def test_parse_header():
    lines = ['# some header', '# is here', '', 'this is not a header']
    assert parse_block(lines, header=True) == ['# some header', '# is here']
    assert lines == ['', 'this is not a header']

    lines = ['this is not a header']
    assert parse_block(lines, header=True) == []
    assert lines == ['this is not a header']
def test_parse_header():
    lines = ['# some header', '# is here', '', 'this is not a header']
    assert parse_block(lines, header=True) == ['# some header', '# is here']
    assert lines == ['', 'this is not a header']

    lines = ['this is not a header']
    assert parse_block(lines, header=True) == []
    assert lines == ['this is not a header']
def test_parse_block():
    # a normal block
    lines = ['a: 42', 'b: 17', '', 'c: 19']
    assert parse_block(lines) == ['a: 42', 'b: 17']
    assert lines == ['', 'c: 19']

    # a block at the end
    lines = ['c: 19']
    assert parse_block(lines) == ['c: 19']
    assert lines == []

    # no block
    lines = []
    assert parse_block(lines) == []
    assert lines == []
def test_parse_block():
    # a normal block
    lines = ['a: 42', 'b: 17', '', 'c: 19']
    assert parse_block(lines) == ['a: 42', 'b: 17']
    assert lines == ['', 'c: 19']

    # a block at the end
    lines = ['c: 19']
    assert parse_block(lines) == ['c: 19']
    assert lines == []

    # no block
    lines = []
    assert parse_block(lines) == []
    assert lines == []