myController) # Process footstep planner proc.process_footsteps_planner(k, k_mpc, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, fstep_planner) # Process MPC once every k_mpc iterations of TSID if (k % k_mpc) == 0: f_applied = proc.process_mpc(k, k_mpc, interface, joystick, fstep_planner, mpc_wrapper, dt_mpc, ID_deb_lines) # Process Inverse Dynamics time_tsid = time.time() jointTorques = proc.process_invdyn(solo, k, f_applied, pyb_sim, interface, fstep_planner, myController, enable_hybrid_control) t_list_tsid[k] = time.time( ) - time_tsid # Logging the time spent to run this iteration of inverse dynamics # Process PyBullet # proc.process_pybullet(pyb_sim, jointTorques) # Call logger object to log various parameters logger.call_log_functions(k, joystick, fstep_planner, interface, mpc_wrapper, myController, False, pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId, solo) #################### # END OF MAIN LOOP # ####################
def run_scenario(envID, velID, dt_mpc, k_mpc, t, n_periods, T_gait, N_SIMULATION, type_MPC, pyb_feedback, on_solo8, use_flat_plane, predefined_vel, enable_pyb_GUI): ######################################################################## # Parameters definition # ######################################################################## """# Time step dt_mpc = 0.02 k_mpc = int(dt_mpc / dt) # dt is dt_tsid, defined in the TSID controller script t = 0.0 # Time n_periods = 1 # Number of periods in the prediction horizon T_gait = 0.48 # Duration of one gait period # Simulation parameters N_SIMULATION = 1000 # number of time steps simulated""" # Initialize the error for the simulation time time_error = False # Lists to log the duration of 1 iteration of the MPC/TSID t_list_tsid = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) t_list_loop = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) t_list_mpc = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) # List to store the IDs of debug lines ID_deb_lines = [] # Enable/Disable Gepetto viewer enable_gepetto_viewer = True # Which MPC solver you want to use # True to have PA's MPC, to False to have Thomas's MPC """type_MPC = True""" # Create Joystick, FootstepPlanner, Logger and Interface objects joystick, fstep_planner, logger_ddp, interface, estimator = utils.init_objects( dt, dt_mpc, N_SIMULATION, k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait, type_MPC, on_solo8, predefined_vel) # Create a new logger type for the second solver logger_osqp = Logger.Logger(N_SIMULATION, dt, dt_mpc, k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait, True) # Wrapper that makes the link with the solver that you want to use for the MPC # First argument to True to have PA's MPC, to False to have Thomas's MPC enable_multiprocessing = True # Initialize the two algorithms mpc_wrapper_ddp = MPC_Wrapper.MPC_Wrapper(False, dt_mpc, fstep_planner.n_steps, k_mpc, fstep_planner.T_gait, enable_multiprocessing) mpc_wrapper_osqp = MPC_Wrapper.MPC_Wrapper(True, dt_mpc, fstep_planner.n_steps, k_mpc, fstep_planner.T_gait, enable_multiprocessing) # Enable/Disable hybrid control enable_hybrid_control = True ######################################################################## # Gepetto viewer # ######################################################################## # Initialisation of the Gepetto viewer solo = utils.init_viewer(enable_gepetto_viewer) ######################################################################## # PyBullet # ######################################################################## # Initialisation of the PyBullet simulator pyb_sim = utils.pybullet_simulator(envID, use_flat_plane, enable_pyb_GUI, dt=dt) # Force monitor to display contact forces in PyBullet with red lines myForceMonitor = ForceMonitor.ForceMonitor(pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId) ######################################################################## # Simulator # ######################################################################## # Define the default controller as well as emergency and safety controller myController = controller(int(N_SIMULATION), k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait, on_solo8) for k in range(int(N_SIMULATION)): time_loop = time.time() if (k % 1000) == 0: print("Iteration: ", k) # Process state estimator if k == 1: estimator.run_filter(k, fstep_planner.gait[0, 1:], pyb_sim.robotId,, myController.model) else: estimator.run_filter(k, fstep_planner.gait[0, 1:], pyb_sim.robotId) # Process states update and joystick proc.process_states(solo, k, k_mpc, velID, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, myController, estimator, pyb_feedback) if np.isnan(interface.lC[2, 0]): print( "NaN value for the position of the center of mass. Simulation likely crashed. Ending loop." ) break # Process footstep planner proc.process_footsteps_planner(k, k_mpc, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, fstep_planner) # Process MPC once every k_mpc iterations of TSID if (k % k_mpc) == 0: time_mpc = time.time() # Run both algorithms proc.process_mpc(k, k_mpc, interface, joystick, fstep_planner, mpc_wrapper_ddp, dt_mpc, ID_deb_lines) proc.process_mpc(k, k_mpc, interface, joystick, fstep_planner, mpc_wrapper_osqp, dt_mpc, ID_deb_lines) t_list_mpc[k] = time.time() - time_mpc if k == 0: f_applied = mpc_wrapper_ddp.get_latest_result() # elif (k % k_mpc) == 0: else: # Output of the MPC (with delay) f_applied = mpc_wrapper_ddp.get_latest_result() # Process Inverse Dynamics time_tsid = time.time() jointTorques = proc.process_invdyn(solo, k, f_applied, pyb_sim, interface, fstep_planner, myController, enable_hybrid_control, enable_gepetto_viewer) t_list_tsid[k] = time.time( ) - time_tsid # Logging the time spent to run this iteration of inverse dynamics # Process PD+ (feedforward torques and feedback torques) for i_step in range(1): # Process the PD+ jointTorques = proc.process_pdp(pyb_sim, myController, estimator) if myController.error: print('NaN value in feedforward torque. Ending loop.') break # Process PyBullet proc.process_pybullet(pyb_sim, k, envID, velID, jointTorques) # Call logger object to log various parameters logger_ddp.call_log_functions(k, pyb_sim, joystick, fstep_planner, interface, mpc_wrapper_ddp, myController, False, pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId, solo) if (k % k_mpc) == 0: logger_ddp.log_fstep_planner(k, fstep_planner) # logger_osqp.log_predicted_trajectories(k, mpc_wrapper_osqp) t_list_loop[k] = time.time() - time_loop #################### # END OF MAIN LOOP # #################### # Close the parallel process if it is running if enable_multiprocessing: print("Stopping parallel process") mpc_wrapper_osqp.stop_parallel_loop() print("END") pyb.disconnect() return logger_ddp, logger_osqp
def run_scenario(envID, velID, dt_mpc, k_mpc, t, n_periods, T_gait, N_SIMULATION, type_MPC, pyb_feedback): ######################################################################## # Parameters definition # ######################################################################## """# Time step dt_mpc = 0.02 k_mpc = int(dt_mpc / dt) # dt is dt_tsid, defined in the TSID controller script t = 0.0 # Time n_periods = 1 # Number of periods in the prediction horizon T_gait = 0.48 # Duration of one gait period # Simulation parameters N_SIMULATION = 1000 # number of time steps simulated""" # Initialize the error for the simulation time time_error = False # Lists to log the duration of 1 iteration of the MPC/TSID t_list_tsid = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) t_list_loop = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) t_list_mpc = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) # List to store the IDs of debug lines ID_deb_lines = [] # Enable/Disable Gepetto viewer enable_gepetto_viewer = True # Which MPC solver you want to use # True to have PA's MPC, to False to have Thomas's MPC """type_MPC = True""" # Create Joystick, FootstepPlanner, Logger and Interface objects joystick, fstep_planner, logger, interface = utils.init_objects( dt, dt_mpc, N_SIMULATION, k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait, type_MPC) # Wrapper that makes the link with the solver that you want to use for the MPC # First argument to True to have PA's MPC, to False to have Thomas's MPC enable_multiprocessing = False mpc_wrapper = MPC_Wrapper.MPC_Wrapper(type_MPC, dt_mpc, fstep_planner.n_steps, k_mpc, fstep_planner.T_gait, enable_multiprocessing) # MPC with augmented states mpc_planner = MPC_crocoddyl_planner(dt = dt_mpc , T_mpc = fstep_planner.T_gait) # Enable/Disable hybrid control enable_hybrid_control = True ######################################################################## # Logger DDP # ######################################################################## pred_trajectories = np.zeros((20, int(T_gait/dt_mpc), int(N_SIMULATION/k_mpc))) pred_forces = np.zeros((12, int(T_gait/dt_mpc), int(N_SIMULATION/k_mpc))) fsteps = np.zeros((20,13,int(N_SIMULATION/k_mpc))) gait_ = np.zeros((20,5,int(N_SIMULATION/k_mpc))) l_feet_ = np.zeros((3,4,int(N_SIMULATION/k_mpc))) o_feet_ = np.zeros((3,4,int(N_SIMULATION/k_mpc))) ######################################################################## # Gepetto viewer # ######################################################################## # Initialisation of the Gepetto viewer solo = utils.init_viewer(enable_gepetto_viewer) ######################################################################## # PyBullet # ######################################################################## # Initialisation of the PyBullet simulator pyb_sim = utils.pybullet_simulator(envID, dt=0.001) # Force monitor to display contact forces in PyBullet with red lines myForceMonitor = ForceMonitor.ForceMonitor(pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId) ######################################################################## # Simulator # ######################################################################## # Define the default controller as well as emergency and safety controller myController = controller(int(N_SIMULATION), k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait) mySafetyController = Safety_controller.controller_12dof() myEmergencyStop = EmergencyStop_controller.controller_12dof() tic = time.time() for k in range(int(N_SIMULATION)): time_loop = time.time() if (k % 1000) == 0: print("Iteration: ", k) # Process states update and joystick proc.process_states(solo, k, k_mpc, velID, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, myController, pyb_feedback) if np.isnan(interface.lC[2]): print("NaN value for the position of the center of mass. Simulation likely crashed. Ending loop.") break # Process footstep planner proc.process_footsteps_planner(k, k_mpc, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, fstep_planner) # Process MPC once every k_mpc iterations of TSID if (k % k_mpc) == 0: time_mpc = time.time() if k == 0 : proc.process_mpc(k, k_mpc, interface, joystick, fstep_planner, mpc_wrapper, dt_mpc, ID_deb_lines) else : # if not proc.proc proc.process_mpc(k, k_mpc, interface, joystick, fstep_planner, mpc_wrapper, dt_mpc, ID_deb_lines) t_list_mpc[k] = time.time() - time_mpc # running mpc planner in parallel (xref has been updated in process_mpc) start_time = time.time() mpc_planner.solve(k, fstep_planner.xref , interface.l_feet ) print("Temps d execution : %s secondes ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) ############# # ddp logger ############# pred_trajectories[:,:,int(k/k_mpc)] = mpc_planner.Xs pred_forces[:,:,int(k/k_mpc)] = mpc_planner.Us fsteps[:,:,int(k/k_mpc)] = mpc_planner.fsteps.copy() gait_[:,:,int(k/k_mpc)] = mpc_planner.gait l_feet_[:,:,int(k/k_mpc)] = interface.l_feet for i in range(4): index = next((idx for idx, val in np.ndenumerate(mpc_planner.fsteps[:, 3*i+1]) if ((not (val==0)) and (not np.isnan(val)))), [-1])[0] pos_tmp = np.reshape(np.array(interface.oMl * (np.array([mpc_planner.fsteps[index, (1+i*3):(4+i*3)]]).transpose())) , (3,1) ) o_feet_[:2, i , int(k/k_mpc)] = pos_tmp[0:2, 0] # Replace the fstep_invdyn by the ddp one fstep_planner.fsteps_invdyn = mpc_planner.fsteps.copy() if k == 0: # f_applied = mpc_wrapper.get_latest_result() f_applied = mpc_planner.get_latest_result() else: # Output of the MPC (with delay) # f_applied = mpc_wrapper.get_latest_result() f_applied = mpc_planner.get_latest_result() # Process Inverse Dynamics time_tsid = time.time() jointTorques = proc.process_invdyn(solo, k, f_applied, pyb_sim, interface, fstep_planner, myController, enable_hybrid_control) t_list_tsid[k] = time.time() - time_tsid # Logging the time spent to run this iteration of inverse dynamics # Process PD+ (feedforward torques and feedback torques) for i_step in range(1): # Process the PD+ jointTorques = proc.process_pdp(pyb_sim, myController) if myController.error: print('NaN value in feedforward torque. Ending loop.') break # Process PyBullet proc.process_pybullet(pyb_sim, k, envID, jointTorques) # Call logger object to log various parameters logger.call_log_functions(k, pyb_sim, joystick, fstep_planner, interface, mpc_wrapper, myController, False, pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId, solo) t_list_loop[k] = time.time() - time_loop ######################### # Camera ######################### # if (k % 20) == 0: # img = pyb.getCameraImage(width=1920, height=1080, renderer=pyb.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL) # #if k == 0: # # newpath = r'/tmp/recording' # # if not os.path.exists(newpath): # # os.makedirs(newpath) # if (int(k/20) < 10): # plt.imsave('tmp/recording/frame_00'+str(int(k/20))+'.png', img[2]) # elif int(k/20) < 100: # plt.imsave('tmp/recording/frame_0'+str(int(k/20))+'.png', img[2]) # else: # plt.imsave('tmp/recording/frame_'+str(int(k/20))+'.png', img[2]) #################### # END OF MAIN LOOP # #################### print("Computation duration: ", time.time()-tic) print("Simulated duration: ", N_SIMULATION*0.001) print("END") pyb.disconnect() return logger , pred_trajectories , pred_forces , fsteps , gait_ , l_feet_ , o_feet_
def run_scenario(envID, velID, dt_mpc, k_mpc, t, n_periods, T_gait, N_SIMULATION, type_MPC, pyb_feedback , desired_speed): ######################################################################## # Parameters definition # ######################################################################## """# Time step dt_mpc = 0.02 k_mpc = int(dt_mpc / dt) # dt is dt_tsid, defined in the TSID controller script t = 0.0 # Time n_periods = 1 # Number of periods in the prediction horizon T_gait = 0.48 # Duration of one gait period # Simulation parameters N_SIMULATION = 1000 # number of time steps simulated""" N_1 = np.round(int(np.around(abs(desired_speed[0]), decimals = 1 ) * 10000 + 2000) , -3 ) N_2 = np.round(int(np.around(abs(desired_speed[1]), decimals = 1 ) * 10000 + 10000) , -3 ) N_3 = np.round(int(np.around(abs(desired_speed[5]), decimals = 1 ) * 2500 + 10000) , -3 ) N_SIMULATION = max(N_1 , N_2,N_3) # Initialize the error for the simulation time time_error = False # Lists to log the duration of 1 iteration of the MPC/TSID t_list_tsid = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) t_list_loop = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) t_list_mpc = [0] * int(N_SIMULATION) # List to store the IDs of debug lines ID_deb_lines = [] # Enable/Disable Gepetto viewer enable_gepetto_viewer = False # Which MPC solver you want to use # True to have PA's MPC, to False to have Thomas's MPC """type_MPC = True""" # Create Joystick, FootstepPlanner, Logger and Interface objects joystick, fstep_planner, logger_ddp, interface = utils.init_objects( dt, dt_mpc, N_SIMULATION, k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait, False) # Multi simulation environment joystick.multi_simu = True joystick.Vx_ref = desired_speed[0] joystick.Vy_ref = desired_speed[1] joystick.Vw_ref = desired_speed[5] # Create a new logger type for the second solver logger_osqp = Logger.Logger(N_SIMULATION, dt, dt_mpc, k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait, True) # Wrapper that makes the link with the solver that you want to use for the MPC # First argument to True to have PA's MPC, to False to have Thomas's MPC enable_multiprocessing = False # Initialize the two algorithms # Both are running, usefull to compare the solvers mpc_wrapper_ddp = MPC_Wrapper.MPC_Wrapper(False, dt_mpc, fstep_planner.n_steps, k_mpc, fstep_planner.T_gait, enable_multiprocessing) mpc_wrapper_ddp_2 = MPC_crocoddyl_2( dt = dt_mpc , T_mpc = T_gait , mu = 0.9, inner = False, linearModel = False , n_period = 1 , dt_tsid = dt) # Enable/Disable hybrid control enable_hybrid_control = True ######################################################################## # Gepetto viewer # ######################################################################## # Initialisation of the Gepetto viewer solo = utils.init_viewer(enable_gepetto_viewer) ######################################################################## # PyBullet # ######################################################################## # Initialisation of the PyBullet simulator pyb_sim = utils.pybullet_simulator(envID, dt=0.001) # Force monitor to display contact forces in PyBullet with red lines myForceMonitor = ForceMonitor.ForceMonitor(pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId) ######################################################################## # Simulator # ######################################################################## # Define the default controller as well as emergency and safety controller myController = controller(int(N_SIMULATION), k_mpc, n_periods, T_gait) mySafetyController = Safety_controller.controller_12dof() myEmergencyStop = EmergencyStop_controller.controller_12dof() for k in range(int(N_SIMULATION)): time_loop = time.time() if (k % 1000) == 0: print("Iteration: ", k) # Process states update and joystick proc.process_states(solo, k, k_mpc, velID, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, myController, pyb_feedback) if np.isnan(interface.lC[2, 0]): print("NaN value for the position of the center of mass. Simulation likely crashed. Ending loop.") break # Process footstep planner proc.process_footsteps_planner(k, k_mpc, pyb_sim, interface, joystick, fstep_planner) if (k % k_mpc) == 0: time_mpc = time.time() # Run both algorithms proc.process_mpc(k, k_mpc, interface, joystick, fstep_planner, mpc_wrapper_ddp, dt_mpc, ID_deb_lines) logger_ddp.log_fstep_planner( k , fstep_planner) t_list_mpc[k] = time.time() - time_mpc print( int(k/k_mpc)) # Process MPC once every k_mpc iterations of TSID mpc_wrapper_ddp_2.updateProblem(k,fstep_planner.fsteps , fstep_planner.xref , interface.lC, interface.abg, interface.lV, interface.lW, joystick.v_ref) mpc_wrapper_ddp_2.ddp.solve([],[],50) f_applied = mpc_wrapper_ddp_2.get_latest_result() # Process Inverse Dynamics time_tsid = time.time() jointTorques = proc.process_invdyn(solo, k, f_applied, pyb_sim, interface, fstep_planner, myController, enable_hybrid_control) t_list_tsid[k] = time.time() - time_tsid # Logging the time spent to run this iteration of inverse dynamics # Process PD+ (feedforward torques and feedback torques) for i_step in range(1): # Process the PD+ jointTorques = proc.process_pdp(pyb_sim, myController) if myController.error: print('NaN value in feedforward torque. Ending loop.') break # Process PyBullet proc.process_pybullet(pyb_sim, k, envID, jointTorques) # Call logger object to log various parameters logger_ddp.call_log_functions(k, pyb_sim, joystick, fstep_planner, interface, mpc_wrapper_ddp, myController, False, pyb_sim.robotId, pyb_sim.planeId, solo) t_list_loop[k] = time.time() - time_loop ######################### # Camera ######################### # if (k % 20) == 0: # img = pyb.getCameraImage(width=1920, height=1080, renderer=pyb.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL) # #if k == 0: # # newpath = r'/tmp/recording' # # if not os.path.exists(newpath): # # os.makedirs(newpath) # if (int(k/20) < 10): # plt.imsave('tmp/recording/frame_00'+str(int(k/20))+'.png', img[2]) # elif int(k/20) < 100: # plt.imsave('tmp/recording/frame_0'+str(int(k/20))+'.png', img[2]) # else: # plt.imsave('tmp/recording/frame_'+str(int(k/20))+'.png', img[2]) #################### # END OF MAIN LOOP # #################### finished = False if k == N_SIMULATION - 1 : finished = True print(finished) print("END") pyb.disconnect() return logger_ddp