def test(): ''' run test program as a module to avoid namespace conflicts with serial module: python -p pprzlink.serial pprzlink should be installed in a python standard path or included to your PYTHONPATH ''' import time import argparse from pprzlink import messages_xml_map parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="path to messages.xml file") parser.add_argument("-c", "--class", help="message class", dest='msg_class', default='telemetry') parser.add_argument("-d", "--device", help="device name", dest='dev', default='/dev/ttyUSB0') parser.add_argument("-b", "--baudrate", help="baudrate", dest='baud', default=115200, type=int) parser.add_argument("-id", "--ac_id", help="aircraft id (receiver)", dest='ac_id', default=42, type=int) parser.add_argument("--interface_id", help="interface id (sender)", dest='id', default=0, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() messages_xml_map.parse_messages(args.file) serial_interface = SerialMessagesInterface(lambda s, m: print("new message from %i: %s" % (s, m)),, baudrate=args.baud, msg_class=args.msg_class,, verbose=True) print("Starting serial interface on %s at %i baud" % (, args.baud)) try: serial_interface.start() # give the thread some time to properly start time.sleep(0.1) # send some datalink messages to aicraft for test ac_id = args.ac_id print("sending ping") ping = PprzMessage('datalink', 'PING') serial_interface.send(ping, 0) get_setting = PprzMessage('datalink', 'GET_SETTING') get_setting['index'] = 0 get_setting['ac_id'] = ac_id serial_interface.send(get_setting, 0) # change setting with index 0 (usually the telemetry mode) set_setting = PprzMessage('datalink', 'SETTING') set_setting['index'] = 0 set_setting['ac_id'] = ac_id set_setting['value'] = 1 serial_interface.send(set_setting, 0) # block = PprzMessage('datalink', 'BLOCK') # block['block_id'] = 3 # block['ac_id'] = ac_id # serial_interface.send(block, 0) while serial_interface.isAlive(): serial_interface.join(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('Shutting down...') serial_interface.stop() exit()
def callback_depth(depth): image_buffer = drone.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth, desired_encoding="passthrough") mean_left = 0 mean_right = 0 matrix = depth.height * depth.width for row in range(depth.height): for col in range(depth.width): pix = image_buffer[row][col] if pix < 1000: if (col < depth.width / 2): mean_left += pix else: mean_right += pix mean_left /= matrix * 0.5 mean_right /= matrix * 0.5 message = PprzMessage("intermcu", "IMCU_LR_MEAN_DIST") message.set_values([np.float(mean_left), np.float(mean_right)]) serial.interface.send(message,
def test(): import time import argparse from pprzlink import messages_xml_map parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="path to messages.xml file") parser.add_argument("-c", "--class", help="message class of incoming messages", dest='msg_class', default='telemetry') parser.add_argument("-a", "--address", help="destination address", dest='address', default='') parser.add_argument("-id", "--ac_id", help="aircraft id (receiver)", dest='ac_id', default=42, type=int) parser.add_argument("--interface_id", help="interface id (sender)", dest='id', default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument("-up", "--uplink_port", help="uplink port", dest='uplink', default=UPLINK_PORT, type=int) parser.add_argument("-dp", "--downlink_port", help="downlink port", dest='downlink', default=DOWNLINK_PORT, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() messages_xml_map.parse_messages(args.file) udp_interface = UdpMessagesInterface(lambda s, a, m: print("new message from %i (%s): %s" % (s, a, m)), uplink_port=args.uplink, downlink_port=args.downlink, msg_class=args.msg_class,, verbose=True) print("Starting UDP interface with '%s' with id '%d'" % (args.address, args.ac_id)) address = (args.address, args.uplink) try: udp_interface.start() # give the thread some time to properly start time.sleep(0.1) # send some datalink messages to aicraft for test ac_id = args.ac_id print("sending ping") ping = PprzMessage('datalink', 'PING') udp_interface.send(ping, 0, address) print("sending get_setting") get_setting = PprzMessage('datalink', 'GET_SETTING') get_setting['index'] = 0 get_setting['ac_id'] = ac_id udp_interface.send(get_setting, 0, address) # change setting with index 0 (usually the telemetry mode) print("sending setting") set_setting = PprzMessage('datalink', 'SETTING') set_setting['index'] = 0 set_setting['ac_id'] = ac_id set_setting['value'] = 1 udp_interface.send(set_setting, 0, address) # print("sending block") # block = PprzMessage('datalink', 'BLOCK') # block['block_id'] = 3 # block['ac_id'] = ac_id # udp_interface.send(block, 0, address) while udp_interface.isAlive(): udp_interface.join(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print('Shutting down...') udp_interface.stop() exit()
def circular_formation(self): ''' circular formation control algorithm ''' ready = True for ac in self.aircraft: if (not ac.initialized_nav) or (not ac.initialized_gvf): if self.verbose: print("Waiting for state of aircraft ", ready = False if not ready: return i = 0 for ac in self.aircraft: ac.sigma = np.arctan2(ac.XY[1] - ac.XYc[1], ac.XY[0] - ac.XYc[0]) self.sigmas[i] = ac.sigma i = i + 1 inter_sigma = self.B.transpose().dot(self.sigmas) error_sigma = inter_sigma - self.Zdesired if np.size(error_sigma) > 1: for i in range(0, np.size(error_sigma)): if error_sigma[i] > np.pi: error_sigma[i] = error_sigma[i] - 2 * np.pi elif error_sigma[i] <= -np.pi: error_sigma[i] = error_sigma[i] + 2 * np.pi else: if error_sigma > np.pi: error_sigma = error_sigma - 2 * np.pi elif error_sigma <= -np.pi: error_sigma = error_sigma + 2 * np.pi u = -self.aircraft[0].s * self.k * if self.verbose: print( "Inter-vehicle errors: ", str(error_sigma * 180.0 / np.pi).replace('[', '').replace(']', '')) i = 0 for ac in self.aircraft: msga = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msga['ac_id'] = msga['index'] = ac.a_index msga['value'] = self.radius + u[i] msgb = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msgb['ac_id'] = msgb['index'] = ac.b_index msgb['value'] = self.radius + u[i] self._interface.send(msga) self._interface.send(msgb) i = i + 1
def __init__(self, ac_id, plateform_id, tag_id): # Start a ivy messages listener named PIR DRONE self._interface = IvyMessagesInterface("PIR", ivy_bus="192.168.1:2010") self.drone = FC_Rotorcraft(ac_id, tag_id, self._interface) self.plateform = Platform(plateform_id) # bind to GROUND_REF message def ground_ref_cb(ground_id, msg): ac_id = int(msg['ac_id']) if ac_id == # X and V in NED self.drone.X_opti[0] = float(msg['pos'][1]) self.drone.X_opti[1] = float(msg['pos'][0]) self.drone.X_opti[2] = -float(msg['pos'][2]) self.drone.V_opti[0] = float(msg['speed'][1]) self.drone.V_opti[1] = float(msg['speed'][0]) self.drone.V_opti[2] = -float(msg['speed'][2]) self.drone.quaternions[0] = float(msg['quat'][0]) self.drone.quaternions[1] = float(msg['quat'][1]) self.drone.quaternions[2] = float(msg['quat'][2]) self.drone.quaternions[3] = float(msg['quat'][3]) self.drone.timeLastUpdate = time.time() self.drone.initialized = True if ac_id == # X and V in NED self.plateform.X[0] = float(msg['pos'][1]) self.plateform.X[1] = float(msg['pos'][0]) self.plateform.X[2] = -float(msg['pos'][2]) self.plateform.V[0] = float(msg['speed'][1]) self.plateform.V[1] = float(msg['speed'][0]) self.plateform.V[2] = -float(msg['speed'][2]) self.plateform.quaternions[0] = float(msg['quat'][0]) self.plateform.quaternions[1] = float(msg['quat'][1]) self.plateform.quaternions[2] = float(msg['quat'][2]) self.plateform.quaternions[3] = float(msg['quat'][3]) self.plateform.timeLastUpdate = time.time() self.plateform.initialized = True self._interface.subscribe(ground_ref_cb, PprzMessage("ground", "GROUND_REF")) # Recuperation du x et y via l'UWB def get_xy_uwb(uwb_id, msg): # X and V in NED #msg est un tableau contenant : d1corr, d2corr, d3corr, d1vrai, d2vrai, d3vrai, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz x = float(msg['values'][6]) y = float(msg['values'][7]) z = self.drone.X_opti[3] psi = cr.getEulerAngles( self.drone.quaternions)[2] - cr.getEulerAngles( self.plateform.quaternions)[2] #self.drone.V_uwb[0] = float(msg['values'][9]) #self.drone.V_uwb[1] = float(msg['values'][10]) self.drone.X_uwb = cr.uwb2pseudoBody(x, y, z) self._interface.subscribe(get_xy_uwb, PprzMessage("telemetry", "PAYLOAD_FLOAT"))
def formation(B, ds, radius, k): waiting_for_msgs = 0 for ac in list_aircraft: if ac.a == -999: print("Waiting for GVF msg of aircraft ", waiting_for_msgs = 1 if ac.XY[0] == -999: print("Waiting for NAV msg of aircraft ", waiting_for_msgs = 1 if waiting_for_msgs == 1: return sigma = np.zeros(len(list_aircraft)) i = 0 for ac in list_aircraft: ac.sigma = np.arctan2(ac.XY[1]-ac.XYc[1], ac.XY[0]-ac.XYc[0]) sigma[i] = ac.sigma i = i + 1 inter_sigma = B.transpose().dot(sigma) error_sigma = inter_sigma - ds if np.size(error_sigma) > 1: for i in range(0, np.size(error_sigma)): if error_sigma[i] > np.pi: error_sigma[i] = error_sigma[i] - 2*np.pi elif error_sigma[i] <= -np.pi: error_sigma[i] = error_sigma[i] + 2*np.pi else: if error_sigma > np.pi: error_sigma = error_sigma - 2*np.pi elif error_sigma <= -np.pi: error_sigma = error_sigma + 2*np.pi u = -list_aircraft[0].s*k* print(list_aircraft[0].time, " ", str(error_sigma*180.0/np.pi).replace('[','').replace(']','')) i = 0 for ac in list_aircraft: msga = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msga['ac_id'] = msga['index'] = ac.a_index msga['value'] = radius + u[i] msgb = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msgb['ac_id'] = msgb['index'] = ac.b_index msgb['value'] = radius + u[i] interface.send(msga) interface.send(msgb) i = i + 1 return
def __init__(self, config, freq=10., verbose=False): self.config = config self.step = 1. / freq self.verbose = verbose self.ids = self.config['ids'] self.B = np.array(self.config['topology']) self.Zdesired = np.array(self.config['desired_intervehicle_angles']) self.k = np.array(self.config['gain']) self.radius = np.array(self.config['desired_stationary_radius']) self.aircraft = [Aircraft(i) for i in self.ids] self.sigmas = np.zeros(len(self.aircraft)) for ac in self.aircraft: settings = PaparazziACSettings( list_of_indexes = ['ell_a', 'ell_b'] for setting_ in list_of_indexes: try: index = settings.name_lookup[setting_].index if setting_ == 'ell_a': ac.a_index = index if setting_ == 'ell_b': ac.b_index = index except Exception as e: print(e) print(setting_ + " setting not found, \ have you forgotten to check gvf.xml for your settings?" ) # Start IVY interface self._interface = IvyMessagesInterface("Circular Formation") # bind to NAVIGATION message def nav_cb(ac_id, msg): if ac_id in self.ids and == "NAVIGATION": ac = self.aircraft[self.ids.index(ac_id)] ac.XY[0] = float(msg.get_field(2)) ac.XY[1] = float(msg.get_field(3)) ac.initialized_nav = True self._interface.subscribe(nav_cb, PprzMessage("telemetry", "NAVIGATION")) def gvf_cb(ac_id, msg): if ac_id in self.ids and == "GVF": if int(msg.get_field(1)) == 1: ac = self.aircraft[self.ids.index(ac_id)] param = msg.get_field(4) ac.XYc[0] = float(param[0]) ac.XYc[1] = float(param[1]) ac.a = float(param[2]) ac.b = float(param[3]) ac.s = float(msg.get_field(2)) ac.initialized_gvf = True self._interface.subscribe(gvf_cb, PprzMessage("telemetry", "GVF"))
def unpack_pprz_msg(self, data): """Unpack a raw PPRZ message""" sender_id = data[0] receiver_id = data[1] class_id = data[2] & 0x0F component_id = (data[2] & 0xF0) >> 4 msg_id = data[3] msg = PprzMessage(class_id, msg_id) msg.binary_to_payload(data[4:]) return sender_id, receiver_id, component_id, msg
def parse_pprz_msg(callback, ivy_msg): """ Parse an Ivy message into a PprzMessage. Basically parts/args in string are separated by space, but char array can also contain a space: |f,o,o, ,b,a,r| in old format or "foo bar" in new format :param callback: function to call with ac_id and parsed PprzMessage as params :param ivy_msg: Ivy message string to parse into PprzMessage """ # first split on array delimiters l = re.split('([|\"][^|\"]*[|\"])', ivy_msg) # strip spaces and filter out emtpy strings l = [str.strip(s) for s in l if str.strip(s) is not ''] data = [] for s in l: # split non-array strings further up if '|' not in s and '"' not in s: data += s.split(' ') else: data.append(s) # ignore ivy message with less than 3 elements if len(data) < 3: return # normal format is "sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # advanced format has requests and answers (with request_id as 'pid_index') # request: "sender_name request_id msg_name_REQ msg_payload..." # answer: "request_id sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # check for request_id in first or second string (-> advanced format with msg_name in third string) advanced = False if"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", data[0]) or "[0-9]+_[0-9]+", data[1]): advanced = True msg_name = data[2] if advanced else data[1] # check which message class it is msg_class, msg_name = messages_xml_map.find_msg_by_name(msg_name) if msg_class is None: print("Ignoring unknown message " + ivy_msg) return # pass non-telemetry messages with ac_id 0 if msg_class == "telemetry": try: ac_id = int(data[0]) except ValueError: print("ignoring message " + ivy_msg) sys.stdout.flush() else: ac_id = 0 payload = data[3:] if advanced else data[2:] values = list(filter(None, payload)) msg = PprzMessage(msg_class, msg_name) msg.set_values(values) # finally call the callback, passing the aircraft id and parsed message callback(ac_id, msg)
def parse_pprz_msg(callback, ivy_msg): """ Parse an Ivy message into a PprzMessage. Basically parts/args in string are separated by space, but char array can also contain a space: |f,o,o, ,b,a,r| in old format or "foo bar" in new format :param callback: function to call with ac_id and parsed PprzMessage as params :param ivy_msg: Ivy message string to parse into PprzMessage """ # first split on array delimiters l = re.split('([|\"][^|\"]*[|\"])', ivy_msg) # strip spaces and filter out emtpy strings l = [str.strip(s) for s in l if str.strip(s) is not ''] data = [] for s in l: # split non-array strings further up if '|' not in s and '"' not in s: data += s.split(' ') else: data.append(s) # ignore ivy message with less than 3 elements if len(data) < 3: return # normal format is "sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # advanced format has requests and answers (with request_id as 'pid_index') # request: "sender_name request_id msg_name_REQ msg_payload..." # answer: "request_id sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # check for request_id in first or second string (-> advanced format with msg_name in third string) advanced = False if"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", data[0]) or"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", data[1]): advanced = True msg_name = data[2] if advanced else data[1] # check which message class it is msg_class, msg_name = messages_xml_map.find_msg_by_name(msg_name) if msg_class is None: print("Ignoring unknown message " + ivy_msg) return # pass non-telemetry messages with ac_id 0 if msg_class == "telemetry": try: ac_id = int(data[0]) except ValueError: print("ignoring message " + ivy_msg) sys.stdout.flush() else: ac_id = 0 payload = data[3:] if advanced else data[2:] values = list(filter(None, payload)) msg = PprzMessage(msg_class, msg_name) msg.set_values(values) # finally call the callback, passing the aircraft id and parsed message callback(ac_id, msg)
def parse_pprz_msg(callback, ivy_msg): """ Parse an Ivy message into a PprzMessage. :param callback: function to call with ac_id and parsed PprzMessage as params :param ivy_msg: Ivy message string to parse into PprzMessage """ # normal format is "sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." # advanced format has requests and answers (with request_id as 'pid_index') # request: "sender_name request_id msg_name_REQ msg_payload..." # answer: "request_id sender_name msg_name msg_payload..." data ="(\S+) +(\S+) +(.*)", ivy_msg) # check for request_id in first or second string (-> advanced format with msg_name in third string) if data is None: return if"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", or"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", if"[0-9]+_[0-9]+", sender_name = else: sender_name = # this is an advanced type, split again data ="(\S+) +(.*)", msg_name = payload = else: # this was a normal message sender_name = msg_name = payload = # check which message class it is msg_class, msg_name = messages_xml_map.find_msg_by_name(msg_name) if msg_class is None: print("Ignoring unknown message " + ivy_msg) return msg = PprzMessage(msg_class, msg_name) msg.ivy_string_to_payload(payload) # pass non-telemetry messages with ac_id 0 or ac_id attrib value if msg_class == "telemetry": try: if(sender_name[0:6] == 'replay'): ac_id = int(sender_name[6:]) else: ac_id = int(sender_name) except ValueError: print("ignoring message " + ivy_msg) sys.stdout.flush() else: if 'ac_id' in msg.fieldnames: ac_id_idx = msg.fieldnames.index('ac_id') ac_id = msg.fieldvalues[ac_id_idx] else: ac_id = 0 # finally call the callback, passing the aircraft id and parsed message callback(ac_id, msg)
def init_dcftables(self): time.sleep(2) for count, column in enumerate(self.B.T): index = np.nonzero(column) i = index[0] # nei_id = 0, special msg to clean the table onboard msg_clean_a = PprzMessage("datalink", "DCF_REG_TABLE") msg_clean_a['ac_id'] = int(self.list_ids[i[0]]) msg_clean_a['nei_id'] = 0 msg_clean_b = PprzMessage("datalink", "DCF_REG_TABLE") msg_clean_b['ac_id'] = int(self.list_ids[i[1]]) msg_clean_b['nei_id'] = 0 self._interface.send(msg_clean_a) self._interface.send(msg_clean_b) if self.verbose: print(msg_clean_a) print(msg_clean_b) for count, column in enumerate(self.B.T): index = np.nonzero(column) i = index[0] msga = PprzMessage("datalink", "DCF_REG_TABLE") msga['ac_id'] = int(self.list_ids[i[0]]) msga['nei_id'] = int(self.list_ids[i[1]]) if len(self.list_ids) == 2: msga['desired_sigma'] = (column[index])[0] * int(self.Zdesired) else: msga['desired_sigma'] = (column[index])[0] * int( self.Zdesired[count]) self._interface.send(msga) msgb = PprzMessage("datalink", "DCF_REG_TABLE") msgb['ac_id'] = int(self.list_ids[i[1]]) msgb['nei_id'] = int(self.list_ids[i[0]]) if len(self.list_ids) == 2: msgb['desired_sigma'] = (column[index])[1] * int(self.Zdesired) else: msgb['desired_sigma'] = (column[index])[1] * int( self.Zdesired[count]) self._interface.send(msgb) if self.verbose: print(msga) print(msgb) time.sleep(2)
def __init__(self, verbose=False): # init cam related part uEyePprzlink.__init__(self, verbose) # build fake message msg = PprzMessage("telemetry", "DC_SHOT") msg['photo_nr'] = 0 self.process_msg(0, msg)
def mission_segment(self, s_pos, d_pos, altitude, duration=0, insert_mode=0): """Send a MISSION_SEGMENT command to paparazzi. Arguments: s_pos: source position as tuple (east, north) d_pos: destination position as tuple (east, north) altitude: altitude of the segment (in meters above sea level) duration: duration of mission (in seconds) before being discarded. Default is 0, meaning no specified duration. insert_mode: default APPEND 0: APPEND 1: PREPEND 2: REPLACE_CURRENT 3: REPLACE_ALL """ msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "MISSION_SEGMENT") msg['ac_id'] = self.ac_id # APPEND, PREPEND, REPLACE_CURRENT, REPLACE_ALL msg['insert'] = insert_mode msg['segment_east_1'] = s_pos[0] msg['segment_north_1'] = s_pos[1] msg['segment_east_2'] = d_pos[0] msg['segment_north_2'] = d_pos[1] msg['segment_alt'] = altitude msg['duration'] = duration self.ivy_mes.send_raw_datalink(msg)
def receiveRigidBodyList(rigidBodyList, stamp): for (ac_id, pos, quat) in rigidBodyList: i = str(ac_id) if i not in id_dict.keys(): continue store_track(i, pos, stamp) if timestamp[i] is None or abs(stamp - timestamp[i]) < period: if timestamp[i] is None: timestamp[i] = stamp continue # too early for next message timestamp[i] = stamp msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "REMOTE_GPS_LOCAL") msg['ac_id'] = id_dict[i] msg['pad'] = 0 msg['enu_x'] = pos[0] msg['enu_y'] = pos[1] msg['enu_z'] = pos[2] vel = compute_velocity(i) msg['enu_xd'] = vel[0] msg['enu_yd'] = vel[1] msg['enu_zd'] = vel[2] msg['tow'] = int(stamp) # TODO convert to GPS itow ? # convert quaternion to psi euler angle dcm_0_0 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (quat[1] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[2]) dcm_1_0 = 2.0 * (quat[0] * quat[1] - quat[3] * quat[2]) msg['course'] = 180. * np.arctan2(dcm_1_0, dcm_0_0) / 3.14 ivy.send(msg)
def send_pprz_fault_info(self): if self.verbose: print('Sending the FAULT_INFO') set_fault = PprzMessage('datalink', 'FAULT_INFO') set_fault['info'] = self.fault_info set_fault['type'] = self.fault_type set_fault['class'] = self.fault_class self.interface.send(set_fault, 0)
def guidance_setmode(ac_id, value): retval = '' try: settings = PaparazziACSettings(ac_id) except Exception as e: print(e) return try: index = settings.name_lookup['auto2'].index except Exception as e: print(e) print("auto2 setting not found, mode change not possible.") return if index is not None: msg = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msg['ac_id'] = ac_id msg['index'] = index msg['value'] = value if verbose: print_ivy_trace(msg) retval = 'Guidance mode: ac_id=%d, index=%d, value=%d\n' % ( ac_id, index, value) ivy_interface.send(msg) if curl: print_curl_format() return retval
def __init__(self, my_ac_id, tag_id, interface_): # Start a ivy messages listener named PIR DRONE self._interface = interface_ self.tag = ArUcoTag(tag_id) self.ac_id = my_ac_id # bind to jevois message def jevois_cb(jevois_id, msg): # print("entree dans callback : {} {}".format( , str(msg['id']))) if == str(msg['id']).replace('"', ""): self.tag.X[0] = float( msg['coord'] [0]) / 1000 # data is sent in milimeter , stocked in meter self.tag.X[1] = float(msg['coord'][1]) / 1000 self.tag.X[2] = float(msg['coord'][2]) / 1000 self.tag.quaternions[0] = float(msg['quat'][0]) self.tag.quaternions[1] = float(msg['quat'][1]) self.tag.quaternions[2] = float(msg['quat'][2]) self.tag.quaternions[3] = float(msg['quat'][3]) self.tag.whd[0] = float(msg['dim'][0]) self.tag.whd[1] = float(msg['dim'][1]) self.tag.whd[2] = float(msg['dim'][2]) self.tag.initialized = True self.tag.timeLastUpdate = time.time() self._interface.subscribe(jevois_cb, PprzMessage("telemetry", "JEVOIS"))
def __setitem__(self, key, value): setting = self.settings_grp[key] msg = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msg['ac_id'] = self.ac_id msg['index'] = setting.index msg['value'] = value self.ivy.send(msg)
def on_mouse(self, event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: self.mouse['start'] = (x, y) if event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: self.mouse['start'] = None if event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: self.mouse['now'] = (x, y) if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: # If mouse start is defined, a region has been selected if not self.mouse.get('start'): return # Obtain mouse start coordinates sx, sy = self.mouse['start'] # Create a new message msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "VIDEO_ROI") msg['ac_id'] = None msg['startx'] = sx msg['starty'] = sy msg['width'] = abs(x - sx) msg['height'] = abs(y - sy) msg['downsized_width'] = self.frame.shape[1] # Send message via the ivy interface self.ivy.send_raw_datalink(msg) # Reset mouse start self.mouse['start'] = None
def mission_goto_wp(self, east, north, up, duration=0, insert_mode=0): """Send a MISSION_GOTO_WP command to paparazzi. Arguments: east: position east north: position north up: position up (in meters above sea level) duration: duration of mission before being discarded. Default is 0, meaning no specified duration. insert_mode: default APPEND 0: APPEND 1: PREPEND 2: REPLACE_CURRENT 3: REPLACE_ALL """ msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "MISSION_GOTO_WP") msg['ac_id'] = self.ac_id # APPEND, PREPEND, REPLACE_CURRENT, REPLACE_ALL msg['insert'] = insert_mode # ENU to NED coordinates msg['wp_east'] = east msg['wp_north'] = north msg['wp_alt'] = up msg['duration'] = duration self.ivy_mes.send_raw_datalink(msg)
def _message_req(self, msg_name, cb, params=None): bind_id = None def _cb(sender, msg): if bind_id is not None: self._ivy.unsubscribe(bind_id) cb(sender, msg) req_id = self._get_req_id() req_regex = '^{} ([^ ]* +{}( .*|$))'.format(req_id, msg_name) bind_id = self._ivy.subscribe(_cb, req_regex) req_msg = PprzMessage('ground', '{}_REQ'.format(msg_name)) if params is not None: req_msg.set_values(params) #FIXME we shouldn't use directly Ivy, but pprzlink python API is not supporting the request id for now IvySendMsg('pprz_connect {} {} {}'.format( req_id,, req_msg.payload_to_ivy_string()))
def receiveRigidBodyList( rigidBodyList, stamp ): for (ac_id, pos, quat, valid) in rigidBodyList: if not valid: # skip if rigid body is not valid continue i = str(ac_id) if i not in id_dict.keys(): continue store_track(i, pos, stamp) if timestamp[i] is None or abs(stamp - timestamp[i]) < period: if timestamp[i] is None: timestamp[i] = stamp continue # too early for next message timestamp[i] = stamp msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "REMOTE_GPS_LOCAL") msg['ac_id'] = id_dict[i] msg['pad'] = 0 msg['enu_x'] = pos[0] msg['enu_y'] = pos[1] msg['enu_z'] = pos[2] vel = compute_velocity(i) msg['enu_xd'] = vel[0] msg['enu_yd'] = vel[1] msg['enu_zd'] = vel[2] msg['tow'] = int(1000. * stamp) # TODO convert to GPS itow ? # convert quaternion to psi euler angle dcm_0_0 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (quat[1] * quat[1] + quat[2] * quat[2]) dcm_1_0 = 2.0 * (quat[0] * quat[1] - quat[3] * quat[2]) msg['course'] = 180. * np.arctan2(dcm_1_0, dcm_0_0) / 3.14 ivy.send(msg) # send GROUND_REF message if needed if args.ground_ref: gr = PprzMessage("ground", "GROUND_REF") gr['ac_id'] = str(id_dict[i]) gr['frame'] = "LTP_ENU" gr['pos'] = pos gr['speed'] = vel gr['quat'] = [quat[3], quat[0], quat[1], quat[2]] gr['rate'] = [ 0., 0., 0. ] gr['timestamp'] = stamp ivy.send(gr)
def move_waypoint(self, ac_id, wp_id, lat, lon, alt): msg = PprzMessage("ground", "MOVE_WAYPOINT") msg['ac_id'] = ac_id msg['wp_id'] = wp_id msg['lat'] = lat msg['long'] = lon msg['alt'] = alt print("Sending message: %s" % msg) self._interface.send(msg)
def send_accelerations(self): msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "DESIRED_SETPOINT") msg['ac_id'] = msg['flag'] = 0 # full 3D not supported yet # Receiving position in ENU, but sending in NED: msg['uy'] = self.U[0][0] msg['ux'] = self.U[1][0] msg['uz'] = 20 #self.U[2][0] # Sending altitude, not acceleration self._interface.send(msg)
def __init__(self, verbose=False): from pprzlink.ivy import IvyMessagesInterface # init Ivy interface self.pprzivy = IvyMessagesInterface("pyueye") # init cam related part uEyePprzlink.__init__(self, verbose) # bind to message self.pprzivy.subscribe(self.process_msg, PprzMessage("telemetry", "DC_SHOT"))
def on_ivy_msg(self, agent, *larg): """ Split ivy message up into the separate parts Basically parts/args in string are separated by space, but char array can also contain a space: |f,o,o, ,b,a,r| in old format or "foo bar" in new format """ # return if no callback is set if self.callback is None: return # first split on array delimiters l = re.split('([|\"][^|\"]*[|\"])', larg[0]) # strip spaces and filter out emtpy strings l = [str.strip(s) for s in l if str.strip(s) is not ''] data = [] for s in l: # split non-array strings further up if '|' not in s and '"' not in s: data += s.split(' ') else: data.append(s) # ignore ivy message with less than 3 elements if len(data) < 3: return # check which message class it is msg_name = data[1] msg_class, msg_name = messages_xml_map.find_msg_by_name(msg_name) if msg_class is None: print("Ignoring unknown message " + larg[0]) return # pass non-telemetry messages with ac_id 0 if msg_class == "telemetry": try: ac_id = int(data[0]) except ValueError: print("ignoring message " + larg[0]) sys.stdout.flush() else: ac_id = 0 values = list(filter(None, data[2:])) msg = PprzMessage(msg_class, msg_name) msg.set_values(values) self.callback(ac_id, msg)
def get_parameter_list(missionType): if missionType not in MissionBuilder.missionMessagesNames: raise ValueError(missionType + " is not a MISSION") msg = PprzMessage('datalink', missionType) params = [] for field in msg.fieldnames: # not outputing params common to all missions if field not in MissionBuilder.commonParameters: params.append(field) return params
def envoi_cmd(self, phi, theta, psi, throttle): msg = PprzMessage("datalink", "JOYSTICK_RAW") msg['ac_id'] = msg['roll'] = phi msg['pitch'] = theta msg['yaw'] = psi msg['throttle'] = throttle self._interface.send_raw_datalink(msg)
def line(shape_id): msg_shape = PprzMessage("ground", "SHAPE") msg_shape['id'] = shape_id msg_shape['linecolor'] = 'purple' msg_shape['shape'] = Shape.LINE.value msg_shape['status'] = Status.CREATE.value msg_shape['latarr'] = [int(43.46296 * 1e7), int(43.46216 * 1e7)] msg_shape['lonarr'] = [int(1.272 * 1e7), int(1.2744 * 1e7)] msg_shape['text'] = "runway" return msg_shape
def set_nav_mode(self): """ change auto2 mode to NAV. """ if self.auto2_index is not None: msg = PprzMessage("ground", "DL_SETTING") msg['ac_id'] = self.ac_id msg['index'] = self.auto2_index msg['value'] = 13 # AP_MODE_NAV print("Setting mode to NAV: %s" % msg) self._interface.send(msg)
def worldenv_cb(ac_id, msg): """ Callback for paparazzi WORLD_ENV requests """ # request location (in meters) east, north, up = float(msg.get_field(3)),\ float(msg.get_field(4)),\ float(msg.get_field(5)) up *= -1 # convert in km + translation with mesoNH origin weast, wnorth, wup = get_wind(east, north, up) print("wind_est:") print(weast) print(wnorth) print(wup) msg_back=PprzMessage("ground", "WORLD_ENV") msg_back.set_value_by_name("wind_east",weast) msg_back.set_value_by_name("wind_north",wnorth) msg_back.set_value_by_name("wind_up",wup) msg_back.set_value_by_name("ir_contrast",400) msg_back.set_value_by_name("time_scale",1) msg_back.set_value_by_name("gps_availability",1) ivy.send(msg_back,None)