Esempio n. 1
 def test_medium(self):
     """> Cycle-free check in medium network."""
     # Folder must be root to load in make_net properly
     if os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1] == 'tests': os.chdir('..')
     # Create the connections (only keys matter!)
     connections = get_medium_net()
     # Test
     self.assertFalse(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(2, 1)))
     self.assertFalse(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(-2, 1)))
     self.assertFalse(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(-1, 2)))
Esempio n. 2
 def test_simple(self):
     """> Cycle check in simple network."""
     # Folder must be root to load in make_net properly
     if os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1] == 'tests': os.chdir('..')
     # Create the connections (only keys matter!)
     connections = get_simple_net()
     # Test
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(1, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(1, -1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, -1)))
Esempio n. 3
    def mutate_add_connection(self, config: GenomeConfig):
        Attempt to add a new connection. A connection starts in the input_node and ends in the output_node.
        The restrictions laid on the mutation are:
         - An output of the network may never be an input_node (sending-end)
         - An input of the network may never be an output_node (receiving-end)
        # List all the keys that are possible output nodes (i.e. all output and hidden nodes)
        possible_outputs = list(iterkeys(self.nodes))
        out_node = choice(possible_outputs)

        # List all the keys that are possible input-nodes (i.e. all input and hidden nodes)
        possible_inputs = [
            i for i in possible_outputs + config.keys_input
            if i not in config.keys_output
        in_node = choice(possible_inputs)

        # Check if the new connection would create a cycle, discard if so
        key = (in_node, out_node)
        recurrent = (config.rnn_prob_gru + config.rnn_prob_lstm +
                     config.rnn_prob_simple_rnn) > 0
        if (not recurrent) and creates_cycle(
                list(iterkeys(self.connections.items())), key):

        # Don't duplicate connections
        if key in self.connections:
            self.enable_connection(config=config, key=key)

        # Create the new connection
        self.create_connection(config, in_node, out_node)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_medium(self):
     """> Cycle check in medium network."""
     # Folder must be root to load in make_net properly
     if os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1] == 'tests': os.chdir('..')
     # Create the connections (only keys matter!)
     connections = get_medium_net()
     # Test
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, -1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, -2)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 2)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(1, -1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(1, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(2, 2)))
     # Extend network
     connections.update({(1, 2): 1})
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(2, -1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(2, 1)))
     self.assertFalse(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(1, -2)))  # Allowed!
Esempio n. 5
    def mutate(self, config: GenomeConfig):
        """Mutates this genome."""
        if random() < config.node_add_prob: self.mutate_add_node(config)
        if random() < config.node_disable_prob:
        if random() < config.conn_add_prob: self.mutate_add_connection(config)
        if random() < config.conn_disable_prob:

        # Mutate connection genes
        for cid, cg in self.connections.items():
            mut_enabled = cg.mutate(config)
            if mut_enabled is not None:
                if mut_enabled and not creates_cycle(
                        list(iterkeys(self.connections.items())), cid):
                    self.enable_connection(config=config, key=cid)

        # Mutate node genes (bias etc.)
        for ng in self.nodes.values():
Esempio n. 6
 def test_complex(self):
     """> Cycle check in complex network."""
     # Folder must be root to load in make_net properly
     if os.getcwd().split('\\')[-1] == 'tests': os.chdir('..')
     # Create the connections (only keys matter!)
     connections = get_complex_net()
     # Test
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, -1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, -2)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 2)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 3)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(0, 4)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(3, 3)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(3, 2)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(3, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(3, -1)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(3, -2)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(3, 4)))
     self.assertTrue(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(-1, -1)))
     self.assertFalse(creates_cycle(connections=connections, test=(1, 4)))  # Allowed!