def makeThread(): global current_user global privilages information = "" if privilages < 2 : information = "Information: Husk at disse tråde skal hovedsagtligt blive anvendt til klargørelse af symptomer af vores professionelle eller spørge ind til processer" else: information = "Annonceringer vil altid så i toppen af forummet, for at angive retningslinjer eller nyheder" if request.method == 'POST': if current_user == []: return redirect(url_for('startPage')) header = tostring(request.form.get('header')) body = tostring(request.form.get('content')) open = tostring(request.form.get('open')) if header == "" or body == "": return render_template('createThread.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, information=information, postColor="red", error="Begge felter skal være udfyldte") conn, stateConn = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if stateConn: rowcount, success = postgresql.execute(conn, "INSERT INTO threads (CPR, header, content, is_open) " + "VALUES ('" + current_user[0] + "', '" + tostring(header) + "', '" + tostring(body) + "', " + ("TRUE" if open == "on" else "FALSE") + ")") if success: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('startPage')) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke indsætte ny besked i databasen")) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen")) elif request.method == 'GET': return render_template('createThread.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, information=information, postColor="lightgray", error="")
def deletePost(): global current_user global privilages if current_user != [] and privilages >= 0: pid = request.args['postid'] tid = request.args['threadid'] query = "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=" + pid conn, state = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if state: rownum, statequery = postgresql.execute(conn, "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=" + pid) if not statequery: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke slette tråd fra databasen")) if rownum < 1: print("No rows affected by delete") postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('enterThread', threadid=tid)) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen")) else: return redirect(url_for('startPage'))
def deleteThread(): global current_user global privilages if current_user != [] and privilages >= 0: tid = request.args['threadid'] conn, state = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if state: prownum, stateposts = postgresql.execute(conn, "DELETE FROM posts WHERE tid=" + tid) trownum, statethread = postgresql.execute(conn, "DELETE FROM threads WHERE id=" + tid) if not statethread or not stateposts: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke slette tråd fra databasen")) if trownum < 1: print("No rows affected by delete") print("Deleted " + prownum + " posts from thread " + tid) postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('startPage')) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen")) else: return redirect(url_for('startPage'))
def renderThreads(query : str, title : str): global current_user global privilages conn, stateConn = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if stateConn: data, rowcount, stateQuery = postgresql.query(conn, query) if stateQuery: threads = [] print("Overview threads:") for row in range(rowcount): print(" Transfering thread #" + str(row)) print(" User: "******" " + data[row][2] + " Created: " + str(data[row][4]) + " Headline: " + str(data[row][3])) threads.append(forum.threadOverview(data[row][0], data[row][1] + " " + data[row][2], data[row][3], formatDate(str(data[row][4])), data[row][5])) postgresql.closeConnection(conn) if current_user != []: print("Opening startpage with user: "******" with privilages: " + str(privilages)) return render_template('index.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, title=title, threads=threads) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) print("Failed to get threads from database") return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke udtrække trådene fra databasen")) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen"))
def registerUser(): global current_user global privilages type = request.args['type'] if request.method == 'POST': CPR = request.form.get('CPR') firstname = request.form.get('Fornavn') lastname = request.form.get('Efternavn') password = request.form.get('Password') if len(CPR) == 10 and firstname != "" and lastname != "" and password != "": #Tuple array with coloumn and value userAttributes = [] userAttributes.append(("CPR", "'" + CPR + "'")) userAttributes.append(("firstname", "'" + firstname + "'")) userAttributes.append(("lastname", "'" + lastname + "'")) userAttributes.append(("password", "'" + password + "'")) #Optional attribute address = request.form.get('Adresse') if address != "": userAttributes.append(("address", "'" + address + "'")) if type == "borger": patientAttributes = [] patientAttributes.append(("CPR", "'" + CPR + "'")) journalID = request.form.get('JournalID') if journalID != "": patientAttributes.append(("journal", journalID)) processID = request.form.get('ProcesID') if processID != "": patientAttributes.append(("process_id", processID)) conn, state = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if state: _, successUser = postgresql.insertOrUpdate(conn, "users", "CPR", CPR, userAttributes) if successUser: _, successPatient = postgresql.insertOrUpdate(conn, "patients", "CPR", CPR, patientAttributes) if successPatient: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('startPage')) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke indsætte patienten")) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke indsætte brugeren")) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen")) elif type == "ansat": employeeAttributes = [] employeeAttributes.append(("CPR", "'" + CPR + "'")) specialization = request.form.get('Jobstilling') works_at = request.form.get('Works_at') if specialization != "" and works_at != "": employeeAttributes.append(("specialization", "'" + specialization + "'")) employeeAttributes.append(("temp", request.form.get('temp') != None)) employeeAttributes.append(("privilege", request.form.get('privilege'))) employeeAttributes.append(("works_at", works_at)) conn, state = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if state: _, successUser = postgresql.insertOrUpdate(conn, "employees", "CPR", CPR, employeeAttributes) if successUser: _, successPatient = postgresql.insertOrUpdate(conn, "employees", "CPR", CPR, employeeAttributes) if successPatient: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('startPage')) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke indsætte ansatte")) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke indsætte brugeren")) else: return render_template('register.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, type=type, error="Ikke alle påkrævet felter var udfyldt!") else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen")) else: return render_template('register.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, type=type, error="Ikke alle påkrævet felter var udfyldt!") if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, type=type, error="")
def enterThread(): global current_user global privilages if request.method == 'POST': if current_user == []: return redirect(url_for('startPage')) postText = request.form.get('postInput') if postText != "": conn, state = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if state: threadid = request.args['threadid'] success = postgresql.execute(conn, "INSERT INTO posts (tid, CPR, content) " + "VALUES (" + threadid + ", '" + current_user[0] + "', '" + tostring(postText) + "')") if success: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('enterThread', threadid=threadid)) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke indsætte ny besked i databasen")) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen")) else: return redirect(url_for('enterThread', threadid=request.args['threadid'], error="Skriv dog noget mand!", border="border: 2px solid red")) elif request.method == 'GET': threadid = request.args['threadid'] conn, stateConn = postgresql.createConnection("prototype") if stateConn: #THREAD INFO #[0]: tid, [1]: firstname, [2]: lastname, [3]: header, [4]: content, [5]: created_date #[6]: processID, [7]: journalID, [8]: specialization, [9]: works_at, [10]: CPR threadDat, rowcount, stateThread = postgresql.query(conn, "SELECT, users.firstname, users.lastname, threads.header, threads.content, threads.created_date, " + "patients.process_id, patients.journal, " + "employees.specialization, employees.works_at, " + "users.CPR, threads.is_open " + "FROM threads " + "INNER JOIN users ON threads.CPR=users.CPR " + "LEFT JOIN patients ON users.CPR=patients.CPR " + "LEFT JOIN employees ON users.CPR=employees.CPR " + "WHERE" + tostring(threadid)) if stateThread and rowcount > 0: thread = threadDat[0] #POST INFO #[0]: firstname, [1]: lastname, [2]: content, [3]: created_date, [4]: modified_date #[5]: processID, [6]: journalID, [7]: specialization, [8]: works_at postsDat, _, statePosts = postgresql.query(conn, "SELECT users.firstname, users.lastname, posts.content, posts.created_date, posts.modified_date, " + "patients.process_id, patients.journal, " + "employees.specialization, employees.works_at, " + "FROM posts " + "INNER JOIN users ON posts.CPR=users.CPR " + "LEFT JOIN patients ON users.CPR=patients.CPR " + "LEFT JOIN employees ON users.CPR=employees.CPR " + "WHERE posts.tid=" + tostring(thread[0]) + " ORDER BY posts.created_date DESC") if statePosts: posts = [] for post in postsDat: posts.append([9]), post[0] + " " + post[1], post[2], formatDate(str(post[3])), formatDate(str(post[4])), post[5], post[6], post[7], post[8])) thread = forum.thread(thread[10], thread[1] + " " + thread[2], thread[3], thread[4], formatDate(str(thread[5])), thread[6], thread[7], thread[8], thread[9], posts, thread[11]) postgresql.closeConnection(conn) error="" border="" try: error = request.args['error'] except: print("No error") try: border = request.args['border'] except: print("No border") return render_template('thread.html', current_user=current_user, privilages=privilages, thread=thread, error=error, border=border) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke udtrække svarene fra databasen")) else: postgresql.closeConnection(conn) return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke udtrække trådene fra databasen eller ingen tråd fundet med id: " + str(threadid))) else: return redirect(url_for('errorDisplay', error="Kunne ikke forbinde til databasen"))