def test(): file_value = bytes(request.args.get("file"), "utf-8") signature_hex = bytes(request.args.get("signature"), "utf-8") computed_signature_hex = myhmac(sha1_from_github, file_value, HMAC_KEY) print(computed_signature_hex) if insecure_equals(hexToRaw(signature_hex), hexToRaw(computed_signature_hex)): return RESPONSE_200 else: return RESPONSE_500
def test(): file_value = bytes(request.args.get("file"), 'utf-8') signature_hex = bytes(request.args.get("signature"), 'utf-8') computed_signature_hex = myhmac(sha1_from_github, file_value, HMAC_KEY) print(computed_signature_hex) if (insecure_equals(hexToRaw(signature_hex), hexToRaw(computed_signature_hex))): return RESPONSE_200 else: return RESPONSE_500
def hex_xor(hex1, hex2): if (len(hex1) != len(hex2)): return ''; raw1 = hexToRaw(hex1); raw2 = hexToRaw(hex2); rawresult = ''; for i in range(0, len(raw1)): rawresult += chr(raw1[i] ^ raw2[i]); # rawresult = raw1 ^ raw2; return rawToHex(rawresult);
def findGoodKeys(cipher): for i in range(256): mg, plain = tryKey(cipher, rawToHexLUT[i]); #print(str(i) + ": " + str(mg)); if (mg > .050): print("potential key: 0x" + rawToHexLUT[i]); print("Potential hex(plain): " + str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")); print(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")) print("potential plaintext: " + str(hexToRaw(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")))) print("potential plaintext: " + str(hexToRaw(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'"))).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'"));
def hex_xor(hex1, hex2): if (len(hex1) != len(hex2)): return '' raw1 = hexToRaw(hex1) raw2 = hexToRaw(hex2) rawresult = '' for i in range(0, len(raw1)): rawresult += chr(raw1[i] ^ raw2[i]) # rawresult = raw1 ^ raw2; return rawToHex(rawresult)
def findGoodKeys(cipher): for i in range(256): mg, plain = tryKey(cipher, rawToHexLUT[i]) #print(str(i) + ": " + str(mg)); if (mg > .050): print("potential key: 0x" + rawToHexLUT[i]) print("Potential hex(plain): " + str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")) print(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")) print("potential plaintext: " + str(hexToRaw(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")))) print("potential plaintext: " + str(hexToRaw(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'"))).lstrip( "b'").rstrip("'"))
def rsa_demo2(): e = 3; p = 4; q = 4; while ((p % e) == 1): p = generatePrime(1024); while ((q % e) == 1): q = generatePrime(1024); N = p*q; phi = (p-1)*(q-1); assert((phi%e) != 0); d = invmod(e, phi); message = 42; encrypted = mypow(message, e, N); decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N); assert(message == decrypted); #Finally, to encrypt a string, do something cheesy, like convert the #string to hex and put "0x" on the front of it to turn it into a #number. The math cares not how stupidly you feed it strings. rawMessage = b'May the Force be with you' hexMessage = rawToHex(rawMessage); intMessage = int(hexMessage, 16); encrypted = mypow(intMessage, e, N); decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N); assert(intMessage == decrypted); assert(hexToRaw(hex(intMessage)[2:]) == rawMessage);
def hex_xor(hex1, hex2): if (len(hex1) != len(hex2)): return ''; raw1 = hexToRaw(hex1); raw2 = hexToRaw(hex2); for i in range(len(hex2)): a=type(hex1[i]) print(a) print(hex1[i],hex2[i]) print(hex1[i]^hex2[i]) rawresult = ''; for i in range(0, len(raw1)): print(raw1[i]^raw2[i]) rawresult += chr(raw1[i] ^ raw2[i]); # rawresult = raw1 ^ raw2; return rawToHex(rawresult);
def rsa_demo2(): e = 3 p = 4 q = 4 while ((p % e) == 1): p = generatePrime(1024) while ((q % e) == 1): q = generatePrime(1024) N = p * q phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1) assert ((phi % e) != 0) d = invmod(e, phi) message = 42 encrypted = mypow(message, e, N) decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N) print('p = %d;q = %d; N = %d; e=%d; d=%d; message = %d; encrypted=%d' % (p, q, N, e, d, message, encrypted)) assert (message == decrypted) #Finally, to encrypt a string, do something cheesy, like convert the #string to hex and put "0x" on the front of it to turn it into a #number. The math cares not how stupidly you feed it strings. rawMessage = b'May the Force be with you' hexMessage = rawToHex(rawMessage) intMessage = int(hexMessage, 16) encrypted = mypow(intMessage, e, N) decrypted = mypow(encrypted, d, N) assert (intMessage == decrypted) assert (hexToRaw(hex(intMessage)[2:]) == rawMessage)
def aes_cbc_enc(rawPlain, rawKey, rawIV): plainBlocks = chunks(rawPlain, 16); cipher = b''; for block in plainBlocks: blockIn = hexToRaw(hex_xor(rawToHex(block), rawToHex(rawIV))); blockOut = aes_ecb_enc(blockIn, rawKey); rawIV = blockOut; cipher += blockOut; return cipher;
def myhmac(hash_function, message, key): if (len(key) > 64): key = hash(key) if (len(key) < 64): key += (b'\x00' * (64 - len(key))) opad = raw_xor(b'\x5c' * 64, key) ipad = raw_xor(b'\x36' * 64, key) return (hash_function(opad + hexToRaw(hash_function(ipad + message))))
def findSingleCharXOR(ciphers): for cip in ciphers: for i in range(256): mg, plain = tryKey(cip, rawToHexLUT[i]); if (mg > .050): print("potential key: 0x" + rawToHexLUT[i]); print("potential hex(cipher): " + str(cip).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")); print("potential hex(plain): " + str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")); print("potential plaintext: " + str(hexToRaw(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'"))).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'"));
def aes_cbc_dec(rawCipher, rawKey, rawIV): cipherBlocks = chunks(rawCipher, 16) plain = b"" for block in cipherBlocks: ecbOut = aes_ecb_dec(block, rawKey) cbcOut = hexToRaw(hex_xor(rawToHex(ecbOut), rawToHex(rawIV))) rawIV = block plain += cbcOut return plain
def myhmac(hash_function, message, key): if len(key) > 64: key = hash(key) if len(key) < 64: key += b"\x00" * (64 - len(key)) opad = raw_xor(b"\x5c" * 64, key) ipad = raw_xor(b"\x36" * 64, key) return hash_function(opad + hexToRaw(hash_function(ipad + message)))
def aes_cbc_enc(rawPlain, rawKey, rawIV): plainBlocks = chunks(rawPlain, 16) cipher = b"" for block in plainBlocks: blockIn = hexToRaw(hex_xor(rawToHex(block), rawToHex(rawIV))) blockOut = aes_ecb_enc(blockIn, rawKey) rawIV = blockOut cipher += blockOut return cipher
def aes_cbc_dec(rawCipher, rawKey, rawIV): cipherBlocks = chunks(rawCipher, 16); plain = b''; for block in cipherBlocks: ecbOut = aes_ecb_dec(block, rawKey); cbcOut = hexToRaw(hex_xor(rawToHex(ecbOut), rawToHex(rawIV))); rawIV = block; plain += cbcOut; return plain;
def aes_cbc_dec(rawCipher, rawKey, rawIV): cipherBlocks = chunks(rawCipher, 16) plain = b'' for block in cipherBlocks: ecbOut = aes_ecb_dec(block, rawKey) cbcOut = hexToRaw(hex_xor(rawToHex(ecbOut), rawToHex(rawIV))) rawIV = block plain += cbcOut return plain
def aes_cbc_enc(rawPlain, rawKey, rawIV): plainBlocks = chunks(rawPlain, 16) cipher = b'' for block in plainBlocks: blockIn = hexToRaw(hex_xor(rawToHex(block), rawToHex(rawIV))) blockOut = aes_ecb_enc(blockIn, rawKey) rawIV = blockOut cipher += blockOut return cipher
def myhmac(hash_function, message, key): if (len(key) > BLOCKSIZE): key = hash(key) if (len(key) < BLOCKSIZE): key += (b'\x00' * (BLOCKSIZE - len(key))) opad = raw_xor(b'\x5c' * BLOCKSIZE, key) ipad = raw_xor(b'\x36' * BLOCKSIZE, key) return hash_function(opad + hexToRaw(hash_function(ipad + message)))
def myhmac(hash_function, message, key): if (len(key) > BLOCKSIZE): key = hash(key) if (len(key) < BLOCKSIZE): key += (b'\x00' * (BLOCKSIZE - len(key))); opad = raw_xor(b'\x5c' * BLOCKSIZE, key); ipad = raw_xor(b'\x36' * BLOCKSIZE, key); return hash_function(opad + hexToRaw(hash_function(ipad + message)));
def handle(self): while True: # typical url: http://localhost:9000/test?file=foo&signature=46b4ec586117154dacd49d664e5d63fdc88efb51 line = self.rfile.readline().strip(); if (line == None): break; file_index = line.find(b'file=') signature_index = line.find(b'&signature=') if ((file_index == -1 ) or (signature_index == -1)): continue; file_value = line[file_index + len(b'file='):signature_index] signature_hex = line[signature_index+len(b'&signature='):] computed_signature_hex = bytes(myhmac(sha1_from_github, file_value, HMAC_KEY), 'UTF-8'); if (insecure_equals(hexToRaw(signature_hex), hexToRaw(computed_signature_hex))): self.wfile.write(RESPONSE_200); else: self.wfile.write(RESPONSE_500); self.wfile.write(
def findSingleCharXOR(ciphers): for cip in ciphers: for i in range(256): mg, plain = tryKey(cip, rawToHexLUT[i]) if (mg > .050): print("potential key: 0x" + rawToHexLUT[i]) print("potential hex(cipher): " + str(cip).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")) print("potential hex(plain): " + str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'")) print("potential plaintext: " + str(hexToRaw(str(plain).lstrip("b'").rstrip( "'"))).lstrip("b'").rstrip("'"))
def appendMessage(original, tag, extra): #assume secret is between 0 and 64 bytes in length for i in range(65): oldpadding = generateSHAPadding(len(original)+i); newpadding= generateSHAPadding(len(original) + len(oldpadding) + len(extra) + i); newdata = extra + newpadding; a = int.from_bytes(tag[0:4], byteorder='big'); b = int.from_bytes(tag[4:8], byteorder='big'); c = int.from_bytes(tag[8:12], byteorder='big'); d = int.from_bytes(tag[12:16], byteorder='big'); e = int.from_bytes(tag[16:20], byteorder='big'); newtag = hexToRaw(nopaddingSHA(newdata, h0=a, h1=b, h2=c, h3=d, h4=e)) if (checkDumbHashAuth(original + oldpadding + extra, newtag)): return newtag print("Failure");
def generateEncryptedAdminProfile(): # get to a fresh block s = 'A' * (16 - (len(prefix) % 16)); #locate the IV for my block myIVBlock = ((len(prefix) + len(s)) // 16) - 1; # add a known block value s += 'X' * 16; # encrypt cip = padAndEncryptString(s); # extract IV for block of interest allBlocks = chunks(cip, 16); myIV = allBlocks[myIVBlock]; # xor in IV with desired value hexIV = rawToHex(myIV); hexKnown = rawToHex('X'*16); hexDesired = rawToHex(";admin=true;XXXX") newHexIV = hex_xor(hexIV, hex_xor(hexKnown, hexDesired)); newIV = hexToRaw(newHexIV); # insert "error" allBlocks[myIVBlock] = newIV; myCipher = b''; for b in allBlocks: myCipher += b; return myCipher;
def tryKey(cipher, key): fullkey = key * len(cipher); fullkey = fullkey[:len(cipher)]; potential_plain = hex_xor(cipher, fullkey); return calculateMG(hexToRaw(potential_plain)), potential_plain;
"MVQHYhoGGksABwdJAB0ASTpFNwQcTRoDBBgDUkksGioRHUkKCE5THEVCC08E" + \ "EgF0BBwJSQoOGkgGADpfADETDU5tBzcJEFMLTx0bAHQJCx8ADRJUDRdMN1RH" + \ "YgYGTi5jMURFeQEaSRAEOkURDAUCQRkKUmQ5XgBIKwYbQFIRSBVJGgwBGgtz" + \ "RRNNDwcVWE8BT3hJVCcCSQwGQx9IBE4KTwwdASEXF01jIgQATwZIPRpXKwYK" + \ "BkdEGwsRTxxDSToGMUlSCQZOFRwKUkQ5VEMnUh0BR0MBGgAAZDwGUwY7CBdN" + \ "HB5BFwMdUz0aQSwWSQoITlMcRUILTxoCEDUXF01jNw4BTwVBNlRBYhAIGhNM" + \ "EUgIRU5CRFMkOhwGBAQLTVQOHFkvUkUwF0lkbXkbHUVUBgAcFA0gRQYFCBpB" + \ "PU8FQSsaVycTAkJHYhsRSQAXABxUFzFFFggICkEDHR1OPxoqER1JDQhNEUgK" + \ "TkJPDAUAJhwQAg0XQRUBFgArU04lUh0GDlNUGwpOCU9jeTY1HFJARE4xGA4L" + \ "ACxSQTZSDxsJSw1ICFUdBgpTNjUcXk0OAUEDBxtUPRpCLQtFTgBPVB8NSRoK" + \ "SREKLUUVAklkERgOCwAsUkE2Ug8bCUsNSAhVHQYKUyI7RQUFABoEVA0dWXQa" + \ "Ry1SHgYOVBFIB08XQ0kUCnRvPgwQTgUbGBwAOVREYhAGAQBJEUgETgpPGR8E" + \ "LUUGBQgaQRIaHEshGk03AQANR1QdBAkAFwAcUwE9AFxNY2QxGA4LACxSQTZS" + \ "DxsJSw1ICFUdBgpTJjsIF00GAE1ULB1NPRpPLF5JAgJUVAUAAAYKCAFFXjUe" + \ "DBBOFRwOBgA+T04pC0kDElMdC0VXBgYdFkU2CgtNEAEUVBwTWXhTVG5SGg8e" + \ "AB0cRSo+AwgKRSANExlJCBQaBAsANU9TKxFJL0dMHRwRTAtPBRwQMAAATQcB" + \ "FlRlIkw5QwA2GggaR0YBBg5ZTgIcAAw3SVIaAQcVEU8QTyEaYy0fDE4ITlhI" + \ "Jk8DCkkcC3hFMQIEC0EbAVIqCFZBO1IdBgZUVA4QTgUWSR4QJwwRTWM=" if __name__ == "__main__": bestKeySizes, bestScores = findKeySize(base64toHex(b64cipher), 20) # after running this with a bunch of different number of blocks, 29 always pops out. # I'm confident 29 is the right answer. splits = splitCipher(base64toRaw(b64cipher), 29) key = "" for s in splits: key += (findKey(s)) print("Key: " + str(key)) print("Plain: " + str( hexToRaw(repeating_hex_xor(base64toHex(b64cipher), rawToHex(key)))))
def tryKey(cipher, key): fullkey = key * len(cipher) fullkey = fullkey[:len(cipher)] potential_plain = hex_xor(cipher, fullkey) return calculateMG(hexToRaw(potential_plain)), potential_plain
def dumbHashAuth(key, message): return hexToRaw(sha1_from_github(key + message));
def dumbHashAuth(key, message): return hexToRaw(sha1_from_github(key + message))
"YgYGTi5jMURFeQEaSRAEOkURDAUCQRkKUmQ5XgBIKwYbQFIRSBVJGgwBGgtz" + \ "RRNNDwcVWE8BT3hJVCcCSQwGQx9IBE4KTwwdASEXF01jIgQATwZIPRpXKwYK" + \ "BkdEGwsRTxxDSToGMUlSCQZOFRwKUkQ5VEMnUh0BR0MBGgAAZDwGUwY7CBdN" + \ "HB5BFwMdUz0aQSwWSQoITlMcRUILTxoCEDUXF01jNw4BTwVBNlRBYhAIGhNM" + \ "EUgIRU5CRFMkOhwGBAQLTVQOHFkvUkUwF0lkbXkbHUVUBgAcFA0gRQYFCBpB" + \ "PU8FQSsaVycTAkJHYhsRSQAXABxUFzFFFggICkEDHR1OPxoqER1JDQhNEUgK" + \ "TkJPDAUAJhwQAg0XQRUBFgArU04lUh0GDlNUGwpOCU9jeTY1HFJARE4xGA4L" + \ "ACxSQTZSDxsJSw1ICFUdBgpTNjUcXk0OAUEDBxtUPRpCLQtFTgBPVB8NSRoK" + \ "SREKLUUVAklkERgOCwAsUkE2Ug8bCUsNSAhVHQYKUyI7RQUFABoEVA0dWXQa" + \ "Ry1SHgYOVBFIB08XQ0kUCnRvPgwQTgUbGBwAOVREYhAGAQBJEUgETgpPGR8E" + \ "LUUGBQgaQRIaHEshGk03AQANR1QdBAkAFwAcUwE9AFxNY2QxGA4LACxSQTZS" + \ "DxsJSw1ICFUdBgpTJjsIF00GAE1ULB1NPRpPLF5JAgJUVAUAAAYKCAFFXjUe" + \ "DBBOFRwOBgA+T04pC0kDElMdC0VXBgYdFkU2CgtNEAEUVBwTWXhTVG5SGg8e" + \ "AB0cRSo+AwgKRSANExlJCBQaBAsANU9TKxFJL0dMHRwRTAtPBRwQMAAATQcB" + \ "FlRlIkw5QwA2GggaR0YBBg5ZTgIcAAw3SVIaAQcVEU8QTyEaYy0fDE4ITlhI" + \ "Jk8DCkkcC3hFMQIEC0EbAVIqCFZBO1IdBgZUVA4QTgUWSR4QJwwRTWM="; if __name__ == "__main__": bestKeySizes, bestScores = findKeySize(base64toHex(b64cipher), 20); # print(bestKeySizes); # print(bestScores); # after running this with a bunch of different number of blocks, 29 always pops out. # I'm confident 29 is the right answer. splits = splitCipher(base64toRaw(b64cipher), 29); key = ""; for s in splits: key += (findKey(s)); print("Key: " + str(key)); print("Plain: " + str(hexToRaw(repeating_hex_xor(base64toHex(b64cipher), rawToHex(key)))));