class VideoPlayer: """ plays a track using omxplayer See pp_imageplayer for common software design description """ _CLOSED = "omx_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "omx_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "omx_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "omx_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, show_id, root, canvas, show_params, track_params , pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.root=root self.canvas = canvas self.show_params=show_params self.track_params=track_params self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # get config from medialist if there. if self.track_params['omx-audio']<>"": self.omx_audio= self.track_params['omx-audio'] else: self.omx_audio= self.show_params['omx-audio'] if self.omx_audio<>"": self.omx_audio= "-o "+ self.omx_audio if self.track_params['omx-volume']<>"": self.omx_volume= self.track_params['omx-volume'] else: self.omx_volume= self.show_params['omx-volume'] if self.omx_volume<>"": self.omx_volume= "--vol "+ str(int(self.omx_volume)*100) + ' ' if self.track_params['omx-window']<>'': self.omx_window= self.track_params['omx-window'] else: self.omx_window= self.show_params['omx-window'] # get background image from profile. self.background_file='' if self.track_params['background-image']<>"": self.background_file= self.track_params['background-image'] else: if self.track_params['display-show-background']=='yes': self.background_file= self.show_params['background-image'] # get background colour from profile. if self.track_params['background-colour']<>"": self.background_colour= self.track_params['background-colour'] else: self.background_colour= self.show_params['background-colour'] self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] # open the plugin Manager self.pim=PluginManager(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,self.track_params,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile) #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.omx=OMXDriver(self.canvas) self.tick_timer=None self.init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, showlist, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False): #instantiate arguments self.track=track self.showlist=showlist self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.enable_menu = enable_menu # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer and enable click areas. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # create an instance of showmanager so we can control concurrent shows self.show_manager=ShowManager(self.show_id,self.showlist,self.show_params,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) #set up video window reason,message,comand,has_window,x1,y1,x2,y2= self.parse_window(self.omx_window) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,'omx window error: ' + message + ' in ' + self.omx_window) self.end_callback(reason,message) else: if has_window==True: self.omx_window= '--win " '+ str(x1) + ' ' + str(y1) + ' ' + str(x2) + ' ' + str(y2) + ' " ' else: self.omx_window='' # Control other shows at beginning reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-begin']) if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #display content reason,message=self.display_content() if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # create animation events reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # start playing the video. if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self.start_play_state_machine(self.track) else: self.mon.err(self,'play track rejected') self.end_callback('error','play track rejected') self=None def terminate(self,reason): # circumvents state machine and does not wait for omxplayer to close if self.omx<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to omxdriver") self.omx.terminate(reason) self.end('killed',' end without waiting for omxplayer to finish') # end without waiting else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, omxdriver not running") self.end('killed','terminate, mplayerdriver not running') def input_pressed(self,symbol): if symbol[0:4]=='omx-': self.control(symbol[4]) elif symbol =='pause': self.pause() elif symbol=='stop': self.stop() else: pass def get_links(self): return self.track_params['links'] # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** # respond to normal stop def stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self.quit_signal=True #toggle pause def pause(self): if self.play_state in (VideoPlayer._PLAYING,VideoPlayer._ENDING): self.omx.pause() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing def control(self,char): if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING and char not in ('q'): self.mon.log(self,"> send control to omx: "+ char) self.omx.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # *********************** # sequencing # ********************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the omx process is not running, omx process can be initiated - _starting - omx process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - omx is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def init_play_state_machine(self): self.quit_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._CLOSED def start_play_state_machine(self,track): #initialise all the state machine variables #self.iteration = 0 # for debugging self.quit_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop self.play_state=VideoPlayer._STARTING #play the selected track options=self.omx_audio+ " " + self.omx_volume + ' ' + self.omx_window + ' ' + self.show_params['omx-other-options']+" ",options) self.mon.log (self,'Playing track from show Id: '+ str(self.show_id)) # and start polling for state changes self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) def play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if omxplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.omx.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from omx") self.omx.start_play_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: omx_playing started") self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self.quit_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal") self.stop_omx() self.quit_signal=False # self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING # omxplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.omx.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) if self.omx.end_play_reason<>'nice_day': # deal with omxplayer not sending 'have a nice day' self.mon.warn(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self," <pexpect reports: "+self.omx.end_play_reason) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING self.ending_count=0 self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._ENDING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state self.mon.log (self," State machine : is omx process running? - " + str(self.omx.is_running())) if self.omx.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <omx process is dead") self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','quit by user or system') else: self.ending_count+=1 if self.ending_count>10: # deal with omxplayer not terminating at the end of a track self.mon.warn(self," <omxplayer failed to close at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.omx.kill() self.mon.warn(self,'omxplayer now terminated ') self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','end from omxplayer failed to terminate') else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) def stop_omx(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop omx received from state machine") if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.omx.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False # ***************** # ending the player # ***************** def end(self,reason,message): # stop the plugin if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': self.pim.stop_plugin() # os.system("xrefresh -display :0") # abort the timer if self.tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.tick_timer=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # normal end so do show control and animation # Control concurrent shows at end reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-end']) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None # ***************** # displaying things # ***************** def display_content(self): #background colour if self.background_colour<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.background_colour) # delete previous content self.canvas.delete('pp-content') # background image if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Video background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self.end('error',"Video background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') # execute the plugin if required if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': reason,message,self.track = self.pim.do_plugin(self.track,self.track_params['plugin'],) if reason <> 'normal': return reason,message # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> '' and self.track_params['display-show-text']=='yes': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display instructions if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']), int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) return 'normal','' # **************** # utilities # ***************** def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file # original _ # warp _ or xy2 def parse_window(self,line): fields = line.split() # check there is a command field if len(fields) < 1: return 'error','no type field','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with original which has 1 if fields[0]=='original': if len(fields) <> 1: return 'error','number of fields for original','',False,0,0,0,0 return 'normal','',fields[0],False,0,0,0,0 #deal with warp which has 1 or 5 arguments # check basic syntax if fields[0] <>'warp': return 'error','not a valid type','',False,0,0,0,0 if len(fields) not in (1,5): return 'error','wrong number of coordinates for warp','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with window coordinates if len(fields) == 5: #window is specified if not (fields[1].isdigit() and fields[2].isdigit() and fields[3].isdigit() and fields[4].isdigit()): return 'error','coordinates are not positive integers','',False,0,0,0,0 has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,int(fields[1]),int(fields[2]),int(fields[3]),int(fields[4]) else: # fullscreen has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,0,0,self.canvas['width'],self.canvas['height']
class VideoPlayer: _CLOSED = "omx_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "omx_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "omx_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "omx_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, canvas, cd, track_params ): """ canvas - the canvas onto which the video is to be drawn (not!!) cd - configuration dictionary track_params - config dictionary for this track overides cd """ self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments #configuration dictionary for the videoplayer self.canvas = canvas #canvas onto which video should be played but isn't! Use as widget for alarm self.track_params=track_params # get config from medialist if there. if 'omx-audio' in self.track_params and self.track_params['omx-audio']<>"": self.omx_audio= self.track_params['omx-audio'] else: self.omx_audio=['omx-audio'] if self.omx_audio<>"": self.omx_audio= "-o "+ self.omx_audio # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.omx=OMXDriver() self._tick_timer=None self.error=False self.terminate_required=False self._init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False, starting_callback=None, playing_callback=None, ending_callback=None): #instantiate arguments self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.starting_callback=starting_callback #callback during starting state self.playing_callback=playing_callback #callback during playing state self.ending_callback=ending_callback # callback during ending state # enable_menu is not used by videoplayer # and start playing the video. if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self._start_play_state_machine(track) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!< play track rejected") return False def key_pressed(self,key_name): if key_name=='': return elif key_name in ('p',' '): self._pause() return elif key_name=='escape': self._stop() return def button_pressed(self,button,edge): if button =='pause': self._pause() return elif button=='stop': self._stop() return def terminate(self,reason): # circumvents state machine self.terminate_required=True if self.omx<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to omxdriver") self.omx.terminate(reason) else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, omxdriver not running") self._end() # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** # respond to normal stop def _stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self._stop_required_signal=True #respond to internal error def _error(self): self.error=True self._stop_required_signal=True #toggle pause def _pause(self): if self.play_state in (VideoPlayer._PLAYING,VideoPlayer._ENDING): self.omx.pause() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing, used? def _control(self,char): if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.mon.log(self,"> send control ot omx: "+ char) self.omx.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # called to end omxdriver def _end(self): if self._tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self._tick_timer) self._tick_timer=None if self.error==True: self.end_callback("error",'error') self=None elif self.terminate_required==True: self.end_callback("killed",'killed') self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated") self=None # *************************************** # # PLAYING STATE MACHINE # *************************************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the omx process is not running, omx process can be initiated - _starting - omx process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - omx is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def _init_play_state_machine(self): self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._CLOSED def _start_play_state_machine(self,track): #initialise all the state machine variables #self.iteration = 0 # for debugging self._stop_required_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop self.play_state=VideoPlayer._STARTING #play the selected track options=self.omx_audio+" "['omx-other-options']+" ",options) # and start polling for state changes self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) def _play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if omxplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.omx.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from omx") self.omx.start_play_signal=False # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() self.play_state=VideoPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: omx_playing started") self._do_starting() self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self._stop_required_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal") self._stop_omx() self._stop_required_signal=False self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING # omxplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.omx.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING self._do_playing() self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self._play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._ENDING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) self._do_ending() # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state self.mon.log (self," State machine : is omx process running? - " + str(self.omx.is_running())) if self.omx.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <omx process is dead") self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self._end() else: self._tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self._play_state_machine) # allow calling object do things in each state by calling the appropriate callback def _do_playing(self): self.video_position=self.omx.video_position self.audio_position=self.omx.audio_position if self.playing_callback<>None: self.playing_callback() def _do_starting(self): self.video_position=0.0 self.audio_position=0.0 if self.starting_callback<>None: self.starting_callback() def _do_ending(self): if self.ending_callback<>None: self.ending_callback() def _stop_omx(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop omx received from state machine") if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.omx.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False
class VideoPlayer: """ plays a track using omxplayer See pp_imageplayer for common software design description """ _CLOSED = "omx_closed" #probably will not exist _STARTING = "omx_starting" #track is being prepared _PLAYING = "omx_playing" #track is playing to the screen, may be paused _ENDING = "omx_ending" #track is in the process of ending due to quit or end of track # *************************************** # EXTERNAL COMMANDS # *************************************** def __init__(self, show_id, root, canvas, show_params, track_params , pp_dir, pp_home, pp_profile): self.mon=Monitor() self.mon.on() #instantiate arguments self.show_id=show_id self.root=root self.canvas = canvas self.show_params=show_params self.track_params=track_params self.pp_dir=pp_dir self.pp_home=pp_home self.pp_profile=pp_profile # get config from medialist if there. if self.track_params['omx-audio']<>"": self.omx_audio= self.track_params['omx-audio'] else: self.omx_audio= self.show_params['omx-audio'] if self.omx_audio<>"": self.omx_audio= "-o "+ self.omx_audio if self.track_params['omx-volume']<>"": self.omx_volume= self.track_params['omx-volume'] else: self.omx_volume= self.show_params['omx-volume'] if self.omx_volume<>"": self.omx_volume= "--vol "+ str(int(self.omx_volume)*100) + ' ' if self.track_params['omx-window']<>'': self.omx_window= self.track_params['omx-window'] else: self.omx_window= self.show_params['omx-window'] # get background image from profile. self.background_file='' if self.track_params['background-image']<>"": self.background_file= self.track_params['background-image'] else: if self.track_params['display-show-background']=='yes': self.background_file= self.show_params['background-image'] # get background colour from profile. if self.track_params['background-colour']<>"": self.background_colour= self.track_params['background-colour'] else: self.background_colour= self.show_params['background-colour'] self.centre_x = int(self.canvas['width'])/2 self.centre_y = int(self.canvas['height'])/2 #get animation instructions from profile self.animate_begin_text=self.track_params['animate-begin'] self.animate_end_text=self.track_params['animate-end'] # open the plugin Manager self.pim=PluginManager(self.show_id,self.root,self.canvas,self.show_params,self.track_params,self.pp_dir,self.pp_home,self.pp_profile) #create an instance of PPIO so we can create gpio events self.ppio = PPIO() # could put instance generation in play, not sure which is better. self.omx=OMXDriver(self.canvas) self.tick_timer=None self.init_play_state_machine() def play(self, track, showlist, end_callback, ready_callback, enable_menu=False): #instantiate arguments self.track=track self.showlist=showlist self.ready_callback=ready_callback #callback when ready to play self.end_callback=end_callback # callback when finished self.enable_menu = enable_menu # callback to the calling object to e.g remove egg timer and enable click areas. if self.ready_callback<>None: self.ready_callback() # create an instance of showmanager so we can control concurrent shows self.show_manager=ShowManager(self.show_id,self.showlist,self.show_params,self.root,self.canvas,self.pp_dir,self.pp_profile,self.pp_home) #set up video window reason,message,comand,has_window,x1,y1,x2,y2= self.parse_window(self.omx_window) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,'omx window error: ' + message + ' in ' + self.omx_window) self.end_callback(reason,message) else: if has_window==True: self.omx_window= '--win " '+ str(x1) + ' ' + str(y1) + ' ' + str(x2) + ' ' + str(y2) + ' " ' else: self.omx_window='' # Control other shows at beginning reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-begin']) if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: #display content reason,message=self.display_content() if reason == 'error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # create animation events reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_begin_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # start playing the video. if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self,">play track received") self.start_play_state_machine(self.track) else: self.mon.err(self,'play track rejected') self.end_callback('error','play track rejected') self=None def terminate(self,reason): # circumvents state machine and does not wait for omxplayer to close if self.omx<>None: self.mon.log(self,"sent terminate to omxdriver") self.omx.terminate(reason) self.end('killed',' end without waiting for omxplayer to finish') # end without waiting else: self.mon.log(self,"terminate, omxdriver not running") self.end('killed','terminate, mplayerdriver not running') def input_pressed(self,symbol): if symbol[0:4]=='omx-': self.control(symbol[4]) elif symbol =='pause': self.pause() elif symbol=='stop': self.stop() else: pass def get_links(self): return self.track_params['links'] # *************************************** # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # *************************************** # respond to normal stop def stop(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self,">stop received") self.quit_signal=True #toggle pause def pause(self): if self.play_state in (VideoPlayer._PLAYING,VideoPlayer._ENDING): self.omx.pause() return True #NIK # for pausing video after first frame elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.omx.delayed_pause = True return True #NIK else: self.mon.log(self,"!<pause rejected") return False # other control when playing def control(self,char): if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING and char not in ('q'): self.mon.log(self,"> send control to omx: "+ char) self.omx.control(char) return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<control rejected") return False # *********************** # sequencing # ********************** """self. play_state controls the playing sequence, it has the following values. I am not entirely sure the starting and ending states are required. - _closed - the omx process is not running, omx process can be initiated - _starting - omx process is running but is not yet able to receive controls - _playing - playing a track, controls can be sent - _ending - omx is doing its termination, controls cannot be sent """ def init_play_state_machine(self): self.quit_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._CLOSED def start_play_state_machine(self,track): #initialise all the state machine variables #self.iteration = 0 # for debugging self.quit_signal=False # signal that user has pressed stop self.play_state=VideoPlayer._STARTING #play the selected track options=self.omx_audio+ " " + self.omx_volume + ' ' + self.omx_window + ' ' + self.show_params['omx-other-options']+" " # NIK ADDITION # adding subtitles file for video if 'omx-subtitles' in self.track_params and self.track_params['omx-subtitles'] <> '': subtitles_full_path = self.complete_path(self.track_params['omx-subtitles']) if os.path.exists (subtitles_full_path): options += '--font-size 40 --subtitles "' + subtitles_full_path + '" ' if 'omx-subtitles-numlines' in self.track_params and self.track_params['omx-subtitles-numlines'] <> '': options += '--lines ' + self.track_params['omx-subtitles-numlines'] + ' ' # END NIK ADDITION,options) self.mon.log (self,'Playing track from show Id: '+ str(self.show_id)) # and start polling for state changes self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) def play_state_machine(self): if self.play_state == VideoPlayer._CLOSED: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) return elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._STARTING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if omxplayer is playing the track change to play state if self.omx.start_play_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," <start play signal received from omx") self.omx.start_play_signal=False self.play_state=VideoPlayer._PLAYING self.mon.log(self," State machine: omx_playing started") self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(50, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._PLAYING: # self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # service any queued stop signals if self.quit_signal==True: self.mon.log(self," Service stop required signal") self.stop_omx() self.quit_signal=False # self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING # omxplayer reports it is terminating so change to ending state if self.omx.end_play_signal: self.mon.log(self," <end play signal received") self.mon.log(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) if self.omx.end_play_reason<>'nice_day': # deal with omxplayer not sending 'have a nice day' self.mon.warn(self," <end detected at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self," <pexpect reports: "+self.omx.end_play_reason) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.play_state = VideoPlayer._ENDING self.ending_count=0 self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) elif self.play_state == VideoPlayer._ENDING: self.mon.log(self," State machine: " + self.play_state) # if spawned process has closed can change to closed state self.mon.log (self," State machine : is omx process running? - " + str(self.omx.is_running())) if self.omx.is_running() ==False: self.mon.log(self," <omx process is dead") self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','quit by user or system') else: self.ending_count+=1 if self.ending_count>10: # deal with omxplayer not terminating at the end of a track self.mon.warn(self," <omxplayer failed to close at: " + str(self.omx.video_position)) self.mon.warn(self,'pexpect.before is'+self.omx.xbefore) self.omx.kill() self.mon.warn(self,'omxplayer now terminated ') self.play_state = VideoPlayer._CLOSED self.end('normal','end from omxplayer failed to terminate') else: self.tick_timer=self.canvas.after(200, self.play_state_machine) def stop_omx(self): # send signal to stop the track to the state machine self.mon.log(self," >stop omx received from state machine") if self.play_state==VideoPlayer._PLAYING: self.omx.stop() return True else: self.mon.log(self,"!<stop rejected") return False # ***************** # ending the player # ***************** def end(self,reason,message): # stop the plugin if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': self.pim.stop_plugin() # os.system("xrefresh -display :0") # abort the timer if self.tick_timer<>None: self.canvas.after_cancel(self.tick_timer) self.tick_timer=None if reason in ('error','killed'): self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # normal end so do show control and animation # Control concurrent shows at end reason,message=self.show_manager.show_control(self.track_params['show-control-end']) if reason =='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: # clear events list for this track if self.track_params['animate-clear']=='yes': self.ppio.clear_events_list(id(self)) # create animation events for ending reason,message=self.ppio.animate(self.animate_end_text,id(self)) if reason=='error': self.mon.err(self,message) self.end_callback(reason,message) self=None else: self.end_callback('normal',"track has terminated or quit") self=None # ***************** # displaying things # ***************** def display_content(self): #background colour if self.background_colour<>'': self.canvas.config(bg=self.background_colour) # delete previous content self.canvas.delete('pp-content') # background image if self.background_file<>'': self.background_img_file = self.complete_path(self.background_file) if not os.path.exists(self.background_img_file): self.mon.err(self,"Video background file not found: "+ self.background_img_file) self.end('error',"Video background file not found") else: self.background = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_background_img) self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(int(self.canvas['width'])/2, int(self.canvas['height'])/2, image=self.background, anchor=CENTER, tag='pp-content') # execute the plugin if required if self.track_params['plugin']<>'': reason,message,self.track = self.pim.do_plugin(self.track,self.track_params['plugin'],) if reason <> 'normal': return reason,message # display show text if enabled if self.show_params['show-text']<> '' and self.track_params['display-show-text']=='yes': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['show-text-x']),int(self.show_params['show-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.show_params['show-text'], fill=self.show_params['show-text-colour'], font=self.show_params['show-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display track text if enabled if self.track_params['track-text']<> '': self.canvas.create_text(int(self.track_params['track-text-x']),int(self.track_params['track-text-y']), anchor=NW, text=self.track_params['track-text'], fill=self.track_params['track-text-colour'], font=self.track_params['track-text-font'], tag='pp-content') # display instructions if enabled if self.enable_menu== True: self.canvas.create_text(int(self.show_params['hint-x']), int(self.show_params['hint-y']), text=self.show_params['hint-text'], fill=self.show_params['hint-colour'], font=self.show_params['hint-font'], anchor=NW, tag='pp-content') self.canvas.tag_raise('pp-click-area') self.canvas.update_idletasks( ) return 'normal','' # **************** # utilities # ***************** def complete_path(self,track_file): # complete path of the filename of the selected entry if track_file[0]=="+": track_file=self.pp_home+track_file[1:] self.mon.log(self,"Background image is "+ track_file) return track_file # original _ # warp _ or xy2 def parse_window(self,line): fields = line.split() # check there is a command field if len(fields) < 1: return 'error','no type field','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with original which has 1 if fields[0]=='original': if len(fields) <> 1: return 'error','number of fields for original','',False,0,0,0,0 return 'normal','',fields[0],False,0,0,0,0 #deal with warp which has 1 or 5 arguments # check basic syntax if fields[0] <>'warp': return 'error','not a valid type','',False,0,0,0,0 if len(fields) not in (1,5): return 'error','wrong number of coordinates for warp','',False,0,0,0,0 # deal with window coordinates if len(fields) == 5: #window is specified if not (fields[1].isdigit() and fields[2].isdigit() and fields[3].isdigit() and fields[4].isdigit()): return 'error','coordinates are not positive integers','',False,0,0,0,0 has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,int(fields[1]),int(fields[2]),int(fields[3]),int(fields[4]) else: # fullscreen has_window=True return 'normal','',fields[0],has_window,0,0,self.canvas['width'],self.canvas['height']