def solids_GUI(plot_contours=True, compute_strains=False, folder=None): """ Run a complete workflow for a Finite Element Analysis Parameters ---------- plot_contours : Bool (optional) Boolean variable to plot contours of the computed variables. By default it is True. compute_strains : Bool (optional) Boolean variable to compute Strains and Stresses at nodes. By default it is False. folder : string (optional) String with the path to the input files. If not provided it would ask for it in a pop-up window. Returns ------- UC : ndarray (nnodes, 2) Displacements at nodes. E_nodes : ndarray (nnodes, 3), optional Strains at nodes. It is returned when `compute_strains` is True. S_nodes : ndarray (nnodes, 3), optional Stresses at nodes. It is returned when `compute_strains` is True. """ if folder is None: folder = pre.initial_params() start_time = echo = False #%% PRE-PROCESSING nodes, mats, elements, loads = pre.readin(folder=folder) if echo: pre.echomod(nodes, mats, elements, loads, folder=folder) DME, IBC, neq = ass.DME(nodes, elements) print("Number of nodes: {}".format(nodes.shape[0])) print("Number of elements: {}".format(elements.shape[0])) print("Number of equations: {}".format(neq)) #%% SYSTEM ASSEMBLY KG = ass.assembler(elements, mats, nodes, neq, DME) RHSG = ass.loadasem(loads, IBC, neq) #%% SYSTEM SOLUTION UG = sol.static_sol(KG, RHSG) if not (np.allclose( / KG.max(), RHSG / KG.max())): print("The system is not in equilibrium!") end_time = print('Duration for system solution: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) #%% POST-PROCESSING start_time = UC = pos.complete_disp(IBC, nodes, UG) E_nodes, S_nodes = None, None if compute_strains: E_nodes, S_nodes = pos.strain_nodes(nodes, elements, mats, UC) if plot_contours: pos.fields_plot(elements, nodes, UC, E_nodes=E_nodes, S_nodes=S_nodes) end_time = print('Duration for post processing: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) print('Analysis terminated successfully!') return (UC, E_nodes, S_nodes) if compute_strains else UC
print("Number of equations: {}".format(neq)) #%% SYSTEM ASSEMBLY KG = ass.assembler(elements, mats, nodes, neq, DME) RHSG = ass.loadasem(loads, IBC, neq) #%% SYSTEM SOLUTION UG = sol.static_sol(KG, RHSG) if not (np.allclose(, RHSG)): print("The system is not in equilibrium!") end_time = print('Duration for system solution: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) #%% POST-PROCESSING start_time = UC = pos.complete_disp(IBC, nodes, UG) E_nodes, S_nodes = pos.strain_nodes(nodes, elements, mats, UC, DME) #pos.fields_plot(elements, nodes, UC) umag = np.linalg.norm(UC, axis=1) mises = np.sqrt(S_nodes[:, 0]**2 - S_nodes[:, 0] * S_nodes[:, 1] + S_nodes[:, 1]**2 + 3 * S_nodes[:, 2]**2) tri = pos.mesh2tri(nodes, elements) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.subplot(121) pos.tri_plot(tri, umag, title=r"$\Vert \mathbf{u}\Vert$ (mm)", levels=12) plt.subplot(122) pos.tri_plot(tri, mises, title=r"von Mises Stress (MPa)", levels=12) plt.savefig("wrench.png", dpi=300) print('Duration for post processing: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) print('Analysis terminated successfully!')
#%% # SYSTEM SOLUTION # # Solves the system UG = np.linalg.solve(KG, RHSG) if not(np.allclose(, UG), RHSG)): print("The system is not in equilibrium!") end_time = print('Duration for system solution: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) #%% # POST-PROCCESSING # start_time = UC = pos.complete_disp(IBC, nodes, UG) pos.plot_disp(UC, nodes, elements) # Scatter displacements over the elements UU = pos.scatter(DME, UG, ne, neq, elements) pos.gmeshpost(IBC, nn, UG, folder=folder) # Generates points inside the elements and computes strain solution E_nodes, S_nodes = pos.strain_nodes(IELCON, UU, ne, COORD, elements, mats) pos.plot_strain(E_nodes, nodes, elements) pos.plot_stress(S_nodes, nodes, elements, plt_type="pcolor") eigs1, eigs2, vecs1, vecs2 = pos.principal_dirs(S_nodes) tri = pos.mesh2tri(nodes, elements) pos.tri_plot(tri, eigs1, title=r"Maximum stress: $\sigma_1$") plt.quiver(nodes[:, 1], nodes[:, 2], vecs1[:,0], vecs1[:,1], pivot="middle", headwidth=1.5, headlength=2.5) end_time =