Esempio n. 1
def validate_rl(json_data, reg_type: str):
    """Validate Repairer's Lien."""
    error_msg = ''
    if reg_type != model_utils.REG_TYPE_REPAIRER_LIEN:
        if 'lienAmount' in json_data and json_data['lienAmount']:
            error_msg = LA_NOT_ALLOWED
        if 'surrenderDate' in json_data and json_data['surrenderDate']:
            error_msg += SD_NOT_ALLOWED
        return error_msg

    if 'lienAmount' not in json_data or str(
            json_data['lienAmount']).strip() == '':
        error_msg = RL_AMOUNT_REQUIRED
    if 'surrenderDate' not in json_data or str(
            json_data['surrenderDate']).strip() == '':
        error_msg += RL_DATE_REQUIRED
            surrender_date = model_utils.ts_from_date_iso_format(
            if surrender_date:
                test_date = model_utils.today_ts_offset(21, False)
                if surrender_date.timestamp() < test_date.timestamp():
                    error_msg += RL_DATE_INVALID
        except ValueError:
            error_msg += RL_DATE_INVALID

    return error_msg
Esempio n. 2
def test_today_ts_offset():
    """Assert that adjusting UTC today by a number of days is performing as expected."""
    test_now_ts = model_utils.now_ts_offset(7, False)
    test_today_ts = model_utils.today_ts_offset(7, False)
    # print('test now - 7 days: ' + model_utils.format_ts(test_now_ts))
    # print('test today - 7 days: ' + model_utils.format_ts(test_today_ts))
    assert test_today_ts.hour == 0
    assert test_today_ts.minute == 0
    assert test_today_ts.second == 0
    assert test_today_ts < test_now_ts
Esempio n. 3
    def find_by_search_id(cls, search_id: int, limit_by_date: bool = False):
        """Return the search detail record matching the search_id."""
        search_detail = None
        error_msg = ''
        if search_id and not limit_by_date:
            search_detail = db.session.query(SearchResult).filter(
                SearchResult.search_id == search_id).one_or_none()
        elif search_id and limit_by_date:
            min_allowed_date = model_utils.today_ts_offset(
                GET_DETAIL_DAYS_LIMIT, False)
            search_detail = db.session.query(SearchResult).filter(
                SearchResult.search_id == search_id).one_or_none()
            if search_detail and and \
           < min_allowed_date.timestamp():
                min_ts = model_utils.format_ts(min_allowed_date)
                error_msg = f'Search get details search ID {search_id} timestamp too old: must be after {min_ts}.'

        if error_msg != '':
            raise BusinessException(error=error_msg,

        return search_detail
Esempio n. 4
def test_validate_rl(session, desc, valid, lien_amount, surrender_date,
    """Assert that financing statement RL registration type validation works as expected."""
    # setup
    json_data = copy.deepcopy(FINANCING)
    json_data['type'] = model_utils.REG_TYPE_REPAIRER_LIEN
    del json_data['lifeYears']
    del json_data['lifeInfinite']
    del json_data['trustIndenture']
    if lien_amount is not None:
        json_data['lienAmount'] = lien_amount
    if surrender_date == 'valid':
        json_data['surrenderDate'] = model_utils.format_ts(
    elif surrender_date == 'old':
        json_data['surrenderDate'] = model_utils.format_ts(
            model_utils.today_ts_offset(22, False))
    elif surrender_date == '21':
        json_data['surrenderDate'] = model_utils.format_ts(
            model_utils.now_ts_offset(21, False))
    elif surrender_date == 'junk':
        json_data['surrenderDate'] = 'invalid date'
    if desc != DESC_INCLUDES_GC:
        del json_data['generalCollateral']
    if desc == DESC_MISSING_VC:
        del json_data['vehicleCollateral']
    elif desc == DESC_VC_MH:
        json_data['vehicleCollateral'][0]['type'] = 'MH'

    error_msg = validator.validate(json_data)
    if valid:
        assert error_msg == ''
    elif message_content:
        # print(error_msg)
        assert error_msg != ''
        assert error_msg.find(message_content) != -1