled.iteritems():
            maxcountscw_jumbled[tkey] = len(str(tval))

        # Formatted counts by disjunct categories.
        fmt_counts = []
        for tkey, tchar, tcol in tspecs:
            cstr = str(count[tkey][dcolumn])
            if cstr == "0":
                cstr = "-"
            cfmt = ("%%%ds" % maxcountscw_jumbled[tkey]) % cstr
            if tcol is not None:
                    (ColorString("<%s>%%s</%s>") % (tcol, tcol)) % cfmt)
        fmt_counts = cjoin(fmt_counts, "/")

        # Maximum and nominal bar widths in characters.
        # TODO: Make parameters.
        if self.inline:
            nombarcw = 20
            maxbarcw = 50
            nombarcw = 40
            maxbarcw = 80

        def roundnear(x):
            return int(round(x, 0))

        def roundup(x):
            ix = int(x)
            if x - ix > 1e-16:
                ix += 1
            return ix

        # Compute number of cells per category.
        n_cells = {}
        if self.p.absolute:
            # Absolute bar.
            n_per_cell = 0
            for npc in (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000,
                        10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 500000):
                if npc * maxbarcw > maxcounts["tot"]:
                    n_per_cell = npc
            if not n_per_cell:
                    _("@info", "Count too large, cannot display bar graph."))
            for tkey, roundf in (("fuz", roundup), ("unt", roundup),
                                 ("tot", roundnear)):
                c = count[tkey][dcolumn]
                n_cells[tkey] = roundf(float(c) / n_per_cell)

            # Correct the situation when there are no cells.
            if n_cells["tot"] < 1:
                n_cells["tot"] = 1

            # Correct the situation when the sum of cells fuzzy+untranslated
            # goes over the total; give priority to untranslated when reducing.
            while n_cells["fuz"] + n_cells["unt"] > n_cells["tot"]:
                if n_cells["fuz"] >= n_cells["unt"]:
                    n_cells["fuz"] -= 1
                    n_cells["unt"] -= 1

            n_cells["trn"] = n_cells["tot"] - n_cells["fuz"] - n_cells["unt"]

            # Relative bar.
            if count["tot"][dcolumn] > 0:
                n_per_cell = float(nombarcw) / count["tot"][dcolumn]
                n_per_cell = 0
            for tkey in ("fuz", "unt"):
                c = count[tkey][dcolumn]
                n_cells[tkey] = roundup(c * n_per_cell)

            # When there are almost none translated, it may have happened that
            # the sum of cells fuzzy+untranslated is over nominal; reduce.
            while n_cells["fuz"] + n_cells["unt"] > nombarcw:
                if n_cells["fuz"] >= n_cells["unt"]:
                    n_cells["fuz"] -= 1
                    n_cells["unt"] -= 1

            n_cells["trn"] = nombarcw - n_cells["fuz"] - n_cells["unt"]

        # Create the bar.
        fmt_bar = []
        for tkey, tchar, tcol in tspecs:
            bar = tchar * n_cells[tkey]
            if tcol is not None:
                bar = (ColorString("<%s>%%s</%s>") % (tcol, tcol)) % bar
        fmt_bar = cjoin(fmt_bar)

        # Assemble final output.
        if not self.p.absolute or not summed:
            if count["tot"][dcolumn] == 0:
                fmt_bar = ""
            report(cinterp("%s %s |%s|", fmt_counts, dlabel, fmt_bar))
            report(cinterp("%s %s", fmt_counts, dlabel))