Esempio n. 1
def writeDeformProfile(stiffness, pdb, filename='dp_out', \
                       select='protein and name CA', \
                       pdb_selstr='protein', loadToVMD=False):

    """Calculate deformability (plasticity) profile of molecule based on mechanical
    stiffness matrix (see [EB08]_).

    :arg model: this is an 3-dimensional NMA instance from a :class:`.ANM
    :type model: :class:`.ANM`

    :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type pdb: :class:`numpy.ndarray`    
    Note: selection can be done using ``select`` and ``pdb_selstr``. 
    ``select`` defines ``model`` selection (used for building :class:`.ANM` model) 
    and ``pdb_selstr`` will be used in VMD program for visualization. 
    By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program. To change 
    it use ``loadToVMD=False``.
    Mean value of mechanical stiffness for molecule can be found in occupancy column
    in PDB file.

    _, pdb = sliceAtoms(pdb, pdb_selstr)
    _, coords = sliceAtoms(pdb, select)
    meanStiff = np.mean(stiffness, axis=0)
    out_mean = open(filename+'_mean.txt','w')   # mean value of Kij for each residue
    for nr_i, i in enumerate(meanStiff):
        out_mean.write("{} {}\n".format(nr_i, i))
    from collections import Counter
    aa_counter = Counter(pdb.getResindices()) 
    meanStiff_all = []        
    for i in range(coords.numAtoms()):
        meanStiff_all.extend(list(aa_counter.values())[i]*[round(meanStiff[i], 2)])
    writePDB(filename, pdb, occupancy=meanStiff_all)           'PDB file with deformability profile has been saved.')'Creating TCL file.')
    out_tcl = open(filename+'.tcl','w')
    out_tcl.write('display resetview \nmol addrep 0 \ndisplay resetview \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol new {./'+filename+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1 \n')
    out_tcl.write('animate style Loop \ndisplay projection Orthographic \n')
    out_tcl.write('display depthcue off \ndisplay rendermode GLSL \naxes location Off \n')
    out_tcl.write('color Display Background white \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0 \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modmaterial 0 0 Diffuse \nmol modcolor 0 0 Occupancy \n')
    out_tcl.write('menu colorscalebar on \n')

    if loadToVMD:
        from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl")
Esempio n. 2
def writeDeformProfile(stiffness, pdb, filename='dp_out', \
                       select='protein and name CA', \
                       pdb_selstr='protein', loadToVMD=False):

    """Calculate deformability (plasticity) profile of molecule based on mechanical
    stiffness matrix (see [EB08]_).

    :arg stiffness: mechanical stiffness matrix
    :type stiffness: :class:`~numpy.ndarray

    :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type pdb: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`    
    Note: selection can be done using ``select`` and ``pdb_selstr``. 
    ``select`` defines ``model`` selection (used for building :class:`.ANM` model) 
    and ``pdb_selstr`` will be used in VMD program for visualization. 
    By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program. To change 
    it use ``loadToVMD=False``.
    Mean value of mechanical stiffness for molecule can be found in occupancy column
    in PDB file.

    _, pdb = sliceAtoms(pdb, pdb_selstr)
    _, coords = sliceAtoms(pdb, select)
    meanStiff = np.mean(stiffness, axis=0)
    out_mean = open(filename+'_mean.txt','w')   # mean value of Kij for each residue
    for nr_i, i in enumerate(meanStiff):
        out_mean.write("{} {}\n".format(nr_i, i))
    from collections import Counter
    aa_counter = Counter(pdb.getResindices()) 
    meanStiff_all = []        
    for i in range(coords.numAtoms()):
        meanStiff_all.extend(list(aa_counter.values())[i]*[round(meanStiff[i], 2)])
    writePDB(filename, pdb, occupancy=meanStiff_all)           'PDB file with deformability profile has been saved.')'Creating TCL file.')
    out_tcl = open(filename+'.tcl','w')
    out_tcl.write('display resetview \nmol addrep 0 \ndisplay resetview \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol new {./'+filename+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1 \n')
    out_tcl.write('animate style Loop \ndisplay projection Orthographic \n')
    out_tcl.write('display depthcue off \ndisplay rendermode GLSL \naxes location Off \n')
    out_tcl.write('color Display Background white \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0 \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modmaterial 0 0 Diffuse \nmol modcolor 0 0 Occupancy \n')
    out_tcl.write('menu colorscalebar on \n')

    if loadToVMD:
        from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl")
Esempio n. 3
def writeVMDstiffness(model, pdb, indices, k_range, filename='vmd_out', \
                            selstr='protein and name CA', loadToVMD=True):
    """Returns three *filename* files: (1) PDB file with coordinates. 
    (2) TCL file containing vmd commands for loading PDB file with accurate 	
    vmd representation. Pair of residues with selected *k_range* of 
    effective spring constant are shown in VMD respresentation with 
    solid line between them.
    If more than one residue will be selected in *indices*, different pair 
    for each residue will be colored in the different colors.    
    (3) TXT file contains pair of residues with effective spring constant in
    selected range *k_range*.    

    The effective spring constant calculation using ``buildSM`` method
    from :class:`.ANM`.
    .. note::
       #. This function skips modes with zero eigenvalues.
       #. If a :class:`.Vector` instance is given, it will be normalized
          before it is written. It's length before normalization will be
          written as the scaling factor of the vector.

    :arg model: this is an 3-dimensional NMA instance from a :class:`.ANM
    :type model: :class:`.ANM`
    :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type pdb: :class:`numpy.ndarray`. 
    :arg indices: amino acid number.
    :type indices: ``[int, int]`` or ``[int]`` for one amino acid    
    :arg k_range: effective force constant value.
    :type k_range: int or float, ``[int, int]``
    By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program and 
    *selstr* is a selection from :class:`.Select`

        coords_sel =
        resnum_list = coords_sel.getResnums()
        coords = (coords_sel._getCoords() if hasattr(coords_sel, '_getCoords')
                  else coords_sel.getCoords())
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('pdb must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')

    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('model must be an NMA instance')
    elif not model.is3d():
        raise TypeError('model must be a 3-dimensional NMA instance')
    elif len(model) == 0:
        raise ValueError('model must have normal modes calculated')
    elif model.getStiffness() is None:
        raise ValueError('model must have stiffness matrix calculated')
    elif len(indices) == 0:
        raise ValueError('indices cannot be an empty array')

    if len(indices) == 1:
        indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
        indices1 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
    elif len(indices) == 2:
        indices0 = indices[0] - resnum_list[0]
        indices1 = indices[1] - resnum_list[0]

    out = openFile(addext(filename, '.tcl'), 'w')
    out_txt = openFile(addext(filename, '.txt'), 'w')
    writePDB(filename + '.pdb', pdb)'Creating VMD file.')

    out.write('display rendermode GLSL \n')
    out.write('display projection orthographic\n')
    out.write('color Display Background white\n')
    out.write('display shadows on\n')
    out.write('display depthcue off\n')
    out.write('axes location off\n')
    out.write('stage location off\n')
    out.write('light 0 on\n')
    out.write('light 1 on\n')
    out.write('light 2 off\n')
    out.write('light 3 on\n')
    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
    out.write('display resetview\n')
    out.write('mol new {./' + str(filename) +
              '.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1\n')
    out.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein\n')
    out.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol modcolor 0 0 Structure\n')
    out.write('mol color Structure\n')
    out.write('mol representation NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol selection protein\n')
    out.write('mol material Opaque\n')

    colors = ['blue', 'red', 'gray', 'orange','yellow', 'tan','silver', 'green', \
    'white', 'pink', 'cyan', 'purple', 'lime', 'mauve', 'ochre', 'iceblue', 'black', \
    'yellow2','yellow3','green2','green3','cyan2','cyan3','blue2','blue3','violet', \

    color_nr = 1  # starting from red color in VMD
    ResCounter = []
    for r in xrange(indices0, indices1 + 1):
        baza_col = []  # Value of Kij is here for each residue
        nr_baza_col = []  # Resid of aa are here
        out.write("draw color " + str(colors[color_nr]) + "\n")

        for nr_i, i in enumerate(model.getStiffness()[r]):
            if k_range[0] < float(i) < k_range[1]:
                nr_baza_col.append(nr_i + resnum_list[0])
                resid_r = str(
                    coords_sel.getResnames()[r]) + str(r + resnum_list[0])
                resid_r2 = str(
                    coords_sel.getResnames()[nr_i]) + str(nr_i +

                if len(
                ) == 0:  # if base is empty then it will not change the color
                    color_nr = 0
                    out.write("draw line "+'{'+str(coords[r])[1:-1]+'} {'+\
                       str(coords[nr_i])[1:-1]+'} width 3 style solid \n')
                        str(resid_r) + '\t' + resid_r2 + '\t' + str(i) + '\n')


        if len(baza_col) != 0:
            out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
            out.write('mol modselect '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 protein and name CA and resid '+ \
                       str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')
            out.write('mol modcolor ' + str(color_nr + 1) + ' 0 ColorID ' +
                      str(color_nr) + '\n')
            out.write('mol modstyle ' + str(color_nr + 1) +
                      ' 0 VDW 0.600000 12.000000\n')
            out.write('mol color ColorID ' + str(color_nr) + '\n')
            out.write('mol representation VDW 1.000000 12.000000 \n')
            out.write('mol selection protein and name CA and resid '+ \
            str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')

            out.write('mol material Opaque \n')
            color_nr = color_nr + 1

    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')

    if (loadToVMD == True):
        from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD() + " -e " + str(filename) + ".tcl")

    if len(ResCounter) > 0:
        return out
    elif len(ResCounter) == 0:'There is no residue pair in this Kij range.')
        return 'None'
Esempio n. 4
def calcChainsNormDistFluct(coords, ch1, ch2, cutoff=10., percent=5, rangeAng=5, \
                                        filename='ch_ndf_out', loadToVMD=True):
    '''Calculate protein-protein interaction using getNormDistFluct() from 
    :class:`.GNM` model. It is assigned to protein complex.
    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method. 
    :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
    :arg ch1: first chain name
    :type ch1: 'A' or other letter as a string
    :arg ch2: second chain name 
    :type ch2: string
    :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions
              in Kirchhoff matrix, default is 10.0 Å
    :type cutoff: float
    :arg percent: percent of the highest and lowest results displayed in _VMD
               program, default is 5% 
    :type percent: int or float
    :arg rangeAng: cutoff range of protein-protein interactions, default is 5 Å
    :type rangeAng: int or float
    :arg filename: name of tcl file from _VMD program
    :type filename: str
    By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program. 
    To change it use ``loadToVMD=False``. 
            UNDER PREPARATION.. problems with not complete structures

    sele1 ='name CA and same residue as exwithin '+str(rangeAng) \
                                                        +' of chain '+str(ch1))
    sele2 ='name CA and same residue as exwithin '+str(rangeAng) \
                                                        +' of chain '+str(ch2))
    num1 = len(list(set(sele1.getResnums())))
    num2 = len(list(set(sele2.getResnums())))'Analized chains: {0}, {1}'.format(ch1, ch2))
        'Number of selected amino acids: chain {0}-{1}aa, chain {2}-{3}aa'.
        format(ch1, num2, ch2, num1))

    seleALL = sele1 + sele2
    seleALL_ca ='protein and name CA')

    from .gnm import GNM
    model = GNM('prot analysis')
    model.buildKirchhoff(seleALL_ca, cutoff)
    ndf_matrix0 = model.getNormDistFluct(seleALL_ca)
    ndf_c1 = np.delete(ndf_matrix0, np.s_[0:num1], axis=0)  # rows
    ndf_matrix = np.delete(ndf_c1, np.s_[num1:(num1 + num2)], axis=1)

    perc = (np.amax(ndf_matrix) - np.min(ndf_matrix)) * percent * 0.01
    maxRange = np.amax(ndf_matrix) - perc
    minRange = np.min(ndf_matrix) + perc

    writePDB(filename, coords)
    out_tcl = open(filename + '.tcl', 'w')
    out_tcl.write('display resetview \nmol addrep 0 \ndisplay resetview \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol new {./' + filename +
                  '.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1 \n')
    out_tcl.write('animate style Loop \ndisplay projection Orthographic \n')
        'display depthcue off \ndisplay rendermode GLSL \naxes location Off \n'
    out_tcl.write('color Display Background white \n')
        'mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0 \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein \nmol modcolor 0 0 Chain \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modmaterial 0 0 BrushedMetal\n')

    mmRange = {'minRange': minRange, 'maxRange': maxRange}
    ch = [ch2, ch1]
    color = ['1', '7']  # red-maxRange, red-minRange
    out_pairs = open(filename + '_pairs.txt', 'w')
    for nr_j, j in enumerate(mmRange):
        if j == 'minRange':
            x, y = np.where(ndf_matrix < mmRange[j])
            out_pairs.write(j + ' (< ' + str(mmRange[j]) + ') \n')
        elif j == 'maxRange':
            x, y = np.where(ndf_matrix > mmRange[j])
            out_pairs.write(j + ' (> ' + str(mmRange[j]) + ') \n')
        vmd_ch_list = [[], []]
        for i in range(len(x)):
            out_pairs.write("{}{}  {}{}  {}\n".format('protein and name \
            CA'               ).getResnames()[y[i]],'protein and name CA').getResnums()[y[i]], \
  'protein and name CA').getResnames()[x[i]],'protein and \
            name CA'                    ).getResnums()[x[i]], ndf_matrix[x[i],y[i]]))
      'protein and name CA').getResnums()[y[i]])
      'protein and name CA').getResnums()[x[i]])
        for k in range(len(vmd_ch_list)):
            out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol modselect '+color[nr_j]+' 0 protein and name chain '+ch[k]+\
                 ' and resid '+str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[k]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]+'\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol modcolor ' + color[nr_j] + ' 0 ColorID ' +
                          color[nr_j] + '\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol modstyle ' + color[nr_j] +
                          ' 0 CPK 1.000000 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol color ColorID ' + color[nr_j] + '\n')
                'mol representation CPK 1.000000 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000\n'
            out_tcl.write('mol selection protein and chain '+ch[k]+' and resid '\
            out_tcl.write('mol material Opaque \n')
            #out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')'Finded residues in {0}: {1}'.format(mmRange.keys()[nr_j],\
                    len(list(set(vmd_ch_list[1])))+len(list(set(vmd_ch_list[0])))))'chain {0} and resid {1}'.format(ch[0], \
                       str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[0]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]))'chain {0} and resid {1}'.format(ch[1], \
    out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')'Created TCL file.')

    if (loadToVMD == True):
        from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD() + " -e " + str(filename) + ".tcl")

    return ndf_matrix
Esempio n. 5
def writeVMDstiffness(model, pdb, indices, k_range, filename='vmd_out', \
                            selstr='protein and name CA', loadToVMD=True):
    """Returns three *filename* files: (1) PDB file with coordinates. 
    (2) TCL file containing vmd commands for loading PDB file with accurate 	
    vmd representation. Pair of residues with selected *k_range* of 
    effective spring constant are shown in VMD respresentation with 
    solid line between them.
    If more than one residue will be selected in *indices*, different pair 
    for each residue will be colored in the different colors.    
    (3) TXT file contains pair of residues with effective spring constant in
    selected range *k_range*.    

    The effective spring constant calculation using ``buildSM`` method
    from :class:`.ANM`.
    .. note::
       #. This function skips modes with zero eigenvalues.
       #. If a :class:`.Vector` instance is given, it will be normalized
          before it is written. It's length before normalization will be
          written as the scaling factor of the vector.

    :arg model: this is an 3-dimensional NMA instance from a :class:`.ANM
    :type model: :class:`.ANM`
    :arg pdb: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method
    :type pdb: :class:`numpy.ndarray`. 
    :arg indices: amino acid number.
    :type indices: ``[int, int]`` or ``[int]`` for one amino acid    
    :arg k_range: effective force constant value.
    :type k_range: int or float, ``[int, int]``
    By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program and 
    *selstr* is a selection from :class:`.Select`

        coords_sel =
        resnum_list = coords_sel.getResnums()  
        coords = (coords_sel._getCoords() if hasattr(coords_sel, '_getCoords') else
    except AttributeError:
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('pdb must be a Numpy array or an object '
                            'with `getCoords` method')
    if not isinstance(model, NMA):
        raise TypeError('model must be an NMA instance')
    elif not model.is3d():
        raise TypeError('model must be a 3-dimensional NMA instance')
    elif len(model) == 0:
        raise ValueError('model must have normal modes calculated')
    elif model.getStiffness() is None:
        raise ValueError('model must have stiffness matrix calculated')
    elif len(indices)==0:
        raise ValueError('indices cannot be an empty array')

    if len(indices)==1:
    elif len(indices)==2:

    out = openFile(addext(filename, '.tcl'), 'w')
    out_txt = openFile(addext(filename,'.txt'), 'w')
    writePDB(filename + '.pdb', pdb)'Creating VMD file.')
    out.write('display rendermode GLSL \n')
    out.write('display projection orthographic\n')
    out.write('color Display Background white\n')
    out.write('display shadows on\n')
    out.write('display depthcue off\n')
    out.write('axes location off\n')
    out.write('stage location off\n')
    out.write('light 0 on\n')
    out.write('light 1 on\n')
    out.write('light 2 off\n')
    out.write('light 3 on\n')
    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
    out.write('display resetview\n')
    out.write('mol new {./'+str(filename)+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1\n')
    out.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein\n')
    out.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol modcolor 0 0 Structure\n')
    out.write('mol color Structure\n')
    out.write('mol representation NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0\n')
    out.write('mol selection protein\n')
    out.write('mol material Opaque\n')

    colors = ['blue', 'red', 'gray', 'orange','yellow', 'tan','silver', 'green', \
    'white', 'pink', 'cyan', 'purple', 'lime', 'mauve', 'ochre', 'iceblue', 'black', \
    'yellow2','yellow3','green2','green3','cyan2','cyan3','blue2','blue3','violet', \
    color_nr = 1 # starting from red color in VMD
    ResCounter = []
    for r in xrange(indices0, indices1+1):
        baza_col = [] # Value of Kij is here for each residue
        nr_baza_col = [] # Resid of aa are here
        out.write("draw color "+str(colors[color_nr])+"\n")
        for nr_i, i in enumerate(model.getStiffness()[r]):
            if k_range[0] < float(i) < k_range[1]:
                resid_r = str(coords_sel.getResnames()[r])+str(r+resnum_list[0])
                resid_r2 = str(coords_sel.getResnames()[nr_i])+str(nr_i+resnum_list[0])
                if len(baza_col) == 0: # if base is empty then it will not change the color
                    color_nr = 0
                    out.write("draw line "+'{'+str(coords[r])[1:-1]+'} {'+\
                       str(coords[nr_i])[1:-1]+'} width 3 style solid \n')
            else: pass
        if len(baza_col) != 0:
            out.write('mol addrep 0\n')
            out.write('mol modselect '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 protein and name CA and resid '+ \
                       str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')
            out.write('mol modcolor '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 ColorID '+str(color_nr)+'\n')
            out.write('mol modstyle '+str(color_nr+1)+' 0 VDW 0.600000 12.000000\n')
            out.write('mol color ColorID '+str(color_nr)+'\n')
            out.write('mol representation VDW 1.000000 12.000000 \n')
            out.write('mol selection protein and name CA and resid '+ \
            str(r+resnum_list[0])+' '+str(nr_baza_col)[1:-1].replace(',','')+'\n')
            out.write('mol material Opaque \n')
            color_nr = color_nr + 1
    out.write('mol addrep 0\n')

    if (loadToVMD == True):
        from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl")
    if len(ResCounter) > 0:
        return out
    elif len(ResCounter) == 0:'There is no residue pair in this Kij range.')
        return 'None'   
Esempio n. 6
def calcChainsNormDistFluct(coords, ch1, ch2, cutoff=10., percent=5, rangeAng=5, \
                                        filename='ch_ndf_out', loadToVMD=True):

    '''Calculate protein-protein interaction using getNormDistFluct() from 
    :class:`.GNM` model. It is assigned to protein complex.
    :arg coords: a coordinate set or an object with ``getCoords`` method. 
    :type coords: :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
    :arg ch1: first chain name
    :type ch1: 'A' or other letter as a string
    :arg ch2: second chain name 
    :type ch2: string
    :arg cutoff: cutoff distance (Å) for pairwise interactions
              in Kirchhoff matrix, default is 10.0 Å
    :type cutoff: float
    :arg percent: percent of the highest and lowest results displayed in _VMD
               program, default is 5% 
    :type percent: int or float
    :arg rangeAng: cutoff range of protein-protein interactions, default is 5 Å
    :type rangeAng: int or float
    :arg filename: name of tcl file from _VMD program
    :type filename: str
    By default files are saved as *filename* and loaded to VMD program. 
    To change it use ``loadToVMD=False``. 
            UNDER PREPARATION.. problems with not complete structures
    sele1 ='name CA and same residue as exwithin '+str(rangeAng) \
                                                        +' of chain '+str(ch1))
    sele2 ='name CA and same residue as exwithin '+str(rangeAng) \
                                                        +' of chain '+str(ch2))
    num1 = len(list(set(sele1.getResnums())))    
    num2 = len(list(set(sele2.getResnums())))'Analized chains: {0}, {1}'.format(ch1, ch2))'Number of selected amino acids: chain {0}-{1}aa, chain {2}-{3}aa'
                            .format(ch1, num2, ch2, num1))
    seleALL = sele1 + sele2 
    seleALL_ca ='protein and name CA')

    from .gnm import GNM
    model = GNM('prot analysis')
    model.buildKirchhoff(seleALL_ca, cutoff)
    ndf_matrix0 = model.getNormDistFluct(seleALL_ca)
    ndf_c1 = np.delete(ndf_matrix0, np.s_[0:num1], axis=0)  # rows
    ndf_matrix = np.delete(ndf_c1, np.s_[num1:(num1+num2)], axis=1) 
    perc = (np.amax(ndf_matrix)-np.min(ndf_matrix))*percent*0.01
    maxRange = np.amax(ndf_matrix)-perc
    minRange = np.min(ndf_matrix)+perc
    writePDB(filename, coords)                
    out_tcl = open(filename+'.tcl','w')
    out_tcl.write('display resetview \nmol addrep 0 \ndisplay resetview \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol new {./'+filename+'.pdb} type {pdb} first 0 last -1 step 1 waitfor 1 \n')
    out_tcl.write('animate style Loop \ndisplay projection Orthographic \n')
    out_tcl.write('display depthcue off \ndisplay rendermode GLSL \naxes location Off \n')
    out_tcl.write('color Display Background white \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon 0.300000 10.000000 4.100000 0 \n') 
    out_tcl.write('mol modselect 0 0 protein \nmol modcolor 0 0 Chain \n')
    out_tcl.write('mol modmaterial 0 0 BrushedMetal\n')

    mmRange = {'minRange':minRange,'maxRange':maxRange}
    ch = [ch2, ch1]
    color = ['1','7'] # red-maxRange, red-minRange
    out_pairs = open(filename+'_pairs.txt','w')
    for nr_j,j in enumerate(mmRange):
        if j == 'minRange':
            x,y = np.where(ndf_matrix < mmRange[j])
            out_pairs.write(j+' (< '+str(mmRange[j])+') \n')
        elif j == 'maxRange':
            x,y = np.where(ndf_matrix > mmRange[j])
            out_pairs.write(j+' (> '+str(mmRange[j])+') \n')
        vmd_ch_list = [[],[]]
        for i in range(len(x)):
            out_pairs.write("{}{}  {}{}  {}\n".format('protein and name \
            CA').getResnames()[y[i]],'protein and name CA').getResnums()[y[i]], \
  'protein and name CA').getResnames()[x[i]],'protein and \
            name CA').getResnums()[x[i]], ndf_matrix[x[i],y[i]]))
            vmd_ch_list[0].append('protein and name CA').getResnums()[y[i]])
            vmd_ch_list[1].append('protein and name CA').getResnums()[x[i]])
        for k in range(len(vmd_ch_list)):
            out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol modselect '+color[nr_j]+' 0 protein and name chain '+ch[k]+\
                 ' and resid '+str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[k]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]+'\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol modcolor '+color[nr_j]+' 0 ColorID '+color[nr_j]+'\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol modstyle '+color[nr_j]+' 0 CPK 1.000000 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol color ColorID '+color[nr_j]+'\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol representation CPK 1.000000 0.300000 12.000000 12.000000\n')
            out_tcl.write('mol selection protein and chain '+ch[k]+' and resid '\
            out_tcl.write('mol material Opaque \n')
            #out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')
       'Finded residues in {0}: {1}'.format(mmRange.keys()[nr_j],\
                    len(list(set(vmd_ch_list[1])))+len(list(set(vmd_ch_list[0])))))'chain {0} and resid {1}'.format(ch[0], \
                       str(list(set(vmd_ch_list[0]))).replace(',','')[1:-1]))'chain {0} and resid {1}'.format(ch[1], \
    out_tcl.write('mol addrep 0\n')'Created TCL file.')

    if (loadToVMD == True):
        from prody import pathVMD'File will be loaded to VMD program.')
        os.system(pathVMD()+" -e "+str(filename)+".tcl")

    return ndf_matrix