def evolution_search(f, para_b): begin_time = Timestamps_list = [] Target_list = [] Parameters_list = [] keys = list(para_b.keys()) bounds = np.array(list(para_b.values()), dtype=np.float) dim = len(keys) plog = PrintLog(keys) para_value = np.empty((1, dim)) plog.print_header(initialization=True) for col, (lower, upper) in enumerate(bounds): para_value.T[col] = np.random.RandomState().uniform(lower, upper) para_value = para_value.ravel().tolist() plog.print_header(initialization=False) es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(para_value, 0.2, {'maxiter': 60, 'popsize': 50}) # es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(para_value, 0.5) while not es.stop(): solutions = es.ask() es.tell(solutions, [f(x) for x in solutions]) # es.tell(*es.ask_and_eval(f)) # es.disp() res = es.result # metric = f(**params_dic) Parameters_list.append(res[0].tolist()) Target_list.append(1-res[1]) elapse_time = ( - begin_time).total_seconds() Timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) # print("The best candidate: ", res[0]) # print("The best result: ", res[1]) plog.print_step(res[0], 1-res[1]) return Timestamps_list, Target_list, Parameters_list
def random_search(f, para_b, num): begin_time = Timestamps_list = [] Target_list = [] keys = list(para_b.keys()) bounds = np.array(list(para_b.values()), dtype=np.float) dim = len(keys) plog = PrintLog(keys) parameter_list = np.empty((num, dim)) plog.print_header(initialization=True) for col, (lower, upper) in enumerate(bounds): parameter_list.T[col] = np.random.RandomState().uniform(lower, upper, size=num) plog.print_header(initialization=False) for i in range(num): params_dic = dict(zip(keys, parameter_list[i])) metric = f(**params_dic) Target_list.append(metric) elapse_time = ( - begin_time).total_seconds() Timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) plog.print_step(parameter_list[i], metric) return Timestamps_list, Target_list, parameter_list.tolist()
def evolution_search(f, para_b): begin_time = Timestamps_list = [] Target_list = [] Parameters_list = [] keys = list(para_b.keys()) dim = len(keys) plog = PrintLog(keys) min = np.ones(dim) max = np.ones(dim) value_list = list(parameters.values()) for i_v in range(dim): min[i_v] = value_list[i_v][0] max[i_v] = value_list[i_v][1] bounds = (min, max) plog.print_header(initialization=True) my_topology = Star() my_options ={'c1': 0.6, 'c2': 0.3, 'w': 0.4} my_swarm = P.create_swarm(n_particles=20, dimensions=dim, options=my_options, bounds=bounds) # The Swarm Class iterations = 30 # Set 100 iterations for i in range(iterations): # Part 1: Update personal best # for evaluated_result in map(evaluate, my_swarm.position): # my_swarm.current_cost = np.append(evaluated_result) # for best_personal_result in map(evaluate, my_swarm.pbest_pos): # Compute personal best pos # my_swarm.pbest_cost = np.append(my_swarm.pbest_cost, best_personal_result) my_swarm.current_cost = np.array(list(map(evaluate, my_swarm.position))) #print(my_swarm.current_cost) my_swarm.pbest_cost = np.array(list(map(evaluate, my_swarm.pbest_pos))) my_swarm.pbest_pos, my_swarm.pbest_cost = P.compute_pbest(my_swarm) # Update and store # Part 2: Update global best # Note that gbest computation is dependent on your topology if np.min(my_swarm.pbest_cost) < my_swarm.best_cost: my_swarm.best_pos, my_swarm.best_cost = my_topology.compute_gbest(my_swarm) # Let's print our output #if i % 2 == 0: # print('Iteration: {} | my_swarm.best_cost: {:.4f}'.format(i + 1, my_swarm.best_cost)) # Part 3: Update position and velocity matrices # Note that position and velocity updates are dependent on your topology my_swarm.velocity = my_topology.compute_velocity(my_swarm) my_swarm.position = my_topology.compute_position(my_swarm) Parameters_list.append(my_swarm.best_pos.tolist()) Target_list.append(1-my_swarm.best_cost) elapse_time = ( - begin_time).total_seconds() Timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) # print("The best candidate: ", my_swarm.best_pos) # print("The best result: ", res[1]) plog.print_step(my_swarm.best_pos, 1 - my_swarm.best_cost) if i == 0: plog.print_header(initialization=False) return Timestamps_list, Target_list, Parameters_list
class CmaEs: def __init__(self, func, para): # "para" is the diction of parameters which needs to be optimized. # "para" --> {'x_1': (0,10), 'x_2': (-1, 1),..., 'x_n':(Lower_bound, Upper_bound)} self.f = func self.begin_time = self.timestamps_list = [] self.target_list = [] self.parameters_list = [] self.pop_list = [] self.keys = list(para.keys()) self.bounds = np.array(list(para.values()), dtype=np.float) self.dim = len(self.keys) self.plog = PrintLog(self.keys) self.para_value = np.empty((1, self.dim)) self.plog.print_header(initialization=True) for col, (lower, upper) in enumerate(self.bounds): self.para_value.T[col] = np.random.RandomState().uniform( lower, upper) self.para_value = self.para_value.ravel().tolist() def evaluate(self, input): result = self.f(input[0], input[1]) return -result def run(self, max_iter=20, pop_size=10, sigma=0.5): # "sigma0" is the initial standard deviation. # The problem variables should have been scaled, such that a single standard deviation # on all variables is useful and the optimum is expected to lie within about `x0` +- ``3*sigma0``. # See also options 'scaling_of_variables'. Often one wants to check for solutions close to the initial point. # This allows, for example, for an easier check of consistency of the # objective function and its interfacing with the optimizer. # In this case, a much "smaller" 'sigma0' is advisable. sigma_0 = sigma # "conf_para" is used to configure the parameters in CMA-ES algorithm # "conf_para" --> {'maxiter': 20, 'popsize': 20} conf_para = {'maxiter': max_iter, 'popsize': pop_size} es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(self.para_value, sigma_0, conf_para) self.plog.print_header(initialization=False) while not es.stop(): solutions = es.ask() self.pop_list.append(solutions) es.tell(solutions, [self.evaluate(x) for x in solutions]) # es.tell(*es.ask_and_eval(f)) # es.disp() res = es.result # metric = f(**params_dic) self.parameters_list.append(res[0].tolist()) self.target_list.append(-res[1]) elapse_time = ( - self.begin_time).total_seconds() self.timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) # print("The best candidate: ", res[0]) # print("The best result: ", res[1]) self.plog.print_step(res[0], -res[1]) return self.timestamps_list, self.target_list, self.parameters_list, self.pop_list
class CNPs_Optimization: def __init__(self, func, para): # "para" is the diction of parameters which needs to be optimized. # "para" --> {'x_1': (0,10), 'x_2': (-1, 1),..., 'x_n':(Lower_bound, Upper_bound)} self.f = func self.begin_time = self.timestamps_list = [] self.target_list = [] self.parameters_list = [] self.pop_list = [] self.keys = list(para.keys()) self.bounds = np.array(list(para.values()), dtype=np.float) self.dim = len(self.keys) self.plog = PrintLog(self.keys) def initialization(self, pop_size): para_value = np.empty((pop_size, self.dim)) self.plog.print_header(initialization=True) for col, (lower, upper) in enumerate(self.bounds): para_value[:, col] = np.random.RandomState().uniform( lower, upper, pop_size) target_value = np.empty((pop_size, 1)) for i in range(pop_size): target_value[i] = self.f(para_value[i]) # print(target_value[i]) # print(para_value[i]) self.plog.print_step(para_value[i], target_value[i][0]) return para_value, target_value def model_build(self): dim_r = 4 dim_h_hidden = 128 dim_g_hidden = 128 x_context = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, self.dim)) y_context = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1)) x_target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, self.dim)) y_target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1)) neural_process = NeuralProcess(x_context, y_context, x_target, y_target, dim_r, dim_h_hidden, dim_g_hidden) return neural_process def model_run(self, neural_process, train_op, sess, x_init, y_init, n_iter_cnp=5001): num_init = len(y_init) plot_freq = 1000 for iter in range(n_iter_cnp): N_context = np.random.randint(1, num_init, 1) # create feed_dict containing context and target sets feed_dict = neural_process.helper_context_and_target( x_init, y_init, N_context) # optimisation step a =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if iter % plot_freq == 0: print(a[1]) def maximize(self, num_iter=3, pop_size=10, uncertain_rate=0.2): pop_para, pop_target = self.initialization(pop_size) self.pop_list.append(pop_para) pop_max = np.max(pop_target) self.target_list.append(pop_max) idx_max = np.where(pop_target == pop_max)[0] max_para = np.squeeze(pop_para[idx_max]) self.parameters_list.append(max_para.tolist()) elapse_time = ( - self.begin_time).total_seconds() self.timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) self.plog.print_header(initialization=False) tf.reset_default_graph() cnp_model = self.model_build() sess = tf.Session() train_op_and_loss = cnp_model.init_NP(learning_rate=0.001) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() n_op_iter = num_iter for iter_op in range(n_op_iter): self.model_run(cnp_model, train_op_and_loss, sess, x_init=pop_para, y_init=pop_target) num_candidate = 1000 x_candidate = np.empty((num_candidate, self.dim)) for col, (lower, upper) in enumerate(self.bounds): x_candidate[:, col] = np.random.RandomState().uniform( lower, upper, num_candidate) predict_candidate = cnp_model.posterior_predict( pop_para, pop_target, x_candidate) _, y_candidate_mu, y_candidate_sigma = num_uncertain = int(pop_size * uncertain_rate) if num_uncertain < 1: num_uncertain = 1 num_select = pop_size - num_uncertain y_candidate_mu = np.squeeze(y_candidate_mu) y_candidate_sigma = np.squeeze(y_candidate_sigma) ind_mu = np.argpartition(y_candidate_mu, -num_select)[-num_select:] x_mu_select = x_candidate[ind_mu] ind_sigma = np.argpartition(y_candidate_sigma, -num_uncertain)[-num_uncertain:] x_sigma_select = x_candidate[ind_sigma] x_select = np.unique(np.concatenate((x_mu_select, x_sigma_select), axis=0), axis=0) _, idx_d = np.unique(np.concatenate((pop_para, x_select), axis=0), axis=0, return_index=True) # remove the same item idx_d = idx_d - pop_para.shape[0] idx_d = np.delete(idx_d, np.where(idx_d < 0)) x_select = x_select[idx_d] n_selected = np.shape(x_select)[ 0] # final number of candidate which are selected. y_select = np.empty((n_selected, 1)) for i in range(n_selected): y_select[i] = self.f(x_select[i]) self.plog.print_step(x_select[i], y_select[i][0]) self.pop_list.append(x_select) pop_max = np.max(y_select) self.target_list.append(pop_max) idx_max = np.where(y_select == pop_max)[0] max_para = np.squeeze(x_select[idx_max]) self.parameters_list.append(max_para.tolist()) elapse_time = ( - self.begin_time).total_seconds() self.timestamps_list.append(elapse_time) pop_para = np.concatenate((pop_para, x_select), axis=0) pop_target = np.concatenate((pop_target, y_select), axis=0) print("The %d-th iteration is completed!" % iter_op)