Esempio n. 1
def launch_qutemol(pdb_file):
    Launch and load QuteMolX with the PDB file I{pdb_file}.
    @param pdb_file: the PDB filename to load
    @type  pdb_file: string
    @return: (errorcode, errortext)
             where errorcode is one of the following: ###k
                 0 = successful
                 8 = QuteMolX failed for an unknown reason.
    @rtype:  int, text
    plugin_name = "QuteMolX"
    plugin_prefs_keys = (qutemol_enabled_prefs_key, qutemol_path_prefs_key)
    errorcode, errortext_or_path = \
             checkPluginPreferences(plugin_name, plugin_prefs_keys,
                                    insure_executable = True)
    if errorcode:
        return errorcode, errortext_or_path
    program_path = errortext_or_path
    workdir, junk_exe = os.path.split(program_path)
    # This provides a way to tell NE1 which version of QuteMolX is installed.
    if debug_pref("QuteMol 0.4.1 or later", 
                  prefs_key = True):
        version = "0.4.1"
        version = "0.4.0"
    # Start QuteMolX.
        args = [pdb_file]
        if env.debug():
            print "Debug: Launching", plugin_name, \
                  "\n  working directory=", workdir, \
                  "\n  program_path=", program_path,  \
                  "\n  args are %r" % (args,)
        arguments = QStringList()
        for arg in args:
            if arg != "":
        p = Process()
        # QuteMolX must run from the directory its executable lives. Otherwise,  
        # it has serious problems (but still runs). Mark 2007-06-02.
        # Tried p.startDetached() so that QuteMolX would be its own process and 
        # continue to live even if NE1 exits. Unfortunately, 
        # setWorkingDirectory() doesn't work. Seems like a Qt bug to me. 
        # Mark 2007-06-02
        p.start(program_path, arguments)
        print_compact_traceback( "exception in launch_qutemol(): " )
        return 8, "%s failed for an unknown reason." % plugin_name
    # set an appropriate exitcode and msg
    if p.exitStatus() == QProcess.NormalExit:
        exitcode = p.exitStatus()
        if not exitcode:
            msg = plugin_name + " launched."
            msg = plugin_name + " had exitcode %r" % exitcode
        exitcode = p.exitStatus()
        exitcode = -1
        msg = "Abnormal exit (or failure to launch)"
    if exitcode:
        return 8, "Error: " + msg 
        # this breaks the convention of the other error returns
    return 0, plugin_name + " launched." # from launch_qutemol
Esempio n. 2
def launch_qutemol(pdb_file):
    Launch and load QuteMolX with the PDB file I{pdb_file}.
    @param pdb_file: the PDB filename to load
    @type  pdb_file: string
    @return: (errorcode, errortext)
             where errorcode is one of the following: ###k
                 0 = successful
                 8 = QuteMolX failed for an unknown reason.
    @rtype:  int, text

    plugin_name = "QuteMolX"
    plugin_prefs_keys = (qutemol_enabled_prefs_key, qutemol_path_prefs_key)

    errorcode, errortext_or_path = \
             checkPluginPreferences(plugin_name, plugin_prefs_keys,
                                    insure_executable = True)
    if errorcode:
        return errorcode, errortext_or_path

    program_path = errortext_or_path

    workdir, junk_exe = os.path.split(program_path)

    # This provides a way to tell NE1 which version of QuteMolX is installed.
    if debug_pref("QuteMol 0.4.1 or later",
        version = "0.4.1"
        version = "0.4.0"

    # Start QuteMolX.
        args = [pdb_file]
        if env.debug():
            print "Debug: Launching", plugin_name, \
                  "\n  working directory=", workdir, \
                  "\n  program_path=", program_path,  \
                  "\n  args are %r" % (args,)

        arguments = QStringList()
        for arg in args:
            if arg != "":

        p = Process()

        # QuteMolX must run from the directory its executable lives. Otherwise,
        # it has serious problems (but still runs). Mark 2007-06-02.

        # Tried p.startDetached() so that QuteMolX would be its own process and
        # continue to live even if NE1 exits. Unfortunately,
        # setWorkingDirectory() doesn't work. Seems like a Qt bug to me.
        # Mark 2007-06-02
        p.start(program_path, arguments)

        print_compact_traceback("exception in launch_qutemol(): ")
        return 8, "%s failed for an unknown reason." % plugin_name

    # set an appropriate exitcode and msg
    if p.exitStatus() == QProcess.NormalExit:
        exitcode = p.exitStatus()
        if not exitcode:
            msg = plugin_name + " launched."
            msg = plugin_name + " had exitcode %r" % exitcode
        exitcode = p.exitStatus()
        exitcode = -1
        msg = "Abnormal exit (or failure to launch)"

    if exitcode:
        return 8, "Error: " + msg
        # this breaks the convention of the other error returns

    return 0, plugin_name + " launched."  # from launch_qutemol
Esempio n. 3
def launch_povray_or_megapov(
        win, info,
        povray_ini):  #bruce 060707/11 revised this extensively for Mac A8
    Try to launch POV-Ray or MegaPOV, as specified in <info> (as returned from decode_povray_prefs, assumed already checked),
    on the given <povray_ini> file (which should already exist), and running in the directory of that file
    (this is required, since it may contain relative pathnames).
    <win> must be the main window object (used for .glpane.is_animating).
       Returns (errorcode, errortext), where errorcode is one of the following: ###k
        0 = successful
        8 = POV-Ray or MegaPOV failed for an unknown reason.
    (program_nickname, program_path,
     include_dir) = info  #e rename this arg renderer_info?

    exit = ''
    program = program_path

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        program = "\"" + program + "\""  # Double quotes needed by Windows. Mark 060602.
        if program_nickname == 'POV-Ray':
            exit = "/EXIT"

    # Later we'll cd to the POV-Ray's INI file directory and use tmp_ini in the POV-Ray command-line.
    # This helps us get around POV-Ray's I/O Restrictions. Mark 060529.
    workdir, tmp_ini = os.path.split(povray_ini)

    # Render scene.
        args = [tmp_ini]
        if exit:
            args += [exit]
        if env.debug():
            ## use env.history.message(_graymsg(msg)) ?
            print "debug: Launching %s: \n" % program_nickname,\
                  "working directory=",workdir,"\n  program_path=", program_path,  "\n  args are %r" % (args,)

        arguments = QStringList()
        for arg in args:
            if arg != "":

        from processes.Process import Process
        p = Process()
        #bruce 060707: this doesn't take advantage of anything not in QProcess,
        # unless it matters that it reads and discards stdout/stderr
        # (eg so large output would not block -- unlikely that this matters).
        # It doesn't echo stdout/stderr. See also blabout/blaberr in other files. Maybe fix this? ###@@@
        p.start(program, arguments)

        # Put up hourglass cursor to indicate we are busy. Restore the cursor below. Mark 060621.

        win.glpane.is_animating = True  # This disables selection [do you mean highlighting? #k] while rendering the image.

        import time
        msg = "Rendering image"
        while p.state() == QProcess.Running:
            # Display a message on the status bar that POV-Ray/MegaPOV is rendering.
            # I'd much rather display a progressbar and stop button by monitoring the size of the output file.
            # This would require the output file to be written in PPM or BMP format, but not PNG format, since
            # I don't believe a PNG's final filesize can be predicted.
            # Check out monitor_progress_by_file_growth() in, which does this. [mark]
            if 1:
                # Update the statusbar message while rendering.
                if len(
                ) > 40:  #bruce changed 100 -> 40 in case of short statusbar
                    msg = "Rendering image"
                    #msg = msg + "."
                    msg += "."

        #bruce 060707 moved print_compact_traceback earlier, and its import to toplevel (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8)
        print_compact_traceback("exception in launch_povray_or_megapov(): ")
        win.glpane.is_animating = False
        return 8, "%s failed for an unknown reason." % program_nickname

    #bruce 060707 moved the following outside the above try clause, and revised it (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8)
    QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()  # Restore the cursor. Mark 060621.
    ## env.history.statusbar_msg("Rendering finished!") # this is wrong if it was not a normal exit. [bruce 060707 removed it]
    win.glpane.is_animating = False

    if 1:
        #bruce 060707 added this (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8):
        # set an appropriate exitcode and msg
        if p.exitStatus() == QProcess.NormalExit:
            exitcode = p.exitStatus()
            if not exitcode:
                msg = "Rendering finished!"
                msg = "Rendering program had exitcode %r" % exitcode
                # e.g. 126 for Mac failure; same as shell exitcode, which says "cannot execute binary file";
                # but /usr/bin/open helps, so we'll try that above (but not in this commit, which is just to
                # improve error reporting). ###@@@
                # [bruce 060707]
            exitcode = p.exitStatus()
            exitcode = -1
            msg = "Abnormal exit (or failure to launch)"
        if exitcode or env.debug():
            print msg
        ##        if env.debug():
        ##            env.history.message(_graymsg(msg)) # not needed, caller prints it
        if exitcode:
            return 8, "Error: " + msg  # this breaks the convention of the other error returns

    # Display image in separate window here. [Actually I think this is done in the caller -- bruce 060707 comment]

    return 0, "Rendering finished"  # from launch_povray_or_megapov
Esempio n. 4
def launch_povray_or_megapov(win, info, povray_ini): #bruce 060707/11 revised this extensively for Mac A8
    Try to launch POV-Ray or MegaPOV, as specified in <info> (as returned from decode_povray_prefs, assumed already checked),
    on the given <povray_ini> file (which should already exist), and running in the directory of that file
    (this is required, since it may contain relative pathnames).
    <win> must be the main window object (used for .glpane.is_animating).
       Returns (errorcode, errortext), where errorcode is one of the following: ###k
        0 = successful
        8 = POV-Ray or MegaPOV failed for an unknown reason.
    (program_nickname, program_path, include_dir) = info #e rename this arg renderer_info?

    exit = ''
    program = program_path

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        program = "\""+program+"\"" # Double quotes needed by Windows. Mark 060602.
        if program_nickname == 'POV-Ray':
            exit = "/EXIT"

    # Later we'll cd to the POV-Ray's INI file directory and use tmp_ini in the POV-Ray command-line.
    # This helps us get around POV-Ray's I/O Restrictions. Mark 060529.
    workdir, tmp_ini = os.path.split(povray_ini)

    # Render scene.
        args = [tmp_ini]
        if exit:
            args += [exit]
        if env.debug():
            ## use env.history.message(_graymsg(msg)) ?
            print "debug: Launching %s: \n" % program_nickname,\
                  "working directory=",workdir,"\n  program_path=", program_path,  "\n  args are %r" % (args,)

        arguments = QStringList()
        for arg in args:
            if arg != "":

        from processes.Process import Process
        p = Process()
            #bruce 060707: this doesn't take advantage of anything not in QProcess,
            # unless it matters that it reads and discards stdout/stderr
            # (eg so large output would not block -- unlikely that this matters).
            # It doesn't echo stdout/stderr. See also blabout/blaberr in other files. Maybe fix this? ###@@@
        p.start(program, arguments)

        # Put up hourglass cursor to indicate we are busy. Restore the cursor below. Mark 060621.
        QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) )

        win.glpane.is_animating = True # This disables selection [do you mean highlighting? #k] while rendering the image.

        import time
        msg = "Rendering image"
        while p.state() == QProcess.Running:
            # Display a message on the status bar that POV-Ray/MegaPOV is rendering.
            # I'd much rather display a progressbar and stop button by monitoring the size of the output file.
            # This would require the output file to be written in PPM or BMP format, but not PNG format, since
            # I don't believe a PNG's final filesize can be predicted.
            # Check out monitor_progress_by_file_growth() in, which does this. [mark]
            if 1:
                # Update the statusbar message while rendering.
                if len(msg) > 40: #bruce changed 100 -> 40 in case of short statusbar
                    msg = "Rendering image"
                    #msg = msg + "."
                    msg += "."

        #bruce 060707 moved print_compact_traceback earlier, and its import to toplevel (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8)
        print_compact_traceback( "exception in launch_povray_or_megapov(): " )
        win.glpane.is_animating = False
        return 8, "%s failed for an unknown reason." % program_nickname

    #bruce 060707 moved the following outside the above try clause, and revised it (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8)
    QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() # Restore the cursor. Mark 060621.
    ## env.history.statusbar_msg("Rendering finished!") # this is wrong if it was not a normal exit. [bruce 060707 removed it]
    win.glpane.is_animating = False

    if 1:
        #bruce 060707 added this (after Windows A8, before Linux/Mac A8):
        # set an appropriate exitcode and msg
        if p.exitStatus() == QProcess.NormalExit:
            exitcode = p.exitStatus()
            if not exitcode:
                msg = "Rendering finished!"
                msg = "Rendering program had exitcode %r" % exitcode
                    # e.g. 126 for Mac failure; same as shell exitcode, which says "cannot execute binary file";
                    # but /usr/bin/open helps, so we'll try that above (but not in this commit, which is just to
                    # improve error reporting). ###@@@
                    # [bruce 060707]
            exitcode = p.exitStatus()
            exitcode = -1
            msg = "Abnormal exit (or failure to launch)"
        if exitcode or env.debug():
            print msg
##        if env.debug():
##            env.history.message(_graymsg(msg)) # not needed, caller prints it
        if exitcode:
            return 8, "Error: " + msg # this breaks the convention of the other error returns

    # Display image in separate window here. [Actually I think this is done in the caller -- bruce 060707 comment]

    return 0, "Rendering finished" # from launch_povray_or_megapov