Esempio n. 1
def test_dot_rotational_invariance(x: Vector, y: Vector, angle: float):
    """Test that rotating vectors doesn't change their dot product."""
    t = x.angle(y)
    cos_t, _ = Vector._trig(t)
    note(f"θ: {t}")
    note(f"cos θ: {cos_t}")

    # Exclude near-orthogonal test inputs
    assume(abs(cos_t) > 1e-6)
    assert isclose(x * y,
                   x.rotate(angle) * y.rotate(angle),
                   rel_to=(x, y),
Esempio n. 2
def test_rotation_stability(angle, loops):
    """Rotating loops times by angle is equivalent to rotating by loops*angle."""
    initial = Vector(1, 0)

    fellswoop = initial.rotate(angle * loops)
    note(f"One Fell Swoop: {fellswoop}")

    stepwise = initial
    for _ in range(loops):
        stepwise = stepwise.rotate(angle)
    note(f"Step-wise: {stepwise}")

    assert fellswoop.isclose(stepwise, rel_tol=1e-8)
    assert math.isclose(fellswoop.length, initial.length, rel_tol=1e-15)
Esempio n. 3
def test_rotation_invariance(v: Vector, angle: float, n: int):
    """Check that rotating by angle and angle + n×360° have the same result."""
    rot_once = v.rotate(angle)
    rot_many = v.rotate(angle + 360 * n)
    note(f"δ: {(rot_once - rot_many).length}")
    assert rot_once.isclose(rot_many, rel_tol=n / 1e9)