Esempio n. 1
 def write(self, stream=sys.stdout, color=None):
     Writes the MLN to the given stream.
     The default stream is `sys.stdout`. In order to print the MLN to the console, a simple
     call of `mln.write()` is sufficient. If color is not specified (is None), then the
     output to the console will be colored and uncolored for every other stream. 
     :param stream:        the stream to write the MLN to.
     :param color:         whether or not output should be colorized.
     if color is None:
         if stream != sys.stdout:
             color = False
             color = True
     if 'learnwts_message' in dir(self):
         stream.write("/*\n%s*/\n\n" % self.learnwts_message)
     # domain declarations
     if self.domain_decls:
             colorize("// domain declarations\n", comment_color, color))
     for d in self.domain_decls:
         stream.write("%s\n" % d)
     # variable definitions
     if self.vars:
             colorize('// variable definitions\n', comment_color, color))
     for var, val in self.vars.iteritems():
         stream.write('%s = %s' % (var, val))
         colorize("\n// predicate declarations\n", comment_color, color))
     for predicate in self.iterpreds():
         if isinstance(predicate,
                       FuzzyPredicate) or in self.fuzzypreds:
         stream.write("%s(%s)\n" % (colorize(
   , predicate_color, color), predicate.argstr()))
     stream.write(colorize("\n// formulas\n", comment_color, color))
     for idx, formula in self.iterformulas():
         if self._unique_templvars[idx]:
             stream.write('#unique{%s}\n' %
         if formula.weight == HARD:
             stream.write("%s.\n" % fstr(formula.cstr(color)))
                 w = colorize("%-10.6f", weight_color, color) % float(
                 w = colorize(str(formula.weight), weight_color, color)
             stream.write("%s  %s\n" % (w, fstr(formula.cstr(color))))
Esempio n. 2
 def iter_formulas_printable(self):
     Iterate over all formulas, yield nicely formatted strings.
     formulas = sorted(self.formulas)
     for f in formulas:
         if f.weight == HARD:
             yield '%s.' % fstr(f)
         elif type(f.weight) is float:
             yield "%-10.6f\t%s" % (f.weight, fstr(f))
             yield "%s\t%s" % (str(f.weight), fstr(f))
Esempio n. 3
 def iter_formulas_printable(self):
     Iterate over all formulas, yield nicely formatted strings.
     formulas = sorted(self.formulas)
     for f in formulas:
         if f.weight == HARD:
             yield '%s.' % fstr(f)
         elif type(f.weight) is float:
             yield "%-10.6f\t%s" % (f.weight, fstr(f))
             yield "%s\t%s" % (str(f.weight), fstr(f))
Esempio n. 4
 def set_soft_evidence(self, soft_evidence):
     self.soft_evidence = soft_evidence
     self.softev_counts = {}
     for se in soft_evidence:
         if 'formula' not in se:
             formula = self.infer.mrf.mln.logic.parse_formula(se['expr'])
             se['formula'] = formula.ground(self.infer.mrf, {})
             se['expr'] = fstr(se['formula'])
         self.softev_counts[se["expr"]] = se["formula"](self.state)
Esempio n. 5
 def write(self, stream=sys.stdout, color=None):
     Writes the MLN to the given stream.
     The default stream is `sys.stdout`. In order to print the MLN to the console, a simple
     call of `mln.write()` is sufficient. If color is not specified (is None), then the
     output to the console will be colored and uncolored for every other stream. 
     :param stream:        the stream to write the MLN to.
     :param color:         whether or not output should be colorized.
     if color is None:
         if stream != sys.stdout: 
             color = False
         else: color = True
     if 'learnwts_message' in dir(self):
         stream.write("/*\n%s*/\n\n" % self.learnwts_message)
     # domain declarations
     if self.domain_decls: stream.write(colorize("// domain declarations\n", comment_color, color))
     for d in self.domain_decls: 
         stream.write("%s\n" % d)
     # variable definitions
     if self.vars: stream.write(colorize('// variable definitions\n', comment_color, color))
     for var, val in self.vars.iteritems():
         stream.write('%s = %s' % (var, val))
     stream.write(colorize("\n// predicate declarations\n", comment_color, color))
     for predicate in self.iterpreds():
         if isinstance(predicate, FuzzyPredicate) or in self.fuzzypreds:
         stream.write("%s(%s)\n" % (colorize(, predicate_color, color), predicate.argstr()))
     stream.write(colorize("\n// formulas\n", comment_color, color))
     for idx, formula in self.iterformulas():
         if self._unique_templvars[idx]:
             stream.write('#unique{%s}\n' % ','.join(self._unique_templvars[idx]))
         if formula.weight == HARD:
             stream.write("%s.\n" % fstr(formula.cstr(color)))
                 w = colorize("%-10.6f", weight_color, color) % float(eval(str(formula.weight)))
                 w = colorize(str(formula.weight), weight_color, color)
             stream.write("%s  %s\n" % (w, fstr(formula.cstr(color))))
Esempio n. 6
 def set_soft_evidence(self, soft_evidence):
     self.soft_evidence = soft_evidence
     self.softev_counts = {}
     for se in soft_evidence:
         if 'formula' not in se:
             formula = self.infer.mrf.mln.logic.parse_formula(
             se['formula'] = formula.ground(self.infer.mrf, {})
             se['expr'] = fstr(se['formula'])
         self.softev_counts[se["expr"]] = se["formula"](self.state)
Esempio n. 7
 def vardoms_from_formula(mln, formula, *varnames):
     if isinstance(formula, basestring):
         formula = mln.logic.parse_formula(formula)
     vardomains = {}
     f_vardomains = formula.vardoms(mln)
     for var in varnames:
         if var not in f_vardomains:
             raise Exception(
                 'Variable %s not bound to a domain by formula %s' %
                 (var, fstr(formula)))
         vardomains[var] = f_vardomains[var]
     return vardomains
Esempio n. 8
    def materialize(self, *dbs):
        Materializes this MLN with respect to the databases given. This must
        be called before learning or inference can take place.
        Returns a new MLN instance containing expanded formula templates and
        materialized weights. Normally, this method should not be called from the outside. 
        Also takes into account whether or not particular domain values or predictaes
        are actually used in the data, i.e. if a predicate is not used in any
        of the databases, all formulas that make use of this predicate are ignored.

        :param dbs:     list of :class:`database.Database` objects for materialization.
        logger.debug("materializing formula templates...")

        # obtain full domain with all objects
        fulldomain = mergedom(, *[ for db in dbs])
        logger.debug('full domains: %s' % fulldomain)
        mln_ = self.copy()
        # collect the admissible formula templates. templates might be not
        # admissible since the domain of a template variable might be empty.
        for ft in list(mln_.formulas):
            domnames = ft.vardoms().values()
            if any([domname not in fulldomain for domname in domnames]):
                logger.debug('Discarding formula template %s, since it cannot be grounded (domain(s) %s empty).' % \
                    (fstr(ft), ','.join([d for d in domnames if d not in fulldomain])))
        # collect the admissible predicates. a predicate may become inadmissible
        # if either the domain of one of its arguments is empty or there is
        # no formula containing the respective predicate.
        predicates_used = set()
        for _, f in mln_.iterformulas():
        for predicate in self.iterpreds():
            remove = False
            if any([not dom in fulldomain for dom in predicate.argdoms]):
                    'Discarding predicate %s, since it cannot be grounded.' %
                remove = True
            if not in predicates_used:
                logger.debug('Discarding predicate %s, since it is unused.' %
                remove = True
            if remove: del mln_._predicates[]
        # permanently transfer domains of variables that were expanded from templates
        for _, ft in mln_.iterformulas():
            domnames = ft.template_variables().values()
            for domname in domnames:
      [domname] = fulldomain[domname]
        # materialize the formula templates
        mln__ = mln_.copy()
        for i, template in mln_.iterformulas():
            for variant in template.template_variants():
                idx = len(mln__._formulas)
                f = mln__.formula(
                    weight=template.weight if isinstance(
                        template.weight, basestring) else template.weight,
                f.idx = idx
        mln__._materialized = True
        return mln__
Esempio n. 9
 def __str__(self):
     return 'P(%s|E) = %.2f' % (fstr(self.formula), self.p)
Esempio n. 10
 def soft_evidence_frequency(self, formula):
     if self.steps == 0: return 0
     return float(self.softev_counts[fstr(formula)]) / self.steps
Esempio n. 11
    def materialize(self, *dbs):
        Materializes this MLN with respect to the databases given. This must
        be called before learning or inference can take place.
        Returns a new MLN instance containing expanded formula templates and
        materialized weights. Normally, this method should not be called from the outside. 
        Also takes into account whether or not particular domain values or predictaes
        are actually used in the data, i.e. if a predicate is not used in any
        of the databases, all formulas that make use of this predicate are ignored.

        :param dbs:     list of :class:`database.Database` objects for materialization.
        logger.debug("materializing formula templates...")

        # obtain full domain with all objects
        fulldomain = mergedom(, *[ for db in dbs])
        logger.debug('full domains: %s' % fulldomain)

        mln_ = self.copy()

        # collect the admissible formula templates. templates might be not
        # admissible since the domain of a template variable might be empty.
        for ft in list(mln_.formulas):
            domnames = ft.vardoms().values()
            if any([not domname in fulldomain for domname in domnames]):
                logger.debug('Discarding formula template %s, since it cannot be grounded (domain(s) %s empty).' % \
                    (fstr(ft), ','.join([d for d in domnames if d not in fulldomain])))
        # collect the admissible predicates. a predicate may become inadmissible
        # if either the domain of one of its arguments is empty or there is
        # no formula containing the respective predicate.
        predicates_used = set()
        for _, f in mln_.iterformulas():
        for predicate in self.iterpreds():
            remove = False
            if any([not dom in fulldomain for dom in predicate.argdoms]):
                logger.debug('Discarding predicate %s, since it cannot be grounded.' % (
                remove = True
            if not in predicates_used:
                logger.debug('Discarding predicate %s, since it is unused.' %
                remove = True
            if remove:  del mln_._predicates[]
        # permanently transfer domains of variables that were expanded from templates
        for _, ft in mln_.iterformulas():
            domnames = ft.template_variables().values()
            for domname in domnames:
      [domname] = fulldomain[domname]

        # materialize the formula templates
        mln__ = mln_.copy()
        mln__ ._rmformulas()
        for i, template in mln_.iterformulas():
            for variant in template.template_variants():
                idx = len(mln__._formulas)
                f = mln__.formula(variant, weight=template.weight if isinstance(template.weight, basestring) else template.weight, 
                f.idx = idx
        mln__._materialized = True
        return mln__
Esempio n. 12
 def vardoms_from_formula(mln, formula, *varnames):
     if isinstance(formula, basestring):
         formula = mln.logic.parse_formula(formula)
     vardomains = {}
     f_vardomains = formula.vardoms(mln)
     for var in varnames:
         if var not in f_vardomains:
             raise Exception('Variable %s not bound to a domain by formula %s' % (var, fstr(formula)))
         vardomains[var] = f_vardomains[var]
     return vardomains
Esempio n. 13
 def __str__(self):
     return 'P(%s|E) = %.2f' % (fstr(self.formula), self.p)
Esempio n. 14
 def soft_evidence_frequency(self, formula):
     if self.steps == 0: return 0
     return float(self.softev_counts[fstr(formula)]) / self.steps