def client(): client = connect(api_key=TEST_API_KEY) assert isinstance(client, Client) return client
""" Lucky number 13: deploy a dev Flask app from a github repo in 13 lines one time setup needed: 1. export DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY=<PAT> 2. export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> 3. you must own domain and point DNS servers to digital ocean Caveat emptor: 1. DNS takes a while to propagate so use ip address first 2. This is not a production deployment """ import poseidon as P client = P.connect() ssh_key_id = client.keys.list()[0]['id'] droplet = client.droplets.create('', 'sfo1', '512mb', 'ubuntu-14-04-x64', ssh_keys=[ssh_key_id]) domain ='', droplet.ip_address) records =['name']) records.create('A', data=droplet.ip_address) ssh = droplet.connect() ssh.apt('git python-pip') ssh.git(username='******', repo='hello_world') ssh.chdir('hello_world') ssh.pip_r('requirements.txt') ssh.nohup(
""" Lucky number 13: deploy a dev Flask app from a github repo in 13 lines one time setup needed: 1. export DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY=<PAT> 2. export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> 3. you must own domain and point DNS servers to digital ocean Caveat emptor: 1. DNS takes a while to propagate so use ip address first 2. This is not a production deployment """ import poseidon as P client = P.connect() ssh_key_id = client.keys.list()[0]['id'] droplet = client.droplets.create('', 'sfo1', '512mb', 'ubuntu-14-04-x64', ssh_keys=[ssh_key_id]) domain ='', droplet.ip_address) records =['name']) records.create('A', data=droplet.ip_address) ssh = droplet.connect() ssh.apt('git python-pip') ssh.git(username='******', repo='hello_world') ssh.chdir('hello_world') ssh.pip_r('requirements.txt') ssh.nohup('python') # flask goes to ip:5000 by default, DNS takes a while print
import poseidon import sys import time client = poseidon.connect( api_key='9cc0208709c43e877b89986a585df7eb2c4050fafc07469680812e3706608a40') def key(): for i in client.keys.list(): print i['name'], i['id'] def img(): for i in client.images.list(): print i['slug'], i['id'] def vm(): try: for i in client.droplets.list(): print i['name'], i['networks']['v4'][0]['ip_address'], i['id'] except IndexError, err: print 'null' def privatehost(): for i in client.droplets.list(): print i['networks']['v4'][0]['ip_address'], str(" "), i['name'] def writeprivate():
import poseidon import sys import time client = poseidon.connect(api_key='9cc0208709c43e877b89986a585df7eb2c4050fafc07469680812e3706608a40') def key(): for i in client.keys.list(): print i['name'], i['id'] def img(): for i in client.images.list(): print i['slug'], i['id'] def vm(): try: for i in client.droplets.list(): print i['name'], i['networks']['v4'][0]['ip_address'], i['id'] except IndexError, err: print 'null' def privatehost(): for i in client.droplets.list(): print i['networks']['v4'][0]['ip_address'], str(" "), i['name'] def writeprivate(): with open('doprivateip', 'w') as ph: sys.stdout = ph privatehost() def zanrookey(): print client.keys.list()[0]['public_key']