Esempio n. 1
import prime
import search

primes = prime.primesTo(500)
answers = [[-1]*501 for x in xrange(501)]

def expand(min, sum):
    if answers[min][sum] != -1:
        return answers[min][sum]
    if min > sum:
        answers[min][sum] = 0
        return 0
    if search.searchList(primes,sum):
        totals = 1
        totals = 0
    for i in xrange((sum-min)/2 + 1):
        if search.searchList(primes,min+i):
            totals += expand(min + i, sum - (min + i))
    answers[min][sum] = totals
    return totals

# solves for the answer
i = 0
temp = expand(2,i)
while temp < 5000:
    i += 1
    temp = expand(2,i)
print i
Esempio n. 2
import prime
import search
import string
import itertools

primes = prime.primesTo(10000)

# returns True if concatinating the two numbers in any order results in a prime
def ccatPrimes(a,b):
    return prime.isPrime(int(str(a)+str(b))) and prime.isPrime(int(str(b)+str(a)))

def findAnswer():
    minSum = 100000
    for a in primes:
        for b in primes:
            if a+b < minSum and ccatPrimes(a,b):
                for c in primes:
                    if a+b+c < minSum and ccatPrimes(a,c) and ccatPrimes(b,c):
                        for d in primes:
                            if a+b+c+d < minSum and ccatPrimes(a,d) and ccatPrimes(b,d) and ccatPrimes(c,d):
                                print str(a)+","+str(b)+","+str(c)+","+str(d)
                                for e in primes:
                                    if a+b+c+d+e < minSum and ccatPrimes(a,e) and ccatPrimes(b,e) and ccatPrimes(c,e) and ccatPrimes(d,e):
                                        minSum = a+b+c+d+e
                                        print str(a)+","+str(b)+","+str(c)+","+str(d)+","+str(e)+" - "+str(minSum)
    return minSum

def findAnswer2():
    combs = {}
    for a in primes:
        combs[a] = []
#modules and packages

import prime as pr

#importing function from a module
from prime import primesTo

