Esempio n. 1
def get_data_until_success(command, args):
	Due to Poloniex's limit an api call to 50000 trading records
	get_data_utill_success() send api calls until reaching the end time
	polo = Poloniex()
	js0 = polo.api(command, args)
	df0 = pd.DataFrame(js0)
	# !!! timezone conversion fix -18000
	unix_time_convert = lambda x: int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple())-18000)
	df0["date"] = df0["date"].apply(unix_time_convert)

	if len(df0) == 50000:
		while (df0["date"].iloc[-1] > args["start"]):
			args["end"] = df0["date"].iloc[-1] + 1

			js = polo.api(command, args)
			df = pd.DataFrame(js)

			if not df.empty:
				df["date"] = df["date"].apply(unix_time_convert)
				df0 = df0.append(df, ignore_index=True)
				if len(df) < 50000:
					df0.loc[-1,"date"] = args["start"]

	df0["rate"] = df0["rate"].apply(float)
	df0["total"] = df0["total"].apply(float)
	return df0
Esempio n. 2
def get_target(coin_name, time_chosen):
    # download actual trading data of the test time
    polo = Poloniex()

    args = {}
    args["currencyPair"] = "BTC_" + coin_name
    command = "returnTradeHistory"

    args["start"] = time_chosen
    args["end"] = time_chosen + 1800

    js = polo.api(command, args)
    df = pd.DataFrame(js)

    df["rate"] = df["rate"].apply(float)
    df = df[np.isfinite(df['rate'])]

    delta = df["rate"].iloc[0] / df["rate"].iloc[-1] - 1
    # sigmoid function with an multiply factor to magnify delta
    # need to make the multiply factor an argument
    target = 1 / (1 + math.e**(-150 * delta))

    return target