Esempio n. 1
def longest_period(n):
    longest = [0, 0]  # length, num
    for x in range(3, n):  # check all up to d for 1/d
        pf = factorization(x)
        if all(p == 2 or p == 5 for p in pf):  # doesn't repeat
        elif len(pf) == 1:  # run prime function
            if longest[0] < period_if_prime(x):
                longest = [period_if_prime(x), x]
            fact = pf
            periods = []
            for k in fact:
                if k != 2 and k != 5:
                    if fact.count(k) == 1:
                        temp = k**(fact.count(k) - 1)
                        periods.append((period_if_prime(k)) * temp)
            if lcm(periods) > longest[0]:
                longest = [lcm(periods), x]
    return longest[1]
Esempio n. 2
def learn_mul_comparisons(H):
    #  IVar size info

    def ge_one(i):
        if i==0: return True
        if (0, i) in H.term_comparisons.keys():
            if [c for c in H.term_comparisons[0, i] if c.comp in [LT, LE] and
                c.coeff > 0 and c.coeff <= 1]:
                return True
        return False

    def le_one(i):
        if i==0: return True
        if (0, i) in H.term_comparisons.keys():
            if [c for c in H.term_comparisons[0, i] if (c.comp in [GT, GE] and
                c.coeff >= 1) or (c.comp in [LT, LE] and c.coeff < 0)]:
                return True
        return False
    def le_neg_one(i):
        if (0, i) in H.term_comparisons.keys():
            if [c for c in H.term_comparisons[0, i] if c.comp in [LT, LE] and
                c.coeff < 0 and c.coeff >= -1]:
                return True
        return False
    def ge_neg_one(i):
        if i==0: return True
        if (0, i) in H.term_comparisons.keys():
            if [c for c in H.term_comparisons[0, i] if (c.comp in [GT, GE] and
                c.coeff <= -1) or (c.comp in [LE, LT] and c.coeff > 0)]:
                return True
        return False
    def abs_ge_one(i):
        return ge_one(i) or le_neg_one(i)
    def abs_le_one(i):
        return le_one(i) and ge_neg_one(i)
    # Processing learned comparisons
    # Takes comparison of the form |a_i|^{e0} comp coeff * |a_j|^{e1}
    # Assumes coeff > 0
    # Assumes that setting e1=e0 preserves the truth of the inequality.
    # Takes e0th root of each side and learns the comparison
    def take_roots_and_learn(i, j, e0, e1, comp, coeff):
        if e0 < 0:
            comp = comp_reverse(comp)
        e0, e1, coeff = 1, 1, coeff ** Fraction(1, Fraction(e0))
        coeff = round_coeff(coeff, comp)
        comp, coeff = make_term_comparison_unabs(i, j, 1, 1, comp, coeff)
        H.learn_term_comparison(i, j, comp, coeff, MUL)

    # Takes a one_comparison of the form a_i^{e_i} * a_j^{e_j} * const >(=) 1,
    #  where a_i really represents |a_i|.

    def learn_mul_comparison(i,j,comp,coeff,e0,e1):
        if e0==e1==0:
        elif e0==0:
        elif e1==0:
        if j<i:
            i,j,e0,e1 = j,i,e1,e0    
        coeff = 1/Fraction(coeff)
        if coeff<0:
            comp = comp_reverse(comp)
        e1 = -e1
        if coeff < 0:
            if comp in [LT, LE]:  # pos < neg
            return  # pos > neg. not useful.

        if i==0: #a_i = 1, so we can set e0 to whatever we want.
            e0 = e1
        # Otherwise, both sides of the inequality are positive
        # a_i and a_j are still abs values, coeff is positive
        if (
            (e0 == e1) # we have |a_i|^p comp coeff * |a_j|^p
            or (e0 < e1 and comp in [LE, LT] and abs_le_one(j)) # making e1 smaller makes rhs bigger, which doesn't mess up comparison.
            or (e0 > e1 and comp in [GE, GT] and abs_le_one(j)) # making e1 bigger makes rhs smaller
            or (e0 < e1 and comp in [GE, GT] and abs_ge_one(j)) # making e1 smaller makes RHS smaller
            or (e0 > e1 and comp in [LE, LT] and abs_ge_one(j)) # making e1 bigger makes RHS bigger
            take_roots_and_learn(i, j, e0, e1, comp, coeff)

    # Sign inference helper functions
    def ivar_zero_comparison(i):
        if i in H.zero_comparisons.keys():
            return H.zero_comparisons[i].comp
        return None
    def mulpair_zero_comparison(m):
        if m.term.index in H.zero_comparisons.keys():
            comp = H.zero_comparisons[m.term.index].comp
            if m.exp % 2 == 0 or (isinstance(m.exp, Fraction) and m.exp.numerator % 2 == 0):
                if comp in [GT, LT]:
                    return GT
                    return GE
                return comp
        elif m.exp % 2 == 0:
            return GE
            return None

    def prod_zero_comparisons(comps):
        if None in comps:
            return None
            notstrict = LE in comps or GE in comps
            if len([m for m in comps if m in [LT, LE]]) % 2 == 0:
                if not notstrict: 
                    return GT
                    return GE
                if not notstrict:
                    return LT
                    return LE

    def sign_pow(s, n):
        if s == 1 or (s == -1 and n % 2 == 0):
            return 1
        elif s == -1:
            return -1
            raise Error("sign should be 1 or -1")

    def multerm_zero_comparison(t):
        comps = [mulpair_zero_comparison(m) for m in t.mulpairs]
        return prod_zero_comparisons(comps)
    def infer_signs_from_learned_equalities():
        for t in (d for d in H.zero_equations if isinstance(d, Mul_term)):
            # we have t=0.
            comps = [mulpair_zero_comparison(m) for m in t.mulpairs]
            # If there are more than two unknowns, we can't do anything.
            if comps.count(None) > 1:
            # If there is one unknown and every other is strict, that unknown must be equal to 0.
            if comps.count(None) == 1 and comps.count(LE) + comps.count(GE) == 0:
                index = comps.index(None)
                i = t.mulpairs[index].term.index
                H.learn_zero_equality(i, MUL)
            elif comps.count(None) == 0:
                ges, les = comps.count(GE), comps.count(LE)
                # If there are no unknowns and only one is weak, that weak one must be equal to 0.
                if ges == 1 and les == 0:
                    index = comps.index(GE)
                    H.learn_zero_equality(t.mulpairs[index].term.index, MUL)
                elif les == 1 and ges == 0:
                    index = comps.index(LE)
                    H.learn_zero_equality(t.mulpairs[index].term.index, MUL)
                # If there are no weak inequalities, we have a contradiction.
                elif ges == 0 and les == 0:
    # This method looks at term definitions and tries to infer signs of subterms.
    # For instance, if a_i = a_j * a_k, a_i > 0, a_j < 0, then it will learn a_k < 0.
    # Provenance is HYP, so this info is available to mul routine
    def infer_signs_from_definitions():
        for i in (j for j in range(H.num_terms) if isinstance(H.name_defs[j], Mul_term)):
            t = H.name_defs[i]
            # have the equation a_i = t.
            leftsign = ivar_zero_comparison(i)
            comps = [mulpair_zero_comparison(m) for m in t.mulpairs]
            rightsign = prod_zero_comparisons(comps)
            if ((leftsign in [GE, GT] and rightsign == LT) or (leftsign in [LT, LE] and rightsign == GT)
                or (leftsign == GT and rightsign in [LE, LT]) or (leftsign == LT and rightsign in [GE, GT])):
            if leftsign in [GT, LT]:  # strict info on left implies strict info for all on right.
                for j in range(len(comps)):
                    if comps[j] in [GE, LE]:
                        newcomp = (GT if comps[j] == GE else LT)
                        H.learn_zero_comparison(t.mulpairs[j].term.index, newcomp, HYP)
            elif (rightsign in [GT, LT] and leftsign not in [GT, LT]) or (leftsign==None and rightsign!=None):  # strict info on right implies strict info on left
                H.learn_zero_comparison(i, rightsign, HYP)
            elif (rightsign == GE and leftsign == LE) or (rightsign == LE and leftsign == GE):  # we have zero equality.
                H.learn_zero_equality(i, MUL)
                if comps.count(GE) == 1 and comps.count(LE) == 0:
                    index = comps.index(GE)
                    H.learn_zero_equality(t.mulpairs[index].term.index, HYP)
                elif comps.count(LE) == 1 and comps.count(GE) == 0:
                    index = comps.index(LE)
                    H.learn_zero_equality(t.mulpairs[index].term.index, HYP)

            # Reset these with potentially new info
            leftsign = ivar_zero_comparison(i)
            comps = [mulpair_zero_comparison(m) for m in t.mulpairs]
            rightsign = prod_zero_comparisons(comps)
            # Two possibilities here.
            # Case 1: lhs is strong, rhs is missing one. All others on rhs must be strong by above. Missing one must be strong too, and we can figure out what it is.
            # Case 2: lhs is weak, rhs is missing one, all others on rhs are strong. Missing one must be weak.
            if rightsign == None and comps.count(None) == 1 and (leftsign in [GT, LT] or (leftsign in [GE, LE] and comps.count(GE) + comps.count(LE) == 0)):
                index = comps.index(None)
                m = t.mulpairs[index]
                new_comp = prod_zero_comparisons(comps)
                index2 = m.term.index
                H.learn_zero_comparison(index2, new_comp, HYP)

    # Handle absolute values for elimination routine
    # this first routine takes i, j, comp, C representing
    #    ai comp C aj
    # and returns a new pair comp', C', so that
    #    abs(ai) comp' C' abs(aj)
    # is equivalent to the original comparison.
    # assume signs are nonzero
    def make_term_comparison_abs(i, j, comp, C):
        C1 = C * H.sign(i) * H.sign(j)
        if H.sign(i) == 1:
            comp1 = comp
            comp1 = comp_reverse(comp)
        return comp1, C1
    # this routine takes i, j, ei, ej, comp1, C1 representing
    #    |ai|^{ei} comp1 C1 |aj|^{ej}
    # and returns a new pair comp, C, so that
    #    ai^{ei} comp C aj^{aj}
    # is equivalent to the original comparison.
    # assume signs are nonzero
    def make_term_comparison_unabs(i, j, ei, ej, comp1, C1):
        correction = (H.sign(i) ** ei) * (H.sign(j) ** ej)
        correction = 1 if correction > 0 else -1  # Make correction an int instead of a float
        C = C1 * correction
        if H.sign(i) ** ei == 1:
            comp = comp1
            comp = comp_reverse(comp1)
        return comp, C
    # Assumes ai, aj > 0 and j is not 0
    def one_comparison_from_term_comparison(i, j, comp, C):
        if C <= 0: 
            if comp in [LE, LT]:  # pos < neg. contradiction
            else:  # pos > neg. useless
                return None
        if comp == GT or comp == GE:
            new_comp = comp
            if i == 0:
                t = Mul_term([(IVar(j), -1)], Fraction(1, C))
                t = Mul_term([(IVar(i), 1), (IVar(j), -1)], Fraction(1, C))
            new_comp = comp_reverse(comp)
            if i == 0:
                t = Mul_term([(IVar(j), 1)], C)
                t = Mul_term([(IVar(i), -1), (IVar(j), 1)], C)
        return One_comparison(t, new_comp)
    if H.verbose:
        print 'Learning multiplicative facts (polyhedron style...)'
    mul_eqs = [H.name_defs[i]*IVar(i)**(-1) for i in range(H.num_terms) if
            (isinstance(H.name_defs[i],Mul_term) and
              all(H.sign(p.term.index)!=0 for p in H.name_defs[i].mulpairs))]
    if H.verbose:
        print 'Multiplicative equations:'
        for e in mul_eqs:
            print e,'= 1'
    mul_comps = []
    for (i,j) in H.term_comparisons.keys():
        if H.sign(i)!=0 and H.sign(j)!=0:
            for c in (c for c in H.term_comparisons[i,j] if c.provenance!=MUL):
                comp1, C1 = make_term_comparison_abs(i, j, c.comp, c.coeff)
                onecomp = one_comparison_from_term_comparison(i, j, comp1, C1)
                if onecomp:
    if H.verbose:
        print 'Multiplicative comparisons:'
        print '(Note: here, a_i represents |a_i|)'
        for c in mul_comps:
            print c.term,comp_str[c.comp],'1'

    #mul_eqs is a list of terms that are equal to 1
    #mul_cops is a list of one_comparisons.
    #turn these into zero_comps by taking logs,
    #and store this info in a matrix to pass to lrs.
    #Maps a prime number to the index of its ivar
    index_of_prime = {}
    class ind_store:
        i = H.num_terms
    #Inverse of above
    prime_of_index = {}
    #p is a prime
    #returns the index of the ivar corresponding to p, or creates one
    def get_index_of(p):
            return index_of_prime[p]
        except KeyError:
            index_of_prime[p] = ind_store.i
            prime_of_index[ind_store.i] = p
            return ind_store.i-1
    add_eqs = []
    for e in mul_eqs:
        #take the log of each piece
        p = e.mulpairs[0]
        term = p.term*p.exp
        for p in e.mulpairs[1:]:
            term += p.term*p.exp
        if e.const != 1:
            if e.const < 0: #since we have taken absolute value, this should never happen
                raise Exception
            c_fract = Fraction(e.const)
            fac = primes.factorization(c_fract.numerator)
            for i in fac.keys():
                term += fac[i]*IVar(get_index_of(i))
            fac = primes.factorization(c_fract.denominator)
            for i in fac.keys():
                term -= fac[i]*IVar(get_index_of(i))
    add_comps = []
    for c in mul_comps:
        e = c.term
        p = e.mulpairs[0]
        term = p.term*p.exp
        for p in e.mulpairs[1:]:
            term += p.term*p.exp
        if e.const != 1:
            if e.const < 0:
                raise Exception
            c_fract = Fraction(e.const)
            fac = primes.factorization(c_fract.numerator)
            for i in fac.keys():
                term += fac[i]*IVar(get_index_of(i))
            fac = primes.factorization(c_fract.denominator)
            for i in fac.keys():
                term -= fac[i]*IVar(get_index_of(i))
        #print c,'became:',term
    plist = sorted(index_of_prime.keys())
    if H.verbose:
        print 'We have',len(plist),'prime factors in play.'
    for i in range(len(plist)-1):
        #add_comps.append(Zero_comparison(IVar(index_of_prime[plist[i]]) - under*IVar(index_of_prime[plist[i+1]]),GT))
        #add_comps.append(Zero_comparison(IVar(index_of_prime[plist[i]]) - over*IVar(index_of_prime[plist[i+1]]),LT))
    #if plist: add_comps.append(Zero_comparison(IVar(index_of_prime[plist[0]]),GT))
    vertices,lin_set = lrs_util.get_generators(add_eqs,add_comps,H.num_terms+len(plist))
    if H.verbose:
        print 'Polyhedron vertices:',['Column 1 = delta.']+['Column '+str(j+1)+' = '+str(prime_of_index[j]) for j in sorted(prime_of_index.keys())]      
        for r in vertices:
            print r[1:],('(ray)' if r[0]==0 else '(point)')
        print 'Linear set:'
        print lin_set
    for (i,j) in combinations(range(H.num_terms),2):
        base_matrix = [[vertices[k][0],vertices[k][i+2],vertices[k][j+2]]+vertices[k][H.num_terms+2:] for k in range(len(vertices)) if k not in lin_set]
        matrix = cdd.Matrix(base_matrix,number_type = 'fraction')
        matrix.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
        for k in lin_set:
        #print (i,j)    
        #print matrix
        #print len(matrix),'vertices'
        #print 'generating::'
        #print lrs.redund_and_generate(matrix)
        #ineqs, lin_set2 = lrs.get_inequalities(matrix) 
        ineqs = cdd.Polyhedron(matrix).get_inequalities()
        #print len(ineqs), 'inequalities'
        #ineqs,lin_set2 = lrs.redund_and_generate(matrix) #This will have the same effect, but right now it is slower. Need to import lrs to use
        #print len([c for c in ineqs if c[2]!=0 or c[3]!=0]),'inequalities for',(i,j)
        for c in ineqs:
            if c[2]==c[1]==0: #no comp
            strong = not any(v[1]!=0 and v[i+2]*c[1]+v[j+2]*c[2]+sum(c[k]*v[H.num_terms+k-1] for k in range(3,len(c)))==0 for v in vertices)
            const = 1
            #Don't want constant to a non-int power
            scale = int(reduce(operator.mul,(Fraction(c[k]).denominator for k in range(3,len(c))),1))
            if scale!=1:
                c = [c[0]]+[scale*v for v in c[1:]]
            skip = False
            for k in range(3,len(c)):
                if c[k]!=0:
                    if c[k]>=1000000 or c[k]<=-1000000:
                        #Not going to get much here. Causes arithmetic errors.
                        skip = True
            if skip:
            if c[1]==0: #const*a_j^c[3] comp 1
                learn_mul_comparison(0,j,(GT if strong else GE),const,1,c[2])
            elif c[2]==0:
                if i!=0:
                    learn_mul_comparison(0,i,(GT if strong else GE),const,1,c[1])
                learn_mul_comparison(i,j,(GT if strong else GE),const,c[1],c[2])
    if H.verbose:
def jacoby_symbol(a, m):
    fact = primes.factorization(m)
    jac = 1
    for p in fact:
        jac = jac * legendre_symbol(a, p)
    return jac
Esempio n. 4
                    if candidates_indices[index] > i:
                        candidates[index] = number
                except IndexError:
                    candidates[index] = number
    yield number

limit = 12000
minNValues = [0] * (limit + 1)
setMinNValues = set()
NToKList = [set(), set(), set(), set()]
N = 4
count = 1
while count < limit:
    kValues = set()
    prime_factorization = factorization(N)
    factors = pop_factor(prime_factorization)
    factor =
    root = N**.5
    while factor <= root:
        k = find_k((factor, N / factor))
        if k > N:
        kSet = NToKList[N / factor]
        if len(kSet) == 0:
        for i in kSet:
            kValues.add(k + i - 1)
        factor =
Esempio n. 5
import math
from primes import factorization

n = 600851475143
# primes = []
# while n > 1:
#     for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(n))):
#         if n % i == 0:
#             primes.append(i)
#             n /= i
#             break

# print primes

print factorization(n)

Esempio n. 6
					candidates[index] = prime_factorization[index][0]*nums[candidates_indices[index]]
					if candidates_indices[index] > i:
						candidates[index] = number
				except IndexError:
					candidates[index] = number
	yield number

limit = 12000
minNValues = [0]*(limit + 1)
setMinNValues = set()
NToKList = [set(), set(), set(), set()]
N = 4
count = 1
while count < limit:
	kValues = set()
	prime_factorization = factorization(N)
	factors = pop_factor(prime_factorization)
	factor =
	root = N**.5
	while factor <= root:
		k = find_k((factor, N/factor))
		if k > N:
		kSet = NToKList[N/factor]
		if len(kSet) == 0:
		for i in kSet:
			kValues.add(k + i - 1)
		factor =