def synth_plots(): num_nodes = 100 samples = 5 chunglu_M = [] kron_M = [] HRG_M = [] pHRG_M = [] G_M = [] for i in range(0, samples): ##BA Graph G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(num_nodes, .1) G_M.append(G) for i in range(0, samples): chunglu_M.append(nx.expected_degree_graph( HRG_M_s, degree = HRG.stochastic_hrg(G, samples) HRG_M = HRG_M + HRG_M_s pHRG_M_s = PHRG.probabilistic_hrg(G, samples) pHRG_M = pHRG_M + pHRG_M_s for i in range(0, samples): P = kronfit(G) k = math.log(num_nodes, 2) kron_M.append( product.kronecker_random_graph(int(math.floor(k)), P, directed=False)) metrics.draw_network_value(G_M, chunglu_M, HRG_M, pHRG_M, kron_M)
def KPGM(G, gname): target_nodes = G.number_of_nodes() k = int(math.log(target_nodes, 2)) print 'k=', k # from: i:/data/saguinag/Phoenix/demo_graphs/karate.txt # karate: P = [[0.9999,0.661],[0.661, 0.01491]] # Interent: autonomous systems # P = [[0.9523, 0.585],[0.585, 0.05644]] P = kronfit(G) #print 'kronfit params (matrix):', P pred_graph = product.kronecker_random_graph(k, P) for u, v in pred_graph.selfloop_edges(): pred_graph.remove_edge(u, v) return pred_graph
def get_kpgm_graph_recurrence(graph,recurrence_nbr=1): """ Returns ------- nth graph --<kpgm>-- """ import product import math from cikm_experiments import kronfit for r in range(recurrence_nbr): k = int(math.log(graph.number_of_nodes(),2)) P = kronfit(graph) #[[0.9999,0.661],[0.661, 0.01491]] KPG = product.kronecker_random_graph(k, P, directed=False) for u,v in KPG.selfloop_edges(): KPG.remove_edge(u, v) graph = KPG if KPG.is_directed(): print '!!!!!! is directed' print '\tKronecker -> run:', r, graph.number_of_nodes(),graph.number_of_edges() return KPG
def grow_graphs_using_kpgm(graph,recurrence_nbr=1): """ Returns ------- nth graph --<kpgm>-- """ import product import math from pami import kronfit kp_graphs = [] k = int(math.log(graph.number_of_nodes(),2)) P = kronfit(graph) #[[0.9999,0.661],[0.661, 0.01491]] print P, 'your are here'*2 exit() for r in range(recurrence_nbr): KPG = product.kronecker_random_graph(k, P) for u,v in KPG.selfloop_edges(): KPG.remove_edge(u, v) graph = KPG print '\tKronecker -> run:', r, graph.number_of_nodes(),graph.number_of_edges() kp_graphs.append(graph) return kp_graphs
pred_graph = grow(rule_list, g)[0] if model == 'chlu': # ChungLu z = graphical_degree_sequence(target_nodes) pred_graph = nx.expected_degree_graph(z) if model == 'kpgm': # KPGM - k = int(math.log(target_nodes, 2)) # from: i:/data/saguinag/Phoenix/demo_graphs/karate.txt # karate: P = [[0.9999,0.661],[0.661, 0.01491]] # Interent: autonomous systems # P = [[0.9523, 0.585],[0.585, 0.05644]] P = kronfit(G) print P pred_graph = product.kronecker_random_graph(k, P) for u, v in pred_graph.selfloop_edges(): pred_graph.remove_edge(u, v) ofname = "../Results/{}_{}_{}.gpickle".format(gname, model, i) nx.write_gpickle(pred_graph, ofname) print ofname G = pred_graph print 'Done' # write this graph to tmp.edglst to fit Kron params # nx.write_edgelist(G,'tmp.edglst') # multiGraphs.append(hstar) # chungluGraphs.append(cl_grph) # # kronGraphs.append(KPG)
import product import networkx as nx from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import random k = 6 P = [[1,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,.98]] G = product.kronecker_random_graph(k,P) for u,v in G.selfloop_edges(): G.remove_edge(u,v) pr = nx.pagerank(G) maxPR = max(pr.values()) filename = 'kronecker' size = 1000 rectWidth = 10 im ="RGB", (size, size), "white") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) for edge in G.edges(): x = (1 - (pr[edge[0]] / maxPR)) * (size - rectWidth - rectWidth) + rectWidth y = (1 - (pr[edge[1]] / maxPR)) * (size - rectWidth - rectWidth) + rectWidth draw.rectangle([x, y, x + rectWidth, y + rectWidth], fill='black') draw.rectangle([y, x, y + rectWidth, x + rectWidth], fill='black')'./fig/' + filename + '.scale.png') nodes = G.nodes() x = sorted(pr.values(), key = lambda node: node, reverse = True)
def gcd(): num_nodes = 1000 ba_G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(num_nodes, 3) er_G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(num_nodes, .1) ws_G = nx.watts_strogatz_graph(num_nodes, 8, .1) nws_G = nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph(num_nodes, 8, .1) graphs = [ba_G, er_G, ws_G, nws_G] samples = 50 for G in graphs: chunglu_M = [] for i in range(0, samples): chunglu_M.append(nx.expected_degree_graph( HRG_M, degree = HRG.stochastic_hrg(G, samples) pHRG_M = PHRG.probabilistic_hrg(G, samples) kron_M = [] rmat_M = [] for i in range(0, samples): P = kronfit(G) k = math.log(num_nodes, 2) kron_M.append( product.kronecker_random_graph(int(math.floor(k)), P, directed=False)) df_g = metrics.external_rage(G) gcd_chunglu = [] gcd_phrg = [] gcd_hrg = [] gcd_kron = [] for chunglu_M_s in chunglu_M: df_chunglu = metrics.external_rage(chunglu_M_s) rgfd = metrics.tijana_eval_rgfd(df_g, df_chunglu) gcm_g = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_g) gcm_h = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_chunglu) gcd_chunglu.append(metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcd(gcm_g, gcm_h)) for HRG_M_s in HRG_M: df_hrg = metrics.external_rage(HRG_M_s) rgfd = metrics.tijana_eval_rgfd(df_g, df_hrg) gcm_g = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_g) gcm_h = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_hrg) gcd_hrg.append(metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcd(gcm_g, gcm_h)) for pHRG_M_s in pHRG_M: df_phrg = metrics.external_rage(pHRG_M_s) rgfd = metrics.tijana_eval_rgfd(df_g, df_phrg) gcm_g = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_g) gcm_h = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_phrg) gcd_phrg.append(metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcd(gcm_g, gcm_h)) for kron_M_s in kron_M: df_kron = metrics.external_rage(kron_M_s) rgfd = metrics.tijana_eval_rgfd(df_g, df_kron) gcm_g = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_g) gcm_h = metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcm(df_kron) gcd_kron.append(metrics.tijana_eval_compute_gcd(gcm_g, gcm_h)) print gcd_chunglu print gcd_hrg print gcd_phrg print gcd_kron print print
if (len(c) is not 3): continue E.add_edge(int(c[1]), int(c[2])) if int(c[1]) > num_nodes or int(c[2]) > num_nodes: continue Gergm.append(E) print "G ergm iteration " + str(run) + " of 20" Gergmgl.append(gs.subgraphs_cnt(E, 50)) k = int(math.floor(math.log(num_nodes, 10))) P = [[.9716, .658], [.5684, .1256]] #karate P = [[.8581, .5116], [.5063, .2071]] #as20000102 #P = [[.7317,.5533],[.5354,.2857]] #dblp #P = [[.9031,.5793],[.5051,.2136]] #ca-grqc #P = [[.9124,.5884],[.5029,.2165]] #enron P = [[.8884, .5908], [.5628, .2736]] #brightkite Gkron = product.kronecker_random_graph(k, P).to_undirected() print("GKron finished") sum = .9716 + .5382 + .5684 + .1256 #karate #sum = .8581+.5116+.5063+.2071 #as20000102 #sum = .7317+.5533+.5354+.2857 # dblp #sum = .9031+.5793+.5051+.2136 #ca-grqc #sum = .9124+.5884+.5029+.2165 #enron sum = .8884 + .5908 + .5628 + .2736 #brightkite GRmatSNAP = snap.GenRMat(num_nodes, num_edges, P[0][0] / sum, P[0][1] / sum, P[1][0] / sum) GRmat = nx.Graph() for EI in GRmatSNAP.Edges(): GRmat.add_edge(EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId())