Esempio n. 1
def test_environments_with_purpose():
    """Test the environments_with_purpose function. Only one
    environment should be returned from the created test data
    containing two environments.
    env = o.environment(child_elements=[
        o.dependency(identifiers=[p.identifier('c', 'd', 'dependency')])
    env2 = o.environment(
            o.dependency(identifiers=[p.identifier('c', 'd', 'dependency')])
    obj = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y', 'object'),
                   child_elements=[env, env2])
    xml = ('<premis:environment xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" '

    environments = o.iter_environments(obj)

    penvs = o.environments_with_purpose(environments, purpose='a')
    assert len(list(penvs)) == 1
    for penv in penvs:
        assert u.compare_trees(penv, ET.fromstring(xml))
Esempio n. 2
def test_object_count():
    """Test object_count"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y1', 'object'))
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y2', 'object'))
    obj3 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y3', 'object'))
    prem = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj2, obj3])
    assert o.object_count(prem) == 3
def test_agent_count():
    """Test agent_count"""
    agent1 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi', 'tyyppi1')
    agent2 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi', 'tyyppi2')
    agent3 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi', 'tyyppi1')
    premisroot = p.premis(child_elements=[agent1, agent2, agent3])
    assert a.agent_count(premisroot) == 3
Esempio n. 4
def test_events_with_outcome():
    """Test events_with_outcome"""
    outcome1 = e.outcome('success')
    outcome2 = e.outcome('failure')
    outcome3 = e.outcome('success')

    event1 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'event'),
    event2 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'event'),
    event3 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'event'),
    i = 0
    for success in e.events_with_outcome([event1, event2, event3], 'success'):
        assert e.parse_outcome(success) == 'success'
        i = i + 1
    assert i == 2
Esempio n. 5
def event(event_id, event_type, event_date_time, event_detail,
          child_elements=None, linking_objects=None, linking_agents=None):
    """Create PREMIS event element.

    :event_id: PREMIS event identifier
    :event_type: Type for the event
    :event_date_time: Event time
    :event_detail: Event details
    :child_elements: Any child elements appended to the event (default=None)
    :linking_objects: Any linking objects appended to the event (default=None)

    Returns the following ElementTree structure::


            <premis:eventType>digital signature validation</premis:eventType>
                Submission information package digital signature validation

            {{ child elements }}


    _event = _element('event')


    _event_type = _subelement(_event, 'eventType')
    _event_type.text = decode_utf8(event_type)

    _event_date_time = _subelement(_event, 'eventDateTime')
    _event_date_time.text = decode_utf8(event_date_time)

    _event_detail = _subelement(_event, 'eventDetail')
    _event_detail.text = decode_utf8(event_detail)

    if child_elements:
        for elem in child_elements:

    if linking_agents:
        for _agent in linking_agents:
            linking_agent = identifier(
                _agent.findtext('.//' + premis_ns('agentIdentifierType')),
                _agent.findtext('.//' + premis_ns('agentIdentifierValue')),

    if linking_objects:
        for _object in linking_objects:
            linking_object = identifier(
                _object.findtext('.//' + premis_ns('objectIdentifierType')),
                _object.findtext('.//' + premis_ns('objectIdentifierValue')),

    return _event
Esempio n. 6
def test_find_object_by_id():
    """Test find_object_by_id"""
    object1 = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'object'))
    object2 = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'object'))
    object3 = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'object'))
    xml = p.premis(child_elements=[object1, object2, object3])
    obj = o.find_object_by_id(xml, 'id2')
    assert p.parse_identifier_type_value(p.parse_identifier(obj)) == ('local',
def test_find_agent_by_id():
    """Test find_agent_by_id"""
    agent1 = a.agent(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'agent'), 'name', 'type1')
    agent2 = a.agent(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'agent'), 'name', 'type2')
    agent3 = a.agent(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'agent'), 'name', 'type3')
    xml = p.premis(child_elements=[agent1, agent2, agent3])
    agent = a.find_agent_by_id(xml, 'id2')
    assert p.parse_identifier_type_value(p.parse_identifier(agent, 'agent'),
                                         'agent') == ('local', 'id2')
Esempio n. 8
def test_contains_object():
    """Test contains_object"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y1', 'object'))
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y2', 'object'))
    obj3 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y3', 'object'))
    prem1 = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj2, obj3])
    prem2 = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj2])

    assert o.contains_object(obj3, prem1)
    assert not o.contains_object(obj3, prem2)
Esempio n. 9
def test_event_count():
    """Test event_count"""
    event1 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'event'), 'tyyppi',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili1')
    event2 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'event'), 'tyyppi',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    event3 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'event'), 'tyyppi2',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    xml = p.premis(child_elements=[event1, event2, event3])
    assert e.event_count(xml) == 3
def test_iter_agents():
    """Test iter_agents"""
    agent1 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi1', 'tyyppi')
    agent2 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi2', 'tyyppi')
    agent3 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi3', 'tyyppi')
    premisroot = p.premis(child_elements=[agent1, agent2, agent3])
    i = 0
    for _agent in a.iter_agents(premisroot):
        i = i + 1
        assert a.parse_name(_agent) == 'nimi' + str(i)
    assert i == 3
def test_iter_elements():
    """Test iter_elements"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id01'), original_name='nimi1')
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id02'), original_name='nimi2')
    obj3 = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id03'), original_name='nimi3')
    xml = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj2, obj3])
    i = 0
    for name in p.iter_elements(xml, 'originalName'):
        i = i + 1
        assert name.text == 'nimi' + str(i)
    assert i == 3
Esempio n. 12
def test_find_event_by_id():
    """Test find_event_by_id"""
    event1 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'event'), 'tyyppi',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili1')
    event2 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'event'), 'tyyppi',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    event3 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'event'), 'tyyppi2',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    xml = p.premis(child_elements=[event1, event2, event3])
    event = e.find_event_by_id(xml, 'id2')
    assert p.parse_identifier_type_value(p.parse_identifier(event, 'event'),
                                         'event') == ('local', 'id2')
def test_agents_with_type():
    """Test agents_with_type"""
    agent1 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi1', 'tyyppi1')
    agent2 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi2', 'tyyppi2')
    agent3 = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'), 'nimi3', 'tyyppi1')
    agentlist = []
    i = 1
    for _agent in a.agents_with_type([agent1, agent2, agent3], 'tyyppi1'):
        assert _agent == ('tyyppi1', 'nimi' + str(i))
        i = i + 2
    assert len(agentlist) == 2
Esempio n. 14
def test_objects_with_type():
    """Test objects_with_type"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('x1', 'y1', 'object'))
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('x1', 'y2', 'object'))
    obj3 = o.object(p.identifier('x2', 'y3', 'object'))
    filtered = o.objects_with_type([obj1, obj2, obj3], 'x1')
    i = 0
    for filt_el in filtered:
        i = i + 1
        (id_type, _) = p.parse_identifier_type_value(
            p.parse_identifier(filt_el, 'object'), 'object')
        assert id_type == 'x1'
    assert i == 2
Esempio n. 15
def test_iter_objects():
    """Test iter_objects"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y1', 'object'))
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y2', 'object'))
    obj3 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y3', 'object'))
    prem = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj2, obj3])
    iterator = o.iter_objects(prem)
    i = 0
    for iter_elem in iterator:
        i = i + 1
        (_, id_value) = p.parse_identifier_type_value(
            p.parse_identifier(iter_elem, 'object'), 'object')
        assert id_value == 'y' + six.text_type(i)
    assert i == 3
Esempio n. 16
def test_iter_events():
    """Test iter_events"""
    event1 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'event'), 'tyyppi1',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili1')
    event2 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'event'), 'tyyppi2',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    event3 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'event'), 'tyyppi3',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    premisroot = p.premis(child_elements=[event1, event2, event3])
    i = 0
    for event in e.iter_events(premisroot):
        i = i + 1
        assert e.parse_event_type(event) == 'tyyppi' + six.text_type(i)
    assert i == 3
Esempio n. 17
def test_filter_objects():
    """Test filter_objects"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y1', 'object'))
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y2', 'object'))
    obj3 = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y3', 'object'))
    prem1 = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj2, obj3])
    prem2 = p.premis(child_elements=[obj1, obj3])
    filtered = o.filter_objects(o.iter_objects(prem1), prem2)
    i = 0
    for filt_el in filtered:
        i = i + 1
        (_, id_value) = p.parse_identifier_type_value(
            p.parse_identifier(filt_el, 'object'), 'object')
        assert id_value == 'y2'
    assert i == 1
Esempio n. 18
def test_event_with_type_and_detail():
    """Test event_with_type_and_detail"""
    event1 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id1', 'event'), 'tyyppi',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili1')
    event2 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id2', 'event'), 'tyyppi',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    event3 = e.event(p.identifier('local', 'id3', 'event'), 'tyyppi2',
                     '2012-12-12T12:12:12', 'detaili2')
    i = 0
    for event in e.event_with_type_and_detail([event1, event2, event3],
                                              'tyyppi', 'detaili2'):
        i = i + 1
        assert e.parse_event_type(event) == 'tyyppi'
        assert e.parse_detail(event) == 'detaili2'
    assert i == 1
def test_parse_identifier_type_value():
    """Test parse_identifier_type_value"""
    object_identifier = p.identifier('local', 'id01')
    object_related = p.identifier('local', 'id01', 'relatedObject')
    event_identifier = p.identifier('local', 'id01', 'event')

    (idtype, idval) = p.parse_identifier_type_value(object_identifier)
    assert idtype == 'local'
    assert idval == 'id01'
    (idtype, idval) = p.parse_identifier_type_value(object_related,
    assert idtype == 'local'
    assert idval == 'id01'
    (idtype, idval) = p.parse_identifier_type_value(event_identifier, 'event')
    assert idtype == 'local'
    assert idval == 'id01'
def test_parse_note():
    """Test parse_note"""
    agent = a.agent(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent'),
    assert a.parse_note(agent) == 'nootti'
Esempio n. 21
def test_object_order():
    """Test that elements in premis:object are ordered as intended."""
    fixity = o.fixity('xxx', 'yyy')
    oc = o.object_characteristics(child_elements=[fixity])
    env = o.environment(child_elements=[])
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('a', 'b'),
                    child_elements=[env, oc])
    xml1 = ('<premis:object xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" '
            'xmlns:xsi="" '
            '</premis:objectIdentifier><premis:objectCharacteristics '
    assert u.compare_trees(obj1, ET.fromstring(xml1))
    assert obj1[0].tag == '{info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2}objectIdentifier'
    assert obj1[1].tag == '{info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2}objectCharacteristics'
    assert obj1[2].tag == '{info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2}originalName'
    assert obj1[3].tag == '{info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2}environment'
Esempio n. 22
def test_parse_format_noversion():
    """Test parse_format"""
    fd = o.format_designation('xxx')
    form = o.format(child_elements=[fd])
    oc = o.object_characteristics(child_elements=[form])
    obj = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y', 'object'), child_elements=[oc])
    assert o.parse_format(obj) == ('xxx', None)
Esempio n. 23
def get_dependency_identifier(object_or_identifier):
    """Create new dependency indentifier from object containing
    objectIdentifier or return existing dependencyIdentifier. If both elements
    exists in given ``object_or_identifier`` return dependencyIdentifier
    generated from objectIdentifier"""

    if object_or_identifier.tag == premis_ns("objectIdentifier"):
        object_identifier = object_or_identifier
        object_identifier = object_or_identifier.find(

    if object_identifier is not None:
         identifier_value) = parse_identifier_type_value(object_or_identifier)

        return identifier(identifier_type, identifier_value, 'dependency')

    if object_or_identifier.tag == premis_ns("dependencyIdentifier"):
        dependency_identifier = object_or_identifier
        dependency_identifier = object_or_identifier.find(

    if dependency_identifier is not None:
        return dependency_identifier

    raise ValueError("Argument object_or_indentifier must contain"
                     "valid objectIdentifier or "
                     "dependencyIdentifier: {}".format(object_or_identifier))
Esempio n. 24
def test_parse_relationship():
    """Test parse_relationship"""
    rel = o.relationship('a', 'b', p.identifier('c', 'd'))
    obj = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y', 'object'), child_elements=[rel])
    rel2 = o.parse_relationship(obj)
    xml = ('<premis:relationship xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" '
    assert u.compare_trees(rel2, ET.fromstring(xml))
Esempio n. 25
def test_parse_format_registry():
    """Test parse_format"""
    fd = o.format_registry('xxx', 'yyy')
    form = o.format(child_elements=[fd])
    oc = o.object_characteristics(child_elements=[form])
    obj = o.object(p.identifier('x', 'y', 'object'), child_elements=[oc])
    assert o.parse_format_registry(obj) == ('xxx', 'yyy')
def test_identifier():
    """Test identifier"""
    object_identifier = p.identifier('local', 'id01')
    object_related = p.identifier('local', 'id01', 'relatedObject')
    event_identifier = p.identifier('local', 'id01', 'event')
    linking_agent_identifier = p.identifier('local',
    object_id = (
        '<premis:objectIdentifier xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2">'
    xml_related = ('<premis:relatedObjectIdentification'
                   ' xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2">'
    xml_event = (
        '<premis:eventIdentifier xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2">'
    xml_linking_agent = (
        ' xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2">'

    assert u.compare_trees(object_identifier, ET.fromstring(object_id))
    assert u.compare_trees(object_related, ET.fromstring(xml_related))
    assert u.compare_trees(event_identifier, ET.fromstring(xml_event))
    assert u.compare_trees(linking_agent_identifier,
def test_agent():
    """Test agent"""
    agent_id = p.identifier('a', 'b', 'agent')
    agent = a.agent(agent_id, 'c', 'd')
    xml = ('<premis:agent xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2">'
    assert u.compare_trees(agent, ET.fromstring(xml))
Esempio n. 28
def test_object():
    """Test premis_premis"""
    obj1 = o.object(p.identifier('a', 'b'), original_name='c')
    obj2 = o.object(p.identifier('a', 'b'), representation=True)
    xml1 = ('<premis:object xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" '
            'xmlns:xsi="" '
    xml2 = ('<premis:object xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" '
            'xmlns:xsi="" '

    assert u.compare_trees(obj1, ET.fromstring(xml1))
    assert u.compare_trees(obj2, ET.fromstring(xml2))
def test_parse_identifier():
    """Test parse_identifier"""
    obj = o.object(p.identifier('local', 'id01'))
    object_id = (
        '<premis:objectIdentifier xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" '

    assert u.compare_trees(p.parse_identifier(obj), ET.fromstring(object_id))
Esempio n. 30
def test_parse_outcome_detail_note():
    """Test parse_outcome_detail_note"""
    extensions = [ET.fromstring('<xxx />')]
    outcome = e.outcome('success',
    event = e.event(p.identifier('a', 'b', 'event'),
    assert e.parse_outcome_detail_note(event) == 'xxx'