Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, hdf5file, frameno):
     bbfilename = backbone_data_dir + hdf5file + '-' + str(frameno) + '-backbone.json'
     (points, edgedists) = poselib.bbLoad(bbfilename)
     (spline, bblength) = poselib.bbToSpline(points)
     self.bbpoints = poselib.bbTraceSpline(spline, bblength)
Esempio n. 2
    bbfilename = sys.argv[3]
    outputfile = None
    if len(sys.argv) >= 5:
        outputfile = sys.argv[4]

    h5file = tables.open_file(filename, mode = "r")
    node = h5file.get_node('/', '/images/' + str(frameNo))
    ar = h5file.get_node('/', '/autorectification')
        cw = h5file.get_node('/', '/cropwindow')
    except tables.NoSuchNodeError:
        cw = None
    uvframe = hdf5lflib.compute_uvframe(node, ar, cw)

    (points, edgedists) = poselib.bbLoad(bbfilename)
    (spline, bblength) = poselib.bbToSpline(points)
    bbpoints = poselib.bbTraceSpline(spline, bblength, uvframe)

    # Draw the backbone
    #plt.plot(bbpoints[:,0,1], bbpoints[:,0,0], 'o') # (x, y) order

    restackframe = restackBySpline(bbpoints, uvframe, points, edgedists)

    if outputfile:
        scipy.misc.imsave(outputfile, restackframe)
        # Draw the restacked image
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols = 2)