Esempio n. 1
def run_spline_epipolar():
    # Construct symbolic problem
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_frames = 3
    num_imu_readings = 8
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/epipolar_accel_bezier3'

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    imu_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)
    true_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])

    true_accels = np.array([zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in imu_times])

    true_qs = map(cayley_mat, true_cayleys)
    true_rotations = map(cayley, true_cayleys)

    true_uprojections = [[, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R,p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    p0 = true_positions[0]
    q0 = true_qs[0]
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        p = true_positions[i]
        q = true_qs[i]
        E = essential_matrix(q0, p0, q, p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            #print,, z0))

    # construct symbolic versions of the above
    s_offs = 0
    p_offs = s_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    num_vars = p_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_rot_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[s_offs:s_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[p_offs:p_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_rot_controls.flatten(),

    residuals = []

    # Accel residuals
    for i in range(num_imu_readings):
        sym_a = zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(sym_pos_controls, imu_times[i])
        residual = sym_a - true_accels[i]

    # Epipolar residuals
    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    R0 = np.eye(3)
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        sym_s = zero_offset_bezier(sym_rot_controls, frame_times[i])
        sym_p = zero_offset_bezier(sym_pos_controls, frame_times[i])
        sym_q = cayley_mat(sym_s)
        #sym_q = np.eye(3) * (1. -, sym_s)) + 2.*skew(sym_s) + 2.*np.outer(sym_s, sym_s)
        sym_E = essential_matrix(R0, p0, sym_q, sym_p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            residual =,, z0))

    print 'Num vars:',num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:',len(residuals)

    print 'Residuals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradients = cost.partial_derivatives()
    for gradient in gradients:
        print '  %d  (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (gradient(*true_vars), gradient.total_degree, len(gradient))

    jacobians = [r.partial_derivatives() for r in residuals]

    J = np.array([[J_ij(*true_vars) for J_ij in row] for row in jacobians])

    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(J)

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print J.shape
    print S
    null_space_dims = sum(np.abs(S) < 1e-5)
    if null_space_dims > 0:
        print '\nNull space:'
        for i in null_space_dims:
            print V[-i]
            print V[-2]

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    H =, J)
    print H.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(H)

    # Output to file
    write_polynomials(cost, out+'/cost.txt')
    write_polynomials(residuals, out+'/residuals.txt')
    write_polynomials(gradients, out+'/gradients.txt')
    write_polynomials(jacobians, out+'/jacobians.txt')
    write_solution(true_vars, out+'/solution.txt')
Esempio n. 2
def run_position_only_spline_epipolar():
    # Construct ground truth
    num_landmarks = 50
    num_frames = 4
    num_imu_readings = 80
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/position_only_bezier3'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    imu_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.rand(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_rotations = map(cayley, true_cayleys)

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_imu_rotations = map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys)

    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * 9.8
    true_accel_bias = np.random.rand(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_accels = [, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                   for R, a in zip(true_imu_rotations, true_global_accels)]

    true_uprojections = [[, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R, p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    position_offs = 0
    accel_bias_offset = position_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    gravity_offset = accel_bias_offset + 3
    num_vars = gravity_offset + 3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_accel_bias = np.asarray(sym_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    sym_gravity = np.asarray(sym_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity))
    assert len(true_vars) == len(sym_vars)

    residuals = []

    # Accel residuals
    print '\nAccel residuals:'
    for i in range(num_imu_readings):
        true_R = true_imu_rotations[i]
        sym_global_accel = zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(sym_pos_controls, imu_times[i])
        sym_accel =, sym_global_accel + sym_gravity) + sym_accel_bias
        residual = sym_accel - true_accels[i]
        for i in range(3):
            print '  Degree of global accel = %d, local accel = %d, residual = %d' % \
                  (sym_global_accel[i].total_degree, sym_accel[i].total_degree, residual[i].total_degree)

    # Epipolar residuals
    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    R0 = np.eye(3)
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        true_s = true_cayleys[i]
        true_R = cayley_mat(true_s)
        sym_p = zero_offset_bezier(sym_pos_controls, frame_times[i])
        sym_E = essential_matrix(R0, p0, true_R, sym_p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            residual =,, z0))

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)

    print '\nResiduals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree
    for term in cost:
        print '    ',term

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradients = cost.partial_derivatives()
    for gradient in gradients:
        print '  %d  (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (gradient(*true_vars), gradient.total_degree, len(gradient))

    jacobians = np.array([r.partial_derivatives() for r in residuals])

    J = evaluate_array(jacobians, *true_vars)

    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(J)

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print J.shape
    print S

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    H =, J)
    print H.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(H)

    null_space_dims = sum(np.abs(S) < 1e-5)
    print '\nNull space dimensions:', null_space_dims
    if null_space_dims > 0:
        for i in range(null_space_dims):
            print '  ',V[-i]

    null_monomial = (0,) * num_vars
    coordinate_monomials = [list(var.monomials)[0] for var in sym_vars]
    A, _ = matrix_form(gradients, coordinate_monomials)
    b, _ = matrix_form(gradients, [null_monomial])
    b = np.squeeze(b)

    AA, bb, kk = quadratic_form(cost)

    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(numpy.linalg.solve(AA*2, -b))

    print '\nEstimated:'
    print estimated_vars

    print '\nGround truth:'
    print true_vars

    print '\nError:'
    print np.linalg.norm(estimated_vars - true_vars)

    # Output to file
    write_polynomials(cost, out+'/cost.txt')
    write_polynomials(residuals, out+'/residuals.txt')
    write_polynomials(gradients, out+'/gradients.txt')
    write_polynomials(jacobians.flat, out+'/jacobians.txt')
    write_solution(true_vars, out+'/solution.txt')
Esempio n. 3
def run_sfm():
    # Construct symbolic problem
    num_landmarks = 4
    num_frames = 2

    print 'Num observations: ', num_landmarks * num_frames * 2
    print 'Num vars: ', num_frames*6 + num_landmarks*3 + num_frames*num_landmarks

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)
    true_positions = np.random.rand(num_frames, 3)
    true_cayleys = np.random.rand(num_frames, 3)

    true_qs = map(cayley_mat, true_cayleys)
    true_betas = map(cayley_denom, true_cayleys)
    true_rotations = [(q/b) for (q,b) in zip(true_qs, true_betas)]

    true_uprojections = [[, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R,p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]
    true_alphas = [[np.linalg.norm(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_cayleys.flatten(),

    #true_projection_mat = np.reshape(true_projections, (num_frames, num_landmarks, 2))

    for i in range(num_frames):
        p = true_positions[i]
        q = true_qs[i]
        beta = true_betas[i]
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            x = true_landmarks[j]
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            alpha = true_alphas[i][j]
            print alpha * beta * z -, x-p)

    # construct symbolic versions of the above
    s_offs = 0
    p_offs = s_offs + num_frames*3
    x_offs = p_offs + num_frames*3
    a_offs = x_offs + num_landmarks*3
    num_vars = a_offs + num_landmarks*num_frames

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_cayleys = np.reshape(sym_vars[s_offs:s_offs+num_frames*3], (num_frames, 3))
    sym_positions = np.reshape(sym_vars[p_offs:p_offs+num_frames*3], (num_frames, 3))
    sym_landmarks = np.reshape(sym_vars[x_offs:x_offs+num_landmarks*3], (num_landmarks, 3))
    sym_alphas = np.reshape(sym_vars[a_offs:], (num_frames, num_landmarks))

    residuals = []
    for i in range(num_frames):
        sym_p = sym_positions[i]
        sym_s = sym_cayleys[i]
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            sym_x = sym_landmarks[j]
            sym_a = sym_alphas[i,j]
            true_z = true_projections[i][j]
            residual =, sym_x-sym_p) - sym_a * cayley_denom(sym_s) * true_z

    print 'Residuals:'
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for residual in residuals:
        cost +=, residual)
        print '  ',residual(*true_vars)  #ri.num_vars, len(true_vars)

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradient = [cost.partial_derivative(i) for i in range(num_vars)]
    for gi in gradient:
        print gi(*true_vars)

    j = np.array([[r.partial_derivative(i)(*true_vars) for i in range(num_vars)]
                  for r in residuals])

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print j.shape
    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(j)
    print s

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    h =, j)
    print h.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(h)
Esempio n. 4
def run_epipolar():
    # Construct symbolic problem
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_frames = 3

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)
    true_positions = np.vstack((np.zeros(3),
                                np.random.rand(num_frames-1, 3)))
    true_cayleys = np.vstack((np.zeros(3),
                              np.random.rand(num_frames-1, 3)))

    true_qs = map(cayley_mat, true_cayleys)
    true_rotations = map(cayley, true_cayleys)

    true_uprojections = [[, x-p) for x in true_landmarks]
                         for R,p in zip(true_rotations, true_positions)]

    true_projections = [[normalized(zu) for zu in row] for row in true_uprojections]

    p0 = true_positions[0]
    q0 = true_qs[0]
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        p = true_positions[i]
        q = true_qs[i]
        E = essential_matrix(q0, p0, q, p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            print,, z0))

    # construct symbolic versions of the above
    s_offs = 0
    p_offs = s_offs + (num_frames-1)*3
    num_vars = p_offs + (num_frames-1)*3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_cayleys = np.reshape(sym_vars[s_offs:s_offs+(num_frames-1)*3], (num_frames-1, 3))
    sym_positions = np.reshape(sym_vars[p_offs:p_offs+(num_frames-1)*3], (num_frames-1, 3))

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_cayleys[1:].flatten(),

    residuals = []
    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    R0 = np.eye(3)
    for i in range(1, num_frames):
        sym_p = sym_positions[i-1]
        sym_s = sym_cayleys[i-1]
        sym_q = cayley_mat(sym_s)
        sym_E = essential_matrix(R0, p0, sym_q, sym_p)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            z = true_projections[i][j]
            z0 = true_projections[0][j]
            residual =,, z0))
            print 'Residual poly: ',len(residual), residual.total_degree

    print 'Num sym_vars:',num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:',len(residuals)

    print 'Residuals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for residual in residuals:
        #cost +=, residual)
        print '  ',residual(*true_vars)  #ri.num_vars, len(true_vars)

    print '\nGradients:'
    gradient = [cost.partial_derivative(i) for i in range(num_vars)]
    for gi in gradient:
        print '  ',gi(*true_vars)

    J = np.array([[r.partial_derivative(i)(*true_vars) for i in range(num_vars)]
                  for r in residuals])

    print '\nJacobian singular values:'
    print J.shape
    U,S,V = np.linalg.svd(J)
    print S
    print V[-1]
    print V[-2]

    print '\nHessian eigenvalues:'
    H =, J)
    print H.shape
    print np.linalg.eigvals(H)
def main():

    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 5
    num_landmarks = 10
    num_imu_readings = 8
    bezier_degree = 3
    out = 'out/full_initialization'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    accel_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_orient_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_frame_positions = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_orient_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_frame_cayleys))

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_orient_controls, t) for t in accel_times])
    true_imu_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys))

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in accel_times])
    true_accels = np.array([, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                            for R, a in zip(true_imu_orientations, true_global_accels)])

    true_features = np.array([[normalized(, x-p)) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for R, p in zip(true_frame_orientations, true_frame_positions)])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(),

    print np.min(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)
    print np.max(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)

    # Add sensor noise

    accel_noise = 0
    feature_noise = 0

    observed_features = true_features.copy()
    observed_accels = true_accels.copy()

    if accel_noise > 0:
        observed_accels += np.random.randn(*observed_accels.shape) * accel_noise

    if feature_noise > 0:
        observed_features += np.random.rand(*observed_features.shape) * feature_noise

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    num_position_vars = (bezier_degree-1)*3
    num_orientation_vars = (bezier_degree-1)*3
    num_accel_bias_vars = 3
    num_gravity_vars = 3

    block_sizes = [num_position_vars, num_orientation_vars, num_accel_bias_vars, num_gravity_vars]
    num_vars = sum(block_sizes)

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls, sym_orient_controls, sym_accel_bias, sym_gravity = map(np.array, chop(sym_vars, block_sizes))

    sym_pos_controls = sym_pos_controls.reshape((-1, 3))
    sym_orient_controls = sym_orient_controls.reshape((-1, 3))

    assert len(true_vars) == len(sym_vars)

    # Accel residuals
    residuals = []

    print 'Accel residuals:'
    for i, t in enumerate(accel_times):
        sym_cayley = zero_offset_bezier(sym_orient_controls, t)
        sym_orient = cayley_mat(sym_cayley)
        sym_denom = cayley_denom(sym_cayley)
        sym_global_accel = zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(sym_pos_controls, t)
        sym_accel =, sym_global_accel + sym_gravity) + sym_denom * sym_accel_bias
        residual = sym_accel - sym_denom * observed_accels[i]
        for r in residual:
            print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    # Epipolar residuals

    print 'Epipolar residuals:'
    for i, ti in enumerate(frame_times):
        if i == 0: continue
        sym_Ri = cayley_mat(zero_offset_bezier(sym_orient_controls, ti))
        sym_pi = zero_offset_bezier(sym_pos_controls, ti)
        sym_E = essential_matrix_from_relative_pose(sym_Ri, sym_pi)
        for k in range(num_landmarks):
            z1 = observed_features[0][k]
            zi = observed_features[i][k]
            residual =,, z1))
            r = residual
            print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    # Construct cost

    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r

    gradients = cost.partial_derivatives()

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)
    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    # Output to file
    write_polynomials(cost, out+'/cost.txt')
    write_polynomials(residuals, out+'/residuals.txt')
    write_polynomials(gradients, out+'/gradients.txt')
    write_solution(true_vars, out+'/solution.txt')

    np.savetxt(out+'/feature_measurements.txt', observed_features.reshape((-1, 3)))
    np.savetxt(out+'/accel_measurements.txt', observed_accels)
    np.savetxt(out+'/problem_size.txt', [num_frames, num_landmarks, num_imu_readings])
    np.savetxt(out+'/frame_times.txt', frame_times)
    np.savetxt(out+'/accel_times.txt', accel_times)

    np.savetxt(out+'/true_pos_controls.txt', true_pos_controls)
    np.savetxt(out+'/true_orient_controls.txt', true_orient_controls)
    np.savetxt(out+'/true_accel_bias.txt', true_accel_bias)
    np.savetxt(out+'/true_gravity.txt', true_gravity)


    # Plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    true_ps = np.array([zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])

    ax.plot(true_ps[:, 0], true_ps[:, 1], true_ps[:, 2], '-b')
Esempio n. 6
def run_from_data():
    # Load data

    path = Path('/Users/alexflint/Code/spline-initialization/out')

    frame_orientation_data = np.loadtxt(str(path / 'frame_orientations.txt'))
    frame_timestamps = frame_orientation_data[:, 0]
    frame_orientations = frame_orientation_data[:, 1:].reshape((-1, 3, 3))

    accel_data = np.loadtxt(str(path / 'accelerometer.txt'))
    accel_timestamps = accel_data[:, 0]
    accel_readings = accel_data[:, 1:]

    accel_orientation_data = np.loadtxt(str(path / 'accel_orientations.txt'))
    accel_orientations = accel_orientation_data[:, 1:].reshape((-1, 3, 3))

    feature_data = np.loadtxt(str(path / 'features.txt'))
    landmarks_ids = sorted(set(feature_data[:, 0].astype(int)))
    frame_ids = sorted(set(feature_data[:, 1].astype(int)))
    landmark_index_by_id = {idx: i for i, idx in enumerate(landmarks_ids)}
    frame_index_by_id = {idx: i for i, idx in enumerate(frame_ids)}

    assert len(accel_orientations) == len(accel_readings)
    assert len(frame_ids) == len(frame_orientations) == len(frame_timestamps)

    num_frames = len(frame_ids)
    num_landmarks = len(landmarks_ids)
    num_imu_readings = len(accel_readings)
    bezier_degree = 4

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    # Make feature table
    features = np.ones((num_frames, num_landmarks, 2))
    for landmark_id, frame_id, feature in zip(landmarks_ids, frame_ids, feature_data[:, 2:]):
        i = frame_index_by_id[frame_id]
        j = landmark_index_by_id[landmark_id]
        features[i, j] = feature
        feature_mask[i, j] = True

    # Normalize timestamps to [0,1]
    begin_time = min(np.min(accel_timestamps), np.min(frame_timestamps))
    end_time = max(np.max(accel_timestamps), np.max(frame_timestamps))
    accel_timestamps = (accel_timestamps - begin_time) / (end_time - begin_time)
    frame_timestamps = (frame_timestamps - begin_time) / (end_time - begin_time)

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    position_offs = 0
    accel_bias_offset = position_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    gravity_offset = accel_bias_offset + 3
    num_vars = gravity_offset + 3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_accel_bias = np.asarray(sym_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    sym_gravity = np.asarray(sym_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])

    # Compute residuals
    epipolar_residuals = evaluate_epipolar_residuals(sym_pos_controls, frame_timestamps,
                                                     frame_orientations, features, feature_mask)
    accel_residuals = evaluate_accel_residuals(sym_pos_controls, sym_accel_bias, sym_gravity,
                                               accel_timestamps, accel_readings, accel_orientations)

    residuals = accel_residuals + epipolar_residuals

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)

    print '\nResiduals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  degree=%d, length=%d' % (r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    # Solve
    A, b, k = quadratic_form(cost)
    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(np.linalg.solve(A*2, -b))
    estimated_pos_controls = np.reshape(estimated_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    estimated_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_timestamps])
    estimated_accel_bias = np.asarray(estimated_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    estimated_gravity = np.asarray(estimated_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])

    print '\nEstimated:'
    print estimated_vars

    print 'Estimated accel bias:', estimated_accel_bias
    print 'Estimated gravity:', estimated_gravity
    print 'Estimated gravity magnitude:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    estimated_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])
    ax.plot(estimated_ps[:, 0], estimated_ps[:, 1], estimated_ps[:, 2], '-r')

Esempio n. 7
def run_simulation():

    # Construct ground truth
    num_frames = 5
    num_landmarks = 50
    num_imu_readings = 80
    bezier_degree = 4
    out = 'out/position_only_bezier3'

    print 'Num landmarks:', num_landmarks
    print 'Num frames:', num_frames
    print 'Num IMU readings:', num_imu_readings
    print 'Bezier curve degree:', bezier_degree

    if not os.path.isdir(out):

    # Both splines should start at 0,0,0
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, .9, num_frames)
    imu_times = np.linspace(0, 1, num_imu_readings)

    true_rot_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)
    true_pos_controls = np.random.randn(bezier_degree-1, 3)

    true_landmarks = np.random.randn(num_landmarks, 3)

    true_frame_cayleys = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    true_frame_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_frame_cayleys))
    true_frame_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])

    true_imu_cayleys = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_rot_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_imu_orientations = np.array(map(cayley, true_imu_cayleys))

    true_gravity_magnitude = 9.8
    true_gravity = normalized(np.random.rand(3)) * true_gravity_magnitude
    true_accel_bias = np.random.randn(3)
    true_global_accels = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier_second_deriv(true_pos_controls, t) for t in imu_times])
    true_accels = np.array([, a + true_gravity) + true_accel_bias
                            for R, a in zip(true_imu_orientations, true_global_accels)])

    true_features = np.array([[normalized(, x-p)) for x in true_landmarks]
                              for R, p in zip(true_frame_orientations, true_frame_positions)])

    print np.min(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)
    print np.max(true_features.reshape((-1, 3)), axis=0)

    # Add sensor noise

    accel_noise = 0#0.001
    feature_noise = 0#0.01
    orientation_noise = 0.01

    observed_frame_orientations = true_frame_orientations.copy()
    observed_imu_orientations = true_imu_orientations.copy()
    observed_features = true_features.copy()
    observed_accels = true_accels.copy()

    if orientation_noise > 0:
        for i, R in enumerate(observed_frame_orientations):
            R_noise = SO3.exp(np.random.randn(3)*orientation_noise)
            observed_frame_orientations[i] =, R)
        for i, R in enumerate(observed_imu_orientations):
            R_noise = SO3.exp(np.random.randn(3)*orientation_noise)
            observed_imu_orientations[i] =, R)

    if accel_noise > 0:
        observed_accels += np.random.randn(*observed_accels.shape) * accel_noise

    if feature_noise > 0:
        observed_features += np.random.rand(*observed_features.shape) * feature_noise

    # Construct symbolic versions of the above
    position_offs = 0
    accel_bias_offset = position_offs + (bezier_degree-1)*3
    gravity_offset = accel_bias_offset + 3
    num_vars = gravity_offset + 3

    sym_vars = [Polynomial.coordinate(i, num_vars, Fraction) for i in range(num_vars)]
    sym_pos_controls = np.reshape(sym_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    sym_accel_bias = np.asarray(sym_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    sym_gravity = np.asarray(sym_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])

    true_vars = np.hstack((true_pos_controls.flatten(), true_accel_bias, true_gravity))
    assert len(true_vars) == len(sym_vars)

    # Compute residuals

    epipolar_residuals = evaluate_epipolar_residuals(sym_pos_controls, frame_times,
                                                     observed_frame_orientations, observed_features)
    accel_residuals = evaluate_accel_residuals(sym_pos_controls, sym_accel_bias, sym_gravity,
                                               imu_times, observed_accels, observed_imu_orientations)

    residuals = np.hstack((accel_residuals, epipolar_residuals))

    print '\nNum vars:', num_vars
    print 'Num residuals:', len(residuals)

    print '\nResiduals:', len(residuals)
    cost = Polynomial(num_vars)
    for r in residuals:
        cost += r*r
        print '  %f   (degree=%d, length=%d)' % (r(*true_vars), r.total_degree, len(r))

    print '\nCost:'
    print '  Num terms: %d' % len(cost)
    print '  Degree: %d' % cost.total_degree

    # Solve
    A, b, k = quadratic_form(cost)
    estimated_vars = np.squeeze(np.linalg.solve(A*2, -b))
    estimated_pos_controls = np.reshape(estimated_vars[position_offs:position_offs+(bezier_degree-1)*3], (bezier_degree-1, 3))
    estimated_positions = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in frame_times])
    estimated_accel_bias = np.asarray(estimated_vars[accel_bias_offset:accel_bias_offset+3])
    estimated_gravity = np.asarray(estimated_vars[gravity_offset:gravity_offset+3])
    re_estimated_gravity = normalized(estimated_gravity) * true_gravity_magnitude

    print '\nEstimated:'
    print estimated_vars

    print '\nGround truth:'
    print true_vars

    print '\nTotal Error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_vars - true_vars)
    print 'Accel bias error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_accel_bias - true_accel_bias)
    print 'Gravity error:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    print '  True gravity:', true_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity:', estimated_gravity
    print '  Estimated gravity magnitude:', np.linalg.norm(estimated_gravity)
    print '  Re-normalized gravity error: ', np.linalg.norm(re_estimated_gravity - true_gravity)
    for i in range(num_frames):
        print 'Frame %d error: %f' % (i, np.linalg.norm(estimated_positions[i] - true_frame_positions[i]))

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')

    ts = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    true_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(true_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])
    estimated_ps = np.array([bezier.zero_offset_bezier(estimated_pos_controls, t) for t in ts])

    ax.plot(true_ps[:, 0], true_ps[:, 1], true_ps[:, 2], '-b')
    ax.plot(estimated_ps[:, 0], estimated_ps[:, 1], estimated_ps[:, 2], '-r')