def switch_action(self, event, switchname): obj = event.GetEventObject() if obj.GetValue(): #if the button is pressed, the switch turns on powersupply.set_voltage(switchname, 5.0) self.logBox.AppendText(self.Gettime() +' '+ obj.GetLabelText() + ' has been turned ON \r') else: #if the button is not pressed, then the switch turns off powersupply.set_voltage(switchname, 0.0) self.logBox.AppendText(self.Gettime() +' '+ obj.GetLabelText() + ' has been turned OFF \r')
def stopcycle_action(self, event): if self.abortcycle.is_set() == False: self.abortcycle.set() self.logBox.AppendText('Terminating fridge cycle. \n') self.logBox.AppendText('Zeroing all pump heaters and switches. \n') powersupply.set_voltage('4He IC pump', 0.0) powersupply.set_voltage('3He IC pump', 0.0) powersupply.set_voltage('3He UC pump', 0.0) powersupply.set_voltage('4He IC switch', 0.0) powersupply.set_voltage('3He IC switch', 0.0) powersupply.set_voltage('3He UC switch', 0.0) self.logBox.AppendText('Fridge cycle terminated. \n') else: self.logBox.AppendText('Fridge cycle not running, ignoring request to stop. \n')
def he3ucsetvolt_action(self, event): powersupply.set_voltage('3He UC pump', float(self.he3UC_voltage_scroll.GetValue().strip()))
def he4icsetvolt_action(self, event): powersupply.set_voltage('4He IC pump', float(self.he4IC_voltage_scroll.GetValue().strip()))