###################################### LOGGER ######################################
## Setup-logger
#logger = Logger(__name__, path_stdout).get() # gives __name__ == main
logger = Logger(current_script_name, path_stdout).get()
#loglevel = getattr(logging, args.logger_lvl.upper(), logging.INFO) # returns some numeric value
loglevel = getattr(logging, args.logger_lvl.upper()) # returns some numeric value

###################################### RUN FUNCTIONS ######################################
processes = submit()

start_time_check_jobs = time.time()
check_jobs(processes, logger) # TODO: parse multiprocess argument?
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time_check_jobs
logger.info( "Total Runtime for check_jobs: %s s (%s min)" % (elapsed_time, elapsed_time/60) )
logger.critical( "%s: finished" % current_script_name)

Esempio n. 2
class LaunchSubprocess(object):
	def __init__(self, cmd, path_stdout=os.getcwd(), logger=False, jobname='NoJobName'): #file_output=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __name__+'.tmp.log'
		self.path_stdout = HelperUtils.check_if_writable(path_stdout)
		if logger: #TODO: check that logger is of class Logger?
			self.logger = logger
		else: # create new logger, with name e.g. LaunchSubprocess_NoLoggerParsed_2014-05-15_23.08.59.log
			#self.logger = Logger(self.__class__.__name__+"_NoLoggerParsed", path_stdout).get() # BEFORE JUNE 2014
			self.logger = Logger(name=self.__class__.__name__+"_NoLoggerParsed"+HelperUtils.gen_timestamp(), log_dir=path_stdout, log_format=1, enabled=True).get()
		self.jobname = jobname
		self.cmd = cmd

	def run_Log(self, file_output):
		""" Potentially call this function right after instantiation. In this way you will have the file_output 'ready' """
		self.file_output = os.path.join(self.path_stdout, file_output)
		self.fh_output = open(self.file_output, 'w')
		self.process=subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=self.fh_output, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)

	def run_Pipe(self):
		self.process=subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)

	def run(self):
		""" This function should just run the process. 'No questions asked' """
		#TODO: finish writing this method
		self.process=subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=True)

	#def write_pipe_to_file(self):
	#	path_output = os.path.join(self.logdir, self.file_output)
	# for line in p.stdout.readlines():
	#     print line

	def fhandle_pipe(self):
		""" Method only for run_Pipe(). Returns file object that provides output from the child process. """
		self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tparsed STDOUT filehandle" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname ) )
		return self.process.stdout

	def fhandle_check(self):
		if self.fh_output:
			self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tfilehandle is closed: %s" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, self.fh_output.closed ) )
			self.logger.warning( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tfilehandle does not exists" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname ) )

	def fhandle_close(self):
		#TODO: only if fh exists
		self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tclosing filehandle" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname ) )

	def get_pid(self):
		return self.process.pid

	def process_wait(self):
		self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\twaiting for process to finish" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname ) )

	def process_communicate_and_read_pipe_lines(self):
		""" Method only for run_Pipe(). Returns list of lines from output of the child process. """
		self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tcommunicating with process. Then reading lines..." % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname ) )
		(stdout, stderr) = self.process.communicate()
		if stderr is not None:
			self.logger.warning( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tSTDERR is not empty (None). Not saving STDERR: %s" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, stderr ) )
		stdout_lines = stdout.splitlines() # consider keepends=[True]
		self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tRead %d lines..." % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, len(stdout_lines) ) )
		# Returns list of lines WITHOUT NEWLINES
		return stdout_lines

	def process_communicate(self):
		#Note The data read is buffered in memory, so do not use this method if the data size is large or unlimited.
		self.logger.info( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tcommunicating with process" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname ) )
		(stdout, stderr) = self.process.communicate()
		self.logger.debug( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tSTDOUT\n%s" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, stdout ) )
		self.logger.debug( "[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\tSTDERR\n%s" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, stderr ) )
		#print stdout
		#print stderr
		return (stdout, stderr)

	def process_check_returncode(self):
		""" This function must be called after [wait, communicate or poll] """
		code = self.process.returncode
		if code != 0:
			self.logger.error("[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\treturned non-zero returncode-code: %s" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, code) )
			self.logger.info("[PID:%s|jobname:%s]\treturncode-code OK: %s" % ( self.process.pid, self.jobname, code) )
		return code

pattern = re.compile(r"Found (\d+) out of (\d+) SNPs in data base", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
#Found 25 out of 25 SNPs in data base
gwas_filename = path_output_main+'/subprocess_gwastable.{N}.{freq}.{dist}.{gene_count}.tab'.format(N=N_sample_sets, freq=freq, dist=dist, gene_count=gene_count)
with open(gwas_filename, 'w') as f_gwastable: 
	with open(path_output_main+'/subprocess_snps_found_in_db.tab', 'w') as f_not_found: 
		for p in processes:
			lines = p.process_communicate_and_read_pipe_lines()
			for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
				#print line
				match = pattern.search(line)
				if match:
					(found, n_input_snps) = match.groups() # return all groups
					row = "{jobname}\t{found}\t{input}".format(jobname=p.jobname, found=found, input=n_input_snps)
				if "# rating_insufficient" in line:
					row = "{}\t{}".format(p.jobname, lines[i+1]) # next line

for p in processes:

###################################### LEFTOVERS ######################################

## run_log() method calls
# for p in processes:
Esempio n. 4
class LaunchQsub(object):

	About output:
		The output of the job is NEVER sent by email because the -o {output} is allways given.
		LaunchQsub ONLY uses the -o {output} option, meaning that the standard error of the job is stored in the output file.

	Dotkit inheritance:
		LaunchQsub does not issue any dotkit commands (e.g reuse -q Python-2.7) so the SHELL calling LaunchQsub is responsible for having loaded the correct dotkits
		The dotkits from the calling shell SHOULD be inherited to the qsub command.
		*** Disclaimer #1: using a TMUX session may conflict with this so check 'echo $PATH' before you submit the jobs.
		*** Disclaimer #2: the qsub command is called as a subprocess.Popen(..., shell=True) which hopefully inherits the dotkit
		See more on https://it.broadinstitute.org/wiki/Dotkit

	- path_stdout:
		- sets the PATH for the stdout/stderr (output file) from qsub. (this path is also used for the logger if no logger is given)
		- DEFAULT: os.getcwd()
	- file_output:
		- sets the FILENAME of the stdout/stderr (output file) from qsub.
		- RECOMMENDATION: leave this input BLANK. LaunchQsub will set a sensable filename like 'qsub_outfile_IDXX_jobnameYY.out'
		- DEFAULT: 'qsub_outfile_IDXX_jobnameYY.out'
	- no_output: 
		- if this value is set to true, then the stdout and stderr is written to /dev/null.
	- email: 
		- parse an email address to this argument. The user MUST set email_status_notification or email_report to 'True' for any email to be sent
		- DEFAULT: None
		- Example: email='*****@*****.**'
		* email_status_notification:
			if enabled, you will receive email notification when the job starts/stops. 
		* email_report:
			if enabled, the JOB REPORT is sent by email and NOT written to the stdout file.
	- logger:
		- if no logger (a object of the class 'Logging') is parsed, then LaunchQsub creates a log file in path_stdout (os.getcwd by default) with a name like 'LauchQsub_NoLoggerParsed_2014-05-15_23.08.59.log' (notice that LauchQsub sets the timestamp itself)
	- cmd_custom:
		- if any true value (in a boolean context) is given then the cmd_custom COMPLETELY overwrites the other settings
		- RECOMMENDATION: when using cmd_custom, instantiate the LaunchQsub object with 'None' in ALL other arguments

	## Queues
	- queue_name
	- app:
		application profile
		shortjobs [max runtime = 15.0 min]
		supershortjobs [max runtime = 1 min] 
		HINT: "bapp -l" will list the application profiles available
	- proc: ["min_proc"] or ["min_proc,max_proc"]
		parallel job and specifies the number of processors required to run the job
		this sets the $LSB_DJOB_NUMPROC
			"2"		: two processes/slots/CPUs
			"2,4"	: between two and four processes/slots/CPUs
	- mem: memory reserved (for the whole job) in GB
		sets -R "rusage[mem=mem]"
	- runlimit: [hh:mm] string OR [mm] string
		-W [hour:]minute
		Set the wall-clock run time limit of this batch job. RUNLIMIT==WALLTIME.
		the maximum time the job can have the status "running". This is a HARD LIMIT
			"3:30"	a run_limit of 3 and a half hours.
			"210"	a run_limit of 3 and a half hours.
	- shared_mem: OWN flag
		sets -R 'span[hosts=1]'
		use this for multithreaded SMP jobs: You always want to use this with SMP jobs!

	qsub -V
	qsub -h
	lsid -V ---> Platform LSF, Sep 04 2009

	## Monitoring jobs:
	watch -n 10 bjobs

	## LINK collection
	SMP/MPI on LSF: http://wiki.gwdg.de/index.php/Running_Jobs#qsub_options_for_parallel_.28SMP_or_MPI.29_jobs
	BROAD lsf7.0.5: https://iwww.broadinstitute.org/itsystems/softwaredocs/lsf7.0.5/lsf_command_ref/index.htm
	BROAD lsf7.0.6: https://iwww.broadinstitute.org/itsystems/softwaredocs/lsf7.0.6/

	LB_job_counter = 0
	LB_job_fails = 0
	def __init__(self, cmd, queue_name, mem, shell_script_path, parallel = False,num_parallel = None,proc=None, shared_mem=None, runlimit=None, app=None, jobname='NoJobName', projectname='NoProjectName', path_stdout=os.getcwd(), join_outputs='yes',file_output=None, no_output=False, email=None, email_status_notification=False, email_report=False, logger=False, cmd_custom=None): #file_output=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __name__+'.tmp.log'
		LaunchQsub.LB_job_counter += 1 # Counter the number of jobs
		self.job_number = LaunchQsub.LB_job_counter
		self.path_stdout = HelperUtils.check_if_writable(path_stdout)
		if logger: #TODO: check that logger is of class Logger?
			self.logger = logger
		else: # create new logger, with name e.g. LauchQsub_NoLoggerParsed_2014-05-15_23.08.59.log
			self.logger = Logger(name=self.__class__.__name__+"_NoLoggerParsed"+HelperUtils.gen_timestamp(), log_dir=path_stdout, log_format=1, enabled=True).get()
		#OBS: updating variable
		if no_output:
			self.file_output = '/dev/null'
		elif file_output is None:
			file_output = "qsub_outfile_ID{job_number}_{jobname}.{ext}".format(job_number=self.job_number, jobname=jobname, ext='out')
			self.file_output = os.path.join(self.path_stdout, file_output) # OBS: overwriting variable. Change this!
			self.file_output = os.path.join(self.path_stdout, file_output) # OBS: overwriting variable. Change this!

		self.jobname = jobname
		self.projectname = projectname
		self.status = ""
		self.attempts = 0
		#TODO: overwrite output files with -oo ?

		#TODO self.mem_per_process ## M --> a per-process (soft) memory limit
		#TODO: span[ptile=value]
			#Indicates the number of processors on each host that should be allocated to the job, where value is one of the following:
			#-R span[ptile=<x>]
			# x denotes the exact number of job slots to be used on each host. If the total process number is not divisible by x, the residual processes will be put on one host.
		#TODO: "-w" option to qsub to set up the dependencies 
		#TODO: I/O resource requests --> qsub -R "rusage[indium_io=3]" ...
			## "df -k ." --> gets the file
			## /broad/tools/scripts/io_resource_for_file . -->
		#TODO: BsUB -x - request exclusive access to the nodes

		self.p_queue_name = queue_name # string
		self.p_mem = mem # in GB
		self.p_proc = proc 
		self.p_runlimit = runlimit 
		self.p_shared_mem = shared_mem # boolean value. 
		self.p_app = app
		self.shell_script_path = shell_script_path
		if parallel == True:
			parallel_processing = '-pe smp %d' %int(num_parallel)
			parallel_processing = ''

		self.join_outputs = join_outputs

		if join_outputs == 'no':
			join_outputs = 'n'
		elif join_outputs == 'yes':
			join_outputs = 'y'

		self.cmd = cmd # this is the command/program to run. THIS IS APPENDED TO the qsub command
		self.bcmd = "qsub -cwd -N {jobname} -o {output} -j {join_outputs} -q {queue} -l m_mem_free={mem}g -b n {parallel_processing} {shell_script_path}".format(project=self.projectname, jobname=self.jobname,  join_outputs = join_outputs, output=self.file_output, queue=self.p_queue_name, mem=self.p_mem, parallel_processing = parallel_processing,shell_script_path = self.shell_script_path)

		if self.p_shared_mem:
			addon = "-R 'span[hosts=1]'" # OBS: remember the QUOTES!
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)
		if self.p_proc:
			addon = "-n {}".format(self.p_proc)
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)

		if self.p_runlimit:
			addon = "-W {}".format(self.p_runlimit) 
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)

		if self.p_app:
			addon = "-app {}".format(self.p_app)
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)

		if email:
			# *Question: can I get the report in both an email and the stdout file? ANSWER ---> NO!
			addon = "-u {}".format(email) 
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)
		if email_status_notification: # -B
			# -B: Sends email to the job submitter when the job is dispatched and begins running
			addon = "-B"
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)
		if email_report: # -N
			# -N: If you want to separate the job report information from the job output, use the -N option to specify that the job report information should be sent by email.
			addon = "-N"
			self.bcmd = "{base} {addon}".format(base=self.bcmd, addon=addon)

		self.call = ''
		if not cmd_custom:
			self.call = self.bcmd + " " + self.cmd
			self.logger.warning( "OBS: custom command parsed to LaunchQsub(). The command is: %s" % cmd_custom )
			self.call = cmd_custom

		# self.logger.critical( "JOB:{} | here is some CRIT information".format(jobname) )
		# self.logger.info( "JOB:{} | here is some INFO information".format(jobname) )
		# self.logger.debug( "JOB:{} | here is some DEBUG information".format(jobname) )

	def run(self):
		max_calls = 15
		sleep_time = 15 # if ERROR occurs, pause time before making a new call
		#TODO make sleep_time increse for each attempt.

		#pattern = re.compile("<(.*?)>")
		pattern = re.compile("Your job (\d*) \S* has been submitted")

		emsg = "" # placeholder for error massage from CalledProcessError exception
		self.logger.info( "#################### JOB NUMBER %s ####################" % self.job_number )
		self.logger.info( "LaunchQsub method call to run(). Joqsubmission call:\n%s" % self.call )

		while self.attempts < max_calls:
			self.attempts += 1
				self.logger.info( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| Making jobsubmission call" % (self.attempts, max_calls) )
				out = subprocess.check_output(self.call, shell=True)
				print 'out is',out
			except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
				self.logger.warning( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| *** could not submitting job ***" % (self.attempts, max_calls) )
				self.logger.warning( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| *** error massage ***\n%s" % (self.attempts, max_calls, e) )
				self.logger.warning( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| *** Sleeping for %d seconds before re-submitting job ***" % (self.attempts, max_calls, sleep_time) )
				emsg = e
				#self.attempts += 1
				#Job <6747962> is submitted to queue <bhour>
				match = pattern.search(out.strip())
				if match: 
					self.id = match.group(1) # or .groups()[0]
					self.id = 'fail_in_regex'
					self.logger.error( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| could not recieve JOBID matching regex" % (self.attempts, max_calls) )
				self.logger.info( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| JOB SUCCESFULLY SUBMITTED!" % (self.attempts, max_calls) )
				self.logger.info( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| JOBID IS %s" % (self.attempts, max_calls, self.id) )
				## Disabled writing to "log" file
				# jobs_log_path = "%s/%s" % (self.logdir, self.jobs_log)
				# with open(jobs_log_path, 'a') as QJ_jobs_log:
				#     QJ_jobs_log.write( '%s\n' % self.id )
				## return if no exceptions are cought
		# These lines are only executed if attempts <= max_calls
		LaunchQsub.LB_job_fails += 1
		self.logger.critical( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| *** ERROR: Maximum number of attempts reached. JOB NOT SUBMITTED!!! ****" % (self.attempts, max_calls) )
		## Disabled writing to "log" file
		#err_log_path = "%s/%s" % (self.logdir, self.err_log)
		#self.logger.info( "ATTEMPT #%d/%d| *** Reporting this in logfile ***\n%s" % (self.attempts, max_calls, err_log_path) )
		# with open(err_log_path, 'a') as QJ_err_log:
		#     QJ_err_log.write( 'JOB FAIL #%d   Last error message is\n' % LaunchQsub.LB_job_fails )
		#     QJ_err_log.write( '%s \n\n' % emsg )

	def _report_bacct(pid, jobname, logger):
		pattern_accounting_info = re.compile(r"CPU_T\s+WAIT\s+TURNAROUND\s+STATUS\s+HOG_FACTOR\s+MEM\s+SWAP", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
		keep = 'no_regex_match_found:check_src_code'
		call = "bacct -l %s" % pid
			out = subprocess.check_output(call, shell=True)
		except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
			emsg = e
			logger.error( "call: %s\nerror in report_bacct: %s" % (call, emsg) )
		# Accounting information about this job:
		#      35.24       31             80     done         0.4404    99M    483M

		# If queue='priority' is used then an extra line is possibly added:
		# Accounting information about this job:
		#      Share group charged </ptimshel>
		#   27089.57     4288          30632     done         0.8844   189M    576M
			lines = out.splitlines()
			for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
				line = line.strip()
				match = pattern_accounting_info.search(line)
				if match:
					header = lines[i].split()
					values = lines[i+1].split()
					#NB: len(header) must be equal to len(values) for zip() to work?
					combined = map("=".join, zip(header, values)) #List_C = ['{} {}'.format(x,y) for x,y in zip(List_A,List_B)]
					keep = "|".join(combined)
		keep = "{pid}|{name}|{status_line}".format(pid=pid, name=jobname, status_line=keep)
		return keep

	def report_status(pids, logger): #LB_List_Of_Instances
		This method was fix/updated/debugged 01/28/2015
		The major change was replacing subprocess.check_output() with subprocess.Popen().
		Remember that subprocess.check_output() only pipes the STDOUT and not STDERR.
		sleep_time = 60 # seconds
		incomplete = copy.deepcopy(pids)
		finished = [] # list will contain 'report_line''s from _report_bacct
		failed = [] # list will contain 'report_line''s from _report_bacct
		done = [] # list will contain 'report_line''s from _report_bacct
		unknown_completion = [] # list will contain a message/string stating that the result is unknown

		waiting = []
		running = []
		#**TODO: make sure that pids and incomplete is UNIQUE
		#TODO: make sure that len(finished) NEVER becomes larger than len(pids)
		counter = 0
		start_time = time.time()

		pattern_job_not_found = re.compile(r"Job <(\d+)> is not found", flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE) # multiple flags

		################## While loop - START ##################
		while len(finished) < len(pids):
			counter += 1
			elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
			logger.info( "Checking status: #{:d} | Run time = {:.5g} s ({:.3g} min)".format( counter, elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
			logger.info( "Checking status: #{:d} | Finished={:d} [Fails={:d}, Unknown Completion={:d}], Incomplete={:d}, Total={:d}".format( counter, len(finished), len(failed), len(unknown_completion), len(incomplete), len(pids) ) )
			logger.info( "Checking status: #{:d} | Waiting={:d}, Running={:d}".format( counter, len(waiting), len(running) ) )
			call = "bjobs -aw {jobs}".format( jobs=" ".join(incomplete) ) #consider bjobs -aw

			### OLD - Making subprocess call
			# try:
			# 	out = subprocess.check_output(call, shell=True)
			# except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # if return code from "subprocess.check_output()" is non-zero the CalledProcessError is raised
			# 	emsg = e
			# 	logger.error( "call: %s\nerror in report_status: %s" % (call, emsg) )
			# else:
			# 	lines = out.splitlines()[1:] #skipping header

			### Making subprocess call
			p = subprocess.Popen(call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
			(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate() # OBS: .communicate() will wait for process to terminate.
			p_returncode = p.returncode
			### Look for all matches to "Job <XXXXXXX> is not found"
			# re.findall(pattern, string, flags=0)
			# Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. Will return empty list if no matched
			# If one group are present in the pattern, return a list of strings containing the groups;
			# NB. we are interested in all matches in the string - this is why we do NOT use search(stdoutdata, flags=re.MULTILINE).
			# If we where to use .search(), we would have to loop over each line in stdoutdata, which is inconvinient
			### Assuming that the stderrdata looks like this:
			# Job <8065143> is not found
			# Job <8065144> is not found
			list_of_matched_groups_stdoutdata = pattern_job_not_found.findall(stdoutdata)
			list_of_matched_groups_stderrdata = pattern_job_not_found.findall(stderrdata)

			if p_returncode != 0: # does not do anything - the only purpose is to present the user with information about the situtation
				logger.error( "Error in report_status: subprocess call returned non-zero exist status. Returncode = %s" % p_returncode )
				logger.error( "Subprocess call that caused error: %s" % call )
				logger.error( "Subprocess.STDOUT (if any):\n%s" % stdoutdata )
				logger.error( "Subprocess.STDERR (if any):\n%s" % stderrdata )
				logger.error( "This program handles this 'exception'-like situation in the 'if list_of_matched_groups_{stdoutdata/stderrdata}:' statements." )

			if list_of_matched_groups_stdoutdata: # I think stdoutdata will contain matches to the "pattern_job_not_found" ONLY when all JOB IDs in 'bjobs -aw [JOB IDs]' *does not exists* anymore.
				logger.error( "Processing STDOUT data from call (e.g. 'bjobs -aw [JOB IDs]'): {}".format(call) )
				logger.error( "As far as the program can tell (by regex matching), the error was caused by the following JOB IDs not being found: {}".format(" ".join(list_of_matched_groups_stdoutdata)) )
				logger.error( "Will add each of the these JOB IDs to 'finished' list and remove them from '{waiting/running/incomplete}'." )
				for tmp_pid in list_of_matched_groups_stdoutdata:
					report_line = "{pid}|{name}|{status_line}".format(pid=tmp_pid, name="...", status_line="Unknown - cannot get status of job")
					if tmp_pid in waiting: waiting.remove(tmp_pid)
					if tmp_pid in running: running.remove(tmp_pid)
					if tmp_pid in incomplete: incomplete.remove(tmp_pid) # maybe the "if tmp_pid in XXX" is not needed here...
					finished.append(report_line) #TODO - IMPROVE THIS: Perhaps we should not add the job to "finished". However, the while loop is dependent on 'finish' filling up
			if list_of_matched_groups_stderrdata:
				logger.error( "Processing STDERR data from call (e.g. 'bjobs -aw [JOB IDs]'): {}".format(call) )
				logger.error( "As far as the program can tell (by regex matching), the error was caused by the following JOB IDs not being found: {}".format(" ".join(list_of_matched_groups_stderrdata)) )
				logger.error( "Will add each of the these JOB IDs to 'finished' list and remove them from '{waiting/running/incomplete}'." )
				for tmp_pid in list_of_matched_groups_stderrdata:
					report_line = "{pid}|{name}|{status_line}".format(pid=tmp_pid, name="...", status_line="Unknown - cannot get status of job")
					if tmp_pid in waiting: waiting.remove(tmp_pid)
					if tmp_pid in running: running.remove(tmp_pid)
					if tmp_pid in incomplete: incomplete.remove(tmp_pid) # maybe the "if tmp_pid in XXX" is not needed here...
					finished.append(report_line) #TODO - IMPROVE THIS: Perhaps we should not add the job to "finished". However, the while loop is dependent on 'finish' filling up
			lines = ['']
			################## Checking stdoutdata ##################
			if stdoutdata:
				lines = stdoutdata.splitlines()[1:] #skipping header
				logger.error( "stdoutdata was empty from subprocess 'bjobs -aw [JOB IDs]' call. Will continue in 'while loop' in 10 seconds..." )

			################## Processing stdout from subprocess ##################
			for line in lines:
				cols = line.strip().split()
				(tmp_pid, tmp_status, tmp_jobname) = (cols[0], cols[2], cols[6])
				#'STAT' field has: [RUN,EXIT,DONE,PEND] and more!
				if tmp_status == 'EXIT':
					logger.info( "{pid}|{name}: jobstatus = EXIT. Waiting for _report_bacct...".format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname) )
					t1 = time.time()
					report_line = LaunchQsub._report_bacct(tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger)
					elapsed_time = time.time() - t1
					logger.info( "_report_bacct runtime: %s s (%s min)" % ( elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
					logger.info( "return from _report_bacct: %s" % report_line ) # logging out report line

					if tmp_pid in waiting: waiting.remove(tmp_pid) # remove from waiting - added June 2014
					if tmp_pid in running: running.remove(tmp_pid) # remove from running - added June 2014

				elif tmp_status == 'DONE':
					logger.info( "{pid}|{name}: jobstatus = DONE. Waiting for _report_bacct...".format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname) )
					t1 = time.time()
					report_line = LaunchQsub._report_bacct(tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger)
					elapsed_time = time.time() - t1
					logger.info( "_report_bacct runtime: %s s (%s min)" % ( elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
					logger.info( "return from _report_bacct: %s" % report_line ) # logging out report line

					if tmp_pid in waiting: waiting.remove(tmp_pid) # remove from waiting - added June 2014
					if tmp_pid in running: running.remove(tmp_pid) # remove from running - added June 2014
				elif tmp_status == 'RUN':
					if not tmp_pid in running: # only add pid ONCE
						logger.info( "{pid}|{name}: jobstatus = RUN. Adding job to list of running jobs".format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname) )
					if tmp_pid in waiting: waiting.remove(tmp_pid) # remove from waiting - added June 2014
				elif tmp_status in ['PEND', 'PSUSP', 'USUSP', 'SSUSP']:
					if not tmp_pid in waiting: # only add pid ONCE
						logger.info( "{pid}|{name}: jobstatus = ['PEND', 'PSUSP', 'USUSP', 'SSUSP']. Adding job to list of waiting jobs".format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname) )
					if tmp_pid in running: running.remove(tmp_pid) # remove from running - added June 2014

			#consider sleeping for some time
		################## While loop - END ##################

		# All jobs are NOW somehow finished
		elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
		logger.info( "Checking status: #{:d} | Run time = {:.5g} s ({:.3g} min)".format( counter, elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
		logger.info( "LAST Checking status DONE: #{:d} | Run time = {:.5g} s ({:.3g} min)".format( counter, elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
		logger.info( "LAST Checking status DONE: #{:d} | Finished={:d}, Incomplete={:d}, Total={:d} [Fails={:d}]".format( counter, len(finished), len(incomplete), len(pids), len(failed) ) )
		logger.info( "########### ALL JOBS - %d ##############" % len(finished) )
		for job in finished:
		logger.info( "########### SUCESSFUL DONE JOBS - %d ##############" % len(done) )
		if done:
			for job in done: logger.info(job)
			logger.info("No jobs to list")
		logger.info( "########### FAILED JOBS - %d ##############" % len(failed) )
		if failed:
			for job in failed: logger.critical(job)
			logger.info("No jobs to list")

	def report_status_multiprocess(pids, logger): #LB_List_Of_Instances
		""" Please note that report_status_multiprocess() currently does *NOT* support the following 'categories' of job status:
			- Running: 'RUN'
			- Waiting: 'PEND', 'PSUSP', 'USUSP', 'SSUSP'
		sleep_time = 60 # seconds
		incomplete = copy.deepcopy(pids)
		finished = [] # all jobs that are not runninng or pending - jobs that are either "exit" or "done"
		failed = [] # exit status
		done = [] # done status
		#**TODO: make sure that pids and incomplete is UNIQUE
		#TODO: make sure that len(finished) NEVER becomes larger than len(pids)
		counter = 0
		start_time = time.time()

		################## While loop - START ##################
		while len(finished) < len(pids):
			counter += 1
			elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
			logger.info( "Checking status: #{:d} | Run time = {:.5g} s ({:.3g} min)".format( counter, elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
			logger.info( "Checking status: #{:d} | Finished={:d}, Incomplete={:d}, Total={:d} [Fails={:d}]".format( counter, len(finished), len(incomplete), len(pids), len(failed) ) )
			lines = ['']
			call = "bjobs -aw {jobs}".format( jobs=" ".join(incomplete) ) #consider bjobs -aw
			### Making subprocess call
			p = subprocess.Popen(call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
			(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate() # OBS: .communicate() will wait for process to terminate.
			p_returncode = p.returncode
			if p_returncode != 0:
				logger.error( "Error in report_status: subprocess call returned non-zero exist status. Returncode = %s" % p_returncode )
				logger.error( "Subprocess call that caused error: %s" % call )
				logger.error( "Subprocess.STDOUT (if any): %s" % stdoutdata )
				logger.error( "Subprocess.STDERR (if any): %s" % stderrdata )
				logger.error( "Will attempt to make subprocess call again. (continue in while loop without missing anything)" )
				## Attempt to solve problem by 'continue'
				pause_time = 5 # seconds
				logger.error( "Will attempt to make subprocess call again in %s seconds. (continue in while loop without missing anything)" % pause_time )
				## NOTE: 	if continue is not called, an exception is likely to be raised in "... = (cols[0], cols[2], cols[6])" because stdoutdata and thus also cols is empty!
				## 		continue in this while loop does not "miss out" on any job checks. The only change is that *counter is incremented*.
				lines = stdoutdata.splitlines()[1:] #skipping header

			pids2check = []
			for line in lines:
				cols = line.strip().split()
				(tmp_pid, tmp_status, tmp_jobname) = (cols[0], cols[2], cols[6])
				#batch_size = 10
				if tmp_status == 'EXIT':
					logger.info( "{pid}|{name}: jobstatus = EXIT".format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname) )
					#report_line = LaunchQsub._report_bacct(tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger)
					pids2check.append( (tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger) ) # append 3 element tuple
					report_line = '{pid}|{name}'.format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname)
				elif tmp_status == 'DONE':
					logger.info( "{pid}|{name}: jobstatus = DONE".format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname) )
					#report_line = LaunchQsub._report_bacct(tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger)
					pids2check.append( (tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger) ) # append 3 element tuple
					report_line = '{pid}|{name}'.format(pid=tmp_pid, name=tmp_jobname)
			logger.info( "Got %d pids2check." % len(pids2check) )
			if pids2check:
				n_processes = len(pids2check)
				t1 = time.time()
				pool = multiprocessing.Pool(n_processes)
				elapsed_time = time.time() - t1
				logger.info( "Making multiprocessing pool. Time to load pool: %s s (%s min)" % ( elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
				t1 = time.time()
				for i in range(n_processes):
					#apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback]]])
					(tmp_pid, tmp_jobname, logger) = pids2check[i]
					#logger.info( "i is %d" % ( i ) )
					pool.apply_async(report_bacct, args=(tmp_pid, tmp_jobname), callback=finished.append) # OBS: cannot parse logger since it is NOT a pickable object!
					#^^apply_async and map_async are intended to let the main process continuing. It does so maintaining an internal Queue which size is unfortunately impossible to change.
				elapsed_time = time.time() - t1
				logger.info( "Time to run join() pool: %s s (%s min)" % ( elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )

			#consider sleeping for some time
		################## While loop - END ##################

		# All jobs are NOW somehow finished
		elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
		logger.info( "LAST Checking status DONE: #{:d} | Run time = {:.5g} s ({:.3g} min)".format( counter, elapsed_time, elapsed_time/float(60) ) )
		logger.info( "LAST Checking status DONE: #{:d} | Finished={:d}, Incomplete={:d}, Total={:d} [Fails={:d}]".format( counter, len(finished), len(incomplete), len(pids), len(failed) ) )
		logger.info( "########### ALL JOBS - %d ##############" % len(finished) )
		for job in finished:
		logger.info( "########### SUCESSFUL DONE JOBS - %d ##############" % len(done) )
		if done:
			for job in done: logger.critical(job)
			logger.critical("No jobs to list")
		logger.critical( "########### FAILED JOBS - %d ##############" % len(failed) )
		if failed:
			for job in failed: logger.critical(job)
			logger.critical("No jobs to list")

	def check_status(self):
		""" Function to check status of jobs """

	def get_runtime(self):
		""" Function to retrive runtime of completed job and print it nicely formatted """