Esempio n. 1
def getTTF(fitObject):
    if fitObject.fitFunction == FIT_FUNCTIONS.index('Fermi-Dirac'):
        TTF = (6.0 * polylog.fermi_poly3(fitObject.fitData[6]))**(-1.0 / 3.0)
        TTFErr = 0.5 * ((6.0 * polylog.fermi_poly3(
            fitObject.fitData[6] - fitObject.fitDataConf[6]))**(-1.0 / 3.0) -
                        (6.0 * polylog.fermi_poly3(fitObject.fitData[6] +
                        (-1.0 / 3.0))
        return TTF, TTFErr
        print('T/TF only available for Fermi-Dirac fit.')
        return -1, -1
Esempio n. 2
def cloudsize(ToverTF, N, tof, wr, wz):
    """Calculate the cloud size of an ideal Fermi gas


      * ToverTF: float, temperature in units of the Fermi temperature T_F
      * N: float, number of atoms
      * tof: float, time-of-flight in seconds
      * wr: float, radial trap frequency in Hz
      * wz: float, axial trap frequency in Hz


      * bprime: the size of the cloud in meters [1], (p.69, there called Ri)


    [1] "Making, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gases", W. Ketterle
         and M. Zwierlein, arXiv:cond-mat/0801.2500 (2008)


    a = fugacity(ToverTF)
    fa = np.log(1+np.e**a)*(1+np.e**a)/np.e**a

    TF = hbar/kb*(6*N*wr**2*wz)**(1./3)
    T = TF*(6*fermi_poly3(a))**(-1./3)
    mass = 6*mp

    bprime = expansionfactor(tof, wr)*fa*np.sqrt(2*kb*T/(mass*wr**2))

    return bprime
Esempio n. 3
def fugacity(ToverTF):
    """Calculate the log of the fugacity e^{\beta\mu}"""

    minpoly3 = lambda x, num: fermi_poly3(x) - num
    a = sp.optimize.brentq(minpoly3, -1e3, 1e3, args=(ToverTF**(-3)/6))

    return a
Esempio n. 4
def cloudsize(ToverTF, N, tof, wr, wz):
    """Calculate the cloud size of an ideal Fermi gas


      * ToverTF: float, temperature in units of the Fermi temperature T_F
      * N: float, number of atoms
      * tof: float, time-of-flight in seconds
      * wr: float, radial trap frequency in Hz
      * wz: float, axial trap frequency in Hz


      * bprime: the size of the cloud in meters [1], (p.69, there called Ri)


    [1] "Making, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gases", W. Ketterle
         and M. Zwierlein, arXiv:cond-mat/0801.2500 (2008)


    a = fugacity(ToverTF)
    fa = np.log(1 + np.e**a) * (1 + np.e**a) / np.e**a

    TF = hbar / kb * (6 * N * wr**2 * wz)**(1. / 3)
    T = TF * (6 * fermi_poly3(a))**(-1. / 3)
    mass = 6 * mp

    bprime = expansionfactor(tof, wr) * fa * np.sqrt(2 * kb * T /
                                                     (mass * wr**2))

    return bprime
Esempio n. 5
def ideal_fermi_numbers(fitparams, pixcal, sigma=None):
    """Determine T/T_F and N for an ideal Fermi gas.


      * fitparams: the result of fitting the image with ideal_fermi_radial
               fitparams is a list containing the central optical density,
               logarithm of the fugacity and thermal radius of the cloud in
      * pixcal: calibration for the camera in meters per pixel


      * ToverTF: temperature of the Fermi gas T/T_F
      * N: number of atoms

    **Optional inputs**

      * sigma: photon absorption cross-section
           the default value is the resonant cross-section for 6Li


    if sigma==None:
        sigma = 3*671e-9**2/(2*np.pi)
    mubeta = fitparams[1]
    ToverTF = (6*fermi_poly3(mubeta))**(-1./3)
    N = pixcal**2*sp.integrate.quad(n2D_radial, 0, np.infty,\
                                 args=(ideal_fermi_radial, fitparams))[0]/sigma

    return ToverTF, N
Esempio n. 6
def fugacity(ToverTF):
    """Calculate the log of the fugacity e^{\beta\mu}"""

    minpoly3 = lambda x, num: fermi_poly3(x) - num
    a = sp.optimize.brentq(minpoly3, -1e3, 1e3, args=(ToverTF**(-3) / 6))

    return a
Esempio n. 7
def ideal_fermi_numbers(fitparams, pixcal, sigma=None):
    """Determine T/T_F and N for an ideal Fermi gas.


      * fitparams: the result of fitting the image with ideal_fermi_radial
               fitparams is a list containing the central optical density,
               logarithm of the fugacity and thermal radius of the cloud in
      * pixcal: calibration for the camera in meters per pixel


      * ToverTF: temperature of the Fermi gas T/T_F
      * N: number of atoms

    **Optional inputs**

      * sigma: photon absorption cross-section
           the default value is the resonant cross-section for 6Li


    if sigma==None:
        sigma = 3*671e-9**2/(2*np.pi)
    mubeta = fitparams[1]
    ToverTF = (6*fermi_poly3(mubeta))**(-1./3)
    N = pixcal**2*sp.integrate.quad(n2D_radial, 0, np.infty,\
                                 args=(ideal_fermi_radial, fitparams))[0]/sigma

    return ToverTF, N
Esempio n. 8
def ideal_fermi_numbers_2D_angled(fitparams, pixcal, sigma=None):
    """Determine T/T_F and N for an ideal Fermi gas.


      * fitparams: array_like
               An array containing the central optical density,
               logarithm of the fugacity and thermal radius of the cloud in
      * pixcal: float,
               Calibration for the camera in meters per pixel.


      * ToverTF: temperature of the Fermi gas T/T_F
      * N: number of atoms

    **Optional inputs**

      * sigma: photon absorption cross-section
           The default value is the resonant cross-section for 6Li.


    if sigma == None:
        sigma = 3 * 671e-9**2 / (2 * np.pi)
    mubeta = fitparams[5]
    ToverTF = (6 * fermi_poly3(mubeta))**(-1. / 3)

    x, y, sx, sy = fitparams[0:4]
    sx = max(sx, 5)
    sy = max(sy, 5)
    [X, Y] = np.mgrid[x - 5 * sx:x + 5 * sx, y - 5 * sy:y + 5 * sy]
    newparams = [
        fitparams[0], fitparams[1], fitparams[2], fitparams[3], fitparams[4],
        fitparams[5], 0., 0., 0.
    odimg_fitted = idealfermi_2D(newparams, X, Y)
    N = odimg_fitted.sum() * pixcal**2 / sigma

    return ToverTF, N
Esempio n. 9
def ideal_fermi_numbers_2D_angled(fitparams, pixcal, sigma=None):
    """Determine T/T_F and N for an ideal Fermi gas.


      * fitparams: array_like
               An array containing the central optical density,
               logarithm of the fugacity and thermal radius of the cloud in
      * pixcal: float,
               Calibration for the camera in meters per pixel.


      * ToverTF: temperature of the Fermi gas T/T_F
      * N: number of atoms

    **Optional inputs**

      * sigma: photon absorption cross-section
           The default value is the resonant cross-section for 6Li.


    if sigma==None:
        sigma = 3*671e-9**2/(2*np.pi)
    mubeta = fitparams[5]
    ToverTF = (6*fermi_poly3(mubeta))**(-1./3)

    x, y, sx, sy = fitparams[0:4]
    [X, Y] = np.mgrid[x-5*sx:x+5*sx, y-5*sy:y+5*sy]
    odimg_fitted = idealfermi_2D(newparams, X, Y)
    N = odimg_fitted.sum() * pixcal**2 / sigma

    return ToverTF, N
Esempio n. 10
 def test_fermi_poly3_float(self):
     testfloat = 1.
     assert_approx_equal(- lerch.Li(3, -np.exp(testfloat)), \
                         polylog.fermi_poly3(testfloat), significant=7)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_fermi_poly3_array(self):
     fp_approx1 = polylog.fermi_poly3(self.xx1)
     # the polynomial approximation should be good to 1e-7, fails for
     # higher precision test
     assert_array_almost_equal(self.exact1, fp_approx1, decimal=7)
Esempio n. 12
 def best_fugacity(logfugacity):
     return abs(ToverTF - (6*fermi_poly3(logfugacity))**(-1./3))
Esempio n. 13
 def best_fugacity(logfugacity):
     return abs(ToverTF - (6*fermi_poly3(logfugacity))**(-1./3))