Esempio n. 1
def import_transit_data(local_db: PostgreSQL):
        Import SEPTA, NJT, and PATCO stops & lines.
        This code lives in another repo:

    transit_data = TransitData()
    stops, lines = transit_data.all_spatial_data()

    # Import transit stops
    local_db.import_geodataframe(stops, "regional_transit_stops")

    # Massage the lines before importing
    # - reset index and then explode so all are singlepart lines
    line_gdf = lines.reset_index()
    line_gdf = line_gdf.explode()
    line_gdf["explode_idx"] = line_gdf.index
    line_gdf = line_gdf.reset_index()

    local_db.import_geodataframe(line_gdf, "regional_transit_lines")

    # Reproject from 4326 to 26918
    local_db.table_reproject_spatial_data("regional_transit_lines", 4326, 26918, "LINESTRING")
    local_db.table_reproject_spatial_data("regional_transit_stops", 4326, 26918, "POINT")
Esempio n. 2
def import_production_sql_data(remote_db: PostgreSQL, local_db: PostgreSQL):
    Copy data from DVRPC's production SQL database to a SQL database on localhost.

    Note - this connection will only work within the firewall.

    data_to_download = [
        ("transportation", ["pedestriannetwork_lines",

        ("structure", ["points_of_interest"]),

        ("boundaries", ["municipalboundaries"]),

    for schema, table_list in data_to_download:

        for table_name in table_list:

            # Extract the data from the remote database and rename the geom column
            query = f"SELECT * FROM {schema}.{table_name};"
            gdf = remote_db.query_as_geo_df(query, geom_col="shape")
            gdf = gdf.rename(columns={"shape": "geometry"}).set_geometry("geometry")

            # Check if we have multipart geometries.
            # If so, explode them (but keep the index)
            multipart = False
            for geom_type in gdf.geom_type.unique():
                if "Multi" in geom_type:
                    multipart = True

            if multipart:
                print(f"EXPLODING {table_name}")
                gdf = gdf.explode()
                gdf['explode'] = gdf.index
                gdf = gdf.reset_index()

            # Save to the local database
            local_db.import_geodataframe(gdf, table_name.lower())