Esempio n. 1
def main():
    for kfold in range(10):
        inputdata, outputdata = Readcsv()
        trainin, trainout, testin, testout = fold(inputdata, outputdata)
        data = np.array(inputdata)
        out = np.array(outputdata)
        wout, biout, win, biin = train(trainin, trainout)
        target = test(wout, biout, win, biin, testin)
        print(checkerror(target, testout))
Esempio n. 2
import arff
import numpy as np
import math
from preprocessing import preprocessing, getoutputData, test, train

dataset = arff.load(open('Autism-Child-Data.arff', 'rb'))
data = np.array(dataset['data'])

#Input array
x = preprocessing(data, 21)
y = train(x)
y = getoutputData(y)

#Sigmoid Function
def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

#Derivative of Sigmoid Function
def derivatives_sigmoid(x):
    return x * (1 - x)

#Variable initialization
epoch = 5000  #Setting training iterations
lr = 0.1  #Setting learning rate
inputlayer_neurons = x.shape[1]  #number of features in data set
hiddenlayer_neurons = 3  #number of hidden layers neurons
output_neurons = 1  #number of neurons at output layer
Esempio n. 3
df_items = pd.read_csv('D:/TSE/python/missplaceclass/test_items.csv')

print('Building Tokenizer...')
tokenizer = preprocessing.get_tokenizer(df)

score = np.zeros(shape=(0))
label = np.zeros(shape=(0))
target_correct = 0

for i in range(len(projects)):  #len(projects)

    project = projects[i]
    print('*' * 80)
    ss = time.time()
    models = preprocessing.train(df[df.projectname != project], tokenizer,
    print('###########################', time.time() - ss)

    ss = time.time()
    tscore, tlabel, t_target_correct = preprocessing.test(
        df_classes, df_items[df_items.projectname == project], tokenizer,
    print('###########################', time.time() - ss)
    score = np.concatenate((score, tscore.reshape(-1)), axis=0)
    label = np.concatenate((label, tlabel.reshape(-1)), axis=0)
    target_correct += t_target_correct

print('*' * 80)
preprocessing.eval(score, label, target_correct)
Esempio n. 4
import math
from preprocessing import preprocessing, getoutputData, test, train

dataset = arff.load(open('Autism-Child-Data.arff', 'rb'))
data = np.array(dataset['data'])
X = preprocessing(data, 21)

def sigmoid(x, deriv=False):
    if (deriv == True):
        return x * (1 - x)
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

y = train(X)
# y = [[float(n) for n in m] for m in y]
o = getoutputData(X, 10)
z = test(X)
p = getoutputData(z, 282)
weight_input = 2 * np.random.random((17, 5)) - 1
weight_hidden = 2 * np.random.random((6, 1)) - 1

print o
learning_rate = [[0.01]]

print "Start : "

# code

for i in xrange(1, 1500, 1):