Esempio n. 1
    def predict(self,X,return_prob=False):

            X (2-D arrray) : shape = (N_samples,N_dims)
            return_prob (bool) : if True, return probability 

            1-D array or 2-D array: if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. This depends on parameter y when fitting.
                                    If return_prob == True, always return probability of belonging to class1 in each record 

        gram_mat = np.zeros((self.X.shape[0],X.shape[0]))
        for i in range(self.X.shape[0]):
            gram_mat[i] = np.array([self.kernel_func(self.X[i],X[j]) for j in range(X.shape[0])]) 

        sig = sigmoid(self.a)
        logit = (gram_mat.T@(self.y - sig)).ravel()
        sig = sig.ravel()

        if return_prob:
            c = np.array([self.kernel_func(X[i],X[i]) for i in range(X.shape[0])]) + self.gamma
            W = np.diag(1/(sig*(1 - sig))) 
            sigma = c - np.diag([email protected](W + self.C)@gram_mat)
            prob = sigmoid(kappa(sigma)*logit) 
            return prob  
            y = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
            y[logit >= 0] = 1
            return self._inverse_transform(y)  
Esempio n. 2
    def fit(self, X, y):

            X (2-D array) : data, shape = (N_samples,N_dims)
            y (1-D array or 2-D array) : if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. should be 2-class data. 
            optimizing parameters in gradient descent method 

        y = self._onehot_to_label(y)
        y = y.reshape(-1, 1)

        design_mat = self.make_design_mat(X)
        self.weight = np.random.randn(design_mat.shape[1]).reshape(-1, 1)

        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            probability = sigmoid(design_mat @ self.weight)
            loss = binary_cross_entropy(y, probability)
            if loss < self.threshold:
            self.weight -= self.learning_rate * (
                self.alpha * self.weight + design_mat.T @ (probability - y))

        R = (probability * (1.0 - probability)).ravel()
        self.S = 1 / self.alpha * np.eye(
            self.weight.shape[1]) + (R * design_mat.T) @ design_mat
Esempio n. 3
    def fit(self, X, y):

            X (2-D array) : data, shape = (N_samples,N_dims)
            y (1-D array or 2-D array) : if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. should be 2-class data. 
            optimizing parameters in IRLS

        target = self._onehot_to_label(y)
        target = target.reshape(-1, 1)

        design_mat = self.make_design_mat(X)
        self.weight = np.random.randn(design_mat.shape[1]).reshape(-1, 1)
        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            y = sigmoid(design_mat @ self.weight)
            if binary_cross_entropy(target, y) < self.threshold:
            R = y * (1.0 - y)
            if np.any(abs(R) < 1e-20):  # prevent overflow and error
                R += 1e-10
            z = design_mat @ self.weight - (y - target) / R
            self.weight = np.linalg.pinv(
                design_mat.T @ (R * design_mat)) @ design_mat.T @ (R * z)
Esempio n. 4
    def fit(self,X,y):

            X (2-D array) : explanatory variable, shape = (N_samples,N_dims) 
            y (1-D array or 2-D array) : if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. should be 2-class data.  


        y = self._onehot_to_label(y)
        y = y.reshape(-1,1) 

        self.X = X 
        self.y = y 
        C = self.gram_func(X)/self.alpha + np.eye(X.shape[0])*self.gamma  
        C_inv = np.linalg.inv(C) 

        # search mode using Neweton-method 
        a = np.random.randn(X.shape[0],1)
        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            sig = sigmoid(a) 
            W = sig*(1 - sig)
            a = [email protected](np.eye(X.shape[0]) + W*C)@(y - sig + W*a) 
            da = y - sig - C_inv@a 
            if,da.ravel())**0.5 < self.threshold:
        self.C = C 
        self.a = a
Esempio n. 5
    def predict(self,X,return_prob=False):

            X (2-D arrray) : shape = (N_samples,N_dims)
            return_prob (bool) : if True, return probability 

            1-D array or 2-D array: if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. This depends on parameter y when fitting.
                                    If return_prob == True, always return probability of belonging to class1 in each record 

        design_mat = np.zeros((self.relevance_vector_X.shape[0],X.shape[0]))
        for i in range(self.relevance_vector_X.shape[0]):
            design_mat[i] = np.array([self.kernel_func(self.relevance_vector_X[i],X[j]) for j in range(X.shape[0])]) 
        logit = ([email protected]).ravel() 
        if return_prob:
            sigma = np.diag([email protected]@design_mat) 
            prob = sigmoid(kappa(sigma)*logit) 
            return prob  
            y = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
            y[logit >= 0] = 1
            return self._inverse_transform(y)  
Esempio n. 6
    def fit(self, X, y):

            X (2-D array): shape = (N_samples,N_dim),
            y (1-D array or 2-D array) : if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. should be 2-class data.  

        t = self._onehot_to_label(y)
        t = t.reshape(-1, 1)
        design_mat = self.make_design_mat(X)
        N = design_mat.shape[0]
        gamma = np.random.rand(N, self.K) + 1
        gamma /= gamma.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        weight = None

        for _ in range(self.max_iter):

            # M step
            pi = gamma.mean(axis=0)
            weight = self._Mstep(design_mat, t, gamma, weight)
            y = sigmoid(design_mat @ weight.T)

            # E step
            prob = pi * (y**t) * ((1 - y)**(1 - t)) + 1e-10
            new_gamma = prob / prob.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)

            if np.mean((new_gamma - gamma)**2)**0.5 < self.threshold:
                gamma = new_gamma

            gamma = new_gamma

        self.pi = pi
        self.weight = weight
Esempio n. 7
    def predict(self, X):

            X (2-D array) : shape = (N_samples,N_dims)

            1-D array or 2-D array: if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. This depends on parameter y when fitting. 


        logit = X @ self.weight + self.b
        prob = sigmoid(logit)
        y = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
        y[prob > 0.5] = 1
        return self._inverse_transform(y)
Esempio n. 8
    def _optimize_weight(self,design_mat,y,max_iter):

            design_mat (array): design matrix 
            y (array): target class 
            max_iter (int): max iteration when model optimize parameters 
            array: new covariance of post distribution

        for _ in range(max_iter):
            y_pred = sigmoid([email protected]) 
            grad = self.alpha*self.weight - design_mat.T@(y - y_pred) 
            B = y_pred*(1 - y_pred)
            H_inv = np.linalg.pinv(design_mat.T@(B*design_mat) + np.diag(self.alpha.ravel()))  
            self.weight -=  H_inv@grad
        return H_inv 
Esempio n. 9
    def predict(self, X, return_prob=False):

            X (2-D arrray) : shape = (N_samples,N_dims)
            return_prob (bool) : if True, return probability 

            1-D array or 2-D array: if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. This depends on parameter y when fitting.
                                    If return_prob == True, always return probability of belonging to class1 in each record 

        design_mat = self.make_design_mat(X)
        y = @ self.weight.T), self.pi)
        if return_prob:
            return y
            y = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
            y[y >= 0.5] = 1
            return self._inverse_transform(y)
Esempio n. 10
    def _Mstep(self, design_mat, t, gamma, weight):
        M = design_mat.shape[1]
        if weight is None:
            weight = np.random.randn(self.K, M)

        for _ in range(4):
            y = sigmoid(design_mat @ weight.T)

            # gradient
            tmp = gamma * (y - t)
            dQ = tmp.T @ design_mat

            # hessian
            tmp1 = gamma * y * (1 - y)
            tmp2 = design_mat.reshape(-1, M, 1) * design_mat.reshape(-1, 1, M)
            H = np.sum(tmp1.T.reshape(self.K, -1, 1, 1) * tmp2, axis=1)

            dweight = np.squeeze(np.linalg.inv(H) @ dQ.reshape(self.K, M, 1))
            if np.mean(np.abs(dweight)) < self.threshold:
                weight -= dweight
                return weight
            weight -= dweight
        return weight
Esempio n. 11
    def predict(self, X, return_prob=False):

            X (2-D arrray) : shape = (N_samples,N_dims)
            return_prob (bool) : if True, return probability 

            1-D array or 2-D array: if 1-D array, y should be label-encoded, but 2-D arrray, y should be one-hot-encoded. This depends on parameter y when fitting.
                                    If return_prob == True, always return probability of belonging to class1 in each record 

        design_mat = self.make_design_mat(X)
        logit = (design_mat @ self.weight).ravel()
        if return_prob:
            sigma = np.diag(design_mat @ self.S @ design_mat.T)
            prob = sigmoid(kappa(sigma) * logit)
            return prob
            y = np.zeros(X.shape[0])
            y[logit >= 0] = 1
            return self._inverse_transform(y)

# if v < 0, what does (2*pi*v)**(D/2) mean? this cause error

# class EP_for_noisy_data():
#     """EP for noisy data

#     Attributes:
#         D (int): data dimension
#         m (1-D array): shape = (D), mean of prior distribution
#         v (float): std of prior distribution
#         Ss (1-D array): param of each factor
#         Ms (2-D array): mean of each factor
#         max_iter (int) : max iteration for parameter optimization
#         threshold (float) : threshold for optimizint parameters

#     """
#     def __init__(self,max_iter=100,threshold=1e-4):
#         self.max_iter = max_iter
#         self.threshold = threshold

#     def fit(self,X,a=10,b=100,w=0.5,m=None,v=None):
#         """fit

#         Args:
#             X (2-D array): shape = (N,D), data
#             a,b,w (float): param of noisy data
#             m (1-D array): shape = (D),initial param for prior distribution
#             v (float): initial param for prior distribution

#         """

#         N = X.shape[0]
#         D = X.shape[1]

#         if m is None:
#             m = np.random.randn(D)
#         elif m.shape[0] != D:
#             raise ValueError("m.shape[0] != X.shape[1]")

#         if v is None:
#             v = 1

#         Ss = np.random.randn(N)
#         Ms = np.random.randn(N,D)
#         Vs = np.ones(N)

#         def inv(a):
#             if a > 0:
#                 return 1/(a + 1e-5)
#             else:
#                 return 1/(a - 1e-5)
#         def gauss(x,m,v):
#             return inv(2*np.pi*v)**(D/2)*np.exp(-np.sum((x-m)**2)*inv(v))

#         for _ in range(self.max_iter):
#             param_diff_max = -1e20
#             for i in range(N):
#                 v_n = inv(inv(v) - inv(Vs[i]))
#                 m_n = m + v_n*inv(Vs[i])*(m - Ms[i])
#                 Z_n = (1 - w)*gauss(X[i],m_n,v_n+1) + w*gauss(X[i],0,a)

#                 pho_n = 1 - w*inv(Z_n)*gauss(X[i],0,a)
#                 new_m = m_n + pho_n*v_n*inv(v_n + 1)*(X[i] - m_n)
#                 new_v = v_n - pho_n*(v_n)**2*inv(v_n + 1) + pho_n*(1 - pho_n)*(v_n)**2*np.sum((X[i] - m_n)**2)*inv(D*(v_n + 1)**2)

#                 new_Vi = inv(inv(new_v) - inv(v_n))
#                 new_Mi = m_n + (Vs[i] + v_n)*inv(v_n)*(new_m - m_n)
#                 new_Si = Z_n*inv((2*np.pi*Vs[i])**(D/2)*gauss(Ms[i],m_n,Vs[i]+v_n))

#                 param_diff_max = max(param_diff_max,np.abs(new_m - m).max())
#                 param_diff_max = max(param_diff_max,abs(new_v - v))
#                 param_diff_max = max(param_diff_max,abs(new_Vi - Vs[i]))
#                 param_diff_max = max(param_diff_max,np.abs(new_Mi - Ms[i]).max())
#                 param_diff_max = max(param_diff_max,abs(new_Si - Ss[i]))

#                 m = new_m
#                 v = new_v
#                 Vs[i] = new_Vi
#                 Ms[i] = new_Mi
#                 Ss[i] = new_Si

#             if param_diff_max < self.threshold:
#                 break

#         self.D = D
#         self.m = m
#         self.v = v
#         self.Ss = Ss
#         self.Ms = Ms
#         self.Vs = Vs
#         return m,v,Ss,Ms,Vs

#     def calc_posterior_mean(self):
#         """calc_posterior_mean

#         Returns:
#             mean (1-D array): mean of posterior density for theta

#         """
#         return self.m

#     def calc_evidence(self):
#         """calc_evidence

#         Returns:
#             evidence (float): model evidence

#         """
#         B =,self.m)/self.v - np.diag([email protected])/self.Vs
#         return (2*np.pi*self.v)**(self.D/2)*np.exp(B/2)**(2*np.pi*self.Vs)**(-self.D/2))
Esempio n. 12
 def _lamda(self, xi):
     return (sigmoid(xi) - 0.5) / (2 * xi)