def run(run_on_loop, num_iterations):
     handles running perceptron in two ways, on a loop or just once
     preliminary setup work is done independent of the mode
     args: run_on_loop is a boolean indicating whether to loop or not; num_iterations is how many times to train
     # create feature space
     features = Process.process_features()
     # convert train data to vectors
     train_data = Process.make_vectors("train.positive", features, 1)
     train_data.extend(Process.make_vectors("train.negative", features, -1))
     # convert test data to vectors
     test_data = Process.make_vectors("test.positive", features, 1)
     test_data.extend(Process.make_vectors("test.negative", features, -1))
     # train perceptron - returns weights, biases and errors from each iteration
     print "Training..."
     train_results = Perceptron.train(train_data, num_iterations)
     print "End of training."
     print "----"
     # grab the information returned by the training
     weights_arr = train_results.get("weights")
     bias_arr = train_results.get("bias")
     train_errors = train_results.get("errors")
     test_errors = []
     print "Testing..."
     if (run_on_loop):
         # loop and graph mode, runs perceptron until reaches num_iterations
         # each iteration uses a different set of weights and bias, corresponding to those produced in training
         n = 0
         while n < num_iterations:
             print "Iteration [{0}]".format(n+1)
             # run test perceptron and save results in array for plotting
             test_errors.append(Perceptron.test(test_data, weights_arr[n], bias_arr[n]))
             n += 1
         # plot graph of train and test errors
         Process.plot_results(train_errors, test_errors)
         # simple mode, runs perceptron once
         # uses only the final weight vector and bias
         test_errors = Perceptron.test(test_data, weights_arr[-1], bias_arr[-1])
     print "End of testing."
     print "----"