Esempio n. 1
    def getTransformation(self):
        """Returns the :class:`~.Transformation` used to superpose this
        conformation onto reference coordinates.  The transformation can
        be used to superpose original PDB file onto the reference PDB file."""

        if self._ensemble._trans is not None:
            return Transformation(self._ensemble._trans[self._index])
Esempio n. 2
def buildBiomolecules(header, atoms, biomol=None):
    """Returns *atoms* after applying biomolecular transformations from *header*
    dictionary.  Biomolecular transformations are applied to all coordinate
    sets in the molecule.

    Some PDB files contain transformations for more than 1 biomolecules.  A
    specific set of transformations can be choosen using *biomol* argument.
    Transformation sets are identified by numbers, e.g. ``"1"``, ``"2"``, ...

    If multiple biomolecular transformations are provided in the *header*
    dictionary, biomolecules will be returned as
    :class:`.AtomGroup` instances in a :func:`list`.

    If the resulting biomolecule has more than 26 chains, the molecular
    assembly will be split into multiple :class:`.AtomGroup`
    instances each containing at most 26 chains.  These
    :class:`.AtomGroup` instances will be returned in a tuple.

    Note that atoms in biomolecules are ordered according to chain identifiers.

    if not isinstance(header, dict):
        raise TypeError('header must be a dictionary')

    if not isinstance(atoms, Atomic):
        raise TypeError('atoms must be an Atomic instance')

    biomt = header.get('biomoltrans')
    if not isinstance(biomt, dict) or len(biomt) == 0:
        raise ValueError("header doesn't contain biomolecular transformations")

    if not isinstance(atoms, AtomGroup):
        atoms = atoms.copy()

    biomols = []
    if biomol is None:
        keys = list(biomt)
        biomol = str(biomol)
        if biomol in biomt:
            keys = [biomol]
            LOGGER.warn('Transformations for biomolecule {0} was not '
                        'found in the header dictionary.'.format(biomol))
            return None

    for i in keys:
        segnm = list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' * 20)
        ags = []
        mt = biomt[i]
        # mt is a list, first item is list of chain identifiers
        # following items are lines corresponding to transformation
        # mt must have 3n + 1 lines
        if (len(mt)) % 4 != 0:
            LOGGER.warn('Biomolecular transformations {0} were not '

        for times in range(int((len(mt)) / 4)):
            rotation = np.zeros((3, 3))
            translation = np.zeros(3)
            line0 = np.fromstring(mt[times * 4 + 1], sep=' ')
            rotation[0, :] = line0[:3]
            translation[0] = line0[3]
            line1 = np.fromstring(mt[times * 4 + 2], sep=' ')
            rotation[1, :] = line1[:3]
            translation[1] = line1[3]
            line2 = np.fromstring(mt[times * 4 + 3], sep=' ')
            rotation[2, :] = line2[:3]
            translation[2] = line2[3]
            t = Transformation(rotation, translation)

            newag ='chain ' + ' '.join(mt[0])).copy()
            if newag is None:
            for acsi in range(newag.numCoordsets()):
                newag = t.apply(newag)

        if ags:
            newag = ags.pop(0)
            while ags:
                newag += ags.pop(0)
            newag.setTitle('{0} biomolecule {1}'.format(atoms.getTitle(), i))

    if biomols:
        if len(biomols) == 1:
            return biomols[0]
            return biomols
        return None