Esempio n. 1
    def build_comparisons(self):
        Generate comparisons from formulas

        # Generate direct comparisons
        comp_dict = {}
        for idx1, formula1 in enumerate(self._formula_list):
            comp_dict[idx1] = {}
            for idx2, formula2 in enumerate(self._formula_list):
                tmp_set = set()
                if idx1 != idx2:
                    for rule in self._rule_list:
                        # Check if formula1 dominates formula2
                        if rule.dominates(formula1, formula2):
                            # Screen for intersections
                            att = \
                            if not intersect(formula1[att], formula2[att]):
                                comp = \
                                    build_comparison(formula1, formula2, rule)
                comp_dict[idx1][idx2] = tmp_set
Esempio n. 2
def split_rule_over_condition_attribute(rule, att, interval):
    Split rule if rule intersects interval over any attribute
    on conditions
    new_rules_list = []

    # Get attribute intervals
    if not rule.get_condition():
        return new_rules_list

    if att not in rule.get_condition().get_condition_dict().keys():
        return new_rules_list

    rule_int = rule.get_condition().get_condition_dict()[att]

    # Verify if intervals intersect
    if (rule_int != interval) and (intersect(rule_int, interval)):
        # Split intervals
        new_intervals_list = split_interval(rule_int, interval)

        # Add new rules with new intervals
        for new_interval in new_intervals_list:
            new_rule = rule.copy()
            new_rule.get_condition().get_condition_dict()[att] = (new_interval)

    return new_rules_list
Esempio n. 3
def is_dict_satisfied_by(condition_dict, record):
    Check if a record satisfies a condition dictionary
    for att in condition_dict:
        interval = condition_dict[att]
        if att not in record or \
                not intersect(interval, record[att]):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 4
 def is_compatible(self, other):
     Check if a condition is compatible with another condition.
     A condition is compatible with another condition if
     their interval overlaps for the same attributes
     other_cond_dict = other.get_condition_dict()
     for key in self._condition_dict:
         if key in other_cond_dict \
                 and not intersect(self._condition_dict[key],
             return False
     return True
Esempio n. 5
def is_goal_record(curren_record, goal_record):
    Check if first record reaches goal record

    A record reaches a goal if its attributes are inside or equal of
    correspondent goal attributes
    Indifferent attributes of goal are ignored
    for att in curren_record:
        if att not in goal_record \
                or intersect(goal_record[att], curren_record[att]):
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 6
def _is_record_valid_by_formula(formula, record):
    Return True if the record satisfies the formula, else return False
    # For each formula proposition attribute
    for att in formula:
        # Take the interval of attribute in the formula
        interval = formula[att]
        # Check if attribute does not exists in record or
        # if record attribute value does not match with correspondent
        # formula interval
        if att not in record or \
                not intersect(interval, record[att]):
            return False
    # Returns true if all attributes are ok
    return True
Esempio n. 7
 def change_record(self, record):
     Generate a worst record when it is possible,
     when it is not then return None
     cond = self._condition
     pref = self._preference
     pref_att = pref.get_preference_attribute()
     best_interval = pref.get_best_interval()
     if cond is None or cond.is_satisfied_by(record):
         if pref_att in record and \
                 intersect(best_interval, record[pref_att]):
             new_record = record.copy()
             new_record[pref_att] = pref.get_worst_interval()
             for att in pref.get_indifferent_set():
                 if att in new_record:
                     del new_record[att]
             return new_record
     return None
Esempio n. 8
def split_rule_preferred(rule, att, interval):
    Split rule if fixed_interval interval overlaps preferred interval
    new_rules_list = []
    if rule.get_preference().get_preference_attribute() != att:
        return new_rules_list

    # Get preferred interval
    rule_int = rule.get_preference().get_best_interval()

    # Check if intervals intersect
    if (rule_int != interval) and (intersect(rule_int, interval)):
        # Split intervals
        new_intervals_list = split_interval(rule_int, interval)

        # Add new rules with new intervals
        for new_interval in new_intervals_list:
            new_rule = rule.copy()
    return new_rules_list
Esempio n. 9
    # Equality operator
    EQUAL_OP_LIST = ['=', '<>']
    # Interval operator
    INTERV_OP_LIST = ['<', '<=']
    # Generate equality comparisons
    for VAL in VAL_LIST:
        for OP in EQUAL_OP_LIST:
            INTERV = (VAL, OP, OP, VAL)
    # Generate intervals comparisons
    for VAL1 in VAL_LIST:
        for OP1 in INTERV_OP_LIST:
            for OP2 in INTERV_OP_LIST:
                for VAL2 in VAL_LIST:
                    if VAL1 < VAL2:
                        INTERV = (VAL1, OP1, OP2, VAL2)
    # Generate intervals having infinity limits
    for VAL in VAL_LIST:
        for OP in INTERV_OP_LIST:
            INTERV = (VAL, OP, '<=', float('inf'))
            INTERV = (float('-inf'), '<=', OP, VAL)
    INTERV_LIST.append((float('-inf'), '<=', '<=', float('inf')))
    # Print intersection (overlap) for each pair of intervals
        for INTERV2 in INTERV_LIST:
            print(get_str_predicate('A', INTERV1),
                  get_str_predicate('A', INTERV2), intersect(INTERV1, INTERV2))
Esempio n. 10
 def is_worst_satisfied_by(self, record):
     Check if a record satisfies the worst interval
     return self._attribute in record and \
         intersect(self._worst_interval, record[self._attribute])