def shapley_values_inefficient(map_player_to_cost: dict):
	Calculates the Shapley values for all players in an instance of the airport problem.
	NOTE: values are calculated inefficiently, by creating an instance of the generic Shapley value problem.
	This is done for demonstration purposes only.

	:param map_player_to_cost:  a dict where each key is a char representing a single player, and its value is the cost of that player (alone).
	:return: a dict where each key is a single char representing a player, and each value is the player's Shapley value.

	>>> stringify(shapley_values_inefficient({"a": 3}))

	>>> stringify(shapley_values_inefficient({"a": 3, "b": 23}))
	'{a:1.5, b:21.5}'

	>>> stringify(shapley_values_inefficient({"a": 3, "b": 23, "c": 123}))
	'{a:1.0, b:11.0, c:111.0}'
    all_players = map_player_to_cost.keys()
    map_subset_to_cost = {
        max([map_player_to_cost[player] for player in subset])
        for subset in powerset.powerset(all_players) if len(subset) > 0
    map_subset_to_cost[""] = 0
    return shapley.values(all_players, map_subset_to_cost)
Esempio n. 2
def shapley_values_inefficient(road_graph: DiGraph, path: list):
	Calculates the Shapley values for all players in an instance of the ride-sharing problem.
	NOTE: values are calculated inefficiently, by constructing an instance of the generic Shapley value problem.
	This is done for demonstration purposes only.

	:param road_graph:  a weighted directed graph, representing travel costs between destinations.
	:param path: the first element is the source; then comes the list of passangers, in the fixed order by which they should be dropped from the taxi.
	:return: a dict where each key is a single char representing a passanger, and each value is the player's Shapley value.

	>>> road_graph = DiGraph()
	>>> road_graph.add_edge("0", "a", weight=5)
	>>> road_graph.add_edge("0", "b", weight=9)
	>>> road_graph.add_edge("a", "b", weight=6)
	>>> road_graph.add_edge("b", "a", weight=6)
	>>> stringify(shapley_values_inefficient(road_graph, ["0", "a", "b"]))
	'{a:3.5, b:7.5}'

	>>> stringify(shapley_values_inefficient(road_graph, ["0", "b", "a"]))
	'{a:5.5, b:9.5}'
    source = path[0]
    players = path[1:]
    map_subset_to_cost = {
        "".join(sorted(subset)): path_cost(road_graph,
                                           [source] + sublist(players, subset))
        for subset in powerset.powerset(players) if len(subset) > 0
    map_subset_to_cost[""] = 0
    return shapley.values("".join(players), map_subset_to_cost)
Esempio n. 3
def factors(n) :
	import powerset, factorial
	f = primeFactors(n)
	result = [1, n] + f
	if len(f) :
		for s in powerset.powerset(f) :
			if len(s) :
				p = factorial.product(s)
	return sorted(set(result))
Esempio n. 4
	def RemoveTriples(self, rcb, rcbNum, twins) :
		i = 0
		sameBox = self.UsingSameBox(twins)
		# r is a powerset of integers (square numbers) for squares in a region that are not filled
		for r in powerset.powerset(twins) :
			if 1 < len(r) < len(twins) :
				others = self.AllRelated(rcb, rcbNum)
				cs = self.ComplementSet(others, i)
				rv = self.SetOfPossibleValues(r)
				csv = self.SetOfPossibleValues(cs)
Esempio n. 5
	def SolveOthers(self, rcb, rcbNum) :
		others = self.AllRelated(rcb, rcbNum)
		i = 0
		# r is a powerset of integers (square numbers) for squares in a region that are not filled
		for r in powerset.powerset(others) :
			if 0 < len(r) < len(others) :
				# s is a set of the possible values of squares indexed by r
				s = self.SetOfPossibleValues(r)
				if len(s) == len(r) :
					cs = self.ComplementSet(others, i)
					for c in cs :
						valuesToRemove = s.intersection(set(self.possibleValues[c]))
						if len(valuesToRemove) :
							for ss in valuesToRemove :
					if len(r) >= 3 :
						self.RemoveTriples(rcb, rcbNum, r)
			i += 1
Esempio n. 6
    lowers = 0
    uppers = 0
    for char in s:
        if char.islower():
            lowers += 1
        elif char.isupper():
            uppers += 1
    return lowers, uppers

# Exercise 46
def ten_base_number(n):
    result = []  # create an empty set
    while (n > 0):  # while our number is positive
        result |= {n % 10}  # we add the modulo 10 of the number IF he's not already in our set
        n = n // 10  # now we can divide our number by 10 to "split it"
    return result

# Exercise 47
def words_matches(text1, text2):
    words1 = text1.split(' ')
    words2 = text2.split(' ')
    result = set(words1) & set(words2)

import powerset

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print([x for x in powerset.powerset([1, 2, 3])])
Esempio n. 7
	l = [i]

true_candidates = []
candidates=	[]

for i in hash_table:

for i in range(1,max_length):
	for j in candidates:
		flag = 1
		l = powerset(j, len(j)-1)
		for p in l:
			if  tuple(p) in superdict:
		if flag==1:
			for k in j:
			if csupport(sup)>min_sup:
Esempio n. 8
import itertools
import Unlockattempt
import powerset
import time

start_time = time.time()

persons = 4
number_for_access = 3

# Puzzle:
# Can one lock a box with multiple locks and distribute keys to the boxes (potentially more than one key per box) to a number of persons, such that the box can be unlocked [number_for_access] persons, but cannot be unlocked by [number_for_access]-1 persons?

locks = 1

while True:
    key_list = powerset.powerset(range(persons))
    for i in itertools.product(key_list, repeat=locks):
        attempt = Unlockattempt.Unlockattempt(i,persons,number_for_access)

        if attempt.check_unlockable_combination():
            print (attempt.locks)
            print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
    s0 = min(homeConnects[0])
    s2 = 6 - s0 - s1
    return [s0 - 1, s2 - 1, s1 - 1]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    class Spam:
        def __init__(self, size):
            self.size = size

    class Foo:
        def __init__(self, sizes):
            self.markers = [Spam(x) for x in sizes]

        def __str__(self):
            return '(' + ','.join([str(x.size) for x in self.markers]) + ')'

        "This is bad style, but if you aren't me (the programmer) this file doesn't work as a script"
    import sys
    from powerset import powerset
    for m0 in powerset(range(1, 4), b=2):
        h0 = Foo(m0)
        for m1 in powerset(range(1, 4), b=2):
            h1 = Foo(m1)
            p = optPermute([h0, h1])
            print(h0, [x + 1 for x in p], h1)
Esempio n. 10
def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("values", nargs="+")
    args = parser.parse_args()