def attemptFile(*fls): return all(fls) and filebaseConsumer(*fls) def errorOut(): sys.stderr.write('''Assessment Error: Must specify an assessor source in order to assess prospects. Try using: -d <hostname or IP>... Or try: -p <preassessor path> -o <postassessor path>\n''') return None def chooseAssessorSource(db, *files): return attemptDB(db) or attemptFile(*files) or errorOut() def main(inputFile, preAssessorPath, postAssessorPath, assessorDBhost, runTests, showHelp): if runTests: return 0 if all(map(apply, testModule())) else 1 if showHelp: sys.stdout.write('''Assess a Command Usage: [-f <file>] [-t] [-h]\n''') return 0 return _do_main(showResults, chooseAssessorSource(assessorDBhost, preAssessorPath, postAssessorPath), inputFile) if __name__=="__main__": ahoy(main, "showHelp", "runTests", f="inputFile", t="runTests", p="preAssessorPath", o="postAssessorPath", d="assessorDBhost")
test_00_tablify, test_00_alignKeys, test_00_render] def subst(subj, **attribs): def _rplc(accum, pair): def _go(oldy, newy): return accum.replace("{:%s:}"%(oldy), "%s"%(newy)) return _go(*pair) return reduce(_rplc, attribs.items(), subj) def cleanArty(artifice): def _conv(): def ci(p): return map(lambda x: subst(x, **artifice), p) return dict(map(ci, artifice.items())) def _cmp(nuu): return nuu if nuu==artifice else cleanArty(nuu) return _cmp(_conv()) def runTests(): # rig:3 return 0 if all(map(apply, testModule())) else 1 def main(*wanted): if "runTest" in wanted or "--t" in wanted: return runTests() return sum(consume_stdin(partial(rndrObs, wanted))) if __name__=="__main__": ahoy(main)
def loadModule(modname): return load(__import__( modname )) return loadModule( path.splitext(moduleName)[0] ) def runDiagnostics(targetDir="./"): def modules(): return [x for x in listdir(targetDir) if x.endswith(".py") and x.count(".")==1] def valid(expression, otherwiseMsg): return expression() or bad(otherwiseMsg) def testModules(moduleNames): return all(map(loadAndTestModule, moduleNames)) return testModules([x for x in modules() if "__" not in x]) def conclude(results): return 0 if results else rprt("\nFAILURES!\n\n") and 1 def decideAction(tpth): if path.isfile(tpth): return loadAndTestModule(tpth) if path.isdir(tpth): return runDiagnostics(tpth) return bad("Unknown test path: %s"%(testPath)) return conclude(decideAction(testPath or "./")) def testModule(): def test_00_test(): def tstIter(x): return test(lambda x: x, x, x) return all(map(tstIter, list("aoeu!@#$%^&*(){}[]_-/=+?")+range(10)+[True, False, None, [], (), {}] )) return [test_00_test] if __name__=="__main__": ahoy(main, "verbose")
err("-q" not in argv, "No valid Assessor Data to write.\n", assessorData) return None def insertAssessorsFromFile(host, lineFetcher, sourceFile, port=27017): return map(partial(insertAssessorIntoDB, _connectDB(host, port)), lineFetcher( def shew(chunks): # rig:3 for x in chunks: out(x, x) return 0 def testModule(): return [partial(out, True, "No tests for this module yet.")] def main(host, isPostAssessor, port): if not host: return err(True, "Must specify database host.\n") and 1 def fetcher(): return isPostAssessor and buildPostAssessors or buildPreAssessors return shew(insertAssessorsFromFile(host, fetcher(), stdin, port or 27017)) if __name__ == "__main__": ahoy(main, "isPostAssessor", o="isPostAssessor", d="host", h="host", p="port")
return pipeline(checkForTestingData(), readBytes, str.strip, genReporter, reportToDb, show) @reportyFunc def skipTestDueToLackOfPymongo(): # rig:3 print "\n\tWARNING: The Mongo module was not found. Database " print "\treporting tests will be skipped. Install pymongo " print "\tmodules in order to get accurate tests on database " print "\treporting." return True def testModule(): try: __import__("pymongo") except ImportError: return [skipTestDueToLackOfPymongo] return [testDatabase] def runTests(): # rig:3 return 0 if all(map(apply, testModule())) else 1 def main(dbhost, runtest): return runTests() if runtest else consumeStdinAndExit(dbhost) if __name__=="__main__": ahoy(main, "runtest", t="runtest", h="dbhost")
def cudgelObs(command, stdout="", retCode=0, stderr="", **etc): def determineScrutinizer(): if stdout: return "| grep '%s'"%(cmdSanitize(stdout)) if stderr: return "2>&1 | grep '%s'"%(cmdSanitize(stderr)) if retCode!=0: return "; echo $? | grep %s"%(retCode) return "&& echo 'OK'" def renderCud(): return "%s %s || (echo 'Failure')"%(command, determineScrutinizer()) return showCudg(renderCud()) def obsp(o): return o.get("artificeBreed")=="observation" def handleObs(observations): return [cudgelObs(**o) for o in observations if obsp(o)] def cudgelize(observations): return 0 if all(handleObs(observations)) else 1 def main(runTests, inputSource): return runTests and performTests() or cudgelize( observationsFrom(inputSource or sys.stdin)) if __name__=="__main__": ahoy(main, "runTests", t="runTests", f="inputSource")