Esempio n. 1
def model(fit_range, bin):
    nrm_bkg_pdf = Normalized(rename(exp, ['x', 'l%d' % bin]), fit_range)
    ext_bkg_pdf = Extended(nrm_bkg_pdf, extname='Ncomb_%d' % bin)

    ext_sig_pdf = Extended(rename(gaussian, ['x', 'm%d' % bin, "sigma%d" % bin]), extname='Nsig_%d' % bin)
    tot_pdf = AddPdf(ext_bkg_pdf, ext_sig_pdf)
    print('pdf: {}'.format(describe(tot_pdf)))

    return tot_pdf
Esempio n. 2
def test_rename():
    def f(x, y, z):
        return None

    assert describe(f) == ["x", "y", "z"]
    g = rename(f, ["x", "a", "b"])
    assert describe(g) == ["x", "a", "b"]
Esempio n. 3
def test_rename():
    def f(x, y, z):
        return None

    assert describe(f) == ['x', 'y', 'z']
    g = rename(f, ['x', 'a', 'b'])
    assert describe(g) == ['x', 'a', 'b']
Esempio n. 4
def test_rename():
    def f(x, y, z):
        return None

    assert_equal(describe(f), ["x", "y", "z"])
    g = rename(f, ["x", "a", "b"])
    assert_equal(describe(g), ["x", "a", "b"])
Esempio n. 5
def test_rename():
    def f(x, y, z):
        return None

    assert describe(f) == ['x', 'y', 'z']
    g = rename(f, ['x', 'a', 'b'])
    assert describe(g) == ['x', 'a', 'b']
bound = (1.83,1.91)
bgpdf = Normalized(linear,bound)

# <codecell>


# <codecell>

#remember our breit wigner also has m argument which means different thing

# <codecell>

#renaming is easy
signalpdf = Normalized(rename(rtv_breitwigner,['x','mass','gamma']),(1.83,1.91))

# <codecell>


# <codecell>

#now we can add them
total_pdf = AddPdfNorm(signalpdf,bgpdf)
#if you want to just directly add them up with out the factor(eg. adding extended pdf)
#use AddPdf

# <codecell>
bound = (1.83,1.91)
bgpdf = Normalized(linear,bound)

# <codecell>


# <codecell>

#remember our breit wigner also has m argument which means different thing

# <codecell>

#renaming is easy
signalpdf = Normalized(rename(rtv_breitwigner,['x','mass','gamma']),(1.83,1.91))

# <codecell>


# <codecell>

#now we can add them
total_pdf = AddPdfNorm(signalpdf,bgpdf)
#if you want to just directly add them up with out the factor(eg. adding extended pdf)
#use AddPdf

# <codecell>
Esempio n. 8
from iminuit import Minuit
from probfit import AddPdfNorm, BinnedLH, gaussian, Extended, rename
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import randn
import numpy as np

peak1 = randn(1000)*0.5 + 1.
peak2 = randn(500)*0.5 + 0.
#two peaks data with shared width
data = np.concatenate([peak1, peak2])

#Share the width
#If you use Normalized here. Do not reuse the object.
#It will be really slow due to cache miss. Read Normalized doc for more info.
pdf1 = rename(gaussian, ('x', 'm_1', 'sigma'))
pdf2 = rename(gaussian, ('x', 'm_2', 'sigma'))

compdf = AddPdfNorm(pdf1, pdf2) # merge by name (merge sigma)

ulh = BinnedLH(compdf, data, extended=False)
m = Minuit(ulh, m_1=1.1, m_2=-0.1, sigma=0.48, f_0=0.6, limit_f_0=(0,1))

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
ulh.draw(m, parts=True)

m.migrad() # fit

ulh.draw(m, parts=True)
Esempio n. 9
abund_guess = 0.5 * \
    np.array([RSLT[0][DFS_func.nearest_point(i, REF_M)] for i in mass_guess])
# Arbitrary values for resolution and cup width, easy to tweak with
# a rough scan after the fit objects are created
res_guess = np.array([float(30000)])
sigma_guess = ((min(REF_M) + max(REF_M)) / 2) / \
    res_guess / 2.0 / 1.645 / np.sqrt(2.0)
cup_guess = np.array([float(0.00015 * REF_M[0] / 18)])

# Building one function with arguments for each peak, multiple concurrent fits
peak0 = peak1 = peak2 = peak3 = []
for i in range(PEAKS):
    name = 'peak' + str(i)
    vars()[name] = probfit.Extended(
                       ['mass', 'center' + str(i), 'sigma', 'cupwidth']),
        extname='amp' + str(i))

# Sum those with the special iminut functions
if PEAKS == 1:
    MODEL = peak0
if PEAKS == 2:
    MODEL = probfit.AddPdf(peak0, peak1)
if PEAKS == 3:
    MODEL = probfit.AddPdf(peak0, peak1, peak2)
if PEAKS == 4:
    MODEL = probfit.AddPdf(peak0, peak1, peak2, peak3)

# STEP ONE : fit the first row (or only row)
print('Fitting the first peak shape')
# Setting up a chi2 function
Esempio n. 10
         label=['Signal 1', 'Signal 2', 'Background', 'Total'],
         bins=200, histtype='step', range=data_range)
plt.legend(loc='upper left');

# <codecell>

# Using a polynomial to fit a distribution is problematic, because the
# polynomial can assume negative values, which results in NaN (not a number)
# values in the likelihood function.
# To avoid this problem we restrict the fit to the range (0, 5) where
# the polynomial is clearly positive.
fit_range = (0, 5)
normalized_poly = probfit.Normalized(probfit.Polynomial(2), fit_range)
normalized_poly = probfit.Extended(normalized_poly, extname='NBkg')

gauss1 = probfit.Extended(probfit.rename(probfit.gaussian, ['x', 'mu1', 'sigma1']), extname='N1')
gauss2 = probfit.Extended(probfit.rename(probfit.gaussian, ['x', 'mu2', 'sigma2']), extname='N2')

# Define an extended PDF consisting of three components
pdf = probfit.AddPdf(normalized_poly, gauss1, gauss2)

print('normalized_poly: {}'.format(probfit.describe(normalized_poly)))
print('gauss1:          {}'.format(probfit.describe(gauss1)))
print('gauss2:          {}'.format(probfit.describe(gauss2)))
print('pdf:             {}'.format(probfit.describe(pdf)))

# <codecell>

# Define the cost function in the usual way ...
binned_likelihood = probfit.BinnedLH(pdf, data_all, bins=200, extended=True, bound=fit_range)
Esempio n. 11
abund_guess = 0.5 * \
    np.array([RSLT[0][DFS_func.nearest_point(i, REF_M)] for i in mass_guess])
# Arbitrary values for resolution and cup width, easy to tweak with
# a rough scan after the fit objects are created
res_guess = np.array([float(30000)])
sigma_guess = ((min(REF_M) + max(REF_M)) / 2) / \
    res_guess / 2.0 / 1.645 / np.sqrt(2.0)
cup_guess = np.array([float(0.00015 * REF_M[0] / 18)])

# Building one function with arguments for each peak, multiple concurrent fits
peak0 = peak1 = peak2 = peak3 = []
for i in range(PEAKS):
    name = 'peak' + str(i)
    vars()[name] = probfit.Extended(
                       ['mass', 'center' + str(i), 'sigma', 'cupwidth']),
        extname='amp' + str(i))

# Sum those with the special iminut functions
if PEAKS == 1:
    MODEL = peak0
if PEAKS == 2:
    MODEL = probfit.AddPdf(peak0, peak1)
if PEAKS == 3:
    MODEL = probfit.AddPdf(peak0, peak1, peak2)
if PEAKS == 4:
    MODEL = probfit.AddPdf(peak0, peak1, peak2, peak3)

# STEP ONE : fit the first row (or only row)
print('Fitting the first peak shape')
# Setting up a chi2 function
Esempio n. 12
import numpy as np
from iminuit import Minuit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import randn

from probfit import AddPdf, BinnedLH, Extended, gaussian, rename

peak1 = randn(1000) * 0.5 + 1.0
peak2 = randn(500) * 0.5 + 0.0
# two peaks data with shared width
data = np.concatenate([peak1, peak2])

# Share the width
# If you use Normalized here. Do not reuse the object.
# It will be really slow due to cache miss. Read Normalized doc for more info.
pdf1 = rename(gaussian, ("x", "m_1", "sigma"))
pdf2 = rename(gaussian, ("x", "m_2", "sigma"))

ext_pdf1 = Extended(pdf1, extname="N_1")
ext_pdf2 = Extended(pdf2, extname="N_2")

compdf = AddPdf(ext_pdf1, ext_pdf2)  # merge by name (merge sigma)

ulh = BinnedLH(compdf, data, extended=True)
m = Minuit(ulh, m_1=0.1, m_2=-0.1, sigma=0.1, N_1=900, N_2=480)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
ulh.draw(m, parts=True)
Esempio n. 13
def test_rename():
    def f(x, y, z):
        return None
    assert_equal(describe(f), ['x', 'y', 'z'])
    g = rename(f, ['x', 'a', 'b'])
    assert_equal(describe(g), ['x', 'a', 'b'])
Esempio n. 14
from iminuit import Minuit
from probfit import AddPdf, BinnedLH, gaussian, Extended, rename
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import randn
import numpy as np

peak1 = randn(1000)*0.5 + 1.
peak2 = randn(500)*0.5 + 0.
#two peaks data with shared width
data = np.concatenate([peak1, peak2])

#Share the width
#If you use Normalized here. Do not reuse the object.
#It will be really slow due to cache miss. Read Normalized doc for more info.
pdf1 = rename(gaussian, ('x', 'm_1', 'sigma'))
pdf2 = rename(gaussian, ('x', 'm_2', 'sigma'))

ext_pdf1 = Extended(pdf1, extname='N_1')
ext_pdf2 = Extended(pdf2, extname='N_2')

compdf = AddPdf(ext_pdf1, ext_pdf2) # merge by name (merge sigma)

ulh = BinnedLH(compdf, data, extended=True)
m = Minuit(ulh, m_1=0.1, m_2=-0.1, sigma=0.1, N_1=900, N_2=480)

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
ulh.draw(m, parts=True)

m.migrad() # fit
Esempio n. 15
        sigma_guess = ((min(REF_M) + max(REF_M)) / 2) / \
            res_guess / 2.0 / 1.645 / np.sqrt(2.0)
        cup_guess = np.array([float(0.00015 * REF_M[0] / 18)])

        # Building one function with arguments for each peak, multiple concurrent fits
        peak0 = peak1 = peak2 = []
        # for i in range(PEAKS):
        #     name = 'peak' + str(i)
        #     vars()[name] = probfit.Extended(
        #         probfit.rename(DFS_func.peakshape,
        #                        ['mass', 'center13' , 'sigma', 'cupwidth']),
        #         extname='amp' + str(i))
        name = 'peak0'
        vars()[name] = probfit.Extended(
                           ['mass', 'center13' , 'sigma', 'cupwidth']),
            extname='amp' + str(0))
        name = 'peak1'
        vars()[name] = probfit.Extended(
                           ['mass', 'center13' , 'sigma', 'cupwidth']),
            extname='amp' + str(1))
        name = 'peak2'
        vars()[name] = probfit.Extended(
                           ['mass', 'center13' , 'sigma', 'cupwidth']),
            extname='amp' + str(2))

        # Sum those with the special iminut functions
        if PEAKS == 1:
            MODEL = peak0