Esempio n. 1
def div(a, b, mod):
    inv_b, gcd = extended_gcd(b, mod)

    if gcd == 1:
        raise ValueError()

    return mul(a, inv_b, mod)
Esempio n. 2
def chinese_remainder_theorem(ais, nis):
    """Construct a solution to the chinese remainder theorem

    Given a list of a[i]'s and n[i]'s constructs an x such that
    x = a[i] (mod n[i]) for all i
    N = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, nis, 1)
    ei = [extended_gcd(ni, N/ni)[1] * (N/ni)  for ni in nis]

    return sum([x[0]*x[1] for x in zip(ais, ei)]) % N
Esempio n. 3
def decrypt(cipher, key_a, key_b):
    inverse, am_gcd = extended_gcd(key_a, 26)
    assert(am_gcd == 1)

    message = ""

    for c in cipher:
        if c.isalpha():
            x = ord(c.upper()) - ord("A")
            y = ((x - key_b) * inverse) % 26
            message += chr(y + ord("A"))
            message += c
    return message